• Published 9th Feb 2014
  • 1,618 Views, 33 Comments

Safety Regulations - JumpingShinyFrogs

Candle Light, an alicorn safety inspector, is sent to Ponyville to check on the fire safety regulations. Misunderstandings and shenanigans ensue.

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1- Candle Light's Mission

Candle Light hummed a tune to herself as she packed a saddle bag. In it, she placed a roll of parchment, a quill, a very safely contained dragonfire candle, and her favourite fire extinguisher, Joe.

She paused to look at the wonder that was Joe. She thought of using him, his wonderful carbon dioxide spreading to put out any fire. She stroked his magnificent shiny red plating with a hoof, polishing it until it reflected the light of the horrible fires he would seek out and destroy. She soon found herself drooling, thinking about such an extraordinary specimen of a fire extinguisher.

"Uh, miss, are you ok?" asked a sky blue alicorn stallion.

Candle Light jumped into the air with a squeal and fumbled with Joe for a moment, throwing him in the air before catching him in her minty green magic. "Uh, yes, I'm fine, thank you for asking," she said quickly.

The stallion shrugged. Candle Light was slightly off the deep end and he knew it. Everyone knew it. The black-coated alicorn was obsessed with fire extinguishers, to the point where she did things like this.

"Are you ready to go?" asked the stallion.

"Yes, I am," answered Candle Light.

Candle slipped her saddlebags on and followed the stallion outside. Three alicorn engineers were stoking up a hot air balloon.

"Now, is this balloon secured against the possibility of a fire?" asked Candle.

"Yes, Miss Light," droned the engineers.

Candle climbed aboard for an inspection. "Aha!" she exclaimed, "This balloon is clearly not secured, for you see, the flame is not contained properly! If the wind were to blow in the wrong direction the entire thing could go on fire! Fix it at once!"

The three engineers groaned and facehoofed, before a chalky white mare spoke up, "Miss Light, we've told you before. We can't contain the flame because that would deprive it of oxygen and therefore it would go out and the balloon wouldn't fly."

Candle huffed and stuck her muzzle in the air. "Fine," she said, "but when this catches on fire and kills me, I'll come back as a ghost to say 'I told you so'."

One engineer muttered under her breath, "I hope it does kill you..."

Candle reluctantly hopped into the basket. An engineer untied the rope and flapped his wings to set the balloon in the right direction. Candle waved back with a smile on her face, while the engineers turned away with a grimace.

"What do you mean, an inspector?" asked Twilight Sparkle, sitting on a cushion facing the regal sun princess.

"Exactly that. A fire safety inspector," said Celestia, sipping a cup of tea.

"But why is she coming to Ponyville?" asked Twilight. "I mean, I know fire safety is important, but still. And from the letter you showed me, I don't think she's very...sound, if you know what I mean."

"Twilight, some of the alicorns from my homeland are...odd, to say the least. This inspector is just another strange face. Just tell her what she wants to hear, and you'll be fine. Who knows, maybe you'll make friends with her?"

Twilight's face brightened at the thought of a new friend. "I guess it won't be so bad, then. I'll try my best to please her, Princess."

"That's good to hear," said Celestia.

The two chattered aimlessly for a while, until Princess Celestia had to leave.

Twilight set about reorganising her books, and settled down with a novel. The inspector will be here tomorrow, she thought.

I hope she isn't too crazy...

Candle Light yawned after a long nap in a grassy park. She stretched her wings and gave them a few experimental flaps. She had docked her balloon to be cared for in the town of Hoofington. She would fly the rest of the way.

She spread her wings, leapt into the air and took off. Ponies gave her odd looks as she glided above them, her dark red mane flapping in the wind. She soon found herself regretting her lack of fitness. I should look at that. It could cause problems if there was a fire, she thought.

Still, she persevered. About an hour and a half later, she found herself soaring above a small, quaint town. She stalled for a moment, looking for the library, where the town's resident princess lived. She couldn't find it.

Candle descended, and looked at the ponies wandering around. Some had stopped briefly to stare at her. It probably wasn't every day that a red and black alicorn decided to land in the square. Still, most of the ponies just shrugged and went about their business after a minute.

Candle turned, looking for somepony who could help her find the library. She saw a pink earth pony with a darker pink mane bouncing around near an apple stand run by an orange earth pony mare. Candle decided to ask the pink pony, who seemed to be friendly enough to say hello to random ponies passing her.

"Hello," said Candle, approaching the pink mare.

The pink mare turned around. She stood still for a moment before suddenly leaping into the air and giving loud gasp. She bolted away before Candle could do anything to stop her.

"Was it something I said?" said Candle to herself.

A chuckle came from the direction of the apple stand. Candle turned and saw the orange mare was laughing.

"Don't you worry yerself none," drawled the mare in a thick accent. "That's just Pinkie Pie bein' Pinkie Pie. She loves meetin' new faces. Ya can expect a party ta come right outta nowhere later, so ya'd better prepare yerself. Ah'm Applejack. What's yer name?"

"My name is Candle Light. I'm looking for the library. Do you know where it is?" asked Candle.

"Sure ah do," said Applejack. "It's on the edge o' town over yonder—" she gestured with a hoof ”—in a huge tree. Ya can't miss it."

"A tree!?" exclaimed Candle, becoming alert. She levitated Joe from her saddlebags.

"Uh, why do ya have that there fire extinguisher?" asked Applejack, a puzzled expression on her face.

"Because, my dear Applejack," said Candle, "your town's princess is living in terribly unsafe conditions. Why, her tree could catch on fire at any moment! I must help her to see the light, and become more aware of the dangers that come from living in such a wooded environment. I must go immediately!"

With that, Candle took off, leaving a very perplexed Applejack behind.

Candle soon came to the library. She landed in front of the door and knocked on said door.

After a moment, a lavender alicorn with an indigo mane opened the door.

"Hello! You must be the safety inspector," said the alicorn.

"Indeed, I am," said Candle.

"I'm Twilight Sparkle. Please, come in," said Twilight.

Candle followed Twilight inside. A small purple dragon passed her, carrying a bundle of scrolls. "Hey," he said with a casual nod.

He turned to Twilight. "Hey, Twilight, where do you want me to put these—achoo!" The dragon sneezed, sending a flicker of green flame into the air.

Candle Light stiffened. Her horn lit with its minty green aura.

The dragon rubbed his nose. "Sorry. Anyway, where do you want me to put these scrolls?" he asked.

"Just over on the shelf by the fireplace, Spike," said Twilight.

Candle nearly fainted. "You, living in a tree, which is made of flammable wood, and filled with flammable books, have a fireplace?" she asked, incredulous. "And what's more, you have a fire-sneezing dragon living with you? Have you no respect for the almighty laws of fire safety?"

Twilight regarded Candle with an odd expression. "Uh, yes? We have a fireplace. It gets cold here at night, you know. I think you may be overreacting, Miss..."

"Candle Light."

"Right. Well, like I said, I think you may be overreacting just a little bit, Miss Candle Light. The fireplace is made of stone, after all, and the hearth is fairly big. I don't think it's too dangerous. And as for Spike, his fire isn't particularly hot," said Twilight.

Candle wasn't listening. She had brought out Joe once more, and was waving him in Twilight's face.

"Do you see this exquisite specimen of a fire extinguisher? His name is Joe. And looking around, I cannot see a single one of his brethren, when you have a very good reason to have at least twenty of his fellow extinguishers. You, Princess Sparkle, are well on the way to failing this inspection. And if you do fail...so help me Celestia, there will be consequences," said Candle Light, her voice dark and sinister.

Twilight and Spike just stared at Candle as though she had grown an extra head.

Meanwhile, outside the library, Pinkie Pie was furious.

"That mean old safety inspector! She thinks that she can just walk in there and tell Twilight what to do! And then she threatens to hurt Twilight! She won't get away with this."

And so, Pinkie Pie stomped away from the window, her face set in a frown. She had plans for how to make the inspector pay, indeed, the most terrible of plans, but she couldn't do it alone...

Author's Note:

For those of you who are going 'ZOMG RED AND BLACK ALICORN U ARE THE WORST AUTHOR EVAR!!!!1' I would have made a Candle Light a different colour, and not an alicorn, but a requirement of the contest was that the protagonist be a red and black alicorn.

If this wasn't written for a contest, I probably would have made her a unicorn.

As a side note, this story has been mostly pre written and I also have a deadline, so the famous JumpingShinyFrogs delays shouldn't be present here.