• Published 6th Feb 2014
  • 9,522 Views, 318 Comments

Five Changelings In Equestria: Ling - Bucking Nonsense

Ling, a mute and magic-less changeling, begins offering free hugs in Canterlot.

  • ...



Beta, a short, stout, jowly diamond dog turned back to look at his brother, Alpha, a taller, sleeker specimen, and asked, "What?"

Alpha shook his head sadly and said, "What do you think you're doing, Beta?"

Beta, turning back towards the captured changeling, attempted to put the gag onto the captive. It wasn't easy, though. The little creature wouldn't hold still, and kept trying to bite at his paws. She might look cute, but she was definitely spunky... and Beta hated spunk. Angrily, he said, "What does it look like, genius?"

Chuckling, Alpha said, "It looks like you're trying to put a gag on a mute girl. But that can't be what you're trying to do, since that would be stupid."

Blushing furiously, Beta realized that, yes, that would be stupid. What was she going to do? Scream for help? "Right," Beta said, now slightly ashamed, "Sorry, I wasn't thinking..."

Omega, the youngest member of the group, snorted in amusement. Barely more than a pup, Alpha felt bad about bringing his son into this, but needs must.

Rolling his eyes theatrically, Alpha said, "Obviously." Alpha then knelt and faced the young changeling directly. "Sorry about this, little lady. Are you hurt?"

The changeling gave the diamond dog a long look, then slowly shook her head.

"Good," Alpha said, nodding. "Sorry about getting you wrapped up in this mess. However, what the boss wants, the boss gets, and the boss says that we need you to finish the job. Just stay put and don't cause any trouble, and you'll be home before you know it."

The little one gave another long look, then gave a very brief nod.

Alpha turned towards Beta, and asked, "Is Delta back yet?" The bulldog shook his head. "Top?" Another shake. "Great. Well, they'd both better get back soon. This has fiasco written all over it, and I want to get this done with, and us on our way, before it explodes in our faces..."

Delta, a youngish female diamond dog (no, they do not use THAT word to describe their females, thank you very much), readied to throw the brick. A message was written in a note tied around the brick, and she had been instructed to throw it as soon as Platinum Print entered Guard Headquarters. The pegasus had just flown in, tears in her eyes, obviously upset. Delta's heart went out to her, as a fellow mother, but it was the only way...

As she cocked her arm back to throw, something caught her arm and stopped her. She looked back, and then up, at the stranger towering over her.

"Uh oh."

Ling had to admit, her kidnapping was expertly done: her abductor had snuck into the house during the day, while Silver Lance and Platinum Print were both out, Silver at work and Plat rushing out to make a quick flight over to the store to get a gallon of milk. The pegasus was only going to be gone five minutes, but five minutes was more than enough.

Somehow, one of them had jimmied open a window, and the tall one had come in, thrown a sack over her, and was out in less than a minute. As neat a piece of work as any changeling could have ever executed. She idly wondered if they gave lessons.

Still, this was bad news: she knew that Sil and Plat didn't have a huge amount of money, so this couldn't be about extorting cash from them in exchange for her release. It wasn't likely to be about revenge against her, since, until now, changelings and diamond dogs had never encountered one another, as far as she knew, until today. That meant one of two things: either they wanted revenge against Silver Lance for something, and were planning on using her to get it... or they planned on using her connection to the guard commander to extort something from him, something that only a guard commander would have access to...

Delta the Diamond Dog was having a really bad day. Her job was just supposed to be to deliver the ransom demand to Silver Lance, but things didn't go anywhere nearly as easily as she had hoped. She was now tied to a chair with several very angry guards staring at her.

Silver Lance glared at Delta as he went over this one more time. "So," he repeated, his teeth grit with suppressed rage, "Your boss wants me to turn over the Dog Star Diamond, one of the national treasures of Equestria, to him, in exchange for my daughter?"

Delta nodded, too afraid to speak. She got the distinct impression that the only reason why the unicorn wasn't twisting her head off right now was due to the fact that she was a girl. She couldn't count on that saving her if she angered him any further.

Sky Writer, a young lieutenant, raised an eyebrow, and asked, "And how, exactly, does your boss expect the commander to get it? A national treasure isn't easy to come by."

Delta gulped, then said, "Only three beings in Equestria have a key to let them into the Vault Of National Treasures. Two of them are princesses, and each keep a key magically sealed away in a pocket dimension when not in use. However, there must be a third key available, should anything ever happen to both of the princesses, that must remain in this dimension at all times. Therefore, one remains in the possession of the commander of the Equestrian Guard."

Scowling, Silver Lance said, "You've done your homework, then. Your boss expects me to just be able to waltz in, take the gem, and walk out of the vault without any problems? Does he really think that, even if I could do that, that I would just hand the treasure over to him?" He'd be branded as a traitor, imprisoned, stripped out his title in disgrace, or any combination of the three. Not that any of that hardly mattered, given that Ling was in jeopardy...

Looking more than a little distressed, Delta said, "I was told that getting the gem out would be your problem, not ours. And that if you didn't go along with it, you'd be sorry."

The unicorn's face was immediately in Delta's, barely an inch separating the two. "Tell me," Silver Lance asked, his voice cold enough to freeze the sun, "Do you know what I did to the last batch of thugs who threatened my family?"

Delta, terrified, shook her head.

With a cold, cold smile, the commander of the Equestrian Guard said, "That's a shame: You should have been warned. Go tell your boss this: if my daughter is returned to me within the hour, I will not search for him, and I will not pursue him. However, if my daughter is not returned, or if any harm befalls her, I will be angry. Angry beyond words, and beyond all mortal comprehension. I don't care if he hides in the depths of the darkest pit in the deepest cave on a continent a thousand miles away, or if he seeks shelter on the moon itself; I will hunt him down, and when I find him, he will learn why no one, in twenty years, has dared to try and threaten my family after the first time. Do you understand me?"

The diamond dog nodded, now clearly terrified.

The unicorn's horn flared with magic, and the ropes binding her dropped, cleanly severed. "Good. Now run."

She didn't need to be told twice.

Omega sat down beside Ling, his expression sorrowful. He brought with him a chalkboard, surprisingly enough.

Using a stick of chalk, he wrote, "Sorry about this." He then pushed the chalkboard over to her.

Giving the little diamond dog a long look, she wiped off the message and wrote, "I'm mute, not deaf," and passed the board back.

The diamond dog read the message, then shook, as if laughing, then wrote a response.

"Same here."

Sky asked, after they were certain the diamond dog was out of hearing range, "Did you put the tracking spell on her?"

With a humorless chuckle, Silver said, "Of course. Not that I really needed to: I had one placed on Ling the day we took her in. I knew this might happen one day. Did you send the runner to the palace?"

The lieutenant nodded, and said, "Of course. I also sent out an all-points to Ling's 'fan club'. And to every guard in the city. Volunteers only, of course."

"Good," the unicorn said, nodding. He then turned to the tall, robed figure, the one who had detained the diamond dog when collie had tried to drop off the ransom note. "Thank you. Things might have gotten a bit tricky if you hadn't caught her."

The stranger, extremely tall for a pony, simply nodded and said, "Just make certain that no one ever tries this again."

A grin split the unicorn's face as he said, "If anyone ever tries to mess with my family after this, they'll know exactly what they'll be in for, even if the live in a cave on the other side of the world. This. Will. Be. Legendary."

The stranger nodded again, and said, "I expect no less."

Top chuckled to himself as he clutched the Dog Star Diamond to his chest. Everything was going according to plan: Of course he'd known exactly where Silver Lance kept the key. It was in a secure safe in the basement: he'd scouted the place out weeks ago, although he'd nearly gotten caught a few times searching for it. While impressive in weight and in durability, it was a mundane safe: one spell of selective intangibility, read off of a scroll, and he could just pull it out, bypassing the locks entirely. However, there had been no opportunity to snag it until now, and without the magic key, the Vault Of National Treasures was impossible to open.

Reaching the Vault Of National Treasures, however, was simplicity itself: if you have an impenetrable, immovable vault, one that can only be opened with a very special magic key, what other security would you really need? If you knew where entrance was (and one guided tour of the palace had allowed him to get a good look at the castle's entire layout), and you had the key, then all you needed was a distraction.

He knew that his minions would 'ruin' things: that's what minions did. King Sombra had the right idea, doing the job himself instead of raising an army. The more who are in on the real plan, the more likely it is to fail. However, if your minions are reliably unreliable, they can do a terrific job keeping the fuzz busy, especially if they have every reason to stick to what they think is the plan.

Finding a family of outcasts begging for a way back into the pack hadn't been so easy, but with Alpha, Beta, Delta, and Omega, he'd found the perfect batch of losers. They were patsies, and would draw the focus of the guard, and the entire city, down upon them.

Suckers. Suckers, the whole sorry lot of them.

...Soon, he'd have his revenge on Luna and Celestia. His vengeance, one thousand years in the making, would be legendary. He knew exactly where they would be. As if they would sit idly by while such a small child was in jeopardy. As he came in sight of the warehouse, he flicked the weighty diamond, just the right size to be the heart of a canine, into his mouth... and swallowed it.

Power flowed through his body, power that had once been his, and was now returning to its rightful place. Power that could level cities. Power that could shake the heavens. Power that could bring low even alicorns. Power beyond all reckoning. The Top Dog was back in business. No, not Top Dog. Not anymore.

Call him... Sirius, The Canis Major.