• Published 22nd Jan 2014
  • 1,609 Views, 18 Comments

The Break of Dawn - Cryosite

Twilight watches Celestia raise the sun again.

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It is Always Darkest Before Dawn

Twilight was more than a little excited. This was her first time watching Celestia raise the sun since her ascension. Not only was it a chance to be with her former mentor, but it was a chance to see the very activity that had sparked Twilight into her destiny so many years ago. Out of all fields, magic held her interest the closest. Out of all forms of magic, the moving of the Sun stood central to everything else. It was what initially drew her, fascinated her, and inspired her.

Now that she too was an alicorn, this ceremony took on a special new meaning. She was going to learn to do it herself.

It was dark; of course it was dark. She was early, having barely been able to sleep at all. Fatigue stood no chance before her boundless, foalish anticipation of this early morning. Twilight sat alone on this balcony, the appointed meeting place outside of Celestia's personal chambers, gazing at the night sky at its darkest. The deepest dark before the dawn. Luna had already lowered the moon, and nothing but twinkling stars broke the nearly pitch-black and quiet hour.

Twilight's ears flicked toward the first clack of hoof on stone breaking the silence. A turn of the head brought her range of vision to the tall, alabaster princess of the day joining her on the broad stone platform. Familiar was the gleaming white coat, flowing ethereal mane and tail of four hues. In this dim setting, the constant glow of Celestia's aura stood out almost brightly. Her entrance was a little dawn of its own.

"Good morning, Twilight. Eager and punctual as always I see." Warmth. Her friend back home, Rainbow Dash, could turn the breaking of the sound barrier into a visual display. Celestia could turn back the chill of night with the rich kindness of her voice.

"Good morning to you too, Pri--" A raised eyebrow from Celestia served to remind Twilight of the change in their relationship that she was still coming to grips with. "Good morning, Celestia." It still felt awkward, even disrespectful to omit her title, but Celestia would have no arguments on the matter. They were equals now.

Equals. That was the purpose of this lesson.

A few more sharp clops of hoof on stone snapped Twilight's attention back to the task at hoof. The footfalls stood out in contrast to the quiet, yet another normally subdued bit of sensory information that was amplified by the setting. Her words remained quiet and kind, as they always did. Celestia's voice could be heard over squabbling nobles and raucous diplomats without seeming to raise her tone; she could blend in with the quiet of pre-dawn without seeming to lower it. "It is time to begin, Twilight. I doubt I need to instruct you to pay attention to this."

Twilight said not a word, just shook her head briefly and widened her eyes.

Celestia, satisfied with her placement facing East, closed her eyes and lowered her head almost to the ground, as if to graze upon some invisible grass. Her lips moved wordlessly, reinforcing the image, and Twilight heard--no felt the hum. Celestia's head swayed from North to South, and her wings fluttered slightly at her side. Twilight, for her part, zeroed in on the hum and realized it was her pool of mana, deep inside her, resonating with what Celestia was doing.

Twilight lit her horn and cast a quick spell to enhance her vision, to let her better see the magic. As her eyes adjusted to the change in view, she gasped a little. Before her magical vision, Celestia's aura was more distinct, and concentrated unsurprisingly in her horn, but was also concentrated in her hooves and wings. Little trails of light, invisible to normal sight, smeared on the ground and in the air as Celestia moved. It was a dance. Each subtle movement drew a part of the magical sphere around her as the older alicorn extended a wing here or scraped a hoof across the stone there. Twilight had studied ritual magic of course, and was familiar with arcane circles, sigils, runes, and other casting aids. What stood before her was like a foal's crayon scribbles by comparison...yet primal and natural. Beautiful even.

The dance picked up in pace. Celestia's head raised a few hooves from the ground. No longer "grazing" she appeared to be scanning to and fro, like the alpha of an ancient herd, keeping a lookout for danger. She faced every direction, deftly stepping and turning. She circled the perimeter of the balcony as if patrolling. Her wings extended and closed, stretched and relaxed as the sphere of magical motes was expanded and filled in more densely. Twilight also became aware of the sub-vocalization Celestia was making, the song accompanying her dance. She was harmonizing with the very song of nature itself.

Celestia raised her head slowly but surely. From below her shoulders to even, to above. Her nose pointed to the heavens and the magic around her grew brighter in intensity, until at that very moment the first peek of the sun broke over the horizon, bathing everything in brilliant molten orange. Celestia reared up on her hind-legs and pawed at the air challengingly with flared nostrils, wide eyes, and fully extended wingspan. Never before had Twilight been so keenly and prominently aware of just how big Celestia was until that very moment.

With one foreleg extended to the sky and one lazy down-stroke of her wings, Princess Celestia, bringer of the day rose into the sky several hoof-lengths, and the world grew bright with fire.

Twilight could no longer make out details, and had to squint her eyes to see outlines of shapes. Unconsciously she raised a foreleg defensively before her face, to ward off some of the bright light. If it was darkest before the dawn, it was certainly brightest at daybreak!

Silently, serenely, gracefully Celestia touched down upon the stone balcony once again. As the Sun rose over the horizon and lazily took to the sky, it was day. Twilight noticed one thing in the waking world: how proud and glorious her idol looked at this very moment. Twilight was familiar with the wise teacher Celestia, with the motherly caring Celestia, and even the calm diplomatic Celestia. Before her now stood the fierce mare of the day, she who would banish the dark and she who represented life.

Inside her heart, Twilight felt a burning of life that resonated. Rather than awe, she felt kinship.

"Thank you, Celestia. I understand now."

Comments ( 18 )

Have you ever considered submitting this story to Equestria Daily? You can find out how to do so here.

I'd want to let some editors go over it with a fine-tooth comb first.

Bravo my friend, very, very well done indeed! With the fascination with Luna many forget what the Sun means to every culture in the world and of course what Celestia means.The Sun is life, and Celestia defends that life against the darkness. Simple, short, yet one of the best things I have read.

Concordia Invicta,
Celestia's Paladin

Just the right length for a nice poetic piece. :twilightsmile:

This felt very poetic. Spiritual. As if I were actually watching the sunrise on a quiet spring morning for myself. The way you described the ritual as an ethereal dance was quite interesting. I have to wonder (though it is probably the case) if Luna performs a similar act to raise and lower her moon.

I'm a little confused on how exactly you meant this to symbolise Twilight's and Celestia's equality, however. Sure, Twilight now has a much greater understanding of the art of raising and lowering a celestial body, but I would hazard a guess that she could hardly perform it herself at that time. Watching someone do something and doing it yourself are not the same thing. I suppose it could be argued that knowledge itself supports equality.

I enjoyed it immensely. Have a fave and an upvote. But, most importantly, have a great day.

Unfortunately, EqD has a minimum requirement of 2,500 words for oneshot submissions. This story would not qualify, or else I would agree with you.

Glad you enjoyed it.

Funny you mention Luna; I do have an idea for her own method; I have a fairly extensive idea on how I feel the world of Equestria and it's magic works. I may get around to writing Luna's version of this story some day.

As for Twi feeling she is an equal now, it is in part due to learning, yes. But most of it is from the ancient connection of all ponies. Yes Celestia is raising the sun, but the ritual is a simple one. Something ponies have been doing long before Celestia was born. Twilight now understands how It isn't so much that she has risen to Celestia's peerhood as an Alicorn, but that she can finally see that Celestia is a pony like her, like all ponies. The sun connects them all. They are all alive.

Anything that has Twi and Celestia growing closer and reaching a greater understanding of each other is more than welcome for me, but this was an interesting elaboration on Celestia's raising of the sun and unicorn magic in general. I'd love to see a depiction of Twi doing the same thing; how the sights, hum and feel of the ritual might manifest differently for her when she's the one raising (or lowering) the sun (or moon).

Well done, Cryo. :twilightsmile:

It isn't long enough to submit to EqD. It needs to be 2k+

To be honest, I think Twilight would prefer to lean how to raise and lower BOTH the Sun and Moon...

Story is short, good, to the point. Have an upvote.

Hm, nice one. I always like it when stories manage to depict Celestia's sun rising as awe-inspiring and intense as I imagine it to be, and this one certainly did. Good work, overall.

This was a very touching story, Celestia still the teacher and Twilight still the student, though one would prefer them to be equals, the other still can't pull herself from being nothing more than an awed student. Very poetic and beautiful!

This was a very sweet and very well written piece of literature.

I loved the setup for this. It was very simple but very effective. It didn't need to be deep, but it was still powerful. It held your interest and it held the story together. It was a very good set up and a very simple but effective plot.

The descriptions were great. I loved the time and effort you put into every movement Celestia made. I loved the way she moved, the way she drew a breath, every muscle that she moved was described so beautifully. I enjoyed that. I enjoyed seeing the image in my mind the way I did. It was very well written.

The ending was very well done. The lesson that Twilight learns at the end was a great lesson that many of us forget. That the sun is just as important as the moon. I know a lot of people love Luna (I'm one of those people) but Celestia is just as important. And I think a lot of fans forget that and I'm glad that this story is out there to let people know. I know some people won't change their minds, but I still love that a story like this is out there.

Thank you for letting me read it. Again, great story, simple but well thought out. I'm glad I read it. I can't wait for more. I'll catch you later. Take care. :pinkiehappy:

Short, sweet and exceptionally well written. I really liked this. I think you have a great writing style. Everything read with fluidity and structure; it wasn't overly 'purple', it all just sort of 'fit', which is great.

Again, this is exceptionally written.

I like to think of this piece as akin to another with a similar descriptive style. It's a graceful thing, but at the same time it demonstrates just how POWERFUL Celestia is. She commands respect simply because of this action right here, the magic of raising the Sun, and this is the most breathtaking example of such magic at work.

Approved for Nonpareil Fiction. Well done.

Full of D'Aww even after the first few times I've read it :yay::derpyderp1: Yay for Cryo :heart:

A nice exploration of the evolution of Twilight and Celestia's relationship--and a cute one. :twilightsmile:

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