• Published 9th Feb 2014
  • 443 Views, 4 Comments

For a Fresh Start - Azure_Flame

Aero Azure has searched far and wide for a place to fit in. Perhaps coming to a new town may provide just that.

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Chapter 1: Arrival

The soft yet constant rumble of the train woke him up with a start. Other ponies around him were still performing their normal activities: talking with each other, foals running around the cars, playing with themselves, some taking naps like he was. After a few moments of taking in all of the sights to regain a sense of location, his cyan eyes slowly reverted to their normal, sullen state. his solid blue body once more relaxed, as a hoof went through the blue-cyan hair upon his head. He looked out the window to the passing countryside, and began thinking, as he normally did when traveling, keeping his thoughts and emotions within his own mind.

Hopefully this will be the place. I've gone to many cities, none really fitting me.

He sighed as the brakes of the train screeched with the aching noise of metal scraping together. Many ponies ignored it, but some covered their ears to the high-pitched noise. The train slowed down as passengers leaned forward naturally.

I've heard that this town is unlike all of the rest. I'll just have to see for myself.

The muffled noises of the station came into earshot as the train pulled up to the station slowly.

Finally here. Do I still have those papers – His hoof began digging through his saddlebags to locate the papers for his apartment he had paid for – yes, here they are. I should've tried to remember the address on here already. I guess it was either that, or taking a nap. I like the second option much better. A miniscule smile escaped his lips as small as his own joke.

The train doors opened as many ponies got up and started exiting. He rearranged his bags to make sure they were in order, then hopped off of his seat and walked down the isle.

Let's just go to the apartment first and make sure everything is in order before checking out places in town. It should be around time to get a late lunch, so that'll be what I look for first.

He joined up among the other ponies attempting to leave the train, and once more became nothing more than another pony among a crowd of many.

Here we go. A new start in another new town.

As ponies exited the train, they went to meet up with family and friends that they had in town. Among many of those waiting was an earth pony, her hair the color of cotton candy. Her coat was of a light pink, and her face had a bright, wide smile across it. Her head moved left and right, scanning the crowd from the train, looking for anypony who seemed to need a smile. Her eyes settled upon a single pegasus, his coat as blue as the deepest seas. She started trotting towards him, as he stopped a safe distance away from the exiting crowd to pull out his map from his saddlebags and scan it for where he was headed. As she approached, he put the map away and noticed her heading straight for him. His look was first of surprise, then to a dulled state, as if he didn't want her coming towards him. She knew he could take off if he wanted to, but he didn't.

"Hi there!" Her voice carried a sense of infectious joy across it.

"Hello," he responded, his tone monotonous.

"Are you headed somewhere? I could help you go there if you want."

"I guess. I'm going to the corner of –" He went into his bags and pulled out a paper with an address on it "– it says, 23rd and Candy Avenue."

"Oh, I know exactly where that is! I live in Sugarcube Corner, which is on Candy Avenue. 23rd is just down the street from there. Here, Follow me!" She began hopping towards the town, looking back to see if he was following. Sure enough he was, but he was walking at a slower pace than others did. She slowed down to come to the side of him, and began asking questions.

"So, where are you from? I've never seen someone with your colors anywhere around here."

He seemed to hesitate before speaking, but spoke anyway. "I'm from Cloudsdale. My colors are a bit unusual for someone such as myself."

"It doesn't seem strange to me. What makes you say that?"

"That no one from Cloudsdale has any colors similar to this. Most colors are less pronounced, usually lighter shades."

"I've never known. My friend Dashie has all the colors of the rainbow in her mane, and she's from Cloudsdale too."

"Hmm. Maybe we can meet sometime later. I've heard there was someone like that living here in Ponyville."

"Yeah, she's real famous for winning the Young Fliers Competition a couple years ago. She did one of the most spectacular, awesome, amazing, wondrous, super speedy things ever! The Sonic Rainboom!"

"I feel like you're overselling that fact a little much. I don't think it's that spectacular."

"But it is! She even saved the Wonderbolts and my friend while doing it!"

"So that's what I read in the newspaper that one day. I didn't think much of it, because I've never heard of the Wonderbolts getting themselves into any danger."

"Oh, turn left here."

The duo turned to the side as he gazed at the sign for Candy Avenue.

"So that's how far it is to the train station. Good to know."

"Why would that be good to know? You just got into town! You don't have a reason to leave just yet."

"If I don't fit in, I might just go and leave town. It's not like I haven't done the same thing before."

"Well, I guarantee you that you won't want to leave town right away. I'm throwing a party a week from now. You should come and have some fun!"

"Eh, parties aren't really my thing. Besides, aren't you a little old for those?"

She stopped. Her face went from a simple smile to a very serious expression. He stopped and stepped back a little, thinking he hit a nerve he shouldn't have touched. "You are NEVER too old for parties! I've planned so many amazing parties, I'm Ponyville's super-duper-party-planner! I'm in charge of throwing all of the parties around here, and I make sure everypony always has a good time. If you come, I Pinkie Promise that you will have one of the best times of your life!" She leaned in as she spoke, almost residing on top of him.

He cowered a little. "Okay, okay! I'll try to be there. Just make sure to give me the place and time."

She went back to her original, wide grin. "Okie-Dokie-Lokie! By the way, the name's Pinkie Pie. Nice to meet you...?"

"The name's Aero Azure. But I just go by Azure. Nice to meet you, too."

"Alright, so weren't we going to 23rd?"


They walked along some more in silence. Pinkie bounced along, watching both the street and her guest. He looked forward consistently, somewhat distant, but still aware. The rest of the town was bustling, with many ponies heading towards a large, cupcake-looking building on the side of the street. When they approached, she spoke up.

"There's Sugarcube Corner. That's where I've been living. I help out the Cakes with baking treats and filling out orders."

"Oh, so it's a bakery?"

"Yes indeedily!"

They continued onwards, finally reaching the intersection of 23rd and Candy, only a few blocks from the Corner.

"Well, here we are! Don't forget to stop by the Corner sometime! I'll make my best cupcakes just for you!"

"Thank you for the offer. I'll keep that in my mind on my search for lunch."

He walked off towards the apartment building, leaving Pinkie to turn around towards the Corner. She didn't mind much. Besides, she had orders to fill, and a party to be preparing for.

"What a strange stallion. I never got around to asking why he didn't have his cutie mark."