• Published 4th Feb 2014
  • 1,125 Views, 30 Comments

The Final Push - PropMaster

A war in Equestria comes to a tipping point. With winter closing in, Celestia must make difficult decisions in order to see her kingdom safe and the war ended. The only strategy remaining is a final, concentrated push.

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The Seventh Canterlot Reserve slammed into the rear of the enemy force, catching them off guard as they found themselves fighting on two sides. Glorious Dawn and Red Roam led the charge, side by side as they speared into the enemy formation. Glorious Dawn’s sword and shield worked in tandem, levitating about and working to defend both him and Red Roam as they fought. The rest of the Seventh Reserve formed up behind them, driving deeper into the enemy's ranks, doing their best to sow confusion and chaos, giving every advantage they could to the embattled Royal Guard.

Glorious Dawn slid his sword out of the neck of his opponent, sending the gurgling griffon crashing to the ground, and shield-bashed an oncoming warrior. A small space cleared around him as Red Roam led a ferocious attack, two unicorns covering him with blasts of mana as he dueled a griffon. Glorious Dawn reared up on his hind legs, trying to make a plan. He was exhausted, his magic reserves all but depleted. The enemy’s initial surprise had already been exhausted, and they were beginning to react. Watching the enemy movements within the ranks, he followed the ripple of commands out to a griffon near the center of the formation. He was clad in silver armor and wore a full helm with crimson plumage. He lowered down to the ground, pointing in the direction of the enemy commander. “Push! This way, Seventh!”

The Seventh Reserve pressed inward, Glorious Dawn leading the attack as he bull rushed and shoulder-checked oncoming opponents, driving a hole in the formation and pressing in towards the griffon leader. The Seventh Reserve stretched thin, following Glorious Dawn deep into the enemy formation, but held, fighting fiercely against the overwhelming force they now faced.

Glorious Dawn slammed aside a griffon warrior, his blade flashing and deflecting an attack, and leapt forward, landing before the griffon commander. “Single Combat!” he shouted.

“You are not worthy of such a request, pony!” replied the helmed griffon, bristling and fierce.

“I demand single combat!” Glorious Dawn yelled again.

“We are engaged with you, single combat is no longer possible!”

Glorious Dawn cursed and attacked, striking at the griffon commander. The commander deflected away the attack with a swipe of his claw blades and strode forward, claw-blades working a ferocious attack pattern, striking at Dawn’s head. Dawn parried and deflected away the attacks and spun, launching a low kick that the griffon commander deftly stepped away from. Glorious Dawn’s shield slammed in, bashing against the griffon’s chestplate, and the griffon pushed it away, giving ground as he regained his balance.

Dawn pressed his attack, gritting his teeth as he worked his shield and blade in tandem. The griffon commander fought defensively for a moment, blocking Dawn’s strikes, and then slashed in with a series of high-to-low attacks. Dawn alternated sword and shield, blocking each strike, and then unleashed a blast of magic from his horn. The griffon spun left, wings flaring open and giving him a burst of sudden momentum that allowed him to avoid the burst of magic. He moved with the spin, using the force generated to strike his claw blades deep into Glorious Dawn’s shield, gripping into the wood and ripping it away from his telekinetic grip. Glorious Dawn cursed, his horn powering up, and he delivered a series of ever-weakening kinetic bursts, blasting the griffon commander back and off balance with the last of his magical reserves. With a yell, he charged in, leaping up onto his hooves and fighting with telekinesis and bladed horseshoes. The griffon commander matched his attack, blocking Dawn’s blows, and then pounced, knocking into Glorious Dawn and bowling him over.

Dawn found himself on the ground, the griffon commander on top of him, his weight pressing down. The griffon’s rear legs gripped onto his haunch and dug in with claws, raking him savagely. Dawn screamed, horn overcharging as his adrenaline spiked and pain burst into his head, and released a burst of heat-energy into the griffon commander’s helmet. The griffon commander screamed, rearing back, grabbing his smoking helm and frantically trying to dislodge it. Glorious Dawn’s sword lashed out, stabbing into the griffon’s gut and twisting. The griffon commander tore his helm off, falling backwards into the dirt and pulling himself off of Glorious Dawn’s sword. Blood gushed from the stab wound, leaving the griffon commander weaving and staggered. Dawn tried to stand, but his left rear leg locked up as blood poured from the savage claw wounds. He managed to rise to a sitting position, brandishing his sword at the enemy commander. The griffon commander took an unsteady step towards Glorious Dawn, shuddered, and collapsed.

The ponies behind Dawn, fending off the griffon warriors, cheered, and the nearby griffons screeched in rage, redoubling their attacks as several grabbed their unconscious commander, dragging him away. Glorious Dawn slid down to his side in the dust, feeling faint as his leg throbbed in pain and blood pooled beneath him. Four strong legs planted themselves around his body, and he looked up to see Red Roam standing over him, defending him from oncoming enemies. “Red…” he panted, smiling slightly.

Dawn felt safe, even as the battle raged around him. His senses dulled, everything growing distant. He recognized that as a bad thing, and struggled, trying to stay awake. Pain lanced up his side and brought him some clarity. He found Red Roam kneeling next to him, shouting something as the battle raged around him.


“Fourth Company’s here!” said Red Roam, placing one hoof against Glorious Dawn’s cheek and slapping it slightly. “Stay awake, Dawn!”

Dawn chuckled weakly, “I th-think I’ve earned some leave.”

“Not here, sir!”

Dawn winced as Red Roam shifted him slightly and felt a sharp burst of pain as something was pressed into his wounds. Red Roam grit his teeth and applied pressure to the gashes, trying to find the source of the bleeding. Dawn sighed softly, his head falling into the dirt. “Tell Major Stonewall… I’m sorry for… leaving the rear exposed.”

“I’m sure he’ll understand. Stay awake!”

“I’m trying,” murmured Dawn, but he only saw blackness. “I c-can’t see.”

His hearing fled him, leaving only the ringing shout of Red Roam’s voice, echoing into nothingness.