• Member Since 26th Jan, 2014
  • offline last seen Jan 31st, 2018


Iv been drawing My Little Ponies for a while now, and it wasnt long until my friends wanted me to start writing stories for the drawings.


A dark and evil pony rules Equestria. Anypony who stands against him, dies. The only hope for survival, is four ponies known as The Prophiced Four, to defeat King Thanatos. With Celestia locked away, Luna dead, Shining Armour and Cadence in hiding, the ponies are all alone.

Hearts will break. Choices will be made. And friendship will be tested to unbearable limits.

Chapters (4)
Comments ( 5 )
Comment posted by CDasher60 deleted Apr 15th, 2014

Well bud, you got the feels down pat. There was some heavy stuff floating around in this chapter. :fluttercry:

Some minor spelling issues, but nothing that bothered us too much. Love the characters and the plot so far.

In our opinion this story deserves more attention than it is getting. For what its worth you have our like and fave.:twilightsmile:

Thank you for the like!! And for that tip, ill be sure to read through again and check them! Thank you so much! Im hoping that the more chapters I add Ill get more fans. Thanks so much again!!

Hey its us again. Read chapter two, we liked it better than chapter one. That picture you put in the middle of the chapter is excellent bud. Chip off the old block Thanatos is.

We also liked you using the old CMC clubhouse for story telling, excellent touch. Also nice plot twist at the end. We shall indeed read chapter 3.

Thank you! I couldn't resist drawing a picture there :twilightsheepish: Thanks! The CMC are one of my favorite adventuring ponies! Chapter 3 is my favorite! Especially Mr.Pickles (spoiler alert)! Thank yall so much for being a fan & leaving comments! Means a lot! :pinkiehappy:

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