• Published 23rd Jan 2014
  • 4,536 Views, 51 Comments

Naptime - Lilith Evanson

Applejack can't go back to sleep. There are two many ponies squirming on top of her back.

  • ...


Applejack sighed deeply.

She fidgeted left and right until she was able to free her crushed foreleg from underneath her. Her numb limb screaming for blood flow along with the roaring snoring of her best friend and the small even breaths of slumbering fillies had awaken her from a pleasant sleep. She folded her forelegs underneath her chin and rested for a few moments.

The couch springs were uncomfortable and digging into her belly along with the hooves wrapped around her midsection. Meanwhile, the sleeping ponies on top of her snuggled deeper into her back. The heat radiating of their slumbering forms made her a bit sweaty but it was tolerable at least. Sleep was suddenly absent now that she was aware of where she was and just who she was with.

Glancing to the side, she could see a mess of pillows and blankets thrown haphazardly on the floor. Memories from an hour ago popped into her head as she gave a small, tired smile to the pile of sheets and bed pillows she would most likely have to clean up by herself.

She breathed in deeply and let out a long exhale as she dug herself deeper into the couch. Applejack closed her eyes and tried to fall back asleep but the loud, monstrous snore of the pony on top of her made it quite impossible. The earth pony grunted and bucked slightly to jostle the body above but all that did was cause a cyan feathered wing to flop on top of her head.

Applejack groaned quietly while trying to blow the wing away from her face. The small breeze against the feathers caused a giggled snort from the pony as the wing rustled across Applejack’s snout. The hooves encircling her tightened while the soft feathers teased her nose and she had to bite down on her tongue to suppress the row of loud sneezes she was sure would erupt from her mouth. The wing finally calmed but the earth pony remained silent and still listening for signs that would confirm if the pegasus on top was sleeping or awake. A thunderous snore erupted in her ear generating a flinch from the slight pain in caused. Still, confirmation was achieved. The pegasus was deeply asleep and snoring like a banshee.

Another snort echoed in her ear. Correction, the pegasus was deeply asleep and snoring like an ursa major.

Applejack briefly wondered how the two fillies on top of the deafening pony could sleep with so much noise. Then again, Applebloom once slept through a herd of running bison out in Appleoosa. She supposed this was no different.

Turning her head, she tried to get a glimpse of her sister but her eyes were only able to distinguish a pink bow and a purple mane through the wall of feathers. They were cuddled together on top of the pegasus, their small bodies moving gently with their inhales and exhales.

Sighing softly, she rested her head back onto her forelegs and focused her attention back on the wing.

The wing fluttered lightly every few moments but with the help of a small nuzzle, it would calm and relax. Applejack took this time to admire the soft feathers that caressed her cheek. They were delicate but strong, shining slightly from the light of the setting sun peaking through the windows. They glowed in a heavenly aura and she was tempted to preen the top portion closes to her mouth. She shook her head. Preening was too personal and she would only do it if Rainbow asked.

Still, Applejack couldn't stop herself from breathing them in. She inhaled deeply letting the scent of rain clouds and crisp air fill her senses. Images of sunny days, blue skies, and private picnics in the apple orchards filled her mind and she shuddered in pleasure. She exhaled deeply causing the feathers to rustle from her warm breath and the pegasus on top to coo. Applejack giggled quietly when suddenly the pony twitched and shuddered, her wing flapping faintly against Applejack’s face. Warm forelegs tightly gripped Applejack’s belly as she gently nuzzled the feathers with her snout in hopes of calming the dreaming pegasus back to a restful sleep.

The pegasus whined and tried to nuzzle deeper into Applejack’s back, fidgeting back and forth. However, the sudden movement prompted the two fillies on top of both ponies to groan against each other. Applejack, afraid all three would wake from their slumber, tried to gently shush them back to sleep. The pegasus groaned into the back of Applejack’s neck but wouldn't stop squirming behind her. The earth pony could feel the hooves around her tense and pull her closer to the pegasus’ front.

Knowing her two fillies would wake up soon due to the ruckus the pony on top of her was causing, she quickly formed an idea. With a grunt and a little force, Applejack pushed her body upward and re-positioned herself on her back. Her vision was no longer covered by cyan feathers but instead a rainbow mane flopped in front of her face. Going still for a moment, she blew the mane away from her eyes and stared down.

Rainbow’s muzzle was slightly scrunched up, her eyebrows drawn in, and her wings twitched and rustled against the couch. Applejack smiled and laid herself back down reaching for a small pillow to rest under her head. Once she was comfortable, she dragged her pegasus closer towards her chest letting Rainbow rest her head near her heart. Looking over Rainbow, Applejack searched for her sister and her sister’s best friend only to see one of them slowly slipping of Rainbow’s back. With a quick and strong leg, she grasped the falling pony and pulled her closer to her chest. Scootaloo didn't once wake up.

Applejack sighed in relief and gazed back to the remaining pony resting on Rainbow’s back. Applebloom was resting between Rainbow’s wings, her head nestled by feathers. She barely moved, only her soft breathing giving any indication that she was still alive.

Applejack smiled and positioned Scootaloo better on her belly. Scootaloo mewed and nuzzled closer to Rainbow’s warm body. Rainbow, having removed one of her hooves from around Applejack, sleepily scrambled with her foreleg to find the smaller pegasus and pull her in closer. Applejack guided Rainbow’s foreleg around Scootaloo and wrapped her own foreleg around the small filly hugging her closer to her chest. Scootaloo shuffled and huffed lightly in her sleep but with a soft shush from Applejack and a cyan wing draped over them both, she drifted off again. With her other foreleg, she reached behind Rainbow to softly caress her sister’s mane. Applebloom murmured in her sleep but smiled and moved closer to Applejack’s hoof. Rainbow Dash nuzzled her face deeper into Applejack’s neck. With a happy grin, Applejack rested her chin on Rainbow’s head.

Once sure all her girls were sleeping peacefully again and safely tucked in her forearms, Applejack finally let her body rest into the couch. It wasn't the most comfortable of positions. The springs in the cushions dug into her back, the warm bodies of all three ponies made her sweat a bit, and she was sure her hoof that was currently petting Applebloom would go numb in minutes but nothing could wipe the happy smile off Applejack’s face.

She gazed back to the pillows and blankets scattered all over her living room floor. A fort had been built using just those items. She smiled as she remembered how Applebloom, Scootaloo, and Rainbow Dash had followed her around like lost puppies begging her to join in their fun. She was so busy bucking apples she hardly paid them no mind. It wasn't until Rainbow Dash jumped right in front of her that she started paying attention.

Applejack remembered how the sunlight illuminated the pegasus’ rainbow mane like a halo, her strong wings were spread with pride and joy, and her giant, magenta eyes stared into her heart with love and want.

At least, that’s what it felt like. In truth, Rainbow was simply standing in Celestia’s light, giving a long, drawn out speech about how Applejack needed to take a break once in a while to have fun and what better way to do that then play Fort with their younger sisters because it’s a great way to bond and isn't that important?

Meanwhile, Applejack had gaped at Rainbow for the longest time in silent wonder. She was just…very beautiful in the light. No, not just beautiful. There was another word for it. Doggone it, Rarity would know. But in the earth pony’s mind, Rainbow was beautiful, almost angelic.

While Applejack mused on her private yearnings, she didn't really listen to a word Rainbow said. She just couldn't stop staring. Suffice it to say, Applejack couldn't say no even if she wanted to. So with a whoop from Rainbow Dash and a shout of “Two thirds Cutie Mark Crusaders pillow fort builders with Applejack and Rainbow Dash yay!” from the girls, she was dragged into the farm house by two fillies and a rainbow pegasus to play with pillows and blankets.

It was the most fun she had in a while.

They had collected all the pillows and blankets they could find in the farm house, stacked them up, built a fort, and for hours played. Applejack couldn’t remember the last time she had goofed around. Ever since her parents had passed on, she and her brother were responsible for the farm and for raising little Applebloom. She didn’t have time to play with toys or build pillow forts. There were apples to buck and mouths to feed.

But in that moment, sitting in their tiny blanket fort next to Rainbow Dash, listening to the fillies tell stories of their adventures around town while jumping on their pillows, Applejack could honestly say she was never happier than to be right there playing with her girls.

Then, to make the moment even better, Applebloom and Scootaloo both attacked Rainbow with fluffy pillows. Feathers, both cyan and white colored, fluttered inside the tiny fort they built for fun. Applejack laughed so hard she had snorted which in turn made Rainbow laugh so hard she collapsed on the ground and grabbed all three ponies with her.

Applejack remembered how she snuggled and giggled in Rainbow’s chest, her forelegs linked around Applebloom and Scootaloo, both fillies letting out breathy giggles. Applejack had never felt so out of character, so different then how she usually was. For a few hours, she was able to let go of the responsible, strict apple farmer she had to be for the family and instead was the little, silly filly she was before her parents’ death.

Hugging the girls tightly to her, she silently thanked them all for showing her how to let go.

In the end, the girls had tired themselves out. Rainbow herself had even run out of energy. Applejack had suggested to the girls they go take a nap before dinner time. Of course, Rainbow was more than happy to agree as well. It was with that all three ponies collapsed on the couch to take a nap.

Right on top of Applejack.

Still, even with the added weight on her back, the warm sun and exhausting, but enjoyable, day helped her find sleep easily.

She stared down once again at the three ponies in her forelegs. They slept peacefully, snuggled warmly on top of her body. Rainbow’s wing draped over her and Scootaloo as she gently caressed the small filly in her embrace. Applebloom pushed herself deeper into Rainbow’s back between her wings. With her foreleg still around Rainbow, Applejack reached over and brushed her hoof through her sister’s hair softly.

For a moment, Applejack let herself imagine they were her family. Just this once, she would lie to herself.

With her mare’s warm body pressed against her and her two fillies in her arms, Applejack yawned, closed her eyes, and drifted back to sleep.

Author's Note:


I'm not new to reading fanfiction, or fimfiction in this case, but it has been four years since I last wrote anything so...yes.

Please excuse any errors in this story. I don't have anyone to correct me, unfortunately, because I'm usually the one correcting others, ha. Again, first story in four years. I'm a bit nervous. Which is probably why this little slice of life in completely written in description format. Sorry! Not used to dialogue yet but I'll get there in time.

Constructive criticism is more than welcomed.

Thank you so much for reading, dear viewers, and I shall see you all again! I hope you enjoyed!

Comments ( 48 )

Really well written! I could see the whole scene clearly in my head. It even had just the right amount of "Daaawwww"


Thank you so much! I'm really happy you enjoyed it. :twilightsmile:

This was an amazing story, you did a great job writing it and I must say that hit me right in the feels :twilightsmile:
You have just earned yourself an upvote and favorite.

haha the title and discription sounds like some kinda clop fic! Lawl tardmuffins

Also like for cuteness and total dawww factor


Thank you! I never thought I would enjoy hitting someone in the feels, haha!


I laughed harder than I should have at your first comment. Thank you!


Gotta give you your due.

This was quite the fluffy tale you made.

Loved it, well done, man.

~Skeeter The Lurker


Thank you, kind sir! I really appreciate it. :raritywink:

Absolutely adorable. Really made me smile, nice job.

Nice. Continue writing, now that you've started back up! I know what a slump is like - I didn't write for ten years before I got back into it.

A wonderful story!! (Really, you haven't written in 4 years?? You're a GREAT author!!) Definite thumbs up - looking forward to reading more of your stories :)

Oh my gosh, this is so cute! :twilightsmile:

Man for being out of it for four years, you're better than I could ever be for being in it for sixteen years. I loved it, just a cute daww inducing story. I can't wait for you to write even more!

A little technical polishing aside, that was a nice little fluffy tale. And a hint of AppleDash certainly didn't hurt things. :ajsmug::rainbowkiss:

I bet Sweetie's going to be sad she missed out, though. :unsuresweetie:

"Two many"? For fuck's sake, how did you screw that up?

D'awww! This story was cute. :rainbowkiss:

If I had any technical problems with it, it was that it had a little too much telling, and not enough showing.

Most of the story is relayed to us in terms of "they x'd, and then they y'd, and then they z'd." That distances us from events, and we lose a little of their impact.

Since the entire story was built around Applejack thinking back on what happened, the story might have worked better if you had presented the past events as a series of actual flashbacks, so we got to "see" snippets of what happened "as they happened." This would add a little more immediacy, and make the cuteness even cuter. :rainbowkiss:

In any case, this was an adorable piece of AppleDash fluff, and I approve. :twilightsheepish:

Outstandingly adorable. :pinkiecrazy: is there anything more to say?


Thank you so much! Yes, originally the story was going to be from Applejack's point of view with dialogue and flashbacks but I didn't feel confident enough to do that. That's why the whole story is more descriptive than anything.

However, I will definitely take your advice for my next piece. Again, thank you so much!



Well, thanks for pointing it out NICELY.


Thank you. Haha, Sweetie was actually busy helping Rarity with a special order. She was just glad to be spending more time with her sister. :twilightsmile:


Aww! That is very sweet, thank you so much. :heart:


Ahh, yes, I have been completely out of the fan writing loop for a very long time, but thank you so much for your kind words! I hope one day I can be a good writer. :pinkiehappy:


Oh my goodness! Can I give you a hug? That is a very long time, longer than me, but I applaud you for writing again! I promise I won't give up writing and thank you so much!


Yes! The last piece of fiction I wrote was for Kuroshitsuji/Black Butler, my favorite anime at the time. That was back in 2010! Time does fly. Thank you so much for your kind review! It would be wonderful if it did get featured but I highly doubt it. Maybe one day. :pinkiesmile:

There is just nothing I can't like about this. It's short, but not so short that it feels cut off, I think it's just the right length. It's just the right mix of fluff and bittersweet introspection to be absolutely heartwarming, and it's just all-around very well crafted.

Excellent work, sir or madam.

I enjoyed reading your story! In fact, I featured it in a blog post of mine. It's not much, but I hope it'll get you a couple of extra views. Keep up the good work! :ajsmug:


Thank you so much! Your review really means a lot to me. I've always been a fan of your work. Again, thank you! :twilightsmile:

An adorable little story it just made me think what Applejack meant by saying she would lie about them being her family. It kind of made me feel sad for her like maybe she couldn't have foals of her own. Idk still a nice story.


Thank you so much for your kind review! Sometimes I imagine AJ not being able to have a foal, although in my headcanon Pinkie is the one who can't have a foal. In the end, AJ just wants all three ponies to be her own little family and it's one of the rare times she gets to hold all three of them to her.

Sorry for the sad!

3975104 its ok it was just a dash of sad but the rest of the story was so warm and fuzzy it didn't even count

I personally think there should be more slice of life story like this out there. Like just telling a little episode of our beloved colorful equines' life. Calm, soothing, cute and enjoyable to read. You really managed to snap me out of the harshness of reality, which is rare. Than you! :twilightsmile:


Thank you for your kind and really sweet review! I'm glad I was able to make you smile!

:pinkiesad2:OMG how nice!! I really love your story

Very cute and cozy, :) Nice work on this.

A few typos: had awaken her (awakened)
radiating of their (off)
setting sun peaking (peeking)
portion closes to (closest)

4395225 Thank you! Also, thank you for the corrections, I needed that. :twilightsmile:

This was really, really sweet and a very cute read. :)
Thank you for the smiles! Keep it up, you did great, especially considering you were on a four year hiatus with your writing! Job well done, indeed!

Very enjoyable, you more than earned my 'favourite' and 'like'. :pinkiehappy:
WOOT :pinkiegasp:

4864761 Thank you so much!!!

4874295 Aw, you're welcome!
'Tis was a very fluffy little story. c:
Cuteness overload :derpyderp2:

I can't think of any reason I didn't have this on my fave list, except that I just forgot to hit the button.

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