• Published 18th Jan 2014
  • 1,879 Views, 39 Comments

The Twilights Dawn Of Understanding - taffy92

it is about a budding romance

  • ...

Chapter 1

Author's Note:

deal with it and also sorry trying to edit while creating a game is kinda confusing sorry for the wait

I was awoken by the distinct sound of ruffling feathers, floor board creaks and the distinct but slight howling wind. When I realized how cold it was I bolted straight up worrying about my reptilian friend. Throwing the blankets off using my magic I galloped to the door to find Spike to make sure he was alright. Upon hearing the door creak open I slowed down. As soon as I saw that it was Spike {A purple dragon that has been my assistant and closest friend since I can remember. He loves the fashionista Rarity. He is also known as the savior of the crystal empire.} Who stepped into my frigid room to ask me if everything was ok I swept him up into a hug.

"Okay Twilight {I am a newly crowned princess that was recently turned into an alicorn from being a unicorn during my studies of friendship given to me from my mentor celastia. I am a lighter shade of purple then my mane. My mane has a pink strip running down it. I love my brother and his wife cadence.} What’s wrong?" Puzzled by the way he was pulled into a warm hug by me.

"Nothing now Spike I was just worried about you because it’s cold." Smiling now that I knew Spike was okay.
"Aww Twilight you know it takes more than a cold temperature to hurt me." Trying to act tough for me.

"Yes but, still I wanted to make sure my number one assistant was ok. So how did you sleep?"

"Thanks Twilight for the concern and I slept peacefully what about you?"

"I tossed and turned a little otherwise I slept great."

“That’s good Twilight… Oh that reminds me I made pancakes for breakfast."

"Thank you Spike and I will be down in a minute. "

"Your welcome Twilight and can you put me down now?” Asked a smiling dragon

"Oh yes I can Spike uhh sorry about that." my blush spread rapidly across my face while I set spike down.

"It's okay Twilight."

Using her magic she levitated her hairbrush to the mirror she walked over to. Pulling out a small picture of them when they were younger, her thoughts turned to how spike was adorable. Puzzled by the random thought she finished brushing her hair, sets the brush down, and goes to the kitchen to eat with spike. Looking out a window she notes that the sun is just now rising over the mountains that surround ponyville. Sitting down next to Spike so can eat with him.

"Hey Spike what are your plans today?" The now curious princess asked.

"Well I was going to head over to Rarity’s but she told me that she didn’t need my help so I think I’m going to spend time here with you today. What about you?"

" I’m probably going to stay for awhile then go out for a picnic do you want to join me for it Spike?"

" Sure Twilight and is anypony else going to be their?"

" No Spike it will be just you and me this time. "

"Alright and one last question I promise."

"What is it Spike? " Asking slightly annoyed.

"Shall I pack for it or do you want to pack for it?"

" I can Spike don't worry about it."

"Okay and Twilight you might want to start eating before the pancakes get cold."

"Yeah your probaly right Spike and we will be leaving in a few hours just so you know when to be ready."

"Alright Twilight thank you for letting me know."

"Your welcome Spike oh and Spike your my number one I hope you know."

"I know Twilight I know." The all to familier dragon said to his friend.

Smiling to herself they start eating. After she finshes her breakfast with Spike she starts getting ready for the picnic. After 30 minutes of getting things ready she adds a gem for Spike. Checking the list of items for the fifth time she sighs and puts them into the basket. Walking out of the kitchen to get a book about how to tell what you are feeling and another book for keeping picnics ready several hours in advance. Looking over at the shelves she notices a small nearly invisible bump behind the book about feelings. Slowly touching it with her hoof it opens while dust spills out looking insde she notices their is a message. Using her magic she pulls the fragile message out and reads it.

[I think im in love with my closest friend but yet she loves somepony else im not sure what I should do because she is happy. Which in turn makes me happy and sad because he don't love her. I know for a fact she knows I love her she just doesn't know how much i love her so i will be here to support her and hopefully she will realize their has always been a true lover with her.- harmonic]

Amazed at the discovery she wonders what other secrets the library might be holding. Putting the book about feelings back because that note confused her more then ever. Thinking to herself maybe Rarity knows what im feeling. After all rarity does know basically every feeling. Giggling slightly at the fact she needs help with figuring out what she is feeling. Deciding it might be the fastest way to identify it she calls out to Spike.

"Hey Spike?

Yes Twilight?

I have to leave for a little bit so I will be back shortly unless you want to come with me." Mentally slapping herself because Rarity told Spike not to come over today.

"Where you going Twilight?

Im going over to Rarity's to talk to her.

Sure thing Twilight. " Spike said excitedly

They leave the library and head to the fashion boutique.

"So what have you been doing Spike?" Twilight says to break the ice.

" Well I have been cleaning the basement."

"Why would you do that Spike?"

" Well it was dirty and I was bored."

" Oh uh okay then Spike. You do realize you could have told me you where bored so we would have went to the picnic early." Smiling at his goofyness she rolls her eyes.

"Yeah and what have you been up to Twilight?

Well I found a secret message in the library and I packed the picnic for later.

What did the message say?

Well it was about a secret crush somepony named harmonic had.

That's weird I found a message similar to that in the basement." Puzzled by the fact that the messages seemed related.

" Can I read it when we get back?

Sure Twilight."

They knock on the door of the boutique. Rarity {A fashionista unicorn who is almost completly white if not for her mane and eyes.} answers the door a few minutes later not expecting any company.

"Why hello their darlings is their something I can help you with?

Actually yes Rarity but i would prefer to discuss it alone if that's ok.

Sure darling.

Spikey-Wikey can you please leave the room for a few minutes?

Yes Ma'lady."

Spike leaves the room.

"So what is it you needed darling?

Well I have this feeling that makes me warm and cozy but I don't know what it is so I was hoping you knew what it is." Slightly confused by the giant smile that crossed Raritys mouth.

"Oh that's quite adorable.

What is?" Even more puzzled now then ever.

"Why you have a crush darling.

On who?

Who are you around when you get this feeling?

Im around Spike when i feel like this.

Aww thats cute.

So does that mean the crush is on Spike?

Indeed it does darling

So you don't find it weird?

Not in the least bit besides we knew it would happen eventually darling.

Wait what do you mean we? " slightly worried because of the unknown factors.

"Well me and the other girls and we all agreed we will help you with this as much as we can.

Thats a gaint relief. Thank you Rarity and is their any way for this not to be ackward? " Calming down from the shock she was in.

"Im afraid not darling but most things are ackward so just act as if everything was normal and if you want you could try flirting a little maybe let him know you like him.

It will be hard not to he is rather amazing."

They both giggle at the truth of the matter

" Thank you again Rarity.

Your welcome darling.

I hope it's alright that I still call him Spikey-Wikey.

It is Rarity after all we have to lean him away slowly so he don't flip out.

Rarity that leaves only one thing in the way." The princess said sadly.

"What do you mean darling?" The white unicorn asked confused.

"What if he doesn't like me the same way" the alicorn said almost in tears because it seemed like the most reasonable thing that would happen.

"Darling don't be silly your not only his closest friend but he cares for you more then he does me." Stated the fashionista to her friend.

Upon hearing those words it sent the princess into a very deep thought. What am I to him? What will happen to our relationship? How will others react? Why now am I realizing this? What will happen if he feels the same way and what if he doesn't. Being pulled out of the trance by a familier touch on her shoulder. Slowly turning to face the dragon in which she truly cares for. He pulls her into a hug telling her everything will be ok.

Slowly and barely managing to speak because of how blind she was "Spike?"

"Yes Twilight." Answered a very unique and worried dragon.

"What am I to you and what happened?"

Unprepared for the first question he stutters "w-well yo-your e-everything I would want as a friend why? And you where crying so I got in here as quickly as i could to comfort you."

Leaning in closer to Spike as if to kiss him "Thank you Spike for everything you mean alot to me." Kissing Spike on the cheek she says barely audible I love you.

Blushing from the kiss on his cheek and hearing those words after, all he can say is " Your welcome and I love you to Twilight.

Im sorry if I scared you Spike it's just that I was in deep thought and it scared me because of the thoughts that ran through my mind.

Shh its over now Twilight and its ok im just glad that your alright.

Do you want to go out for that picnic now Spike?"

Wiping the tears away from Twilights eyes he responds with. "Yes Twilight I would like that.

Thank you Raity for helping me with that little dillema." The now calmed alicorn hugs her friend goodbye.

"Any time darling." Smiling at herself for helping the princess and how cute the two looked together.

Leaving the fashion boutique the two started home to gather the picnic supplies.

"Twilight I have a question for you." Asked the gentle dragon to his companion.

"Yes Spike?

Why did you ask me what I am to you?

Well Spike it's just that I wanted to know what you saw me as.

Alright Twilight and I hope you know im not going any where."

Grinning playfully "Well I guess that means we won't be going out for a picnic.

What why? Did something happen? Are You hurt?" Asked spike worried about his friend.

"No im not hurt, nothing happened, and you said you weren't going any where." Smiling at her friend she hugs him

"Twilight that's not funny and I ment im not leaving you.

I Knew what you ment and do you mean it spike?

Yes I mean it im not going to leave you." Blushing as he realized what he just said.

"So does that make me your marefriend Spikey-Wikey" Twilight replies playfully while using Rarity's nickname for Spike

Blushing even more at the suggestion he just pretends he never heard her. "Did you say something Twilight?

Spike you know im joking right?

Oh uh yeah… of course." lied the purple drake.

Noticing the lie Twilight calms him down " Spike I know your lying just calm down please.

Okay Twilight."

Once they arrive at the library Twilight opens the door with her magic and walks in.

"Now where did I put that picnic basket?

I found the picnic basket Twilight. The purple drake said happily.

Thank you Spike.

"Where's the message you found in the basement Spike?

Well I think its sealed in some sort of magic and its right over here."

Leading Twilight down to the basement he slips on his way down. Quickly thinking Twilight uses her magic to catch him just in the nick of time.

"Spike you have to be more careful."

Slightly confused at what just happened he utters. " I know Twilight and thank you for catching me although im not sure how I slipped."

Letting out a sigh of relief. "Spike you tripped on your tail.

Did I really Twilight?

Yes Spike you did just be more careful now please.

Oh okay Twilight sorry for scaring you like that and the message is right over their." Pointing out the message.

"I see it Spike but what I don't understand is why I have never seen this part of the library before.

Now that I think of it Twilight I have never seen this before either." Slightly puzzled at this new addition to the library's basement.

"Spike I think I will ask Celastia about it later.

Alright Twilight."

Focusing her magic on the enchanted message she casts a spell that should release the message from the spell in which keeps it captive. Noting that it doesn't do anything she lets out a sigh of frustration.

The princess said slowly "Spike I think we should check on this later to see if anything changes.

Okay Twilight so what do you want to do now?

Well we can still go out for that picnic if you want.

Sure when can we head out?" asked and excited dragon.

"Well right now if you want.

Sure thing just let me grab the picnic supplies."

As they walked back up stairs the message started to glow faintly in response to the magic pulse that was just releashed. Gathering all the picnic supplies they started to head out so they could have their picnic. As they walked past sugar cube corner Twilight stopped for a minute turned around and went inside leaving behind a baffled dragon. As she stepped into sugar cube corner she walked over to the register in which her friend Pinkie Pie {A pink pony that loves to meet new friends and throwing parties. She reverts to the dark side of her element when she gets upset. Also she workes with the cakes. she also has random abilities at times.} was tending. Clearing her throat so she could speak to her friend.

"Hi Pinkie Pie.

Hi Twilight how are you, is Spike with you, what's new, what can I get you, are you doing anything fun?" The pink mare asked quickly.

"Im okay Pinkie what about you? Yes Spike is with me and not much is new. Could I please get a few cupcakes for my picnic with Spike?" Catching her breath for a second so she can continue talking. "and like I said im going for a picnic.

That's good Twilight and im doing super duper thank you for asking.

Your welcome Pinkie Pie.

Your cupcakes will be out in a second so how is your relationship going with Spike?

Uhh Pinkie I just ordered the cupcakes and well I think he likes me but he don't want to jump into a relationship, besides he still loves Rarity.

Oh I knew you would be in here for the cupcakes so I started them a few minutes ago." DING. " Well your cupcakes are done so I will be right back. Okay Pinkie Pie." A few minutes later Pinkie pie comes back with the cupcakes.

"Sorry Spike for making a detour.

It's okay Twilight just next time tell me what your going to do in advance.

Alright Spike.

Here you go Twilight and hi Spike how are you.

Im doing good what about you?

Well im doing super duper thank you for asking.

Your welcome Pinkie Pie.

How much do I owe you?

It's on the house.

Thank you again.

Your welcome."

Hugging her good bye they left. The sun started to reach it's peak when they arrived at the picnic spot. Setting the blanket down on top of the grass then putting the basket inbetween them. Using her magic she pulls out the gem for spike and sets it down next to him.

"Are you sure you want me to have this? Twilight that gem is extremly rare." Baffled at what his companion just did.

"I know Spike but you deserve it.

I didn't do anything though.

Yes you did Spike.

What did I do?

You have always been their for me.

Yes but still that don't mean anything.

That's not what I mean what I mean is you choose to be with me when you could have choose differently."

Understanding what she ment he walked over to her and hugged her.

"Twilight I wouldn't change my choice for the world."

Returning his hug with a slight blush. "Spike your amazing thank you.

Your welcome Twilight."

Sitting next to each other they start eating the picnic. As the they finish with the last bit of food the gem lay untouched. Putting the gem back into the basket so Twilight don't see it, Spike picks up the basket and the rest of the picnic supplies.

"So now what do you want to do Twilight?

Well how about you decide Spike.

Well we could go to a clearing I found while exploring.

Sure sounds fun

Comments ( 28 )

Way too much twilight fanfics, why are people making so much? The obvious answer is that their foggots. David Throne would agree.
Next time make a fic of a non-shit-tier pony, or best pony (Cadence.)

Wait... Someone human wrote this? I am sorry but this is so mechanical, so straightforward that it just can't be. This may come off as sounding like a jerk but if you can reflect and it helps you write better than by all means call me a jerk.
There was no subtly. From the start it is so painfully obvious who this crush of Twilight is. There was no clear definition of conflict, there is but it was solved almost instantly.
Then, to top it off you had this little beauty,

"Sure thing Twilight. "
{Leaves the library and heads to the fashion boutique}
"So what have you been doing Spike?"

Those brackets... Get rid of them!! You only use those to signify a change in time, in acting they are used like this but even them the action is not being executed. Twilight is still in the library, Furthermore You gave no indication that Twilight had brought Spike along, even more for hiim not to put two and two together that Twilight had written that note is by far OOC.
But wait there is more!

Amazed at the discovery she wonders what other secrets the library might be holding. Putting the book about feelings back because of that note told her what she was feeling. Blushing at herself because she had a crush on her closest friend and didn't realize it until now.

:facehoof: No. Just no.
Take this with a pinch of salt. This could be so much better, so much, and I have a feeling you can be. You just need to get your feet wet, get a good proofreader, and read. Yes read all the fanfictions here, learn the art of writing, or go on the fly. Just learn, learn, learn!

Dude i respect your opinion but honestly it don't mean anything in this case so sorry if its not your style but just to be straight to the point don't read it then

Lol your not a jerk i have known far worse and this is just a rough draft

So... To clarify. This will be changed later?

Thats right :) im just tired after all im not use to being awake around 11:39 pm

Okay...:unsuresweetie: Than can I give recommendations or you got this?

Dude the more help the better

It's dangerous to go alone! Take this.

Than lets start here.

It was a cold morning when the princess woke up, upon hearing her door open. Opening her eyes to look at who entered her room.
“Good morning Spike how did you sleep?"
" Good morning Twilight I slept peacefully what about you?"
" I tossed and turned a little otherwise I slept great."
"That’s good Twilight… Oh that reminds me I made pancakes for breakfast."
" Thank you Spike and I will be down in a minute. "
Your welcome Twilight and alright.”

The cold winter morning had left an impression in the wooden library, A heavy foreboding cold that would cause most creatures to sleep in. As a nearby bed a form was rustling under the covers trying its hardest to avoid the cold but this was not a day to sleep in. There was more to do than just laze about and even more more for the newly crowned princess that was in said bed. To be fair she would have slept just a tiny few hours longer, had it not been for the knocking at her door.
"Come on Twilight! it's time to get up." A familiar reptilian voice called as the princess grumbled a half devised retort. "Don't take that language with me. I'm cold blooded and still moving in this little chill. So get that flank out of bed." To which came a long list of curses and spite from the lackadaisical alicorn. "Language!" The voice hollered. "Besides if you don't get out of bed those pancakes my just vanish without a trace."
She was betrayed! Her stomach would have released a mighty shout at the mention of pancakes, now it was more so considering who cooked them.
"FINE!!" She shouted levitating the covers off herself. "I'll be down in a minute."

True that would open far more doors but now it would be copyrighted :D

Very faster. :ajbemused:

I don't really care if you use this, it is your story, only said differently.

Ok thank you i might reword it and all that but i really need to get going for tonight so thank you everyone and good night or good morning

I finally updated please let me know what you think of the changes

3804628 Have you seen how many Sparity fics are out there?
Also, you're calling others faggots when;
A: You watch a show about talking, colorful ponies and
B: You favorite character from said show is a pink, alicorn princess who spreads love everywhere she goes......
Yeah, everyone else is a faggot, dumbshit.

This story is good, but very rushed. Make sure to utilize your surroundings with this fic, description not only helps the read of the story's presents but also maximizes the amount of work that can be put into a story. Good luck.

3806471 thank you I wasn't fully aware of the tempo of my story and ikr people should think before they make comments like that

3806482 I can understand that, a lot of people forget that when you describe even the smallest detail, you can create so much. Description on who's talking and what expression they have while talking or even the body language that's given off during conversation is a great way to go deeper into any story or situation.

:) thank you for the help!

I don't remember calling anyone faggots, that would just be mean.

3848577 ~And yet I don't care~

Then why did you start this argument?

3853091 You mean the argument that "started" a little over a week ago?
Point is that I moved on and completely did not care about this nor gave it a second thought afterward. Good Day Sir!

Will this be fixed? If not, then I will have to downvote. :applejackunsure:

5117614 im moving the story to my other profile XD just taking my sweet time about fixing and editing and all that good stuff before i upload it again

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