• Published 2nd Nov 2014
  • 5,948 Views, 127 Comments

Discordula - Hazel Heart

A vampiric draconequus seeks out the blood of mares and the heart of the mare he wants as his bride: Fluttershy.

  • ...

Royal Despair

While all the Royal Guards escorted everypony to their homes and advised them to remain inside, Princess Luna led the mane six and Spike to the throne room. “Discordula is the mischievous spirit of chaos and disharmony,” Luna explained. “A monstrous draconequus who possesses a vampiric nature, which makes him a dangerous threat to all ponies.” She stopped and pointed towards a glass-stained window that beheld an image of a serpentine-like creature with the head of a horse, and arms and legs of frightening creatures, along with wings and a snake tail.

Everyone (except Princess Luna, Rarity, and Fluttershy) gasped in horror at the sight of the creature’s appearance. Spike thought he heard Rarity quietly sigh and looked at her curiously. She looked eerily calm and had that same dreamy look on her face she had when she was talking to North Pole. Why isn’t she scared? Spike thought. And why the heck is she looking at the glass window like that? Probably likes the way the Princesses have stained glass windows... but that weird looking dude looks so freaky, I don’t see why she likes that window so much.

Fluttershy silently inhaled as she looked up at the glass image of Discordula. She slowly put a hoof over her heart, wondering how such a beast.... or in this case since he is part horse, a stallion... could ever exist.

“On the day that both me and my sister’s cutie marks were bestowed on our flanks and our destinies became known, Discordula thought we were still too young and feeble to rule all of Equestria. At night, he entered into our dreams and tried to put us under his thrall so Celestia and I would be his vulnerable, small-minded prey; whispering lies and false praise when he really wanted to be rid of us so he could be free to unleash his chaos into the world....” Luna lowered her head in quiet sadness. “..... and drink the blood of innocent virgin mares.”

Fluttershy shuddered a gasp as she fainted at the sound of the last sentence. “Sugar cube!” Applejack exclaimed, catching her before she could hit the floor. Applejack brushed away Fluttershy’s long pink mane away from her face and put a hoof on her forehead. “Poor darlin’ is shakin’ like a baby chick without the warmth of a mother hen.”

Princes Luna turned to the royal unicorn aide, Raven. “Please take Miss Fluttershy to her bedchamber and send for a few hoofmaidens to assist her.”

“Yes, Your Highness.” Raven turned to Fluttershy and used her magic to carry Fluttershy to her bedchambers.

“Wait for me!” Pinkie Pie squealed. “I’m coming, too! Fluttershy needs at least one of her friends with her. Besides, this story is waaaaaaaay too creepy and gross for my taste.” Pinkie Pie faced Raven with eager blue eyes. “Speaking of my taste, can we have those cupcakes and cake pops from the party? And the macarons, too? Please, please, please, Pretty Pinkie Pie please?”

“I’ll see what I can do, miss.” Raven answered. “After we can tend to your friend.”

“Wheeeeeeeeee!!!” Pinkie Pie exclaimed, hopping behind Raven as they exited the throne room.

“My immense apologies for scaring her so,” Luna sympathized. “Unlike my sister, I tend to jump to the shocking details without thinking about my subject’s emotional reactions.”

“It’s alright, Princess,” Twilight assured her. “I just hope Fluttershy will feel better real soon.”

“Raven and the hoofmaidens are sure to do their best to tend to her needs.” Princess Luna turned her head gravely back toward the stained glass window of Discordula. “I would not blame her for her fear... Discordula has always been a nightmare to all ponies, both literally and figuratively. He also had the power to invade a pony’s dream to put them under his spell and force them to do his deeds.” Princess Luna faced the ponies and Spike with royal dignity, moonlight casted down upon her regal appearance. “Which is the very reason that I, the Princess of the Night, am also the protector of dreams.”

Twilight Sparkle marveled at Princess Luna’s regality, feeling so proud to be responsible for Luna’s freedom from evil darkness. And being a new princess, Twilight knew that her royal purpose to spread the magic of friendship across Equestria had meaning for her and her friends. She wanted to protect them and her fellow subjects from harmful threat and wanted to learn more about this Discordula.

“Celestia and I told Star Swirl the Bearded about Discordula threatening us in our dreams to either be rid of our royal duties or allow Equestria to suffer his chaotic consequences.” Princess Luna explained. Twilight Sparkle lit up at the name of her favorite unicorn idol. “Star Swirl said that their was a possible spell that can allow alicorns to enter into a pony’s dream and decided that I should be the more esteemed choice for the task, thus allowing me to protect my subjects from nightmares. Whenever Discordula appeared in a pony’s dream, I would be there to stop him before he would do anything heinous to my subjects.

"While I continued to carry out my duty as the protector of dreams, I began to learn more about this vampiric creature that haunted us only at night. His powers were useless during the daylight, which gave my sister supreme power and authority over him. Yet he willingly longed to be free of his evil dominion over all ponies, specifically mares.”

“But why just mares?” Twilight asked.

“Discordula had always taken a fancy to the fairer gender of our kind, because he believed us all to be vulnerable, lovely little toys that he wanted to play with and take blood from thereafter.”

“So what you’re telling us is that he thinks all mares...girls... are just clueless damsels in distress that he thinks he can just mess with?!” Rainbow Dash fumed.

“From what I remember of him over a thousand moons ago, I’m afraid so.” Princess Luna looked solemnly at Rainbow Dash. “I can agree with your anger, Miss Dash. For Discordula was the reason I was banished to the moon in the first place.”

“WHAAAAT?!!!!!” Everypony and Spike (except Rarity) exclaimed.

Princess Luna bowed her head in remorse, tears starting to well up in her eyes. “Yes, my little ponies. I thought I was strong enough to face Discordula on my own during the night, but he was cunning enough to find my weak spot: jealousy for my sister, the Princess of the Day, receiving all the praise and glory while I hid in her shadow. I was foolish enough to believe his lies that I completely forgot about the love and support me and Celie both held onto for each other; not just as the Royal Princesses of Equestria, but as sisters. Yet, I threw all of that away and believed Discordula with my black, tarnished soul.” Luna silently weeped as she reminisced that treacherous day that brought her to her fate of banishment, her fate of never returning to Equestria..... to her sister.

“.....Princess Luna....” Twilight slowly started. “.....I.....I-I didn’t know...”

“Princess...” Rainbow Dash said. “I swear to you, I will show that twisted jerk-wad nopony.... or whatever he is, should ever mess with one of our princesses, especially for an eternity in the moon, away from all of your family and friends!”

Princess Luna slowly faced Rainbow Dash through her tears, with a small smile. “Thank you, Rainbow Dash. I appreciate your concern and support, but after what you, all of you,” Luna gestured toward the rest of the ponies, “have done for me, I feel more confident that Princess Twilight Sparkle’s magic of friendship will help us through this dark time.”

Twilight blushed a little. “Maybe so, but even though I now know what my true destiny is as a princess, and the fact that the Tree of Harmony gave us the Rainbow Power, I still don’t want any of my friends to get hurt in the process.”

“That’s a bunch of hooey, Twilight,” Applejack exclaimed. “As long as all of us are together, our magic of friendship is strong enough to protect all of us and will save us all!”

“Straight up!” Rainbow Dash hoof-bumped with AJ. “Right, Rarity?”

Rarity was still gazing longingly at the stained glass Discordula figure, when she snapped her head back to her friends. “Mm, oh yes, of course! Hear, hear! (nervous chuckle)...” Spike was still concernedly eyeing Rarity, curious about her odd behavior...

“Your Highness!” A royal guard suddenly emerged from the doorway, galloping in the hallway towards Princess Luna. “It’s your sister! She....she’s badly wounded and needs medical assistance right away!”

All of the ponies started towards the door...except Rarity, who’s eyes were still glued on the stained glass window. Spike turned to Rarity and asked her why she wasn’t coming.

“Spikey-boo,” Rarity cooed. “Could you please take me to Fluttershy’s bedchamber? I want to make sure she’s taken care of... properly.”

Luna,Twilight, Applejack, and Rainbow Dash ran out in the courtyard, where a group of royal guards were gathered around in a circle.
At the sight of Princess Luna, two of the guards cleared an entryway in the circle, revealing an unconscious Celestia lying on the ground, bruised from horn to hoof.

“SISTER!” Luna exclaimed. She galloped to Celestia and parted her multicolored mane from her face, her deep blue magic aura shining on her horn.

Twilight trotted up beside Luna, sharing a worried look as she glanced at Celestia’s injuries. One huge bruise on her neck caught Twilight’s eye. Wait a minute... Twilight squinted at the wound and saw that it had two small punctured wounds with another huge punctured wound on top of the right one. “Princess Luna, Celestia’s bitten on the neck!”

Terror filled Luna’s eyes as she gazed at the bite mark. She firmly shut them and said through gritted teeth, “He did this to her... he has taken her as a bridesmaid.”

Twilight gaped at this statement. “Wait... a bridesmaid? Not as a bride?”

“If Discordula did take Celestia as his bride, she would’ve drank his blood,” Princess Luna explained. “But I have checked her lips and mouth with my magic senses, and not a trace of Discordula’s blood is anywhere to be found.” Luna gazed at Twilight and her friends with a knowledge that angered her. “Anymare who is a victim of Discordula’s bite on the neck becomes a bridesmaid for Discordula’s future bride. But, if the mare has been both bitten on the neck and has fed on Discordula’s blood... will be bequeathed as his bride-to-be, his princess.”

“Who would ever want to marry a monster like him?!!!” Rainbow Dash exclaimed.

“As I said before, Discordula has always taken a fancy to the fairer gender of ponies,” Princess Luna stated. “But in the end, the mare he intends to have as his princess is the mare he adores the most.”

“Do you think he has fed on anypony else?” Twilight asked.

“Maybe....if I only knew the poor souls who had to suffer under his thrall,” Princess Luna admitted. She sadly gazed back down at her older sister, feeling regret for her to go through with this torture. But her eyes shot back to the moon, her former extended home. “The sun has to come up, but my sweet sister is unable to stretch her wings.” She faced one of the royal guards. “Please send word to the Crystal Empire that Princess Cadance and Shining Armor’s assistance is needed in Canterlot.”

“Yes, Your Highness.”

“The rest of you,” she advised the remaining royal guards. “Please help me to direct Princess Celestia to the Royal Infirmary at once!”

All of the guards helped carry Princess Celestia, with Princess Luna and Twilight ahead of the group, Applejack and Rainbow Dash by both sides of the wounded princess. “As soon as we get her all settled in,” Luna whispered to Twilight, “I shall have no choice but to imprison her in a protective barrier, so she will not escape.”

“WHAT?” Twilight silently exclaimed. “But, Luna-”

“I do not wish for this either, Twilight Sparkle.” Luna firmly stated. “But after what she had to do to me for the sake of our subjects a thousand years ago, I understand now what I have to do for all of Equestria.”

Fluttershy’s eyes slowly opened, revealing a clear blue sky and the sound of birds singing sweetly to each other. She felt soft pink petals gently fall down on her face as she arose from her slumber. “Where am I?” Fluttershy wondered out loud, gently rubbing her eyes. When her sight cleared away from sleep, she silently gasped in awe when she realized she was in a secluded garden, abundant with pink tulips, white daisies, blue forget-me-nots, and lavender. A babbling brook made gentle music between small rocks in the distance.
Fluttershy cooed at the sight of this wondrous place of utopian nature. “Oh, this place is absolutely beautiful.”

“It pales in comparison to your own angelic beauty...” a deep voice gently murmured.

Fluttershy lightly gasped when she heard the voice come from her left. ‘That voice...’ She slowly turned to look up and saw Drake, leaning casually against the cherry blossom tree she was under, his face hidden in the shadows. Yet in the shade, she could sort of make out his facial features. His red eyes seemed to glow in a mesmerizing way, gazing down at her. His cutie mark of the dragon skull holding a rose between its jaws was terrifying, yet made her wonder how he inherited such a mark on both his flanks. His smile was crooked in a ‘bad boy’ kind of way.

Fluttershy blushed as she let a breeze gently blow a few of her pink locks in front of her face, her vulnerability showing underneath Drake’s gaze.

“You are too precious for anypony’s eyes,” he murmured, slowly kneeling down in front of her.

“Oh.... t-thank you ever... so much,” Fluttershy nervously replied. “I...I don’t know if I really am precious at all.”

Drake gently parted her locks away from her face. “But you are, both inside and out.”

“You’re too kind...to say that to me,” she quietly said, casting her eyes down to the ground.

“Mmmm....” his hoof gently traced the outline of her cheek downward, then lifted her chin so her gaze met with his. “The only thing that seems troubling to me about you... is why do you hide your pretty face from me? Not that I’m complaining about having to find you behind your lovely mane. Makes you so...uniquely fascinating.” He started to part the rest of her hair away from her face with such tender thoroughness that Fluttershy trembled underneath his touch, but she didn’t want this to end.

Her eyes gently fluttered in anticipation when he stopped moving her hair out of the way, and started caressing her neck and chin with his...Fluttershy thought she felt claws rather than a hoof touching her, yet she still felt too mesmerized to even notice the oddity of this moment. She closed her eyes and responded with a soft sigh to his touch, never wanting him to stop.

“My sweet, little Fluttershy,” Drake murmured, his face leaning towards her face, she could feel his warm breath caress her neck. “I’ll take you with me...” Soft petals were dancing all around them as they made their way downward. “....to paradise and beyond.”






“Fluttershy, wake up your sleepy head! Rub your eyes, get out of bed! Ding-dong, we have some cakes and sweets to eat!!!”

“Miss Pie, compose yourself! Your friend has already been through enough as it already is for everypony else. Now, either stay and keep quiet or leave.”

“Normally, I would ask if either way I could have or bring my sweet goodies with me. But if it’s for the sake of being here for Fluttershy, no matter how hard the task, I shall be quiet starting....NOW!” And then all was quiet, except for the sound of Pinkie Pie munching on her cakes and sweets from the party.

Fluttershy quietly yawned and gently rubbed her eyes as she slowly rose from her sleep. As her eyes cleared away from sleep, she appeared to be in one of the bedchambers in the Canterlot castle. There were a few hoofmaidens in the room, placing lavender in a flower vase, tending to the bedcovers, and bringing Pinkie Pie samples of the desserts from the party. Raven facehoofed and Spike chuckled at Pinkie’s goofy attempts at stuffing cupcakes and macarons at the same time in her mouth. Rarity was at the window seat, gazing longingly out the window. She turned her gaze toward Fluttershy, with sudden elatedness. “Oh, sweetie! At last, you’re awake!” She flung her arms around Fluttershy in a joyful embrace. “We were really worried about you!”

“FLUBBERDRY!” Pinkie Pie swallowed the cake and macarons full down her throat. She joined Fluttershy and Rarity in bounce. “You’re awake, you’re awake, you’re awake-”

“PINKIE!” Everyone except Fluttershy shouted.

Fluttershy giggled. “Thank you for checking up on me, girls. I’m all better now.”

“Oh, good.” Rarity lowered her voice to Fluttershy. “Did you have a lovely, little nap?”

“Oh...now that you mention it...” Fluttershy blushed and put a hoof over her heart. “I actually did have the most wonderful dream...” She sighed in memory of Drake. “Very wonderful.”

Rarity grinned, her eyes glinted a little red. “Indeed...”

In the corners of Canterlot, Derpy made her rounds with her mail. Even though the royal guards told everypony to remain in their homes and the fact that the sun should’ve been up by now, Derpy still remained true to her task as mail carrier pegasus. She couldn’t wait to get her payment for her loyal services, so she can buy herself some more muffins.

As she stuffed some mail into a mailbox, she could’ve sworn that she was being followed. She turned around and looked all over with her crossed eyes. There seemed to be nopony anywhere in sight. She turned back to the mailbox and closed its top shut.

But as she turned and was about to spread her wings for another delivery, a shadowy figure with yellow eyes appeared in front of her.

Derpy stood stone-still with her mouth agape. “............Hi there, Mister Shadow!” she said cheerfully.

“You are an odd little pony, but quite unique,” the figure extended a claw out and put a trance on Derpy. “Your eyes need to be fixed.” And with that, he straightened her pupils together with a snap of his fingers. “Now look into my eyes and listen to my words, quirky-eyed filly. You shall be my loyal servant and carry out my orders, until a time that I will release you.”

“Yes, master.... what orders shall I carry out for you?”

Discordula approached out of the shadows with a slow grin. “First things first.”

Author's Note:

What will Discordula have in store for Derpy, Celestia, Rarity..... for Fluttershy?