• Published 18th Jan 2014
  • 904 Views, 7 Comments

Black Mirror - Electuroo

Two great forces of darkness rapidly descending to the two worlds, the mirrors either hold the key to salvation or the fall of Equus and Earth, to either Nilrem the dark wizard or the Black Phoenix of the Black Flames.

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MRE Adventure Chapter 2 - Outside the Page

The MRE Adventure

Chapter 2 – Outside the Page

The Wonderbolts in full gear for their show in Manehatten in the coming weeks, they preparing and practising the formation of a six flyer arrow then breaking up in six directions forming a rose of cloud and sparkling lightning from the trails they leave behind. Spitfire zooms in behind and smash through the middle creating a shockwave bursting the rose apart with a wave of sparks of different colours.

Spitfire hovering after finishing the performance raise her goggles up looking around the team. “Good job! We getting there! We do another run down before we take a break. Got it!?”

“Yes ma'am!” They all saluted.

“Alright! From the top!” She lower the goggles preparing for another run but before look around the Wonderbolt HQ slash Academy. “Clipper!”

Soarin quickly flew up to Spitfire. “Yes boss!”

“I know you had cleaning duties last night but did you have to go over board with the whole Academy!?” She point to the sparkling light that caught his attention, raising the goggles there was nothing but soon as he put them on again he could see it.

Soarin raise and lower them over and over again. “Erm... Spits that sparkling is only seen through the goggles...”

“What the hay do you mean by that?” She raise her goggles on to her head and saw no sparkling light. “Wh-what!?” Spitfire put them back on over her eyes. “Ok what gives?”

“Beats me, nothing to do with me.” Soarin lands with Spitfire and the other Wonderbolts looking around at the sparks of electrical energy that now appeared with it. “Whatever it is, it making my fur stand on end!” He had a shiver down his spine making him cringe.

Fleetfoot wave her hoof through some of the sparks. “It really amazing, I wonder what causing it.”

Spitfire held her hoof out feeling the tingling of the sparks gave. “It is something isn't it?”

“Yeah it is.” Fleetfoot smirked.

Soarin noticed the area it was effecting as he took to the sky to get a good view of it. “What do you see Clipper!?”

“It covering all the the Academy and slightly beyond it. Not any further!” He called back. “Also it in the sky too now!” Soarin shivered as the sparks went through him.

Spitfire sighed rubbing her head. “Practice is cancelled till whatever this is goes away! You all dismissed!”

“Yes ma'am!” Most of then went inside the HQ.

Rapidfire glance around with Fleetfoot. “You feel that?”

“Yeah I do Rapid. It feels as if the air pressure is changing all the sudden.”

Spitfire shivered. “Is it me or did it just get cold?”

Fleetfoot notice the clouds darking and growing in response to the sudden change in temperature and pressure around them. “It isn't the only thing Spitfire! The clouds are reacting to the sudden change! We got a storm forming fast!”

Spitfire open her wings up. “Wonderbolts! Take on the storm now! We got to break it up before it get worse!” Spitfire point out her right hoof out to the rapidly forming storm as the other members of the team came out to get ready to tackle the storm head on.

The darken skies took the sunlight away and as they was about to fly head on into the storm forming above them with their breaths now seen as they breathe out, the skies light up. Multiple colour chains of lightning raced across in different folks across the underside of the clouds followed by the rumbling sound of thunder.

The wind picks up and rain starts to fall but as it hits any surface it turns into sparkling light and floats upwards followed by a chain of lightning falling from the sky hitting every speck of sparkling light, the ponies felt as if they was being static shocked from a static charged balloon.

None of them could even muster any form of reasoning to what was happening now, it had them frozen in mid pose as they about to take off staring at the storm unfolding around them. This was rapidly increasing in repeating with it happening over and over again with less time apart.

The clouds rip open with a colourful rainbow explosion. The ground shook with the air vibrating from the explosion. Everypony cover their eyes part from Spitfire who managed to keep her eyes on it, the shock wave expanding outwards but what she saw as it spread out was another land mass for a spilt second and that all she got.

The clouds was pulled into it as it closes up, the rift that appeared was there and gone in only two seconds but for Spitfire for that very moment it almost felt a unknown amount of time went by. The clouds was gone with the wind, rain and lightning. It was sunny and normal as if it was never there in the first place.

That when she saw it. A string of rainbow energy was heading right for the ground, it was breaking apart to show a Pegasus free falling. “Rapidfire! Fleetfoot! Soarin! We got incoming! Intercept!”

“Yes ma'am!” They took off with one push of their wings right for the falling yellow pony.

They caught the pony in their hooves but the motion of the free fall caused them to be pulled towards the ground, they flapping their wings hard to counter the force that came from the impact.

The other Wonderbolts watched as Fleetfoot, Soarin and Rapidfire manage to slow the decent and land before their fellow fliers. They lay down the Pegasus on the grass gentle and step back from him. “Let see what we got here.” Spitfire step up to him seeing the stallion lay there breathing gently.

“Brown jacket, cream, black mane and tail with a bit of orange to the mane. Three bolts for a cutie mark, yellow fur...” Spitfire took a look at his colours of the mane and tail again. “Where have I seen this colour before?”

Soarin spoke up. “It almost exactly like Lightning Strikeer Spits.”

“What?” She turn to Soarin. “Clipper are you sure?”

“Very sure.”

“Dying... In Rainbow... Dash hooves...” They heard the stallion mutter his eyes lids fluttered a little. “H-how...” With tears seeping between the closed eyes he was unconscious once again.

Spitfire stared at him intently. “Lightning with rainbow colour, static surges, rainbow sparkling and a rip in the sky. This pony falls out of it as the rift disappears...” She tap her hoof on the ground a few times. “Rainbow Dash... Rainbow explosions... What are the connections?”

“Ma'am?” Fleetfoot got her attention. “What going on?”

“No idea... Sparky here is a big bundle of questions...” Spitfire rubbing her head trying to get a idea what was going on. “Right this is what we going to do.” She turn to all the ponies. “We taking him into the HQ, somepony will keep with him at all times, we will take shifts.” They nod. “Clipper you go to Ponyville tonight and talk to Rainbow Dash, she the young flyer that saved our flank at the contest-”

“Right on it ma'am!”

“Not yet!” He was taking off but came to a dead halt. “Take this feather!” She take an feather off the wing of the sleeping pony. “Take it to Cloudsdale and do a DNA check on Lightning Strikeer.”


“Something about this stallion just make my fur stand on end when thinking about Strikeer.” Spitfire replied giving him the feather. “Now you can go Clipper.”

“Right!” He zooms off heading to Cloudsdale as the rest now pick up the stallion and take him to the HQ.

Fleetfoot didn't move and decided to wait to speak to Spitfire once they was alone. “Spits we all know that Lightning not a family pony. Why do you think he related?”

“Not sure...” Spitfire sighed. “What ever just happened Rainbow Dash may have answers or he might have.” Spitfire eyes trail along the sky. “That stallion is connected and somehow Rainbow Dash is now... Rainbow explosion kinda a give away right?”

“Maybe, the whole rainbow lightning and charged air was really strange.” Fleetfoot looked around the sky too. “Do we just do nothing?”

“There wasn't anything we could do, we wasn't no where prepared for some crazy bucking stuff like this to happen.” Spitfire turn and walk into the HQ with Fleetfoot following. “Cold air, storm clouds, lightning and rain that untouchable with a rift that sucked it all up with one final surprise.” Spitfire and Fleetfoot enter the sleeping quarters with the sarcasm loud and clear.

The other members place the yellow pony in one of the spare beds removing his jacket and putting it on the side. “Sparky really made a routine day a interesting one.”

“Indeed ma'am... No books, experience could prepare us...” Fleetfoot only could say and step into the quarters. “I'll take first shift.”

Spitfire nod and coughs to get the others attention. “Whatever in Equestria just happened outside just now we need to keep under wraps till we know exactly what the blazes is going on, Sparky here may have the answers we seek but when he wakes we won't pressure him into telling us. He look really out of it and we are Wonderbolts not some ponies that love to drill information out of somepony.” Spitfire trots up and down and they stood in line be the bed sides with Fleetfoot taking position by the bed the stallion was in.

“If we can't found out any real answers I personally will go to Princess Celestia about this and inform her what happened over the Wonderbolt Academy and proceed from there.” Spitfire came back to where she started turning around. “I understand we a bit freaked out by whatever that magical weird event that took place just now, keep your heads on ponies and be level headed. Whatever it is had no real effect so we stay put in here until we sure of it.” Spitfire stood firm as she finished talking to them.

“Got it?”

“Yes Ma'am!”

“Good dismissed and relax. When Soarin gets back we might have more answers to some other questions we all got in mind, specially the former Wonderbolt Captain Lightning Strikeer.” Spitfire turn to the glass case staying at a group photo of her, Soarin, Rapidfire and Fleetfoot with other Wonderbolt members including their previous captain Lightning Strikeer, the other ponies went off to get their flight suits off and relax as ordered by Captain Spitfire.

Hours passed by with every four of them the Wonderbolts rotated till it came to night and Spitfire decided to take next watch for the night, sitting back on a chair with hind legs up on the stall in front she open up a book to read to pass the time as the yellow stallion still slept, no change to his restful form.

Time slowly tick by for her as she reads and turn the pages of the book, engrossed in the story she read it time go that bit faster for Spitfire. “What a twist, didn't see that coming.” With an chuckle she continue to read. “Got to love these adventure novels, never get dull once.”

The other Wonderbolt members had settled down for the night and was asleep, Spitfire dimmed the lamp beside her to keep it from disturbing them, the early hours came with it well past midnight and the captain almost falling asleep herself. “urg hmmm...” Spitfire heard the groan and lower her book seeing the stallion slowly coming too, this was well timed with Soarin returning from his trip.

“Easy does it.” Spitfire put a hoof on him as he tried to sit up with his eyes half open and adjusting to the light in the room. “Here drink this.”

Spitfire place the cup by his snout and opening it he drunk some of the water from it. Coughing a little he slowly looked around and the eyes came back to Spitfire not her directly but her wings, he was watching them flap.

“Something on my wings?” Spitfire snapped him out of his trance look on her wings and now looking at her directly. “Now your awake I got some questions, first what is your name, Sparky.”

“His name is Electuroo.” Soarin answered for him walking up to the bedside. “As for dying in Rainbow Dash's hooves, he did and she caused the rip in the sky that we saw.”

Spitfire blinking a few times and quickly looked at Electuroo and Soarin again. “Seriously?” Raising a eye at him. “Clipper that hard to take in.”

Soarin sighed. “I went to Canterlot to confirm her story when she said that Rainbow Dash was in her past self. I asked the princesses about a royal wedding in a few months time.” Soarin explained as Electuroo stared at his front hooves. Placing one over the other rubbing the right over the top of the left scrapping against each other.


“They was caught completely by surprise by what I asked. Rainbow Dash did cause it to bring Electuroo back to life and somehow pulled both of them into the past.” Soarin didn't stutter as he reported to the captain.

“So it was real... Not a dream...” They now turn to Electuroo. “I did die...”

Spitfire wasn't convinced. “So she guessed this royal wedding, it doesn't prove he and her are from the future.” She point directly at Electuroo with an hoof. “I need more then-”

“Your nickname, I know it.” Electuroo said to Spitfire. “You told me after giving me the nickname Sparky for shocking all the Wonderbolts at the last stage of the one and only performance I flew with you.” Electuroo explained sitting up.

Spitfire glares at him. “Really now?” She got closer to him. “Then tell me. Sparky.”

Electuroo lean up to her ear and whispers into it, Spitfire quickly pull her head back with pupils shrunk to pin pricks. “He knows doesn't he?” Soarin saw her reaction and guessed.

“He does...” Spitfire muttered seeing the grin on his face. “Sparky lose that grin! You got me ok! I believe it now...” Spitfire hissed quietly at him and turn to Soarin. “Clipper stop snickering.” Soarin put a hoof to his snout. “So Rainbow Dash saved your rump by ripping a hole in the sky huh?”

“Don't know.” He lost the smile with a shrug. “I remember dreaming that I was looking over myself in some weird cloudy landscape seeing myself die then I woke up in bed right now.” He took a good look around seeing Wonderbolt members sleeping. “Am I in the Wonderbolt HQ?”

Spitfire chuckled. “That you are.”

Soarin shift his right wing a little. “I got results from the test on the feather here. But we should talk somewhere else.” Soarin hinting about the other ponies snoozing away in their beds.

Electuroo pull the sheets off sliding his hind legs over the edge of the bed, slipping down on them he almost fell backwards back on the bed before he could adjust his body to stand on all fours. “Whoa Sparky ease up.” Spitfire put her right wing across his back and with a push allow him to land on all fours. “We'll go to the cafeteria and talk there.”

“My stomach does feel empty.” Electuroo replied and slowly with help from the two Wonderbolts he walk out of the sleeping quarters down the corridor to the cafeteria. They enter and sitting down Electuroo watched them from the table get something cooked up at the kitchen. “So you all cook your own stuff and wash up?”

Spitfire glance at the envelope Soarin left at the table before answering. “Nah we usually have two of us cook for everypony so we all get to eat together and recap on either jobs Princess Celestia or Luna got for us and performances we fly. Fair events, weddings, Grand Galloping Gala and charities in some cases.”

Electuroo thought back to the number of times he, Wind Note, Rainbow Dash and Soarin of his time had meetings during their meals. How they talked about getting the right weather around Equestria with the ponies they only had left that could help with the weather, it was very stressful for all four of them during that month before he should of died afterwards.

That came back to him the very moments zoning him out from the world around.

Rainbow.... Sorry... And Starlight... I forgive...” Starlight stares at him in a instant seeing the eyes look right back at her, she had tears start to form seeing that stare, he wasn't making it up, she had destroyed his life and this was it.

What...” She whispered

Nothing to be sorry about Sparks. I love you for who you are. So please stay with me! For that at least!”

Electuroo blink with tears rolling down his snout. “Love you... Skittles.” He whispered closing his eyes and letting out one final breath of air.


“Huh?” Electuroo blinked seeing a plate of food with two pots one smell of tea the other coffee.

Soarin sat down beside him placing the envelope and Spitfire opposite as them. “You ok?” Soarin asked.

Electuroo using his wings and fronts hooves he took the pot of tea and put it in the empty cup with some sugar and milk, stirring it together. As Electuroo did he explains to them. “I was remembering my final moments... I-I seen it in movies, stories and comics but never th-thought it would happen to me.” He stared at the brown liquid at his own reflection.

“I can't even begin to think how to explain or even help. But once Soarin fills in what Rainbow Dash told him and his brief visit to Canterlot we can go on from that point.” Spitfire point to the plate. “Eat up you will need it.”

Electuroo nod and begin to eat and drink what was made and given to him as Soarin gives a recap of events that unfolded at the Hospital in Ponyville with Rainbow Dash and then the Canterlot evening surprise visit that gave the two princesses a shock about Rainbow Dash exactly knowing about the wedding before even they knew.

“Hold on Clipper, you telling me that Princess Cadance didn't even tell them yet?” Spitfire was very surprised by what she was hearing.

Soarin drunk some of his remaining coffee and answered. “Yeah she was planning to tell them in a few days time, she asked how Rainbow Dash knew. I explained what she told me and about Electuroo here and well she want us both there in the morning at Canterlot.” Soarin told Spitfire.

Electuroo muttered to himself. “Read 'n' Weep...”

“What that Sparky?”

“Oh it something Rainbow called her time in hospital when reading a Daring Do novel when stuck there. It happened before I arrived so I only going by what I known from her.” Electuroo explained trying not to mention anything about the TV Series back on Earth.

Spitfire notice he didn't seem completely there from the way his eyes kept staring into space. “Something else isn't it? You got that look of somepony either deep in thought or really troubled.”

Electuroo drunk the last of the tea putting the cup down. “Guess being dead and brought back make you wonder about life and how every moment counts. When I see Rainbow Dash next I will most likely blitz to her for a crushing hug and kiss.”

“Sounds like somepony got a special somepony.” Spitfire chuckled.

“Rainbow did seem to feel that too when she was concerned about Electuroo at first and going to all that trouble, I think it mutual.” Soarin glance to the yellow stallion sitting next to with a smirk seeing the pink appear under his eyes.

Electuroo felt himself warm up a little around the face. “No point beating around the bush.” He answered. “So what in the envelope?”

Soarin opened it up and pulled out a photo and some sheets of paper. “It about a pony called Lighting Strikeer, he was the last captain of the Wonderbolts before Spitfire and has-”

“His my dad.” Electuroo replied unphased by this.

“WHAT!?” Spitfire took the papers and taking a good look she lowered them. “Sweet Celestia he is! This DNA results says your his biological son. B-but that-”

Electuroo did himself another cup of tea. “Dad won't know I am his son, well not yet. In my time he added it all up by himself, decided to try and dodge my mum and from what mum told me it ended up with him getting a black eye after she hit him from trying to dodge he, explains why after all these years we thought he died that he didn't” Electuroo explained to them both and they looked really confused.

“Died? But-”


Spitfire saw the correction. “So there was an innocent when you was little and that was the last you saw of him?”

“Pretty much.” Electuroo knew that wasn't the whole story, the whole story was his dad really did die and somehow his soul ended up with a new body and life in Equestria. That mystery yet to be solved...

Spitfire sighed. “I am going to have some choice words with Strike Out...”

Electuroo shook his head. “It not going to be that simple. At this moment of time it really taking a different path. This talk one of those reasons. Dad will only know it me once I give mum's message to him.”

“Ok I will only drag him in front of you at least.” Spitfire decided to be easy on him. “This just been one weird few days... Storm, a pony from the future, son of the last captain and Rainbow Dash doing some neck breaking speedy stunt to save your flank...” Spitfire put her front hooves against her head leaning her elbows on the table. “This isn't exactly what I signed up being captain for...”

Soarin rubbing his head and felt he had to ask. “What am I like in your time?”

“Can't say. I already said too much.” Electuroo sighed putting his head into his forelegs resting on the table now groaning. “Now I know how Janeway felt about temporal paradoxes... One massive headache...”

The two Wonderbolts glance at each other listening to this and didn't press this further. “Don't worry Sparky we won't press but I would ask you of this.”

He rose his head up looking at the Captain of the Wonderbolts. “Stay in the airspace of the Academy till this is resolved with the Princesses.”

“Just like that I can stretch my wings?” Electuroo wasn't sure he heard her right.

Spitfire yawned with a hoof over her snout. “Yeah. That right. Now how about we all get some zzzs with what we can get shall we?”

Electuroo shook his head. “I rather just sit somewhere and read a story or two if that ok.”

“Sure, Clipper... *yawn* You take care of it ok?” Spitfire collected the plates, cups and pots to take to the kitchen and clean up.

Soarin saluted. “I'm on it ma'am!” He waved a hoof to Electuroo to follow and they leave the captain to clean up the items.

Electuroo glance back. “I think we should of helped.”

“Nah it fine.” Soarin showed him into room filled with some books, tables, papers, quills and pencils. “This our study. It where we do some paper work or chill out quietly.” Soarin point a wing to the shelves. “Daring Do and other adventure novels over there, Wonderbolt History also there.”

Electuroo heard about this and got curious. “Wonderbolt History? That something to dig into.”

“Knock yourself out. I am going to get some sleep.” Soarin yawned loudly. “Flying back and forwards all day really takes it out of you.” He yawned again and leaves to tuck into his own bed.

Electuroo was left alone, glancing out of a window to the Academy grounds he had to agree with them for now and stay on their grounds, he had to wait a few more days to see Rainbow Dash once more and find out what the blazes she did to save his life... Bring him back to life.

With a pull down with a hoof on the book on Wonderbolt History he took it with his mouth placing it down on a table, opening it he stared at the words. “Wow that a lot... This might take some time. Guess I can't squander second chances...”

“Second...” Tears roll down his face and snout wiping some away he couldn't help but break down. “C-chanc-chan...” He continued to cry into his forelegs burying his face into them muffling his crying.