• Published 24th Feb 2014
  • 850 Views, 21 Comments

Just a bit of Cider - Joyous Apple

This has to be a nightmare. I mean really. First I wake up as a pony. Not only that, but this pony is from a little girls show. I'm not the only one though! All over the world, people are turning into ponies!

  • ...

A Simple Call

How to begin a journey? Well, sometimes you start a journey without knowing, and sometimes, you start a journey unwillingly. But, in the end, the journey will always have an end. That end will be either the beginning of another journey, or the end of all. It is up to you, how you complete that journey. So be careful on it, for any choice you make, you could end your journey, for good…

Time: ????

I was trying to use my phone, drawing from memory what my friends number was. After a few mistakes of accidently trying to facetime, I got the number pad up. I quickly tried to type the number up. Remind me to sue Apple for their touch screen phones that definitely don’t work with hooves. I had to use the pen apple sells. Those things are expensive, but helpful. Putting the number in, I called. After about the third ring, someone picked up.

“‘Ello?” What sounded like a girl answered. I blinked in surprise. This was definitely not my friend Rachel. Maybe someone answered for her?

“Hi, can I speak to Rachel please?”

“Uh...sure. One sec.” The voice was replaced by what definitely sounded like a girl’s voice “Hello?”

Either phones really distorted your voice that bad, or she was sick.

“Rachel, help! I’ve been turned into a pony! A pony from a TV show! I’m going crazy!” I totally sounded calm by the way. A long silence could be heard. Well, minus the laughter coming from the side.

“Oookay. Well…” A loud click could be heard (whatever happens when you hang up).

I sat there with my mouth open, phone still on my ground. I was just laughed at for being crazy, by Rachel. Well, at least she didn’t know it was me….Maybe that was my problem. Try calling again? Yeah, lets do that. I went to recent calls and called.

“Hello?” the weird girl answered again. It sounded a little hurt, like something happened in the meantime.

Now, I try for calm, the right way. Maybe. “Hi, it’s me, crazy lady here. Yeah, it’s me Rich, and I would like to speak to Rachel again. Please?” Almost forgot to be polite. Almost.

“...don’t know who you are, but okay.” the weird voice vanished again before the girl’s voice returned “Hello?”

“Rachel. It is me Rich. I have been turned into a fucking pony. Please help. Don’t believe me, facetime me or something.” Calm. Nailed it.

“Uh...okay. How about you facetime me?”

“Okay, give me five seconds!” I ended the call and went to facetime on my Iphone. Apple’s equivalent of skype, basically. I had to prop my phone up as well, then click the call button. Now I wait.

The call was picked up by a girl of what looks like a mix of black, hispanic and Cape Verdean. She flicked two of her braids aside “Hello?”

That was not my Rachel. My Rachel looked like a pale girl with black curly hair. This Rachel did not look anything like that. “I think I have the wrong Rachel, but hey. I am a Pony!”

She blinked, looking a little surprised “Wow. I see…” She looked to the side. “Bro! I need your help! You’re the brony, this is your field!”

I sat there thinking this over. Some help is better than none. A brony? One of those guys who watches the girls show? Take what you get, take what you get. The phone moved, showing a forest for a second before a girl, who Middle Eastern, with sunglasses. “Hello?”

“Hi….Bro?” ‘Bro’ for a girls name? No judgement.

“...wow.” she blinked. “You’re actually a pony.”

“Not helping my situation. You watch the show, right.. If I remember correctly, that is what ‘Brony’ means. Can you help me out?” I wanted to keep this brief, so I may have been speaking pretty fast. It may have came out as, “Not helping! You! Brony! Help?!” or around that

“Uh...okay. Yeah, I’m a brony.” I tried calming down by pressing my unwanted hoof against my head, trying to think of what to ask as well.

“Okay, I’ll keep this short, and I’m not trying to sound like an ass, but yeah, this is not what I want.” I shook a hoof up and down, indicating my body. “You should know what to do, right? Should I go to New York?”

“Well...hmm...you’re talking about that press conference thing? Rachel, stop making faces!” A snort can be heard from offscreen. “I’ll take away your chocolate! I mean it!” Grumbling can be heard before stopping. “Anyway, I thought that was just a publicity stunt.” I stared at her for a second. I heard the question, but what just happened just now was not what I was expecting to hear.

“…..you okay?”

“....Did you just threaten her with chocolate?”

“...yes. Now...wait, you were a guy, right? Or is Rich a girl name?”

“You should know that, you are a girl….And no… ‘Rich’ is short for something else...long story...involves money. My name is Cheyenne.” Man am I glad that I am used to bullshitting my way through a lot of stuff. That may have been choppy, but I’m pretty sure I pulled it off. She may be confused, but will most likely accept it. Or just learn not to question it. She quickly frowned.

“I am not a girl.”

“Shit! I’m sorry!” Curse my luck.

“Its...okay. Anyway, how can I help?”Help? What first? Well, lets try with destination, and who I am.

“Should I go to New York? And, since you watch the show, Who am I?”

“Well, I would recommend going.” He looks as if in thought for a second. “I don’t recognize you, though. What’s your butt tattoo?”

“My butt tattoo is of three apple cores.” I hoped I was saying the right thing.

“Hmm...Apple family, then…” Apple family?

“Apple family?” I asked, confused.

“A family of apple growers that usually have cutie marks related to apples. And names related to apples.”

“So my name may be Apple Core? Well, I am sadly not that surprised. Michigan is known for it’s apples and cherries.” I look to the side, thinking and putting things together. Apples and Michigan. Could there be more Apple family members here then?

“Cherries?” He smiled. “Well, your name might be Apple Core, but that would be weird, even for a pony.”

“I don’t know what a pony name is, I just guessed.” I said, all the while scrunching up my face in confused explanation.

“Well, one of the family members is called ‘Granny Smith.’”

“These are stupid names…” I said out of frustration, and stupidity of the names. Seriously, who names their child that?

“You’re telling me. I always thought it was a nickname, because she’s old. Then there’s ones like ‘Rainbow Dash’.”

“Is there a pony named Golden Delicious? Honey Crisp? I love honeycrisp apples! Think I will meet them!?” Okay, I love apples as much as the next guy, but this is a bit overboard. I quickly shake my head to clear it, and blink a few times. “Sorry about that. I guess my ADHD is acting up again...after a few years of controlling it….” I mutter the last part under my breath.

He chuckled. “Its okay, I deal with a hyperactive person everyday. Hmm...there might be one for the first name, but I don’t know about the second.” I tried my best not to look disappointed for some reason. I don’t know why I was disappointed, but I was.

“Okay. So, head to New York? Find out who I am somehow?”

“Check and check.” I sigh and shake my head.

“Great. Now I have to find a way to New York…”

“You could try finding other ponies and traveling together.”

“Yeah, I could try that. But I have to find some first.”

“Well, try looking online.”

“Definitely. Go to the biggest helper of rapists and kidnappers for help and transport.” Sarcasm, thy name is Richard.

“...well, do you want to walk around looking for them?”

“I can try calling my Rachel again, like I originally planned…”

“I’m guessing you didn’t want to call my Rachel.”

“Not really.”

He shrugged “Well, it happened, for better or for worse.”

“Right….Well. Nice chatting I guess…” I started to think, which may have looked like I zoned out, which I probably did, because I didn’t hear them say something again until they were shouting something


I looked up, confused. “What?”

“...you were twitching and zoned out.”

“I twitch?”

The guy nodded. “Yup, you did.”


He just shrugs “As long as you’re okay.”

“Well, thanks for the help. I’m going to try calling my Rachel now.”

He smiles and nods “No problem. If you ever need help, I’m only a call away.”

“Really? I mean...Thanks. Goodbye.”

He smiles “Bye! And goodluck.” He hung up on me and left me staring at my phone. Well what the hell was I supposed to do now? I didn’t have Rachels number like I thought. I blinked a few times.

“But I do know where she lives…”