• Published 6th Feb 2014
  • 5,275 Views, 83 Comments

A Dark Twilight - Ugly-Duckling123

Ever since the Crystal Empire, Twilights been acting strange, and she can't figure out why...

  • ...

Chapter 8

In the cave of ice, Twilight looked on to the ice sheets shocked . Her ex-friends now had all the pieces of the Crystal Scepter. They could use it to defeat herself and Sombra.

"They will never defeat me," Sombra's voice rang around the cave. "Don't worry my queen. They'll need more than a simple stick to defeat the Master of Darkness."

"Wasn't there something like that about the crown?" Twilight asked not caring how it sounded, or who she was talking to.

"I was not expecting for Applejack to be able to escape my Dark Magic..." Sombra said sounding like he was growling.

"Although Smart Cookie did have a good point Clover the Clever," some-pony else said. Twilight looked around to see Starswirl again, rubbing his chin in thought.

"I told you, Grandpa," Twilight said eyes glowing "My name is Twilight. I'm not your student, so stop lecturing me."

"Well whoever you are," Starswirl said putting his hoof down still eying Twilight "Your friend made a good point about family and friends always being there."

"So?" Twilight asked getting her horn ready to fire at the wall again.

"And your dragon seemed very upset with Princess Platinum after seeing you in his fears next to this fake," Starswirl said talking about Spike and Rarity.

"Well he is a 'Baby' dragon," Twilight said in a non-caring way.

"Well whatever you decide," Starswirl said getting up. "Know one side will make your friends happy, while the other will put them in shackles and will be forced to pull carts hating you for the rest of eternity."

This made Twilight stop and step back then, "Get lost..." but he was already gone.

Back in the Empire, Shining Armour had just finished ordering the guards to round up every-pony and take them to safety, when Pinkamena, Applejack, and Luna reappeared on this side of the dome.

Calling two guards to help him he ran over to see if they needed help.

"Every-pony alright." he asked.

"Of course we're alight. We said we would be." Pinkamena said hair slightly poofyer, but still mostly straight. "Now come on, we have a scepter to put together."

After helping Applejack and Luna up, every-pony set off to the Palace.

"You think it will work?" Shining Armour asked no one in particular.

"I'm sure it will Sugarcube," Applejack said smiling at how much Shining loved his sister.

"But... But what if something goes wrong?" Shining Armour asked. "What if it works on Sombra, but not Twili? What if..."

"It will be alright Shining Armour," Luna cut him off, "As long as you love your sister, and she can still feel it... It will work."

With that said they walked the rest of the way to the Palace in silence.

In the throne room, Spike had got over what he saw because of the Dark Magic, and was being bandaged by Fluttershy, saying 'Sorry' every time he winced.

Rainbow was pacing around, muttering to herself about whither the others were alright, being the Element of Loyalty.

Rarity was sitting with Celestia and Cadence - who was starting to look a little tired, watching Rainbow go back and forth, having the same thoughts go though her mind.

When the doors opened and they saw their friends, Fluttershy, Rarity, Rainbow Dash and Spike all ran up to hug Pinkamena and Applejack, letting Luna and Shining Armour slip by and walk up to the other princesses.

"Well," Shining began "Now that we have all the pieces, what do we do with them?"

"A good question Young Prince," a voice answered.

Every-pony looked around and saw the three ponies who had helped them find the parts, King Rubeus, Queen Rose Quartz and Starswirl the Bearded, looking towards them though the walls.

Breaking away from the others Rainbow looked towards the rulers. "So what's the answer?" she asked in an almost demanding voice.

"Rainbow," Rarity hissed bringing Rainbow down with her magic "Be patient."

Rose Quartz smiled, sensing the friendship the Commander had for Clover the Clever.

"The spell to put the Scepter back together takes three Alicorns," Starswirl said. Every-pony in the room turned to the Princesses. "You, my dears, will need to take hold of the parts you collected, and together chant...

'Let these three parts now become one,
So all evil may now be undone'

Three times."

Nodding in understanding, Luna took the ring, Celestia took the staff, and Cadence took the crystal, began their magic, and chanted....

'"Let these three parts now become one,
So all evil may now be undone'

'Let these three parts now become one,
So all evil may now be undone'

'Let these three parts now become one,
So all evil may now be undone'"

After finishing the last words, the three parts each began to glow a rainbow ring around themselves, and slid into the right places of the Scepter. One final bright flash, and floating in front of every-pony was the Crystal Scepter.

As the Scepter floated down, Shining Armour caught it in his magic, and walked up to Cadence. Turning to the wall he bowed. "Thank you for helping us get my sister back." he said.

"You are welcome, Young Prince," Rubeus said spreading his wings. "May you have better luck stopping Sombra than we did." and then they disappeared.

Suddenly Cadence clasped, panting.

"CADENCE!" every-pony screamed.

Already tired from holding up the dome for as long as she had, using her magic to mend the scepter had sucked the last part out of her.

Suddenly the dome fell, and Sombra's smoke circled the Palace. As Shining Armour helped Cadence up, a new voice could be heard.

"Finally, I can reclaim my throne..." it hissed. Standing at the doors in body armor and cape, his eyes glowing red and green, fangs showing, was none other than King Sombra.