• Published 30th Jan 2014
  • 2,900 Views, 88 Comments

Lyra's Secret - Senyu

Lyra has a secret. One that her life as a human reseacher depends on and could ruin everything she had worked for if it gets out. But she is not going to let this golden opportunity of furthering her research slip away, and by any means necessary.

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For Your Own Good

“What am I going to do...,” Lyra said somberly.

Before her was the human lying unconscious atop the old bed, on his back with his arms and legs spread. Watching him sleep again, she was reminded of how peaceful he looked when she had first found him. His serene face that looked content with his eyes closed, his lips faintly parted for soft breathes, and the slow and gentle rising of his chest. This was what a human was supposed to be like, how they were supposed to act like.

They were advanced, rational, and understanding creatures. Sure they had their violent times, but they were so much more than soldiers and warmongers. They were artists, thinkers, dreamers. They were capable of things that ponies had not even imagined yet, and their potential was even beyond the stars themselves. That was how Lyra imagined them to be, not at all what she had actually experienced only a few short minutes ago. They weren’t supposed to have that contorted, anxiousness, and above all, terrified expression on their faces.

It wasn’t supposed to go like that.

What had gone wrong?

Lyra asked herself that many times while she brought him back to the bedroom, carrying him on her back as carefully as possible lest he become injured further. The small trickle of blood on the side of his head worried her greatly, and was painful to look at knowing she had been the one to cause it. She was also in turn responsible for the slivers on his body and bits of glass in his arm, injuries sustained during his flight from her.

But I had to…

She told herself that over and over again. If he had escaped, a number of things could have happened to him. He could have become lost, might have injured himself more than he already was, and even perhaps have made his way into the Everfree forest. But even worse, he could have wandered into Ponyville.

Lyra still needed to learn more from him before she could reveal his existence to the world. She needed to know everything she could so she might be considered an expert on humans, if not more than she already was. She needed to be by his side, to see him every day, to have a living reminder that she had been right all these years.

But that wouldn’t happen if he got swept up into the politics of Equestria. And it wouldn’t have happened if his reaction to her would have been repeated again in Ponyville. While she knew he wasn’t a monster, who’s to say that the other ponies wouldn’t view him that way? While they might eventually figure it out, there was too much potential damage and chaos that would be caused from it. It could very well destroy the first human to pony contact between her and his worlds.

Like it isn’t already destroyed, she thought sarcastically.

The situation that had escalated beyond anything she had expected came rushing back to her when she had gently set him onto the bed, and decided to inspect how much damage he had suffered. Carefully removing his shirt, her breath caught as she looked upon his previous and newly acquired injuries. While his breathing was more regular and not as faint before, the deepening purple bruise on his side along with the cuts and scrapes worried her greatly.

“You need to be taken care of right away,” Lyra commented. She took a step towards the door to fetch the bandages, but paused when the thought of him possibly waking up and trying to run away again popped in her mind.

“But first…”


“There, much better,” Lyra said with a smile.

She had cleaned his wounds and wrapped them as carefully as possibly, and currently watched him as he slept away his blow to the head. The sight of him sleeping with his shirt off and wrapped in various bandages brought a happy sigh to Lyra. He was just positively fascinating to watch, and his presence alone held a calming effect like she had never known before. It was like pressure that had been built over years being suddenly lifted.

The scene might have been just perfect if it weren’t for the ropes holding him down.

She couldn’t risk him repeating his irrational and frantic behavior before, and she didn’t want him injuring himself further. He did not appear to be in a stable mind set and risked being a threat to her and himself. So she figured the best option would be to restrict his movements, and some old rope she had found in the cabin was just the ticket. She would of course replace them later with stronger rope once she made a trip back to town, but for now they would do. She wrapped one piece on both wrists and ankles, securing the other ends to the metal bed frame beneath. While it pained her to have to resort to such measures, she just couldn’t risk his escape or damaging himself further. She made sure to keep his limbs spread tightly so he could not gain any foothold to yank on them, but if her knowledge on their strength and craftiness was any indication, his restraints would not last long.

But they would hold for now. And that’s all that mattered.

For now, she was simply content on sitting next to him and watching him sleep. Noting every curve and line that was on his body, the details of his dexterous hands, and everything else she could observe.

While she had taken off his shirt she had stopped to consider undoing his pants to check for other injuries. But a sudden blush at the notion made her think otherwise and she decided rolling up his pant legs temporarily would suffice to check for any wounds his legs. She may have had him tied up in an abandoned cabin in the middle of the woods, but she wasn’t a pervert that would have her way with an unconscious human. If he wanted to pursue such a relationship after he mentally stabilized would be entirely up to him she decided. However, her being unable to resist a quick peek made her wish that he would make such a decision later down the road.

But with future planning aside, she needed to focus on three things at present. The first was to help him heal and recover his strength, as well as his mind that was clearly not working properly as indicated by his behavior. If she wanted to get anywhere he would need to be better both physically and mentally. The second was in line with the first, and that was to ensure he did not escape and announce his presence earlier than should be done. And the third and final goal, was to learn everything about him and other humans as much as possible.

And for that goal, Lyra would rely on the same notebook she had found earlier that day, seemingly empty as if it had waited all its life for just this occasion. Really at the end of everything, how had this not all been just perfect? The abandon cabin she found months prior, the empty notebook with a unbelievably working pen, and even the still capable ropes that would unknowingly serve a purpose.

It seemed as if everything had gone as if it was planned.

Please wake up soon… I know you’re scared and confused at what’s happening… but I just want to help and learn as much about you as possible. Reaching a hoof to touch his outstretched arm, she looked upon him with tenderness. Please help me help you, and wake up soon…


Three days later, and at present time…

“Wow, airplanes sound like they would be a lot of fun to travel on,” Lyra commented as she skimmed her newly written notes. Humming happily at the few pages she managed to fill for today, she turned her attention back to her reluctant informer. “Alright, that should be enough for today John.”

“Great…” John mumbled, turning his head away to avoid eye contact.

“Are you not feeling good?” Lyra asked in concern. She was tempted to put her hoof on top of his forehead to feel if his temperature had gone down today, but she knew full well of his reaction to her touch, and decided to wait until he had at least fallen asleep again; the most opportune time to check on him she had found.

“No, I’m trapped in an abandon house in the middle of nowhere with a freaking psycho unicorn,” he grumbled.

“I told you,” Lyra said as she furrowed her brow,” that it is for your own good. You are obviously not acting as you should be and need to be kept in check.” Lyra spoke like a mother would to their foal, scolding them for wanting to do some outdoor activity while they needed to rest in bed. “Honestly, I’m pretty worried about your temperature. I figured that besides any damage to your head from your appearance in Equestria, I’m assuming you fell by the way, that this strange fever you have is still making you delirious.”

Lyra waited patiently for John to respond, and blew a raspberry when he refused to look or answer her. She hated when he acted like this, refusing to acknowledge her points or concerns when she tried to express them to him. He behaved as if he simply did not want to have anything to deal with her when she tried to convince him she was right and he was wrong. It was infuriating because she was right, and had his best interests in her heart and mind. He just simply did not understand everything and had no idea how things were like outside.

So she needed to keep him inside, and have him remain under her watchful eye until she could explain it all to him.

“Is there anything I can bring you from town tomorrow? I realized I forgot a couple of things, and I need to go back and show some face so nopony catches on to anything,” Lyra said sweetly as she closed the notebook.

“… I wouldn’t mind more apples,” John answered.

“Okay, apples it is then.” She looked at him in satisfaction that he was beginning to settle somewhat in his outbursts and general behavior. At least now she could have a somewhat normal conversation with him instead of fighting her at every point and turn. At first he was completely uncooperative in any manner, and had to be forced fed just to keep his strength up. But over the last few days his resistance had dwindled, and his compliance was meet with much relief from Lyra. She felt like it wouldn’t be too much longer before he finally saw her side of things and could be untied.

“Well, it’s time to go to bed now. I’ll get the light.” Lyra hopped off her chair and fell back to her four legged stance, briefly wishing that she could feel the sensation of one rising themselves up with their arms instead of falling off. Slowly she walked around the bed to her own makeshift one—a pile of blankets along with a few pillows—and magically flipped the light switch, bringing the room to complete darkness.

She snuggled under covers with a content sigh, happy to have made some more progress today with John. It was all very difficult, but she needed to keep a positive outlook if it was ever going to turn out the way she wanted it to. Just one hoof step at a time, slowly making progress, and she would have everything she need and convince John that it was all okay. That she was right, and he had nothing to truly worry about.

As she laid motionless for her body to be swept away into a peaceful sleep, eager anticipation for what might be learned during tomorrow, the faint sound of heavy breathing could be heard.

And the muffled noise of someone trying to hold back flowing tears.