• Published 7th Feb 2014
  • 5,167 Views, 196 Comments

Stronger - Einhander

Mourning her fiancee and blaming the death on her own weakness, Fluttershy wishes she was stronger. What happens when her wish is granted? What happens when she finds she can't control her new power?

  • ...

III: More Lies


By: Einhander


Bass thumped, cider flowed, hooves pounded the floor. Ponies danced with their best friends, their enemies or ponies they just met. Rainbow's favorite songs filled the air. The barn reeked of sweat and cider.

This is how Ponyville handed death.

Fluttershy stood near the back of the room, mug of cider in her hoof, silent. She had always been invited to these wakes, and had never come. Funerals, yes, of course. But the idea of the bacchanal after had always made her frown. Funerals were a time to be sad, not to drink yourself into oblivion.

Looking around now, she saw that she was in the minority.

Ponies were slurring words, laughing too loudly, some were even kissing when they thought nopony was looking. Or they knew and didn't care.

Every few minutes or so, a pony would stop dancing and start crying. Not for long, though, and not alone.

When Flitter started breaking down mid-chorus on a classic rock song, Pinkie rushed to her side. Pinkie hugged her until the tears stopped, and provided a fresh mug of cider.

"We used to sing this, in high school..." she muttered, drinking deep of the cider. "She always got the words to the chorus wrong..."

Fluttershy watched Pinkie lead Flitter to the picture wall. Since the party began, Pinkie had been helping ponies paste photos of Rainbow Dash onto the east side of the barn. Each one had heartfelt messages scribbled on them. After a few moments of searching in the cardboard box next to the wall, Flitter found a photo of the two of them making goofy faces at the camera, and Pinkie grinned and had the paste ready.

To Fluttershy's left, another cry. Lyra was holding a shaking Bon Bon, and Rarity was hugging them both.

Bon Bon drunkenly sobbed, "Lyra, life's too short. Let's get married."

Lyra smiled, holding her tight. "We're already married, sillyhead."

"It's true," Rarity nodded, "I was there. It was a lovely fall wedding. The cake was—"

Lyra silenced Rarity with a look as Bon Bon buried her head in her wife's neck. "Let's get married again."

Lyra laughed, stroking her mane. "Okay, Bonnie. Okay."

Although neither pony asked, Rarity immediately agreed to officiate.

Fluttershy looked away, back into her cider… the smell of malted apples overwhelmed her senses...

Fluttershy sniffed at her glass and shuddered.

Applejack grinned at her as she finished pouring cider for the table. “Rough night, huh Fluttershy? No judgin’ here. Me too.”

“Really, Applejack?” Twilight frowned at the bubbling mug before her. “Isn’t it a little early to start drinking again?”

Applejack shrugged, and placed the ice-pack to her head again. “There’s a little bit of a barrel left, but not enough to re-bottle. No use in lettin’ it go to waste.” She wrinkled her nose at the smell, then took a sip. “Besides, hair of the mare that bit ya.”

“Or griffon,” Soarin added.

Applejack held up her mug. “Drink up, ya’ll.”

They had relocated inside Applejack's house. Everypony except Pinkie, who still could not be moved from her perch. They left a glass of water by her head and returned to the Apple Family Kitchen, huddled around the dinner table.

Everypony at the table took at least a sip, some (Soarin and Steady) more enthusiastically than others (Twilight and Knocks). Fluttershy had barely touched a drop, but the smell was overwhelming. She could still taste sharp sour alcohol in the back of her throat. Whatever happened last night had involved alcohol. It was a trigger for memories that weren’t pleasant.

Fluttershy pushed her mug away and looked at Applejack and Soarin. “So you two… how long has that been going on?”

Soarin coughed, and Applejack opened her mouth and closed it. They looked at one another. Applejack spoke first: “Soarin here came to help with the funeral arrangements, specific’ly the Wonderbolts part…”

Soarin scratched the back of his neck. “I actually came here to help you Ms. Shy.”

Fluttershy blinked. “Really? But, um, I only saw you at the funeral... and then not again, not until last night.”

He nodded. “You––well, they told me this, anyway––weren’t seeing anypony. Especially not a Wonderbolt.”

“‘They’? ‘They’ who?”

Taking a long sip of cider, Soarin kept his eyes firmly on the table before him.. “Somepony who was in a position to know.”

The silence blossomed as Fluttershy scanned the room at her friends, both of whom avoided her glance. “I never said that. I never said I didn’t want to see Mister Soarin. Or anypony.” The embers inside caught new flame. “What else has been going on in my name?”

Applejack glared at Twilight. “I told ya, Twi. You should’a asked—” Twilight gave her a look, and Applejack huffed and turned away. Soarin kept his eyes on the table. No one spoke.

“Twilight,” Fluttershy said slowly, glaring at Twilight.

Twilight sighed and finally lifted her head and stared Fluttershy in the eye. “I meant for the best. You didn’t want to see us, I thought you wouldn’t––”

“Well maybe I did, Twilight. How could you have known? You never asked.” Fluttershy snapped.

“I came here to help!” Soarin pleaded, and the room went quiet again. “I didn’t come to cause trouble, I swear. Rainbow Dash was one of us, and Wonderbolts take care of our own. But the Princess said you wouldn’t see me, and Applejack…” He swallowed, looking at the earth pony sitting next to him. “She told me where to go and what to do.”

Applejack nodded, “I found simple ways for him to help out, making sure food deliveries got out to you, and taking care of your critters until you were back on your hooves.”

Soarin started talking at a faster pace. “Then I wanted to stay for the wake, and that kept getting pushed back, and I needed a place to sleep, and, and—”

“We got the spare room, see––”

“I think I can piece it together,” Twilight was rubbing her forehead with her hoof, “And honestly––"

"Oooh I get it!" A silent voice suddenly filled the room, and all turned to see Officer Steady's shining eyes and aw-shucks smile. "They had a thing last night, didn't they Sarge?"

Mortification spread across the table, along with specks of cider that Soarin almost coughed up.

Sgt. Knocks rolled his eyes. "Steady, go patrol the perimeter."

"But Sarge, it's just getting good!"

"That's an order, soldier!"

Steady sighed, got up and trotted out. As one, they waited for the door to shut behind him.

“Sorry about that, Princess,” Knocks turned to Applejack and nodded, “Ma’am.”

“Actually, uh, he was right." Soarin coughed. "We got together last night.”

Applejack smiled awkwardly. “He was kinda my knight in a shining jumpsuit, I guess. Saved me from that awful Gilda.”

Soarin blinked. “That would explain why my uniform is all clawed up.” He glanced at his shoulder. “And why I have these scratches. I guess I got in a heck of a tussle.”

“You could say that, yeah.” Applejack had a sheepish smile. “Sorry I got you mixed up in my fight.”

"I have no regrets," he smiled and took her hoof. She blushed but did not let go.

Fluttershy watched them hold hooves. The embers floated in her heart again, but she wasn't sure why.

Because it once was yours, and it was taken from you.

She frowned, casting her eyes about for a mirror. She found one to her right, a cracked, little bronze piece hanging on the wall.

‘Her’ reflection, the other her, stared back at her critically. She shuddered and but could not look away. This day had been too much and too long, and it had only just begun.

Soarin piped up, "Are you not going to drink that, Ms. Shy?"

Fluttershy blinked, woken from her mirror-gazing. She shook her head and nudged the cider over to Soarin. “Go ahead, Mr. Soarin.”

"Let's focus on the task at hoof." Twilght sighed. "Your love life isn’t relevant right now. So you two are together. Fine. There was a fight?”

“There was a song,” Fluttershy muttered. Everypony turned to her. She was staring into space as memory returned to her. “There was a song, then there was a fight. And Gilda…”

The party had been in full swing for what seemed like hours. She didn't know how long she had been there, but she did know one thing: she wanted to go home.

She stood next to the west wall, alone. Ponies were dancing around her, and occasionally a pony would make eye contact and smile sadly. Some had even tried to interact with her, share a drink or story. She rebuffed them with a polite smile and a shake of her head. Eventually, there was a five hoof ring around her that no pony would cross.

Most of her friends were drunk. She wanted to ask Rarity to walk her home, but she was holding court with the Wonderbolts. Then she was going to ask Pinkie, but she was singing at the top of her lungs next to Vinyl’s speaker set-up. And Applejack… well, she was sitting on-top of the cider kegs, leaning her head on Soarin’s shoulder. Everypony was smiling, flushed faces and loose tongues.

When Fluttershy tried to drink, the warmth in her body just left her cold. It focused her more on what wasn’t there. Or rather, who wasn’t there.

She wanted to go home.

"Hey. You."

Fluttershy turned. In front of her stood Gilda, staring down at her with venom in her eyes and feathers ruffled.

“So. Fluttershy. The pony that stole Dash away. Made her almost give up flying, almost quit the Wonderbolts.”

Fluttershy felt her throat tighten. “How did you… “

“Oh, ponies talk, even to griffons.” Gilda leaned in close. Fluttershy could see every feather, every scratch on Gilda’s face. Her breath smelled of dead things. “Especially to this griffon.”

Fluttershy whimpered and tried to look away from the big, golden eyes. Trying to find any pony’s eyes to ask for help. GIlda wasn’t making it easy to withdraw, moving her head to continue to catch Fluttershy’s sight.

“How does it feel?"

Fluttershy blinked. "W-what do you mean?"

"How does it feel to be the pony who got her killed?” Gilda hissed.

A weight dropped in her stomach.

Gilda was right by her ear now, whispering so only she could hear, “Do you think you were worth it?”

"Ms. Shy, is this, is this, this griffon bothering you?" Soarin was right next to them, words slurred but glare steady. "Because if so..."

"Um, that's—"

Gilda turned to Soarin and rolled her eyes. "What are you gonna do, dweeb?” she huffed, "I'm, what? Twice? Three times your size?"

"Excuse me—"

"I haven't lost a fight yet," Soarin cracked his neck and pawed his hoof at the ground. "So why don't you leave her alone? In fact, why don't you just leave?"

“Hey… hey!” Thunderlane stumbled behind Soarin, “Leave that weatherpony alone.”

“Really?” Soarin snorted. “You’re calling her ‘weatherpony’?”

Thunderlane spat on the ground, “That’s right, stunt colt. She’s one of us. So back off!”

"Everypony, everypony! Kill the music! Raise your glasses!" Applejack yelled at the top of her voice. "Where's th'piano?"

The room quieted as Vinyl pulled the need off the record. The sudden change in atmosphere disarmed the fight before it began. Fluttershy watched Soarin and Thunderlane eyed each other for a moment, then disengaged. Gilda glared at Fluttershy, but wandered off. Whatever Applejack was planning with the piano was more interesting than the potential of a fight. She stood next to her spot on the wall, forgotten again.

"It's an old song, I know it as an Apple song, but I'm sure some of y'all know it too."

"Oh! Is it, is it, is it…” Rarity hiccuped. “The farewell song?" Rarity asked, hiccuping again and covering her mouth with a hoof.

"Tha's right, th'goodbye song." Applejack's slurring and accent began to blend. “Everypony gather around.”

The crowd parted and Applejack found her way to the piano, which was missing a player. "Music, we need..." Applejack looked around and found Vinyl Scratch. She looked at her, at the piano, then back at Scratch with pleading eyes. "I know it ain't electric, but..."

Vinyl chuckled. "I didn't go to the music academy for nothing, babe." She sat at the bench unsteadily, then frowned. "Of course I don't really know the melody."

"No worries, I got ya. Let me hum it for ya.” She cleared her throat as Vinyl readied her hooves over the keys.

Applejack hummed a few notes, and Vinyl plucked them out. Satisfied, Applejack turned to the room and shouted, “Everypony quiet down. Quiet!" The room’s dull roar quieted to a murmur. Applejack climbed on top of the barrels and looked up at the lantern attached to the ceiling, lighting up the barn like the sun. She cried out, "Raise those glasses again. It goes like this."

She paused, then let out a wail. After clearing the rafters, a beautiful, earthy voice began to sing;

"Well, my ponies

Her time was done

She lived, laughed and loved..."

She took off her hat, and turned and waved expansively with her hoof. Vinyl took the cue and began plucking out the melody, following along.

"Friends of our friend

We won’t see her like her again...

She's gone to the other side..."

The room was silent now, save for Applejack’s voice and Vinyl’s piano. Fluttershy watched and listened, the words pouring into her ears and burning into her heart.

"Goodbye, our dear friend Rainbow

All your adventures here have ended

Well, goodbye, Rainbow Dash

We sing one last time for you…”

Applejack lowered her head, shaking it, singing low: “oh whoa oh..."

The crowd had gathered around the barrels now, many ponies sniffling. Pinkie opened her mouth and sang, tentatively at first:

"Remember her to your foals...

Then goodbye, farewell, goodbye.”

Applejack turned and smiled, joining Pinkie in harmony:

“Wish her luck, you dear ponies

Now, goodbye, farewell, goodbye.”

The ponies surrounding them, one by one, began to join them in the chorus.

“Goodbye, our dear friend Rainbow

All your adventures here have ended

Well, goodbye, Rainbow Dash

We sing one last time for you…”

Rarity threw her head back and belted, “Oh whoa oh!”

“Remember her to your foals

Then goodbye, goodbye, goodbye

Wish her luck, you dear ponies,

Now, goodbye, goodbye, goodbye…”

The chorus repeated again, everypony singing at full blast. Everypony save Fluttershy.

She wanted to join in. She wanted to feel that release, the helping power of song she had felt so many times before in her life

But she felt nothing. No voice left her mouth. No fire in her body. Just cold, empty coldness.

She needed to go home.

When the chorus ended, a pony next to her raised his glass and shouted: “A toast! To Rainbow Dash!

Cloudkicker raised her glass. “The best damn weatherpony we ever had!”

Lightning Dust: “A Wonderbolt, now and forever!”

“There never was a more loyal friend!” Pinkie sobbed. “Never ever!”

“She saved my life! She saved Fluttershy's life!” Rarity crowed. “All of us owe her a debt!

“To Rainbow Dash!” The voice rang out harsh, stopping everypony cold. Fluttershy turned to see Gilda staring at her from above. Wings flapping, the Griffon hovered in the air, above the piano. A mug of cider was in her claw.

Dash's mug of cider.

Murmurs and shocked whispers floated up from the crowd. Gilda silenced them with a look, then glanced back to Fluttershy." To Dash, who would still be alive if she had never heard of Ponyville!"

Ponies gasped as Gilda poured out the mug of cider. The golden liquid splattered onto the ground. Fluttershy closed her eyes, but it only made it worse, like hearing a pony vomit.

"Am I wrong, little ponies?” Gilda’s voice echoed in her mind. “If she stayed in Cloudsdale, she'd still be alive. If she never left the weather pony team, she'd still alive. If she'd never met you..."

Fluttershy opened her eyes and looked up. The mug had run dry. Gilda’s eyes met hers, and then she threw it down to the ground, smashing it to pieces. Right at Fluttershy’s hooves.

Soarin stepped forward first. “Get out.”

"Go ahead. Raise that hoof and just see what happens," she growled.

He turned and nodded, and the rest of the Wonderbolts were at his side. "I'm one of several, griffon.”

“Maybe,” Gilda grinned but her eyes were not smiling. “But can they get to me before I snap those wings right off you?”

Lightning Dust growled. "Invitation or not, you've worn out your welcome."

“Back off, flymare,” Cloudkicker slurred, poking Dust with her hoof. “The griffon is right. She'd never have flown into danger like that b'fore you all got to her. You stunt ponys got her killed.”

Rarity stumbled over to Cloudkicker and put her hoof on her shoulder, "Kicker, really! Nopony killed Dash, she died in that storm..."

"Take your hoof off of me, pretty princess..." Cloudkicker seethed.

Gilda shook her head. “Never mind, C.K. This party is lame-central, anyway. I’ll go.” She landed with a thud, and looked around the room, stopping to give an extra glare to Rarity, Pinkie Pie, and Applejack. She stopped at Fluttershy, and snorted, “Just so we’re clear. You’re the reason she’s dead. And everypony knows it.”

Fluttershy stared at her, and nodded ever so slightly.

Rarity screamed, “Get OUT!”

Gilda shrugged and stomped towards the exit.

“Wait a second!”

She turned.

Applejack stepped forward unsteadily. "Just so we're clear, even if you hadn't just said those awful things t'my friend, I've woulda done this anyway."

Gilda rolled her eyes. "Well?”

Fluttershy blinked and almost missed it. In less than two seconds, Applejack turned around, shot out her back legs and connected with Gilda's face, sending the griffon reeling.

Applejack thundered, "No one pours out a dead mare's cider!”

Her hooves were shaking.

"Fluttershy, it's okay sugar." Applejack reached out and took her hoof. "We don't have to talk about any of this if you don't want to."

Twilight frowned. "Actually Applejack, I'm sorry but we do."

Applejack’s glare could melt glass. “No, we don’t.”

The door slammed open and Steady stumbled in with a yelp. He quickly turned and closed it behind him.

Knocks coughed. “Everything all right, Officer Steady?”

Steady’s eyes darted around the room, spooked. “Didn’t anypony hear that?!”

"Uh... hear what, Soldier?"

He spoke slowly, deliberately. “Sergeant Knocks, I think you need to come and take a look at uh, what’s outside.” Steady was shaking, “Like now. Right now.”

Knocks rolled his eyes. "Excuse me, Princess," he said and trotted over with a sigh.

Soarin whispered to Applejack, “You okay?”

She smiled at him. “I’m fine, darlin’.”

Fluttershy watched them hold hooves again. The fire was coursing up from hooves, filling her veins...

Do not forget who the enemy is.

She glanced back at the mirror on the wall in confusion. This is silly. Why should I be mad at them?

Her reflection shook its head. They're not the problem. The pony at this table lying to you is the problem.

She blinked, then glanced at Twilight. The Princess who was staring at her guards at the front door, deep in thought.

That’s right, filly. Your jailer.

Fluttershy swiveled her eyes back to her reflection in the mirror. The other ‘her’ nodded slowly.

Make no mistake. You are in her charge.

And Fluttershy realized that she had gone from questioning why there was another version of ‘her’ in the mirror, to asking the other ‘her’ for advice. She shut her eyes tightly.

She wanted to go home.

The Sergeant re-appeared at Twilight's side. "Princess..."

Twilight turned at the mention of her name. Sgt Knocks looked at her intently, then leaned over close to her ear and whispered.

Fluttershy couldn't catch the words, but whatever they were, Twilight's expression froze. Knocks gestured with his hoof towards the kitchen window. Following his hoof, Twilight nodded slowly and stood up from the table.

"Applejack, is the rest of your family in the house?" she asked, her voice reflecting a deliberate effort at calm.

"Uh, no, actually. I sent Apple Bloom off with Granny Smith to spend last night with relatives, and I haven't seen my brother all mornin'." Applejack frowned. "Why? What's going on?"

"Good," Twilight said, then turned to Fluttershy, "I need you to come with me."

The strain on Twilight's face and in her voice was noticeable. Fluttershy blinked. "Come where?"

"Now." Twilight's horn lit up, and Fluttershy felt her chair move back of its own accord. She yelped and jumped out of it.

Applejack stood up. "Now just a minute Twi!"

"Stay down! Stay in your chair!" Twilight shouted.

"I'm not doin’ anything until you explain yourself!" Applejack growled,

"Uh, Applejack, she is a princess..." Soarin said out of the corner of his mouth, "...maybe we should just stay in our chairs?"

"That's horsefeathers. She's my friend and she's gonna explain herself if she wants to stay that way." Applejack stomped closer to Twilight. "What's Fluttershy done? Why ya'll acting so nutty?"

"Nothing." Fluttershy muttered, shaking as she held onto the sides of the table to steady herself, "I haven't done anything..."

"Applejack please," Twilight shook her head, "stay in your chair until it's safe."

Applejack blinked. "Safe from what?"

Twilight bit her lip.

A roar shook the building and its inhabitants. Applejack ducked instinctively. Soarin yelped and jumped out of his chair, flying to her side. The guards both reached for their weapons. Twilight closed her eyes and lit up her horn.

"Fluttershy, get down! I'm calling for help!"

Fluttershy wasn't listening. The roar came again, and this time she did not shy away. She walked to the window and looked outside.

"Mister Bear?" she whispered.

Fluttershy whispered to herself, “All barn fights end eventually… all barn fights end eventually…”

That's what Applejack told her the one time she actually saw a barn fight, when Big Macintosh and Applejack's cousin Braeburn got into an argument that turned to blows. When Fluttershy asked why Applejack wasn't getting involved, she shrugged and said 'all barn fights end eventually.'

Yet here she was, under a table in the middle of a barn fight that showed no signs of ending.

A body landed on top of her table, and she yelped. Purple mane now hung off the side, blocking her view. A slurred but yet somehow still formal voice said, "oh, that's how you want to play it, dear Cloudkicker?"

"Rarity?" Fluttershy whispered. "Rarity, please help m—"

Rarity slid off the table and landed on her hooves. As she charged forward, she roared, "It. Is. On!"

Fluttershy shivered. All her friends were drunk, fighting, or both. She was on her own.

It had escalated so quickly. Within moments, the entire barn had gone from joyful sorrow to drunken rage. First, Applejack kicked Gilda. Gilda lunged to attack. Soarin got in the way, and his uniform and back paid the price. The Wonderbolts rallied to defend their captain. The weather team ponies rushed to protect Gilda. Rarity and Big Macintosh rallied around Applejack.

And Fluttershy? She hid under a table in the middle of the room, mane over her eyes.

Another pony landed on-top of her table, and she thought she heard a crack. Eyes wide, she cast about for an exit. It seemed every window was currently being used to slam a pony against, the back door was blocked by broken tables, and the main doors to the barn were being occupied by Gilda, Applejack and a host of Wonderbolts. There was no way out.

A drunken cry rang out, and she peeked her head up from underneath her table. Pinkie Pie was hanging on a lantern attached to the ceiling by a rickety chain, surrounded by two weatherponies who were trying to drag her off of it. She was brandishing a mug of cider like it was a cutlass and singing at the top of her lungs, " Giggle at the ghostly, guffaw at the grossly, crack up at the creepy, whoop it up with the weepy…”

"Come down, you idiot!" Flitter shouted, in the tone of the drunk pony sober enough to understand gravity. "You're going to hurt yourself, or somepony else!"

Pinkie gasped. "Hurt somepony? I’d never! The very idea of such a thing makes me wanna—” she started to snicker, “ — wanna... hahahaha... heh…”

Fluttershy realized two things simultaneously. One was that the window next to the lantern on the ceiling was open, and unblocked. Two was that the same lantern Pinkie was hanging from was directly above the table she currently was hiding underneath.

Pinkie slammed the cider mug against the chain, shouting, “

It happened quickly and slowly. The chain breaking from Pinkie’s mug. Flitter shouting. The lantern beginning its descent. Pinkie leaping off the lantern like a ballet dancer. Fluttershy pushing off from underneath the table, aiming desperately for the window. Pinkie landing on top of the piano, head first. The lantern hitting the table behind Fluttershy, smashing it.

And somehow, she made it all the way to the open window, through it and then tumbled onto the ground outside. It was a rough landing, but the grass was soft enough. More importantly, it meant she was outside of the barn.

She was safe now.

"Fluttershy?" A regal voice enveloped her ears. She looked up.

Princess Celestia stared down at her. She had seen the Princess several times before, but rarely so somber, so serious.

And never so focused on her...

Author's Note:

Cloudkicker gonna be starting somethin'

Also, inspiration for the party:

And I can't find the actual track for the song that inspired the goodbye song, so here's the amazing first track from the musical that has the song that inspired the goodbye song.