• Published 26th Jan 2014
  • 3,433 Views, 219 Comments

Something About Her - LightningBass94

It's been two weeks, but Trixie and Twilight still don't know how they feel for each other.

  • ...

The Spectrum of Emotion

Dark. That was the only way to describe the moonless, Summer night. Beyond that, there was sufficient cloud cover to blot out most of the stars, a select few twinkling in the night sky. It had been an hour since Celestia had lowered her sun, and a large crowd had gathered. It was an adult crowd. Trixie had decided foals may actually be frightened by some of her tricks, and that she would perform weekly street magic near the fountain with simple tricks to entertain children. There wouldn't be many bits in it, but it would certainly make them happy. Now, however, the crowd was full of adults; adults ready for real magic. That was the goal. She needed to really amaze these people. There was no entry fee, only a tip trough before the stage. Using a night vision and invisibility spell, Trixie scanned the crowd. Her friends and Twilight were near the front. They all looked excited, or maybe Pinkie Pie looked excited enough for all of them. It was hard to tell. Rainbow Dash, of course, hovered over the crowd to get a better view. She looked almost as excited as Pinkie. Those were the ponies most important to Trixie, but beyond the massive crowd that she had gathered, there were some very important ponies.

Most notably, she spotted two musicians: Vinyl Scratch and Octavia Philarmonica, the former nuzzling the latter's neck. Next to them was another musician, Neon Lights, making faces at the couple in mock disgust. They all laughed. She could have sworn she even caught a glimpse of Fancy Pants. She didn't doubt it. She knew Rarity and he were "friends," but she hadn't expected him there. She supposed it did make sense, as she was wearing Rarity's design. With that in mind, she noticed the most important pony in the back row last. Sitting on her haunches atop a regal, maroon cushion sat Princess Luna herself. She looked at the stage with child-like excitement, yet somehow retained the regality of her expression. There was also a small, brown pony with wild eyes that she could not help but notice gave a striking resemblance to Discord.

It was time to start. The dark atmosphere Luna provided was perfect, and the crowd was just anxious enough. There was a series of flashes in the air above the stage, and with that distracting her audience, Trixie dropped the spells she had previously cast. The crowd applauded as she appeared on stage. "The Great and Powerful Trixie is honored to have you as her guests. Now behold, ponyvillians, her awesome power!" She boomed, giving a bow. Her stage presence was like second nature and unwavering. Just because she had dropped the boasting did not mean she had to drop her attitude. It was all part of the show. She pranced pompously from one side of the stage to the next, showing off the hat and cloak Rarity and Princess Luna had made for her. For just that alone, she recieved "Oohs" and "Aahs." "Easy crowd," She thought. That was enough. Those ponies came to see her magic. She summoned several torches to the stage with a bit of arcane magic, then used them to perform her fire dragon spell. It went off without a hitch, and she added her own flare to it. As the dragon shot his flame, it slowly turned into a serpent. As the dragon was flame, it began exhausting itself. It became a serpent as well, it's mouth firmly over the end of the other serpent's tail. The first serpent attatched itself, swallowing the remaining tail. They had become Ouroboros, the serpent that swallows itself. It spun slowly in the air, disappearing as it devoured itself. The were several gasps and admiring comments from the crowd. When the flame disappated, the crowd cheered. Trixie smiled smugly. That was nothing, yet.

She cast several lower-level illusion spells on their own. That was partly filler, and partly a setup for her next trick. She concentrated hard and three copies of herself appeared on stage. They weren't exactly clones, more like mirror images, but they seemed as such. Each one oncentrated hard, and in front of each Trixie, a different spell was cast. This was impressive from an untrained eye's standpoint, but even more so to Twilight and Luna. Trixie was casting five medium-strength illusion spells at once and executing them perfectly. It was unbelievable. Trixie disspelled all at once, her head spinning a bit. That had taken more out of her than she had hoped, but she still had enough juice to perform the finale. She bowed as the crowd cheered. "Ponyvillians, the Great and Powerful Trixie has a special treat for you all!" She announced. "She has been saving this for a special occasion! Trixie has created her own spell!" She stood on her hind legs in her showpony pose, one forehoof over her chest, and the other waving in the air. She stood normal once more and looked toward the crowd seriously. "Now, Trixie must explain. This spell is not for the weak of heart or stomach." The crowd exchanged worried glances with each other. Luna raised a brow, increasingly curious. "This spell is very intimate, and Trixie has never had an audience for it. It may not even work, but if you're willing, I will blow your feeble minds!" The last six words were increasingly loud as she rallied the crowd behind her cause. They cheered.

"This spell is known as the Spectrum of Emotion!" She explained, "I will cast it and immediately you will see me as your worst fear, but I too will see all of you as my worst fear. Eventually we will look upon each other with the emotions: fear, hate, sadness, disgust, lust, and love, in that order," She paused enough to let that sink in. "Let us begin!" She concentrated harder than ever before, her mind struggling to focus on all those emotions at once. Her eyes opened wide, bright white. Blue magic swirled around her and every member of the audience, then it stopped. She blinked her eyes several times, returning them to normal.

"Did it work?" She looked out to the audience in time to see a legion of Ursa Minors. She cowered in fear, but soon realized that they were doing the same. Her mind rationalized, finally. "The spell!" She thought, "It really worked!" Suddenly the spell changed and she saw the crowd once more. However, this crowd was different. The smile on her face wiped away as she saw them. They were the same ponies, but they were the bastardized version she had created in her head the second time she had been to Ponyville. She nearly hissed at them, but they changed once more. They were her parents. They were dead. Half of them were her father. He was sitting, body limp and a bottle of pills close by. In his cold hoof there was a bottle of whiskey. Across from him lay her mother, hair singed as she lay lifeless on the ground. Her horn broken from the backlash of the spell. Tears flowed freely from her eyes. "No!" She shouted. "Why? Why this again?" No one heard her, also trapped in her illusion. They shifted again, now becoming, quite comically, Snips and Snails presenting to her a love letter signed with boogers. That really was the most disgusting thing she could think of. There was a resounding "Eeew!" From her and the entire crowd. Suddenly, they changed once more, and Trixie's mouth dropped open. The entire crowd was, at that moment, an army of lavendar alicorns in lingerie. She almost jumped out at them.

Twilight wondered if the spell was over. Trixie had gone back to normal, though she was drooling at the audience. She momentarily thought about tackling her to the ground, taking advantage of her seemingly vegitative state. She blushed furiously as she remembered what the second to last emotion was meant to be. "Lust? Really? Do I lust over her more than any other?" She countered her own thoughts, "Do I even lust for anypony else?"

The crowd shifted again. They didn't change shape. They simply shed their clothing and each gave her a warm, loving smile. She looked over to the only one wearing a black dress. Twilight hadn't changed. She mouthed the words as they stared into each other's eyes, "I love you, Twilight Sparkle."

Twilight blushed furiously and mouthed back, "I love you too." The spell was complete. Many couples embraced each other, Vinyl and Octavia included, while others pondered the possibilities of what they had seen. After some time, they all directed their attention back to Trixie.

Silence. Absolute, terrifying silence. Trixie gulped loudly, staring the crowd down. Seconds turned into minutes until the crowd finally erupted into applause. Trixie beamed and bowed. "Thank you, thank you!"

Luna looked at the unicorn in a new light. "She may be the one I have been searching for."

Author's Note:

Here we see a wild chapter in it's natural habitat. Don't frighten it, or it may not reproduce for another two weeks! Crikey that would be upsetting! They're more and more endangered, nowadays. xD

Enjoy your cliffhanger, everypony.

I like to think that Trixie is just as strong with Illusion magic as Twilight was with Arcane magic before becoming an alicorn.