• Published 3rd Feb 2014
  • 6,473 Views, 17 Comments

The Adventures of the Tickling-Fixated Human in Equestria - Unusually Delusional

Human appears in Equestria. Human meets Luna. Human is sent on an adventure to tickle ponies. Shenanigans ensue.

  • ...

Rainbow Dash 2


Your eyes shot open. Around you was a void; blackness above, misty gray below. The latter formed a sort of floor under your feet. The voice that had spoken seemed familiar, somehow, but you couldn't quite place it. You looked down at yourself, and saw... nothing. An empty space where your body should be. But how could that be? You obviously existed. Or had you died and not realized it?


The voice spoke again. You almost recognized it, that time; regal, commanding, yet hiding a note of mischief beneath the veneer. It sounded like-

“Luna.” Your voice still worked, it pleased you to find. “Where are you – where am I?” You couldn't prevent the note of panic from creeping into your voice.

“Relax, dear Tom,” she said gently. At that, she faded in from the edge of the mist, seeming real enough. “Do you not realize where you are?”

“Rhetorical question? Which leads to my own – where's my body?”

She frowned. “What do you mean?”

“I mean-” You cut off as you gestured downward, and found that you could see yourself again. The relief flooded through you like a tide. “Nevermind. Anyways, where are we? Seriously, I got nothin'.”

She smiled, waving around with a hoof. “Welcome, Tom, to the wide world of the dreamscape.” As if called by her motion, images appeared in the sky around you, like little screens, playing out scenes from... Everything that had happened since you arrived in Equestria. Here, the image of your first amazing night with Luna herself, there the day you first arrived and the massive party that had been undertaken, the afternoon that Rarity had looked at you so lovingly as you rubbed at her hooves, and, the image brightest of all, what had just happened hours ago – Rainbow Dash curled up at your side, body rocking softly with the motions of breathing, a contented smile on her face.

Luna walked past the images, pausing at the party. “We'll have to explore that memory later,” she murmured, continuing past it to the image of Rainbow Dash. “Do you realize what this is now, Tom?”

“Memories? My memories, that is?”

She looked at you, obviously pleased with your quick pickup. “Just so. And this,” she added, pointing at the image of Dash, “is your most recent memory – do you see how it's clearer than any of the others?”

“Yeah...” you said quietly. But all these memories were fairly 'bright'. You looked around. “Where... where are my memories of before? Before I came here?”

She frowned in thought. “Hmm. Good question.” She glanced at your surroundings, then pointed. “There, you see?”

You looked in the direction she indicated. Sure enough, there were image there, of your best friends, your coworkers, everyone and everything you had left behind... but they were faded, barely visible. “Why are they so dim?”

She smiled sadly. “Tom, I believe you know the reason for that.”

You sighed. “Every day, I find myself forgetting more of my life before I came here. Life here is just so much... better. But I don't want to forget.” You looked at her, eyes pleading, you were sure. “Will I? Forget, that is?”

“The longer you spend in Equestria, the farther the memories will drift from your mind,” she replied carefully. “But they will return in their entirety if – when...”

You frowned. “When I leave?” you finished for her. She nodded sadly. You walked up to her, placing your arm around her neck. “Even if that happens, Luna, I'll never forget my time here, I promise.”

She looked at you, smiling, but the tear running down one of her dark blue cheeks gave the lie to her expression. “You will, Tom, except as the faintest echo of a faded memory. But that is neither here nor there.” She shook her head, surreptitiously brushing a hoof across her face and wiping the tear away. “Come. I want to show you something.” She began walking off into the mist, fading only a few feet away from you.

Cocking your head curiously, you headed in the same direction, the darkness swallowing the memories behind you. Before long, you were surrounded by nothingness once more. Frowning, you turned in place, bereft of any points of reference. Sighing, your mouth twisted slightly as you realized you were lost. Oh well, if this was the dream world, surely you would wake up soon-

Luna appeared out of the darkness, smiling sheepishly. “Silly me,” she said cheerfully, “I sometimes forget that you don't know this place. Place your hand on me, and stay close.” You obeyed, the soft fur bunching up around your fingers, and the pair of you walked off. Images like those you had seen flashed instantaneously in the corner of your eye, but even that briefest of glimpses showed that they were memories from different individuals. She drew to a halt, and an array of images appeared again. They were varied, most showing the world flashing by in a blur as if the dreamer had been flying. One memory caught your eye, as the dreamer looked in a mirror.

“These... these are Rainbow Dash's memories,” you said hesitantly. Luna nodded. “I don't... I don't like spying on people like this, Luna. It makes me feel dirty.”

She shrugged slightly. “Rest assured, Tom, ponies rarely allow their darkest or most private memories to slip into the dreamscape. These are casual memories of happy moments, the same as yours.” She pointed at one, brighter than the rest, with a familiar human looking down into the image. “See?”

It was surreal to watch yourself, watching Dash. You looked a bit goofy, you thought, the expression on your face mixed between adoration and, you were dismayed to see, desire. Luna either didn't see it or willfully ignored it; instead, she merely watched with you.

You cleared your throat. “So, mission complete, right? I can leave her alone?”

“Not quite, Tom,” she responded, looking at you pointedly. You raised an eyebrow – what was she talking about? She waved at another 'window', this one apparently covered with a 'screen' of white light. “You need to see that,” she said.

“What's... what does THAT show?” you asked, your curiosity trumping your reluctance as you leaned closer to try to see beyond the veil.

Luna responded with a grin. “Well, this is a DREAMscape, Tom. How would you like to see what Rainbow Dash is dreaming?”

You drew back from the screen at that. “Luna,” you began nervously, “I'm not sure it would be proper to intrude...”

She frowned at that. “Why not, Tom? The dream is of you. Are you not entitled to see something that concerns you?”

You shook your head. “I'm sorry, Luna, I just... it's not right.”

“Just a quick peek?” Her eyes met yours, expression pleading. You sighed.

“Fine. A VERY quick peek.” She grinned, and pointed her horn at the image; the veil dissolved slowly, revealing a very crisp picture of-

“In you go, Tom,” Luna said suddenly, and you felt an uncomfortable tingling throughout your body. Looking down, you yelped a bit as you realized that you were being levitated by the Princess. You flew towards the image, closer and closer, and your eyes shut tight as you waited for the pain of impact...


Rainbow Dash watched Tom carefully. His face was honest, caring, perhaps even loving; for the few moments she had known him, she had found him a person that she cared for deeply, no matter his appearance. The oddity of this sudden closeness seemed... irrelevant, somehow.

“Dash, I promise I won't hurt you,” he said comfortingly, gesturing with his arms as he spoke.

She drew her front legs up to her face anxiously, shaking her head. “I'm afraid, Tom,” she said, the admission coming far easier than she thought it would. It was almost as if this wasn't real... but there he was, standing a few feet away, real as life. Surely this was real life... but then, why was she speaking so openly?

He stepped closer to her and knelt down on one knee; Dash drew her legs back instinctively. “Dash, please,” he said softly, “I know you want me to do this.”

“I d-d-do,” she managed to stammer out. He watched her, ever patient, as she slowly extended her legs back out. She felt an odd sense of deja vu, as if she had done this only a few hours ago; but no, she would never trust somepony – someone, rather – to touch her... her...

Gently, he reached out his fingers to her hooves, and she cringed, shutting her eyes tight. After a few seconds, she opened them to see he had stopped, apparently at the very moment she had closed her eyes. As her gaze met his again, the hands drifted forward again, and she slammed her lids shut once again. Opening them a moment later, she saw that he had again paused.

“I'm only going to do this if you watch me,” he said, staring at her. His eyes seemed to pierce her mind. “I'll help you get over this, I promise.”

Dash let out a soft moan – of fear? Anticipation? Excitement? She couldn't decide which. She resolved to keep up her end of the bargain, and watched him through squinted eyes. He slowly inched forward, ever closer, until-

She flinched as she felt the touch on her hooves. Barely a touch. They retracted instantly, and Tom let her do so, not holding her in place or anything. It wasn't like it was before, she told herself, he wouldn't restrain her... She eased out slowly again. Once more, the touch came, and she jumped, but remained steady otherwise. He didn't do any more than that, just sat there, watching her with his own fear.

'He's as nervous as me,' she thought to herself. She nodded. “I-I-I-I can... keep g-g-going,” she managed to stutter. She recoiled slightly as another touch came on her hoof, from a different place, but she refused to give up. She couldn't. Another touch, another jump. Twice more this took place, until she could feel five unique pressure points on her sensitive hoof.

“I can-”

“No,” Dash responded quickly. “I w-want you to...”

She couldn't get out what she wanted him to do, but nonetheless he did it; she shuddered as the fingers began kneading her hooves gently, but not so gently as to provoke her ticklishness. The feeling was... good. She felt the same release of tension and pressure as when her hooves were preened, but in her hoof. She bit her lip as he continued softly massaging the hoof.

He looked at her, a soft smile playing across his face. “See? That's not so bad!”

She gave a choking laugh, a tear – of joy – snaking out of the corner of her eye. Such a simple thing, to have someone touch her hooves, but... Something about the way Tom did it was different. It was gentle, but also firm; he dug his thin appendages into her hoof, but it only stimulated them with pleasure, not with tickling.

She hugged herself, unable to keep from laughing; he stopped, staring at her with fear, as his hands shot away. She felt a sense of loss as the hands retreated. “No, no, Tom,” she said quickly, “You're not tickling me. I... I like that. Keep doing it... please.”

He nodded, deftly resuming his previous position; the comforting feeling lanced through her leg again as he began massaging her hoof again. She sat back, head reclined on the back of the chair; he could do this forever and she'd never get sick of it.


You gasped as the image suddenly disappeared, the void of the dreamscape reappearing. You landed on your hands and knees, breathing hard; you had BEEN Rainbow Dash, watching you watch her as you...

You shivered. “Let's not do that again,” you said breathlessly. Luna walked up to you, and you looked up to see her looking down at you with pity.

“Eh, my apologies, Tom,” she said apologetically. “I didn't realize-”

“No, no, it's fine,” you managed to say, then shivered. “Still... that was weird.”

“I was watching, you know. It seemed rather-”

“I know what it was like,” you said, unable to keep the vitriol from your voice. You shook your head. “I'm done, Luna. Wake me up. I know what to do, now.”

“Wake you up?” Her head tilted, curious. “What do you mean, wake you up?”

“You can cause me to wake up, right?” you asked. “You're the Princess of the Night, dreams are your domain, all that happy horsesh-stuff,” you appended quickly.

She shook her head. “I can't force wakefulness,” she said regretfully. “That's not the way it works. You can return to your own dreams, or since I brought you here, wander the dreamscape, but I can't return you to wakefulness.”

“Is there no way?”

“Weeeelll...” She trailed off. A nasty smirk played across her face. “Do you REALLY want to wake up, Tom?”

“Yeah, I do,” you said hesitantly; the look she was giving you was disturbing you.

Her smirk turned into a rictus. Her eyes began to glow, a dark purple light. “Well, a nightmare can startle one into waking,” she said, her voice transformed; it echoed, and had a disconcerting flange to it now. You looked at her, and suddenly her eyes began weeping blood, teeth transformed into fangs, skin rotting away to a bare skull. It grew, massive, sucking in all the light and everything around you, and suddenly it began racing towards you. “WAAAAAAKE UUUUUP ANOOOOOON!” The jaws opened wide at the last word, swallowing you whole-

You jerked awake, suppressing a yell that would wake the dead. That was far 2spooky. But it HAD woken you up, all right; and left you with a nightmare that would haunt you for a few days to come, you could tell. You promised yourself words with Luna later. But for now... You looked around. A night sky, full of stars, lie above; the grass spilled over the fields around you, the small lake in front of you glistening a dark blue in the moonlight. And laying next to you, still deep in sleep-

Rainbow Dash. Her eyes fluttered in REM, the dream still apparently on her mind. Once again, you shuddered as you recalled BEING her. Looking down at the sleeping pegasus, your heart melted; for all her tough reputation, Dash was a sweetheart, in her own mind at least. It was time to pay her back. As you made to get off the chair, she murmured something. You leaned closer to hear what she was saying.

“... thank you, Tom...”

Well, there you had it. Time to make this thing work. Screw working on her issues later; the time was now. You stood up, stretching, then sat back down at the foot of the chair. Her rear hooves ran over each other slowly, as the dreamed version of you attended them. Now, you could make Dash's dreams literally come true.

You began massaging one hoof softly, the tender flesh rippling beneath your touch. Dash giggled softly, eyes still closed, so apparently she was still asleep. You quietly kept going, managing to rub every inch of her hoof, before switching to the other one. Another sleepy titter came as you started, but you ignored it and kept going. The silky-smooth 'skin' of her frog was just so enticing, and you lost yourself in the work; minutes passed, then half an hour, you couldn't tell which, and-


You froze. Your eyes, bulging slightly in panic, looked up to meet Dash's; her face was covered with lethargy, but her gaze... confusion painted it, aye, along with smatterings of fear and repulsion. “Dash, I-”

“I thought it was a dream...” She frowned, tiredly blinking her eyes. She yawned, and you had to fight to keep the grin from the adorableness from creeping across your face.

“Dash, I'm sorry, I-”

“I must still be dreaming,” she murmured quietly, a drowsy smile across her face. “I didn't think I would ever enjoy this.”

You considered retracting your hands, but then changed your mind and resumed the kneading. Her grin grew wider, but she didn't burst into the same panicked laughter from earlier that day. “I make dreams come true,” you said, wincing at the cheesiness, but she nodded all the same. You watched her eyes as you kept at it; she had taken the pillow off the headrest and now clutched it to her chest, eyes peeking over it, although you could see the smile she was apparently trying to hide.

“Tickle me, Tom.”

“W-what?” She said it so suddenly that you did a double-take. “Dash, I thought-”

“I'm in the mood for experiments,” she said before you could finish. “Just... try it.”

“Are you sure?”


“O... kay... then...” Shrugging, you straightened out your fingers, the tips now facing her hoof. You shoved the index finger into the frog, trimmed fingernail rubbing into the meat of her hoof slightly, and dragged it downward. She giggled, hugging the pillow to her chest more tightly; but there was no more reaction than that. All the same, you stopped. “Okay, so that's that-”

“Again, Tom.”

You closed your eyes, not even trying to hide the bemused expression; this was little different from your usual escapades in Equestria, but... Jesus, this world was weird. You did two fingers this time, running them down her hoof in alternating jumps. She jerked a fractional amount, giggling even more, but the breakdown you were worried would happen didn't come.

“What the hell, Dash?” you asked quietly. “Just a while ago, I could barely touch your hoof without you exploding...”

“I guess...” She led off, and you could tell her cheeks grew a bit rosy under her feather-filled shield. “I guess I just... trust you, Tom.”

Trust issues. That would explain it. It wouldn't be your first encounter with the type, but still... you were happy to be the solution to her problem. “I know you mentioned a bad experience,” you said pointedly, and she nodded.

“Junior Speedsters. Sort of like a pegasus day camp. We were all fillies and colts, and even as a little filly I liked to think of myself as tough.” She allowed the pillow to droop forward, and a tremulous smile came to her face. “Some of the other campers... didn't like that. So one night, after lights out...”

You could figure out what she had left unsaid, and nodded sagely. “So you never let anyone touch your hooves again.”

She squirmed uncomfortably, but her hooves didn't leave your reach; you took it as a good sign. “Look, Tom,” she sighed, “I know it's probably really weird for you – it's really weird for me – but... there's something about you. Something that I know you would never harm somepony if you could help it.” A shy smile came to her at that. “So... so there you go. You fixed my deep fillyhood issues.”

You nodded, not knowing what to say. This had taken a surreal turn. “So... should I...”

She grinned. “Do whatever you want, Tom. Unless you're too chicken!”

In that moment, you could see the courageous mare had returned... and you returned your own evil smirk. “Is that a challenge? Or is the fearless Rainbow Dash too- HEY!” You cried out as you took the pillow to the face. You laughed as you began scraping at her hoof with your hand in vengeance, and Dash began laughing, herself. Not the pained struggle from before, but a rich laugh, deep but with her trademark raspiness to it. She tried to fight back, attempting to escape your clutches, but it was fruitless; still, it was clear she very much enjoyed it this time around, her smile lighting up her face.

The next hour or so was a long one for her, but she seemed to love every minute of it.

Comments ( 13 )

This sounds weird as all hell and completely random, so I'm going to read it and hope for the best. What's the worst that could happen?

well this is definitely very good
probably my only complaint so far is the main characters name (Anon)
but it's a nit pick
hope to see more mate:pinkiehappy:

This story is surprisingly very sweet and cute along with the tickling antics, I really enjoy it and I hope to see more from you in time.

3934072 While it pains me to admit it, I feel I should come clean and admit that this is a cross-posting from a regular contribution of mine to threads on the /mlp/ board of 4chan, thus the "Anon" name and the first-person narrative. That said, I took pains to write it in a true prose format, rather than the simple D&D-esque "greentext" style (although admittedly, this was also because greentexts aren't allowed on FIMFiction).

Wow really?
Well either way it does not detract from how good this story is.
To say what i really enjoyed from this writing is, funnily enough, Anon.
Anon is a nice guy, though he can be overwhelmed with his desires, he does have limits and is not depraved.
He knows when enough is enough; as well, he does have his shy moments.
Where was this going again?
Well just a reiterating that this is a good story.
Thank you. :pinkiesmile:

3938565 I find it rather impressive that you were able to turn those green texts into something like this. Your writing is really good. :heart::yay:

I need the next chapter please I can't live without its in my dreams joking but not bout bout the need for another chapter

Update please? :fluttershysad:

It's funny because you can tell what Tom really means,

When is the next chapter coming? I’d really like to see Twilight get some.

the last chapter was 8 years ago, ABANDONED STORY!

now that was a unexpected reply! I thought you just read it because of me pinging you but apparently you went further than i thought:ajsmug: Anyway If a story is several years old without a continuation, cancellation or a mention by the author, the chances of it being dead is very high to guaranteed. Greetings from Germany! And Have a good ride into 2023, because i will tomorrow, especially with the new Firecrackers we just got:pinkiehappy:

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