• Published 25th Jan 2014
  • 1,449 Views, 38 Comments

How I Met Them - The Infinity Doctor

A human has found a Diamond Dog on Earth, adventures ensue

  • ...

An unexpected turn of events part 1

"Hello Jonas, how- *Gasp* Oh my goodness, what happened to Toxic?" Fluttershy said
"He's alright Fluttershy, just got a little over-excited"

I knelt down and showed her Toxic's cutie mark
"That's wonderful!"
"I know! He got so excited he passed out"
"Good for him- I mean, not that he...Um-"
"It's okay, Fluttershy- I know what you mean, I've got to get him home and then go pick up Buzzy from Berry Pinch's house"
"Who's that? If you don't mind me asking..."
"Just a friend's foal from out of town" I replied
"Oh, well I have to get back to my house now, goodbye Jonas"
"Bye 'Shy"

I walked down the road to our house and pushed the door open (one of the benefits of having magic) and set him down on his bed when someone knocked on the door

"Hi Jonas!" Berry Pinch and Buzzy said in unison
"Hey girls, is it time for you to go home already Buzzy?"
"Uh-huh, we saw you fly into town- is Toxic home?"
"Eeyup, but he's sleeping right now"
"What for?"
"He got his cutie mark and passed out"
"He did?! Lucky!"
"Yeah, I guess he is, well you'd better get home before your mother starts to worry, Pinch"
"'kay, see you later Buzzy!"

I closed the door as Pinch went back to her house

"Sounds like you two had fun" I said
"Uh-huh, we did lots of stuff! We played fort and then she was the evil pirate captain and I was the princess defending her kingdom- and then this group of dragons showed up to eat all our jewels and the both of us teamed up and..."
"Take a breath B, you're not Pinkie Pie"
She blushed and walked through the door
"You sure you know the way back to your house?"
"Yep, Dad gave me a map in case I got lost"
"Okay, you take care now"
"I will, thanks!"
"No problem"
I closed the door and went into Toxic's room
"It's been a long day, hasn't it buddy?" I whispered
I pulled up the covers and tucked him in, turning on his nightlight as I went
"So Ms. Gala, how're things on the farm going?" I asked
"Pretty good, we gotta get ready for harvesting soon"
"Wow, things have been going well over there?"
"So...Are you alright with knowing where you came from? I mean, I probably flip if I found out something like that"
"I was pretty suprised when ya told us, and I'm still tryin' to wrap my head around it- but I'm not real mad at ya for what ya did, in fact I'm kinda happy that y'all were honest with us"
"Oh, so how are the others?"
"Jack's been up in Canterlot with Princess Luna for some odd reason, I think Inkheart's been hanging around the library for a while, and come to think of it I haven't seen Feedback in a while"
"Alright, I'll let you get back to whatever it is you were doing, I'm going to take a nap"
She nodded and I went upstairs

Two hours later...

"*Yawn*, whoa- how long was I out?"

"Approximately...two hours and thirty-three seconds" Feedback said, floating past my door "Thirty-four, Thirty-five, Thirty-six..."

"Alright, I get it, thank you"
"Where have you been anyway?"
"Up in Canterlot with Jack, pranking a certain alicorn-" He said simply

'Celestia is going to need all the help she can get when she decides to release Discord...'

Which made me wonder just when or if the show was accurate in representing Equestria and to a lesser extent Ponyville and Canterlot If that was the case, when would the events of the next episode start? Or had my presence in Equestria already changed the timeline?

It was only a matter of time before I found out...

"Dad! Dad! Dad!"
"What is it Toxic?" I asked, feigning ignorance
"Look!" He turned to the side, giving me a full view of his cutie mark
"That's fantastic buddy!"
He jumped into my arms and I gave him a hug
"Can I go and tell my friends?"
"Sure, be back soon!"
He bolted out the front door

'Cue Pinkie Pie...'

"Jonas! Jonas! Jonas! Jonas! CanIthrowToxicapartythanksbye!"
She popped out of existence just as soon as she appeared

'Twilight- you've got your work cut out for you...'

(Sugarcube Corner)

The music played from the record player as the party got underway Jonas and Toxic entered the bakery with the Crusaders as Pinkie came out of the kitchen with a tray of baked goods.

"Hi! Come on in! The party's just getting started!"
"Um, hi Pinkie, I invited a few of my friends if that's okay..." Toxic said
"Sure! The more the merrier!"
I opened the door to the bakery as Toxic's friends came into the shop

Of course the record player stopped right as they walked in, the group of four attracting more attention than I thought they would

The first looked somewhat like Discord, her mane covering one of her eyes and two horns sticking out of her hair- the filly had the body of a pony, her forehooves was a talon and a paw of a lion or manticore, one of her hindhooves was that of a normal pony, and the other was reptilian- like a dragon's, she also had a pair of wings, one of a bat and the other of a pegasus.

The second was a normal filly- with the exception of the horn, wings, and a pair of turquiose draconic eyes.

The third filly had a long, dark-blue mane with snake-like eyes and two sharp fangs poked out from her mouth, and instead of hindhooves she had a long tail that was coiled around her in nervousness.

The only colt in the group was the most normal looking of the group, the only abnormality being his cutie mark of a pawprint.

The Lamia-pony was the first to speak
"Thesssse decorationsss are beautiful"

"Thank you!" Pinkie said, running back and forth between the kitchen and the counter, seemingly not fazed at all by the misfit group

Toxic and the others scampered off to join the party, and I was quick to realize that most ponies kept their distance from the foals, save for the crusaders, Dinky, and Berry Pinch.

I saw Twilight approach out of the corner of my eye and turned to her

"Alright, before you go all 'panic-mode' on me, let me just say-"
"Hi Mommy! I didn't expect to see you here, I thought you said you didn't want to come with me" the midnight-black coated filly said, walking up next to Twilight

Twilight in turn gave me a confused look and was just about to set her straight when I knelt down and whispered in her ear
"Just go along with it, I'll explain everything later"
She was just about to tell me off when I stepped in-front of the filly, blocking Twilight from view

"Nyx, why don't you go find Rattler and tell her about how great the party is?" I said

The alicorn filly nodded and was on her way around the bakery

"Would you mind telling me just what the heck is going on?!" Twilight shouted once we were outside "She was an alicorn! Where did she come from? If I didn't know any better I'd say she looked just like-"

She trailed off as her pupils shrunk to pinpricks

"Twilight, I know what you're thinking, just hold on..."

"How could you?!"

"Twi, wait-"
"Wait? WAIT? You resurrected Nightmare Moon for Celestia's sake!"
"Twilight, keep your voice down"
"No! Not until you answer my questions!"
"Yes, not exactly..."
"What do you mean by that?"
"Yes...she is Nightmare Moon, No- she's not who you know her to be"
"That's another thing! Why'd she call me 'mommy'?"

"Alright, just listen, in an alternate timeline...you're her mother"

"Keep it down!"
"There is no possible way I could ever be a mother to somepony like her...with all she's done? No way"

She saw his eyes widen

"Uh, Twilight?"
"In fact, I have half a mind to go tell Princess Celestia right now"

"Um, Twilight?"

"You know what? That's exactly what I'm going to do!" Twilight said, turning around

She came face-to-face with Nyx, tears threatening to spill from her eyes

Nyx ran out from behind the bakery and toward my house, I ran after her while at the same time shooting a glare a Twilight.

I soon reached my house and walked in, finding Nyx crying into her hooves on the couch with Toxic and the others trying to comfort her

"Toxic, are you and the others back so soon?"
"Nyx was feeling down, so we're trying to cheer her up"
"Nyx? Are you okay?"
"Wh-why d-does m-m-mommy hate m-me now?" She sobbed
"She doesn't hate you Nyx...She's not the Twilight you know and love"
"Your mom is back through there" I said, pointing to the door that led to ToonTown
"But- but she looked just like her"
"Is that why my mom didn't recognize me either?" Joyful Madness asked, remembering the incident in the bakery with Fluttershy
"Yes, both of your mothers still love you, the ones out there aren't the ones you know; so what do you want to do now?"

"I d-don't th-think we should go b-back out th-there" Nyx said

"Can I assume you don't want to go back to the party?"

She nodded

"C-c-could I st-stay here?"
"Sure, as long as you like"
"I think I might go hang around out there" Joyful said "I could wreak havoc with these guys without even trying!"
"Not the best time to be doing that Joyful"
Her ears fell against her head
"But I'm sure you could get away with pulling a few pranks"
She grinned and walked back out of the house

Amethyst walked down the stairs

"Are you alright? Why are you crying?" She asked, crouching down to Nyx
"N-nothing, I-I-I'm fine..."
Nyx soon found herself pressed into Amethyst's fur
"Please don't cry young one, everything will work out, you'll see"

Nyx returned the hug- or tried to at least, trying to wrap her little hooves around her large frame

"Th-thank you Miss Amethyst"
"Anything to comfort a foal" She smiled
I was just about to head upstairs when the front door flung open, revealing Shining Armor and a battalion of guards

"Hey! Let me go you big bully!" Joyful shouted, suspended in mid-air by Shining Armor's magic

"By order of the princesses, we place you under arrest" Shining declared
I could do little as they slapped some handcuffs (hoofcuffs?) on me and escorted everyone in the house into a chariot pulled by two pegasi

A group of ponies had pooled around the chariot, including more than a few with cameras, and as if that wasn't enough, Nyx had started crying again; not that I blame her, the possibilities of what could happen to us once we reached Canterlot made me want to break down and curl up on a psychiatrist's couch- maybe Screw Loose could make a recommendation (Yes, yes, I'm all evil and stuff for harping on a mental patient, complain about it in the reviews)

ANYWAY... that's where we were now, in a chariot on our way to Canterlot under arrest for some crime I have (or haven't) committed.



A pegasus guard shoved me into a cell, along with Toxic, Amethyst, Joyful, Nyx, Rattler, and Tumbleweed

"Don't try anything" He warned

"Gee whiz Mrs. Cleaver, I left my slingshot at home" I said sarcastically

The others didn't get the reference, but they giggled anyway based on the sound of it.

I heard the heavy iron door slam shut as I sat on one of the cots next to Amethyst
"Jonas...what will become of us?"
"I don't know Amy...I really don't..."
I looked to Toxic, fear in his eyes
"I don't know buddy..."

The sun was setting outside the barred windows as Toxic and the others laid down on the other cot in the cell
"I'll take the floor, you can sleep on the bed Amy" I said, laying on the floor
"You- you could uh, sleep on this cot- with- with me, if you want, you don't have to sleep on the floor..."
I looked up and saw that she was blushing furiously

"I wouldn't mind a bit, Amy"


The next morning we were all escorted out of our cell and into a large courtroom where Celestia and Luna sat

(This could just be paranoia, but I couldn't help but notice there were guards stationed at every entrance and exit in the room)

"Could I ask what this little field trip is all about?" I asked as we sat down at a table

"I believe you already know why we summoned you here" Celestia said, narrowing her eyes at Nyx and Joyful

"Are they the reason for all of this? Listen, I know what you must be thinking, but it's not what it looks like"

"Not what it looks like?" Luna said "Dost thou have any idea what the repercussions are of thy actions?"
"Yes, I won't deny that Nyx is Nightmare Moon"

I saw Nyx wince out of the corner of my eye

'Sorry Nyxie'

"But she's not the same Nightmare Moon that you know" I finished

Celestia and Luna cocked their eyebrows
"How so?"
Before I could answer, the large doors behind us swung open, allowing Twilight and her friends to enter "Alright, hold everything- you can't just banish her to the moon!" I practically shouted
"Pray tell, what would thou suggest we do?"
"Give her a fair trial of course!"
"What reasons are there for us to show her mercy?" Celestia asked
"You're kidding me right? She's a filly for God sakes!"
The sisters talked between themselves before turning back to us
"We concede, Nightmare Moon will be given a fair trial- here and now"
"Alright, I call my first witness; Twilight Sparkle!"

A smaller door opened off to the side and a second Twilight entered the room

Author's Note:

Betcha didn't see that coming, did ya?
Edited version by ZerOAimi to come soon.

Nyx belongs to Penstroke (author of 'Past Sins')
Joyful Madness belongs to another author who's name escapes me at the moment

If you have an OC that is a Pony Hybrid or out of the ordinary, feel free to either send me a PM or post a comment with their gender and description to have them featured; be it strange powers or appearance.
I can't promise that everyone that submits will get their OCs in,