• Published 19th Oct 2011
  • 2,114 Views, 8 Comments

Soldiers in Equestria - Cabal

Diamond Dogs have unearthed The Evil Black Gem; Celestia taps another dimension for help.

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Chapter 1: The Black Gem

Soldiers in Equestria

By Cabal

Editor: Sir Lead_head

Chapter 1: The Black Gem

Lieutenant Leonard Levil was bored out of his mind.

Every day for the past three years, he had been sitting at a computer console overlooking a gigantic room, housing a huge and technically sophisticated ring called “Project Symbolist” affectionately named by his subordinates “Stargate” after a very old science fiction sitcom. It was in an old but secure building on a base, complete with anti-satellite coverage. Anyone whom had clearance to watch over this gate, and the engineering skills required to keep it maintained would have felt honored to watch over this fantastic and mysterious piece of equipment. Especially when they learned what was on the other side and its people was a mystery that only the Captain knew.

But even with all the knowledge that he possessed from reading documents on the console, and all the old physical books he had read (which was a surprise, given that books are no longer printed), he was bored. The stargate’s weekly cleaning was done, the monthly inspection by the scientists was completed yesterday, the veterinarian/doc’s office was freshly stocked (why was there a doctor skilled in veterinary care here?), and the sergeants under his command reported everything was fine with the security detail. So he was stuck with writing daily reports, reading and monitoring the stargate.

But there was one thing he was looking forward to, and that was for the computer to spit out the weather report-- of the other side-- written by his opposite. Levil had his weather report ready in the que and looked at the clock on the wall, 1400 exact. Any moment now...

The machine next to the screen began to whirr. “Here it comes...” he said to himself. The machine then gave out a detailed report. It was sunny today, high of 23c, low of 15c... but Levil simply glanced over the details. What he really wanted to read was the comments section.

For the last few days, whoever was assigned the opposite console had engaged in active conversation. There was no specific rule or order prohibiting communication with the other side, as long as it was for “Clarification”. And exactly what was to be “clarified” was not specifically restricted, but it was obvious what was not to be talked about. He scrolled directly to the bottom and read:

Comments: update made regarding, 5th day of week weather, rescheduled for reg rain due to miscom from T12. Clar. Req-- offspring? RKing off. Clar. Req-- El Nino?

Levil had no idea what “T12” was. It might be a weather station. Only the captain and a few scientists knew exactly. As for “Offspring?” the opposite was asking him if he had any. The “Rking off.” meant “Ranking officer” wanted clarification on “El Nino”.

Levil smiled. A Ranking officer can give permission to respond to a live chat session. He looked at the clock. 1401, he had 4 minutes to initiate chat before the machine shutdown to save power, and he would not be able to send reply until tomorrow. He quickly tapped the keys on his keyboard and sent the request. It was accepted immediately:

Now chatting:

3S-HK: Who goes there?

Levil checked his chart. “3S” was a rank in that world, which translated to “Lieutenant”. He had permission to speak. As for “HK”, that was his initials.

L1ST-LL: Following up to Clarify,

3S-HK: Hello equivalent. 4S-LC asks “What is El Nino?”

Levil turned to check his chart again. 4S was their equivalent to Captain.

L1ST-LL: El-Nino is a natural phenomenon affecting the temperature of the wind and ocean. Too long to explain in current time restraint. I am sorry, 4S. Will send details in next transmit.

3S-HK: 4S-LC says “Thank you”. My question?

L1ST-LL: No, I do not have offspring. Do you have any?

3S-HK: Not yet, I have one on the way.

L1ST-LL: Congratulations. I have something that needs clarifying.

3S-HK: Go ahead.

L1ST-LL: You said “rescheduled” in your comments regarding the weather, did you mean “changed”?

There was a minute of pause. Levil glanced at the clock again, 14:03. Two minutes left. Were they suffering a communication error? Then the reply came:

3S-HK: Yes, that was what I meant to write. Apologies for the confusion. Goodbye.

Session ended, return Y/N?/:

“The hell?” Lieutenant Levil was taken back by the sudden closing of the chat session. Usually whenever he had a rare chance to talk, he took it, and conversations with 3S’ and their superiors would last until the machine shut down. Perhaps they suddenly got busy? Scheduled cleaning of the gate? He checked another chart. No, their cleaning took place once a week on the 3rd day of the week. It was the 1st day...

Levil shook himself out of his quandary. There was a report to be written to the captain, and he would most certainly include today’s chat. It may not have been face-to-face as he would always dream of, but it was as close as he could get to another world.

Little did he know, he was about to get a lot closer.


“That was close.” Said Captain Light Comet, his metal horseshoes clopping against the floor as he took his front hooves off the console. He turned to his subordinate, “What were you thinking?!”


Meanwhile in a land called Equestria, creatures known as Diamond Dogs were hard at work underground, digging their labyrinth tunnels and carting away the dirt in their never ending effort to find their favorite item, jewels.

It was a painstaking effort. But to Jowler, there was no greater reward then finding a small pile of gems in a day. Then joining his pile to the main pile, and joining his brothers in their daily fun of rolling around in their stash, sometimes losing his tattered vest as he raked through the sparkling rocks with his rough paws and sharp nails, rubbing his dirty gray coat all over the gems.

Although it wasn’t like that everyday. Some days, he and his pack would find nothing, and scream in agony has they dug, looking for the little baubles they has desired for so much.

Jowler screeched after digging for nearly 3 hours “ARRRRRRRRGH! NOTHING!” He picked up a few stones and threw them against the cave wall, howling and screaming the whole while. His pack brother, Morhowl, slightly fatter then Jowler and wearing a dirty mud-caked red vest, collapsed in a pile of dirt, panting as he turned on his back to watch Jowler throw stones pointlessly.

“If only... we had... PONIES!” Jowler screamed.

“But... they too strong” his brother whined. “We too weak...”


Not content with throwing small rocks to quell his rage, Jowler picked up a particularly heavy rock that he had dug up earlier and threw against the cave wall. Like the all the other stones, it shattered, and to Jowler’s surprise a large jewel was produced. Morhowl, never seeing such a huge gem before, yelped and made a dash for it. Jowler kicked his brother out of the way and grasped it from the rubble.

Jowler moved it around in his paws to inspect it. The diamond itself, was quite the reverse of a diamond. It wasn’t a brilliant transparent white, but a deep black. It was also well rounded, like a basketball, only smaller. And it may have been Jowler’s imagination, but it appeared to be glowing... although faintly. He couldn’t tell though, but nevertheless he was happy.

Morhowl, who recovered from being knocked out of the way by Jowler, peered down from behind his pack brother’s shoulder. The black diamond gleamed in his eye. “It so big!”

“It so pretty!”

“Its so HUGE!”

Jowler threw the diamond in the wooden cart and announced, “We must show King Skyle!”

Both Diamond dogs ran to the front of the cart, and began pulling it towards the tunnel entrance. The cart, being old, began to creak as it started moving.


Hours later, after navigating through the back-tunnels and into the main ones, Jowler and Morhowl were almost to the main cavern. Other Diamond Dogs who they met along the way followed Jowler and Morhowl’s cart, and it became a parade. They were cheering them on after they saw what was in the cart. They followed from behind or ran ahead to inform the king of what kind of wonderful thing was heading his way.

The cart then entered the largest cavern in the Diamond Dog tunnel network. Home to the largest pile of gems one ever did see. It was so tall and its base so wide, filled with every kind of gem you could think of. It was known to everydog in the tunnel as the Mountain of Pleasure. Only the 7 pack leaders and the few privileged were allowed to climb it, roll in it, pour more gems on it, make home on it, and most of all, seek audience with the King, who sat on the very top of the monstrosity. They say that if the king ever fell off and died, whoever made it to the top first, would be the king.

Of course, King Skyle made sure that never happened. He was too well liked by his idiot subjects. He made this so by having a false rumor spread around, that he dug underneath a dragon’s lair, and drained it of its valuables without the dragon ever waking up! He even stole large amounts from the Mountain of Pleasure pile, and stockpiled it in a remote cavern to prove it. He then led his idiot believers up the mountain after promising them pack leader statuses, and knocked off his predecessor... and the rest was history.

A few moments ago, one of the pack leaders climbed the coveted mountain of gems to seek his audience, passing the tall and ugly armor-plated guards that ensured the king’s dominance over all dog-kind. He then reached just a foot from the top where the king sat and bowed in an awkward way.

“King Skyle...”

The king slowly turned around, his wooden crown encrusted with large rubies, to face his subject. Turning upright on his long feet, sporting a grin that revealed teeth of aged yellow, his brown coat bristled as he replied, in a comforting sort of hiss, “Yesss?”

“Two of my pack bring a gem of unknown kind. It is black, pretty and huge!”

The king cocked his head in confusion, “Black?”


The king’s yellowed eyes grew wide, as if some sudden realization had hit him. He then hissed loudly, “Bring it to meee!”

It took the pack leader 20 minutes to climb down the mountain, and fetch both Jowler and Morhowl, and bring them to the king. And with them, The Black Gem. Once presented by Jowler, the king snatched it from him and examined the mysterious bauble. After twirling it in his aged paws, he smiled a wide grin, took in a deep breath, and blew on the gem.

The Black Gem began to glow an evil, sour looking purple.

All on top of the mountain stepped back and moved down slightly as they witnessed the phenomenon, afraid at the sight. The king however was most pleased, as he then began to shout in a loud and raspy voice for all to hear.

“This is THE BLACK GEM! It grants power to whoever breathes on it! And with it, we will no longer work ourselves to death to find shiny gems! We will make the ponies do it!” He cackled evilly and thrusted the crystal at Jowler, who screamed in agony as his body suddenly began to change.

Jowler whipped his head from side to side. He screamed as he watched his forelegs, hindlegs, and his abdomen grow twice their size and length, his fur changing from its dirty gray sheen to a dark black. The king then thrusted the crystal at Morhowl, who then began to share in the agony of his pack brother.

When it was over, the king slowly made his way down to his two subjects. He then asked them, “What do you desire most? You both have brought me this powerful gem and you both deserve a reward.”

Jowler, along with Morhowl, now twice their original size, standing upright and feeling so good, so strong, shouted in unison,


“Good answer.” chuckled Skyle as he made his way down the mountain.