• Published 22nd Jan 2014
  • 1,070 Views, 12 Comments

The Lost Book of the Creator - contodaslasganas

One book. Just one book. Oh, but that book holds all the secrets, the truth about everything... and the only way to save Twilight. But does it hold the entire truth? And who are these "Original Ponyfolk," anyway?

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Chapter 3: The First Item

On a small desk in front of her lay a crystalline structure almost as wide as a hoof. A minute translucent gem was affixed to its center, flaunting its perfection as if mocking the rest of the world.

Such a powerful item…

And I still don’t know how to use it effectively.

The figure sat down in her chair, lost in the sea of her own thoughts.

Oh, I should have kept one of the Books. I could have just placed the crystal on its cover to access its power.


The sound of hooves crashing down on wood reverberated throughout the still air, scaring the guards near the door.

Gah! I could have looked up how to use it in one of the Books, too!

As she grew angrier at her own folly, a sharp pain near her horn stopped her cold. Her eyes glossed over for a few seconds as she slowly calmed down. The tall pony then rose and began to pace back and forth, recalling all of her subjects’ failed attempts at extracting its power, reminiscing on the huge explosion she had caused when feeding it half of her magic.

I wonder if Twilight could figure it out.

Suddenly, a small smile crept in, growing ever so slightly as she pondered on this new sinister plan.

Maybe I can do just that.

After all, she will need all the help she can get if she wants to finish the Book, and with it I may finally be able to destroy all those pesky creatures!

“Bring me Prisoner 25, please.”

One of the guards quickly exited as the other shut the door quietly.

“Excuse me, Your Highness, is everything alright?”

“Everything is completely fi—”

The pony raised a hoof to her horn as an intense pain surged from the tip to the base. The wince did not go unnoticed.

“Your Highness! I will bring a doctor right aw—”

“You shall do no such thing! I am fine, and you will refrain from any more comments about my health!”


And there it was, the look that had once convinced the ruler of the Griffon Kingdom to back down from his plan to invade Equestria all those years ago. Yet, for some reason, the guard at the receiving end noticed something in her eyes…

Is it anger? Fear? Hatred? Something feels off…

His thoughts were abruptly cut off as the other guard brought in another pony-like figure, her rugged black body riddled with holes and scars.

“As you requested, Princess.”

“Thank you.”

A small sneer upon her face, the princess addressed the prisoner.

“Hello, changeling. I have a task for you. Perhaps, if you succeed, I may consider keeping you alive.”

The creature nodded silently, her will having been broken so many months ago. Her mind drifted back to the year before: the constant lashings, the daily torture… She could not afford to waste this opportunity from her captor.

“Good. And remember…”

The golden collar around the changeling’s neck began to tighten, cutting off her breathing as she struggled against her binds. Her eyes widened to the size of melons as she gazed into those cold, purplish-green irises.

“If you double-cross me, I will put you in more pain than you can possibly imagine.”

It all escalated so quickly.

“Guys… This is Cloak Stealth. He helped save me from some ponies that wanted to kill me.”

The introduction had started off well, but then Rainbow Dash’s comment…

“Yeah, and he’s also the one who brought them to her, too!”

It didn’t take long for tensions to grow as the changeling and the other Element Bearers exchanged glances— or, more accurately, as Twilight’s friends stared at him in disbelief. Twilight attempted to quell the anger (and, in Fluttershy’s case, the fear), and for the most part it seemed to be working.

“What’s this about him bringing those ponies to kill you?”

“That’s in the past, Applejack, and it wasn’t intentional. You can trust him.

“I trust him.”

Rainbow, however, could not clear her mind: that one sentence she had spoken had reminded her of the events of not too long ago.

As she remembered, the same thoughts repeated over and over in the back of her skull.

You couldn’t protect your friend.

So much for the Element of Loyalty.

You’re a failure.

You’re useless.

The sentences resounded throughout her brain, impairing her judgment, driving her almost to the breaking point…

I can’t be a failure…

Can I?

The walls seemed to close in on her, the shadows seeping in as her mind refused to move on…

But no one noticed. Everyone was too preoccupied with the changeling…

And as fickle as fate was, even though she had drowned out everyone else from the start, she somehow heard him speak.

“No, it’s okay, Twilight. I’ll tell them myself.

“What Rainbow Dash said is true: I did bring this upon her, and I am very sorry for it. I have already asked for her forgiveness, and I can only hope that she will consider it.”

“And of course I for—”


Rainbow barrelled towards the unsuspecting changeling, hooves extended in rage as they connected with his jaw. Maybe, had Cloak’s magic not been depleted, he may have stood a small chance at defense.


The changeling flew backwards, slamming into a small bookcase with a resounding thud. Rainbow Dash continued to rocket forward, not giving him a chance to breathe as she lay punch after punch onto his weakened body.


Shock filled her friends’ faces as they witnessed the spectacle, and all stood completely motionless… except for Twilight.

“RAINBOW, STOP!” Dash continued to whack the empty air as a purple aura forced her back.

“It’s all your fault! Because of you, I almost died! Because of you, Twilight is going to die in a month!” Her anger had been unleashed, watering eyes blurring her vision as the unending guilt crept up.

She had been unable to help her friend.

Twilight had sacrificed herself to save her.


As Twilight glared at Rainbow, however, the view of her friend’s teary eyes halted any further scolding.

“R-Rainbow, w-what…”

“It’s all your fault, it’s all…”

And the pegasus could do nothing more than break down. The drops kept streaming down her muzzle; her brain could not move past her anger, her guilt…

“I couldn’t protect her…”

She ignored everyone around her, unable to contain her emotions any longer. Her entire body went limp as she emptied out her soul. She finally acknowledged her heart’s deepest pain, her one true fear: her inability to protect the ones she cared about.

“It’s all my fault.”

It’s all my fault Twilight’s like this.

I’m useless.

The rivers flowed endlessly with no attempts made to close the floodgates— when suddenly a strange warmth surrounded her body.

“Shhh… Rainbow, it’s okay. I don’t blame you for anything.” Twilight stared directly into those teary eyes, speaking from the bottom of her heart.

“I would never blame you, and you shouldn’t blame yourself, either.

“I’m lucky to have you as a friend.”

She pulled the crying pony closer to her, her hooves welcomed by the mottled mess of fur. Seconds, minutes, hours… time was unquantifiable for the two as they held the embrace. Rainbow finally let go of all the suffering as the voices in her head dissolved into nothingness. The rivers of tears slowly dissipated into streams and later into trickles as she basked in the comfort of her friend’s hug.

Meanwhile, Cloak slowly rose, staggering mildly as he attempted to keep his balance. After a quick self-inspection, he began to wince from the multiple bruises he sported.

Wow, I must be out of practice. And to think I come from a line of protectors…

“Oh, you poor thing!” Fluttershy, awoken from her shock’s paralytic hold, hastily forgot about her fear of changelings and rushed to the kitchen. She returned in no more than two seconds with a small vial and some bandages.

“Now, don’t move. This may sting a bit.” Expertly, the pink-maned pegasus opened the vial and poured a jelly-like substance on each of the changeling’s wounds. In response, he shut his eyes, the heat emanating from the potion almost unbearable as his cuts and bruises began to sizzle.

“There, now, I’m almost done.” In mere seconds, she dressed each bruise in fresh bandages as the pain slowly faded. “See, wasn’t that quick?”

Cloak forced his eyelids open, and the sight he beheld was unlike any other.

Those light blue eyes…

He had seen them from afar a couple of times before, but up close it was a completely different matter.

Those caring eyes, the small twinkle in the corner…

For that single second, he could see into her soul, and the kindness that it emanated was unfathomable…

And it was worse for Fluttershy. As she stared back into his pale green irises, she couldn’t help but notice how his eyes were different from those of the changelings that she encountered in Canterlot. Those windows to the soul held a caring disposition and a tremendous sadness, as if he had been forced to carry the weight of all Equestria. Somehow, she felt safe simply looking at them, but something inside her stirred, wanting to alleviate the pain he must have suffered in the past.

It was as if for just a second, they connected.

And then, each one recognized what the other was doing. They both pulled back as they tried to control their small blushes.

“Cloak, let me help you.” Hope suddenly walked up to him and released a small amount of magic on his body. Though his healing rate increased exponentially, it was nowhere near enough to fix him up completely. “I wish I could do more, but I can’t risk Twilight falling unconscious again.”

“It’s no problem, Viol– I mean, Hope.”

Seeing that Rainbow Dash had calmed down considerably, Twilight slowly broke the embrace as she signaled to the rest of the ponies. Before she could speak, though…


The purple mare sheepishly lowered her head as she placed a hoof on her stomach.

“Maybe we should get something to eat, first.”

After the first round of daisy sandwiches, Twilight began to explain every little detail. Afterwards, Hope filled in any small patches she might have left out. Aside from the occasional gasp and amazed stares— and Rarity’s faint when she heard how long Twilight had left to live— the mares stayed completely silent. As soon as Hope finished, though, Applejack quickly proceeded to point out just a couple of inconsistencies.

“Wait. If you’re this ‘Guardian,’ then why didn’t you protect the Book from being destroyed in the first place?”

“I cannot take a physical form when I am in the book. Only if the book is destroyed can I do so, but after that, I can change into any creature I wish. The only downside is that my presence is dependent on the magic my master possesses, be it base spiritual magic or high-level unicorn magic.”

Any creature?”

After a string of colorful flashes, Hope transformed from her unicorn form to a majestic griffon, wings extended to display bright feathers longer than those of the average pony. In less than a second, her form turned to that of a rugged donkey, weather-worn (but clearly muscular) and a bit taller than Twilight. Another blinding light later, a squirrel now occupied her place; the animal was so cute that Fluttershy had to fight the urge to pick it up and hold it close to her. A second later, Hope was back to the unicorn form she had taken at Twilight’s behest. All the ponies stared slack-jawed at the marvelous display, barely able to find the words to express their astonishment.

“Ah gotta admit… that was very fancy.” After regaining her composure and a tip of her hat, Applejack continued.

“Ahem. So, you’re telling us that our Princess ‘Nefarius’ Celestia is actually evil. Then how come she was able to use the Elements of Harmony against Nightmare Moon? That doesn’t make sense.”

“I never said she was completely evil, and the Elements of the Creator, which you call the ‘Elements of Harmony,’ can be used by any creature, no matter how much evil is present in the spirit. It is simply a tool, which can be used as a weapon when necessary.” Everyone gaped at the pink unicorn, astounded at the thought.

“So somepony as dreadful as Sombra could use them to take over all of Equestria? He could enslave everypony and force us to work in those dirty, dank mines?” Rarity’s interjection almost drove every pony into a panic— at least until the Guardian rose a hoof to calm them down.

“Sombra was such an unfortunate soul: he held the power to protect the Crystal Empire from all threats, except for the one in his heart. He could have used the Elements, but not to further his goals. The Elements require a pure, ‘good’ objective, a wish from the bottom of one’s heart. Naturally, it works best if the wielder’s heart is completely pure. That is why Celestia could not cleanse Nightmare Moon when she used them a thousand years ago, but you six did.”

I probably should not tell them about that one time, though…

“Okay, then, but how do you explain the Princess wanting to kill Twilight? That doesn’t seem like something she’d do.”

“That… I do not know, but something tells me it is linked to the prophecy Twilight read.”

The Creator shall bring forth another Ponyfolk, one in the same design as the original, who will unite the untransformed and help them survive alongside the others.” Twilight had memorized that line as soon as she had laid eyes upon it, not yet knowing whether or not this ‘Ponyfolk’ had already arrived.

“Yes, but there is still more to it.” Hope closed her eyes as she turned to face the rest of the Bearers.

Such Power, such Grace, such Harmony
In one it could not be contained.
When the hex realize the True Form,
Eternal Peace shall be gained.

Her voice resounded throughout the room; a chill creeped up the spines of the others as the words dug deep into their brains.

“Unfortunately, I do not know what it means. With the All-Seeing Crystal, however, I may be able to find out. More importantly for you, Twilight, the Book also talked about a certain unicorn who would protect this ‘savior’ and help her reach the Temple of Knowledge, where she can establish the peace. That may be why Celestia is looking for you.”

“But what makes this Book so special? The ponies who want to destroy it act like it’s some kind of weapon or something. Doesn’t it just record what happens in the world? Ah don’t understand it.”

“What is the most powerful weapon in existence, if not the truth? I am sure you should know that, being the wielder of the Element of Honesty. Equally important is that the Book holds a direct link with the Creator. If it is completed with the All-Seeing Crystal, then the pony who holds the book can access a power matched only by the Elements of Harmony.”

At that, Applejack was about to speak, but she stopped herself and pondered deeply as she let everything sink in. The other ponies murmured amongst themselves as Twilight communicated with Hope through her thoughts.

The Book really holds that much power?

Hope nodded. Yes, so it is of great importance that the Book, after its completion, be stored someplace where no evil creature can get it.

Twilight furrowed her brow. But where could we store it? I don’t think it would be safe here, especially if Princess Celestia keeps looking for it.

Before Hope could continue, the other ponies voiced their own thoughts.

“Well then,” Applejack began, “it’s agreed. We’re all going with you!”

“I’m sorry, but we can’t have that,” Cloak responded in a strained voice. “Since Nef– Celestia already talked to you guys, you will have to stay here so she doesn’t get too suspicious.”

“Ah disagree. We have to stick together if we want to help Twilight!”

“Excuse me, may I say something? If you don’t mind.” Fluttershy’s voice was barely audible, but loud enough to bring everybody’s attention to her.

“As much as I would like to go… um… I have to stay to take care of the animals. A-a-and Cloak, too. His bruises will need time to heal, at least a couple weeks, and he can’t go to a hospital here.”

At this, everybody directed their gaze at the brash pegasus, who simply held her head down in shame.

“And Rarity, Applejack… You guys have to take care of Sweetie Belle and Apple Bloom. I couldn’t pry you away from them for my sake. Besides, we also need some ponies here to keep track of what the princess is doing.

“Pinkie, I think I could use your help on the trip, though.” Pinkie’s expression brightened rapidly as she took this chance to interject.

“You want me to go with you to spread joy to the other ponies and creatures you encounter on your travels so that you can later get information out of them? And you want me to use my Pinkie Sense so I can warn you of any dangers up ahead?”

“And also so you can tell us what other ponies are planning, of course!” Twilight reciprocated her smile, but her expression suddenly turned much more serious as past events replayed in her mind.

“Rainbow Dash, I think you should stay back. Only a couple hours ago, you almost d–”

“No, I’m going with you, and that’s final!” Rainbow Dash peered directly into the purple unicorn’s eyes; her own irises were painted with unending stubbornness as she reiterated her intentions. “I will go with you to the ends of the world, and I will help you heal!”

The air grew still as the rest stared in awe at Dash. However, Twilight’s mouth could not help but curl up slightly as she acceded.

“I don’t know why I thought you would stay behind.”

“Of course,” Hope interjected, “you all can help us with our journey, even if you stay here.” She rose from the table and addressed the small dragon at the opposite end.

“Spike is your name, correct? I understand that you can send messages to Princess Celestia via dragon flame. Tell me, is she the only pony you can send to?”

Spike cleared his throat, spewing multiple pieces of gems all around the table.

“Oh, sorry. Um… I can send a message to anyone, but the other pony would have to know the spell to receive it.”

“Hmm… Can you pass me a piece of paper and a quill, Fluttershy?”

“Of course, Miss Guardian.”

“Please, just call me Hope.”

“Oh, of course, Miss Hope.”

A couple seconds later, Fluttershy returned with the items, rushing past Cloak as her tail ran across his back by accident. The changeling blushed brightly, though luckily the response went by unnoticed…

Or so he thought.

Rarity quickly made a mental note of his reaction before shifting her attention back to Hope.

“Okay, Spike, I need you to go up to the guest room. Holler down when you are there.”

As Twilight’s assistant ran briskly up the stairs, Hope began writing on the paper. At first, the squiggles held the fluid characters of Ancient Equestrian, but she later scratched it out and switched to Modern Equestrian as she remembered the era she was in.

“I’m ready!” a voice called down from above.

“Okay, let’s see, then.”

Both Twilight’s and Hope’s horns began to glow, at first a dull white but later morphing into a vivid green. In a flash, the paper levitated and disappeared from sight, leaving small sparkles in its place.

“Now, let’s wait a couple seconds.”

The whole crowd stared expectantly at the spot that had once held the message. Seconds slowly ticked away as nothing of interest happened.

“Maybe it didn’t wo—”

In an instant, both purple and pink horns shone brightly as the same paper, albeit with more scribbles, reappeared in front of the duo.

Spike slid down the stair’s railing, landing gracefully on his feet as he addressed the Guardian.

“So, did it work?”

“Absolutely! It is a simple spell from the original Ponyfolk.”

Everybody but Twilight and Cloak wore blank expressions as they failed to understand the reference.

“You know, maybe you should stick to using ‘changeling’ around them.”

“I agree, Twilight.” Hope then turned to face the ponies who would be staying in Ponyville. “Okay, with this, we will keep in contact. If anything suspicious happens here, no matter how small, have Spike send us a message, okay? Anyways, we should get going.”

“You’re leaving right now? But it’s so soon!”

“Rarity, the longer we wait, the less time we have to complete the Book and heal Twilight. Now, Spike, make sure you are well rested before sending any messages. We will be a long distance away from here, and you will need much more energy to keep in contact.”

Pinkie Pie and Rainbow Dash stayed by Twilight’s side as the Hope continued. “I cannot take you guys to get the hair of a draconequus yet because that would mean traversing across the globe, and Twilight doesn’t have enough magic for that yet. We may be able to teleport a quarter of the way to the Griffon Kingd–”

“Wait! Um, can’t we just ask Discord for one of his hairs?” Fluttershy pointed at the crown sticking out from Twilight’s pack. “We can use the Elements to bring him here, right?”

“Of course! We’ll get the hair from him! Why didn’t I think of that before?”

“Um, that may not be such a g—”

Unfortunately for Hope, her clamor fell on deaf ears as Twilight and the rest of her friends galloped out of the house. Each pony put on her respective Element and arranged herself in Fluttershy’s yard.

“Okay, guys, let’s go!”

“But wait a moment!” Hope tried in vain to stop them, a sense of fear arising from her very core.

Maybe he won’t recognize me. After all, it was such a long time ago, and I do have a different form now. And he is reformed… supposedly. Sure, I think we’ll get along just fine.

As she attempted to calm herself down, the Bearers, connected by warm lights of rainbow colors, aimed their Elements towards the center of their circle. A minute ball of magical energy slowly expanded as more and more light flowed into it. The ground below them vibrated, trembling from the massive accumulation of magic.

“Just a little more…”

The sphere continued to grow as small sparkles began to shoot out. Another flash later, a small couch materialized below them. On it, a familiar draconequus was munching on rainbow-colored popcorn as he began to complain.

“You know, a little warning would be nice once in a while. I’m missing my favorite show!”

“Favorite show?”

“You know, the one about the hairless apes spreading chaos everywhere? No? It’s a really good show. Now then, how may I assist you this lovely eve–”

Discord suddenly froze, his nostrils flaring as he turned towards that one pink unicorn.

Oh no.

Faster than any of the ponies could blink, the Bringer of Chaos accumulated a dense amount of chaotic magic in his paw and flung it at Hope, who barely evaded it. The ground she was standing on was not so lucky. Chunks of earth splattered everywhere, the impact producing a deep crater.


Once more, Discord began to call upon his own brand of energy as Hope galloped on, dodging shot after shot.

“Discord, what are you doing?” Fluttershy had recovered from the initial shock of watching her friend try to eliminate a harmless pony, and she was about to fly up to him until she noticed the dark flames in his eyes.

“Discord, please stop!”

The draconequus would not listen to Fluttershy’s plea as all the other ponies watched in horror. Fortunately, Twilight had enough sense to put up a shield to protect those frozen in place.

“Guys, come on! Let’s charge up the Elements!” The other ponies paid her no heed, and the scene before them was only growing more violent. The ground was soon peppered with holes as more and more chaotic magic stripped the land of its natural beauty.

“Rarity, Rainbow Dash! Snap out of it!” Finally, after a not-so-gentle push forward, each pony began to get in formation…

At least, each pony except for Fluttershy.

“No, I don’t want to turn him back into stone!”

“We have no choice, Fluttershy! Can’t you see all the destruction he’s causing? At this rate, all of Ponyville will be d—”

Sh-shoot the Elements at me. Hope attempted to keep the link to Twilight strong enough to communicate, but her unpredictable movements were clearly straining her. Beads of sweat were trickling down her muzzle, and her movements were getting slower and slower

Don’t worry, Twilight. I have a plan. And you can— ungh— you can tell Fluttershy it won’t harm Discord in any way.

Are you sure? Twilight responded, and soon Hope’s plan became evident as the information traveled across the link. Alright, I’ll do it.

“Fluttershy, we’re not going to use the Elements for that.” Twilight continued as the Bearer of Kindness slowly descended in front of her.

“You have to trust me. Nothing bad will happen to him. Okay? You have my word.”

“O… Okay, Twilight.” Fluttershy reluctantly joined the others as the familiar white aura enshrouded the Bearers.

Meanwhile, another chaotic blast shot from Discord’s paw, only inches away from hitting Hope. Her communication with Twilight had left her with little chance of dodging…

Then, out of nowhere, Cloak pushed her away at the last instant. The magic grazed his body, leaving a small, jagged scar on his back.


Discord’s right arm grew dramatically in size as he prepared to bring down his paw on Cloak. The changeling, knowing he would not be able to escape in time, created a small shield around the unicorn as he prepared himself for the excruciating pain to follow…

Quickly, do it now, Twilight!

Hope pushed Cloak backwards, making him release his hold on the shield as the Harmony Beam traveled across the air and made contact with her horn.

Suddenly, Discord found himself encased in a sphere of translucent magic as Hope’s horn glowed brightly from the surge of energy. His paw continued its descent, but as soon as it struck the cage, he yowled in pain and pulled his appendage back. With an even darker aura surrounding him, he began to shoot out volley after volley of chaotic magic.

So this is his true power, Twilight thought. She winced every time a shot hit the cage… but the spell stayed strong. It soon became clear that Discord did not hold the power to break this prison, but he would have kept trying had not Hope grown to a tremendous size, almost as large as himself.


Bolts of harmony magic began to strike the draconequus as his anger grew, but his chaotic power seemed to be diminishing. Beam after beam after beam of chaotic magic dissipated as soon as he shot it out. After a tense minute, his dark aura slowly faded as he gave up. The cage quickly disappeared, leaving in its place a defeated Discord.

“Okay, Discord,” Applejack responded, still a bit dazed from using her Element. “What the hay was that all about?”

“I can explain that.” Hope walked towards them, a grave expression upon her face as she returned to her original size. “You see, Discord is almost as old as the Creator Herself, and many millions of years ago, a great battle was fought between them. The Creator possessed the power of creation, but Discord possessed the art of chaotic manipulation, and for a while, all hope was lost…”

Discord began to chortle as he began to remember the terror he had caused all those years ago. Everyone shot him a warning glare as Hope continued.

“Until I was created. The truth is, I am the guardian of the very first, the original Book of the Creator, and my purpose was to gain as much information about him to destroy him. I found out that large amounts of Harmony would impair him, so that is what was written in the Book. With my help, the Creator forged the Elements of Harmony… but with them held an unprecedented cost.

“The Creator used the last of Her power to charge them, so she no longer held the power to walk upon this world. She had t—”


A sudden chaotic blast struck the spot where Hope had stood. Discord began to dance with joy at his success…

At least, until he noticed the harmony barrier around Hope. The attack had literally disintegrated upon contact with the shield.

And to say Hope was angry was an understatement.

Once again, the cage took form as Hope continued to draw magic from the Elements.


“Now, where was I? Ah, yes. The Creator could no longer walk on this world, so she had to confide in one of her friends, an original Ponyfolk who had stayed by her side since she appeared in what is now Equestria. It was she who used the Elements and imprisoned Discord the first time.”

Everypony’s jaw hung less than a hooflength from the ground, including Discord’s— though his attempt at lightening the mood proved to be less than fruitful.

“What? Can’t blame one for trying.”

Wait. Hope, why didn’t you just disappear inside me when Discord started attacking you? Twilight shot her a bewildered look, waiting for a response.

Twilight, returning to your body and exiting afterwards would take up too much of your energy. Right now, our focus is to complete the Book so I can heal you completely. Hope suddenly dissolved the cage around Discord and subtly signaled to Cloak, who slowly sneaked away.

“Oh, that reminds me! Discord, we were wondering if we could borrow some of your hair!”

“Let me guess: the Book was destroyed, and now you’re trying to recreate it? I’m sorry, Twilight, but I’m not going to help the one being who led to my imprisonment.”

“But Discord,” Fluttershy pleaded, “we really need your help with this!”

“Aww, you really need my help! Well, why didn’t you say so? Let me think about it again, then… Nope, my answer is still no.”

“But Discord, Twilight isn’t going to live much longer unless the Book is completed!” Fluttershy struggled to keep her eyes from watering at the thought of Twilight’s death.

“Hmm… So you want me to save one of the Bearers of the Elements, one of the ponies who cast me into stone not so long ago…

“I have a better idea. I think I’ll just wait until she’s gone, and then nopony can imprison me anymore!”


“That’s where you are wrong, Discord.” Hope slowly approached the draconequus, her gaze pointed squarely at his face. “These Elements can be used by any creature, so even if she dies, you can still be imprisoned.

“Oh, and thank you.” A smirk slowly formed on her face.

“Thank you for whAAA!”

Cloak quickly tumbled down, using what little magic he had left to levitate a couple strands of hair towards Hope, who stuffed them into the sack the changeling had left with Twilight.

“You… tricked me! Nobody tricks the Trickster himself!”

He prepared to strike, but he stopped in mid-incantation as he looked over to the other six ponies, who were again in formation.

“What were you about to do, Discord?” Hope’s voice made a chill run through his spine as he sighed.

“Nothing, Guardian. I was just going to congratulate him on such a fine job.”

She raised an eyebrow, not buying his act.

“You know what, I think I hear the Princess asking for me. Toodles!”

With one final snap, the draconequus disappeared from view. While the other ponies sighed in relief, Hope instantly dreaded the encounter as a new thought scurried into her mind.

“If Princess Celestia were to find out why Discord was summoned…”

“Don’t worry, Hope,” Twilight replied, wrapping a hoof around the pink unicorn to reassure her. “If I know Discord, he won’t go crying to her about what happened, not in a million years.”

“If you say so…”

“Well, at least we got the hairs,” commented Cloak. “That’s one less thing t–ungh.”

The changeling promptly fell down, no longer having the strength to keep himself up.

“Oh, dear!” Fluttershy hastily flew down and helped him up, having him lean on her for support.

“You really shouldn’t have gone through with this. You barely have enough energy to stay alive, and your wounds are opening up again!”

As the winged pony scolded the changeling, she led him back to the cottage with everyone else following suit. While Fluttershy redressed his wounds and took Cloak up to the guest room, Hope began to ponder about the Elements of Harmony.

“So, you are the wielders of the Elements, correct? It’s strange, but normally, when a creature of pure heart aligns with one or more of the Elements, the artifact leaves a much larger imprint in the creature’s soul. Did you ponies conjure the initiation spell?”

“The what, now?” Applejack looked as dumbfounded as every other pony; even Twilight didn’t know what the Guardian was talking about.

“That makes sense, then. You see, even though the Elements can be used by any creature, if one has a pure heart, the creature can ‘attune’ herself to one or more of the Elements, like you guys have, but with magic. When this happens, the power of the Elements is transferred from the artifacts to the wielder. The artifacts then become useless since all of their power is now inside the Bearer, and the power stays there for the rest of the Bearer’s life.”

“So that’s why in the old stories, nopony actually wore the necklaces!” Twilight’s eyes brightened as she felt every one of her bedtime stories suddenly click into place, now having an explanation.

“Exactly. If the initiation spell had been cast, then the wielder would hold the power whether or not she wore the devices. And luckily for you, I can cast that spell.”

“Okay, what’d I miss?” Fluttershy joined up with the rest.

“We’re going to get rid of the Elements,” Hope replied calmly, eliciting a quiet ‘eep’ from the yellow pegasus.

“How do we know that spell won’t do anything weird to us?” Rainbow was quite wary of “getting rid” of the strongest weapon they possessed.

“Trust me. By casting it, it will unite your soul with the actual power of the Element. Also, if Twilight does it, it will restore some of her magic and possibly give her more time to live.”

“Then why didn’t you say so? Come on, let’s go help Twilight!” Rainbow Dash was the first to put on her necklace, the others following suit until only the purple mare was left.

Now, Twilight, you might feel a little woozy after the spell, and I won’t lie to you; you will probably experience a lot of pain because of your condition.

The mare simply nodded, placing the crown on her head as she signaled to Hope.

“I shall begin. Repeat after me.

“O creatorem mundi…”

O creatorem mundi…

“…liga infinitus concordia ad mea anima…”

…liga infinitus concordia ad mea anima…

“…et da mihi potestatem superare tenebrae.”

…et da mihi potestatem superare tenebrae.

“Now, each pony must call out her own element.”





“Um… Kindness.”

Everypony shifted their gazes towards Twilight as she uttered that final decisive word.


The entire room exploded in rainbow light as the Elements began to pulse with energy. The gems glowed brighter and brighter as a cocoon of magic engulfed every Bearer.


Come on, Twilight, you can do it. Just deep breaths…

A burning sensation emerged from her very soul, spears of intense heat striking through her core as the pain intensified with each passing second…

Every Bearer’s Element suddenly unlatched, falling to the ground as the cocoon broke. Each pony was wrapped in a white aura, pulsing with magic as it slowly disappeared.

“I feel… so energized! I could probably do a Sonic Rainboom at take-off!”

“Now, don’t go overusing your power,” Hope warned. “Each one of you now carries the magic of the Elements inside your soul, so you can all perform magic, even if you’re not a unicorn. Go on, try it, Applejack. Think about something you want to do— something small, of course— and watch the results.”

“O-Okay, then. Let’s see, here.” The farmer looked around for a small object and noticed one of Spike’s uneaten gems lying on the far end of the table. She concentrated entirely on the jewel, letting everything else fade away… and she began to feel something tugging deep within her. Small beads of sweat began to slide down her muzzle, and after a couple seconds…

“Applejack, I think you should stop bef—”

Hope was cut off as the gem suddenly levitated, rising from the table about half a hooflength…

Before it promptly fell back down.

Oh, and before Applejack fell to the floor.


No sounds arose from any of the ponies as Applejack quickly picked herself up, panting from overexertion.

“Ummm… did Ah… just… do that?”

As if the Bearers hadn’t had enough surprises that day.

“You certainly did, but I thought I told you to do something small. Levitating something from such a long distance… Since this harmony magic is new to your soul, you have to give it some time for it to grow. Only then will all of you be able to perform more powerful spells with it. Just make sure that Celestia doesn’t find out.

“Now, Twilight, how do you feel?”

The purple unicorn didn’t respond as she continued analyzing herself, astounded by her findings.

This power…

It’s immense! I can feel the warmth, the joy, the raw energy flowing through me, the m–

“Hey, Twilight, are you okay?” Rainbow Dash’s hoof made contact with the unicorn’s shoulder. The touch was so unexpected that Twilight leapt in surprise and sent out a concentrated beam of magic towards the couch, incinerating it in an instant.

“Wha… What just happened?”

“Well, just look what you did!” Hope pointed towards the flame. Twilight immediately apologized as she helped Fluttershy douse the fire.

“That’s the power that’s inside me… inside all of us?”

The Guardian nodded. “Also, because of the added magic, I think you’ve also elongated your life. By my analysis, you should last at least three months!”

“That doesn’t exactly make things much better,” Rarity interjected. “I still say we should all go with you.”

“Rarity, we already went over this. Don’t worry. With Pinkie, Rainbow, and Hope, we’ll be just fine.”

“And don’t forget,” Pinkie Pie added, “We’ll be sending you Partygrams from all of our travels and maybe even cakes and other s–”

“Pinkie, you really have to learn to calm down.”

“I know, but this new power inside me just makes me g-g-giddy!” Not a moment later, the pink pony was bouncing all around the cottage, popping out behind every wall faster than one could say ‘ponyfeathers.’

Um, Twilight… do you think it may have been a bad idea to give her that power?

Twilight simply shrugged.

That’s Pinkie Pie for you.

“Okay, before I forget, I want to give you guys at least one lesson in your new magic. I want you to close your eyes. Feel the power that flows inside you. Forget about everything else except for my voice…”

The six Bearers did as they were instructed, and soon each could feel a wave of energy, an accumulation of magic..

“Now, imagine containing that power, making it invisible, hiding it from everyone…

“Take a deep breath, and open your eyes.”

As the ponies opened their eyes slowly, Hope cast a spell around the room as her horn glowed brightly.

“Okay, by doing that, you have camouflaged your magic. A simple searching spell will only indicate the amount of base magic you possess, so any guard that comes by should not notice your newly-acquired harmony magic. Rarity, Fluttershy, Applejack… remember to do this before you leave your houses and when there is anybody else nearby. Celestia could have guards patrolling outside, and you do not want anybody noticing a difference in your magical capabilities. Understood?”

“We understand, Hope.”

“Alright. Anyway, we should be leaving for the Griffon Kingdom now. I think we’ll walk there for the first half of the trip. That should give Twilight time to get accustomed to the harmony magic enough to survive a long-distance teleportation.”

Well, that makes me feel much better, the purple mare thought as she looked over to her friends.

“I’ll be going with you guys, too. I can help by sn–”

“Oh, no you don’t, mister! You have to go back up and rest!” Fluttershy began to push the changeling back up the stairs.

“If you keep getting out of bed, your wounds will never heal. How can you expect to get better…”

The ponies below attempted to stifle their laughter as they witnessed the scene. In just a quick moment, however, the gravity of the entire scenario made itself clear in their minds as Fluttershy returned.

“So, I will be leaving Spike here. We’ll be sending messages through him.” Twilight was about to continue, but the dragon heard the talk and immediately sighed.

“But I wanted to go with you! I can help fight off hordes of evil beings, save you from the darkness that creeps up behind the b–”

“Spike, you’re too y–”

Don’t worry, Twilight. I got this.

“But Spike, we need you here because who else is going to protect Twilight’s friends? Your new job is to protect them, including Rarity, from anything that will harm them. What do you think? Will you be their knight in shining armor?”

As soon as Hope mentioned the white unicorn, the young dragon’s resolve shattered as he gladly accepted his new position.

“Absolutely, Miss Hope. I understand.”

“Oh, but Spike can’t go back to the library! The Princess can’t know that he’s still here, or she could negate his magic! If that happened, he wouldn’t be able to receive or send messages! Or even worse, she could redirect all the messages to Canterlot!” Twilight began to panic as she went through possibility after possibility, her judgment so clouded she failed to consider the most obvious choice.

“Um, Twilight, I can stay at one of their places, maybe even Rarity’s.”

At this, the white mare shifted her gaze, not wanting to seem rude by denying him a place to stay but clearly uncomfortable about the prospect of the dragon living under her roof. Luckily, Fluttershy noticed her discomfort.

“Don’t worry, Twilight. Spike can stay here and help me with the animals. I can also take care of Owlowiscious for you until you get back.”

“Oh, of course! Thank you, Fluttershy! And don’t worry, guys, we’ll be back soon! I’ll make sure to send a letter every night!” Twilight turned to face Rainbow and Pinkie. “You guys ready?”

“Ready as I’ll ever be!”

“Oooh, let me just get my party cannon!” Pinkie turned a corner and rolled out a colorful piece of equipment, miraculously stuffing it into her bag. Out of all the ponies, however, Cloak was the only one who was surprised at the scene.

“Cloak, what did I tell you about moving around?” Fluttershy’s eyes met his again, but this time he no longer felt the kindness in her soul. Instead, his entire body stood rigid, his brain releasing command of his muscles as they tensed up. His blood froze in an instant, his mouth dry, his thoughts wiped clean as he felt his entire soul cower before the sight…

Before the power of The Stare. It did not matter that Fluttershy was barely using her gift— and unintentionally, at that. It was enough to make him flee, had he been able to control his legs.

What is this power? I’ve heard rumors of the ancient changeling magic, the eyes that peer into the soul, but nothing like this!

He stayed completely frozen until, after what seemed like days, Fluttershy blinked. Regaining his strength, the changeling quickly ran back upstairs with a speed rivaling even Rainbow’s. Fluttershy rapidly followed with a fresh stack of bandages in hoof.


“Well, I guess we’ll be going now, guys.” Twilight turned to her friends, attempting to keep a happy tone in her voice.

Rarity and Applejack gave the traveling group the largest hug they could muster, small tears in their eyes as they came to terms with the fact that they would not see them for at least a month, if what Hope had said was true.

“Remember to write, darling. We’ll be waiting every night to read your letters.”

Later, Spike joined in, wrapping his arms around Twilight’s foreleg as he struggled to keep his emotions in.

“Come back quickly, okay? Owlowiscious and I will be here waiting for you.”

No sooner had he let go when Fluttershy had once again returned. Her watery eyes clouded her vision as she slowly walked towards Twilight, Rainbow, and Pinkie.

“I’m going to miss you all, even if you’re only gone for a little while.” The heartfelt hugs followed, resulting in teary eyes all around (even for Rainbow Dash, though she would not admit it).

“Don’t worry, Fluttershy, and everypony else. We’ll be back before you know it.”

With one last wave, Hope started the invisibility spell as the group walked out of the cottage and set out for their next destination:

The Griffon Kingdom.

Author's Note:

EDIT: Again, I forgot the translations! Sorry! :twilightsheepish:

"O creatorem mundi, liga infinitus concordia ad mea anima, et da mihi potestatem superare tenebrae.": Oh, creator of the world, bind infinite harmony to my soul, and provide me with the power to overcome the darkness.

The adventure is on! And how could that changeling in the beginning possibly be related?

The Bearers now have magic, but those left behind in Ponyville can't let anybody find out. I'm sure they'll be able to keep it a secret... right?

As for the others... they are going to need the magic if they want to survive, that's for sure.

Comments ( 3 )

Not bad, but we want more!

4118096 Don't worry, there's still a lot more to come!
Granted, it may take a while for me to write the next chapters, but I'll try to finish the next part by the end of this month... hopefully :twilightsheepish:

This is a great story! Please finish!

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