• Published 13th Feb 2014
  • 989 Views, 3 Comments

Bundle of Joy - Forlong

Pinkie Pie and Donut Joe have their first child.

  • ...

Bundle of Joy

Pinkie Pie was happier than she'd ever been in her entire life. Happier than the day she first learned to smile. Happier than the day Pumpkin and Pound first said her name. Happier than when she met all her best friends. Happier than when she feel for Donut Joe. Happier than when she married Donut Joe. At least 35% happier than that. Maybe 40.

Unlike other times when she was happy, she couldn't jump with joy screaming about how this was the most amazing day ever (and it totally was). She was just to tired for her usual antics. Why was she so tired? The same reason she was so happy: she just had a baby.

His name was Bubbleberry, one of the names she picked out herself. And he was the most amazing and perfect little foal in all of Equestria. The baby unicorn looked just like his daddy, even had Joe's kind, green eyes. But Joe said that he looked like Pinkie, with his pink coat and raspberry colored, puffy mane. Pinkie really liked his mane.

"He's probably going to be a little ball of energy," Joe said with a smile on his face, "Just like his mommy."

"Oh, Bubbleberry," Pinkie said, not being able to contain herself (she never could), "I love you so much. We're going to teach you to bake muffins and cupcakes and doughnuts and cake and pie and everything."

"Pinkie, he only just learned how to blink his eyes."

"Okay, so for now we'll just play peek-a-boo."

"And, besides, you don't bake doughnuts. You fry them."

"And that's what makes daddy the doughnut king," Pinkie said to the baby.

"How are my favorite bakers?" Dr. Parturition said as she came in, "And the newest addition to their ranks?"

"We're all just perfect, Doctor," Pinkie said, gently snuggling her son.

"That's good, because now you have some guests eager to meet the new baby," Parturition said, "Would you like me to let them in?"

"Definitely," Joe said, "I can't wait to introduce them to Bubbleberry."

"All right, come on in everypony."

The first ponies to enter were Pinkie's parents, followed closely by Joe's. Rainbow and Soarin' quickly flew over their heads, still waring their Wonderbolts uniforms (they must have come straight from practice). Fluttershy and Applejack came in right behind them. Farther outside the room, Pinkie spotted Big Mac and Spike, the later of whom was standing on Twilight's shoulders to give himself the best vantage point.

"Oh, isn't he just the cutest thing," Pinkie's mom said, "Hewwo widdle baby. Can you say "hi" to grammy?"

Bubbleberry blew a raspberry in response.

"I think he can't do that yet, dear," Pinkie's dad said, putting a hoof around her.

"Oh, and he's so small," Joe's mother said, "Look at his little hoofs. And his little horn. And his little face."

"Yes, he's just precious," Joe's dad said.

"Oh, he's so cute," Fluttershy said.

"Yeah," Rainbow said in a very "un-Rainbow" voice, "He's just the sweetest th--I mean, he's a'ight."

Soarin' giggled at his girlfriend.

"Let me see. Let me see," Applebloom said, barging through the sea of legs to get to her new cousin, "Wow. He's so small. Was I that small when I was born?"

"You sure were, Sugar Cube," AJ said.

"Eeyup," Big Mac said.

"If you will pardon me," Rarity said, coming in at that moment, "I was just making some finishing touches on his new blanket. Once the doctor said he had green eyes, I had to add some light green trim to go with them."

"Rarity, only you would make sure a blanket matches somepony's eyes," Thunderlane said, coming in with her and their own baby in tow, "But that's why I love you."

Rarity used magic to place the blanket around Bubbleberry, who cuddled into it.

"Looks like he likes auntie Rarity's gift," Joe said.

"Yes, he just loves the color," Rarity said.

"But, Rarity," Twilight injected, "He can't see color."

"How dare you say such a thing," Pinkie said, taking great offense, "My little colt is smart."

"It's not a matter of intelligence," Twilight answered, "Look, the eye has two types of sensors, one for shapes and one for colors and--"

Spike covered her mouth and said, "Twilight, just give up. You can't win with them."

"By the way," Rarity said, a mischievous smile on her face, "Isn't it about time you had a child, Rainbow Dash?"

"What? And go through all that you two went through? I don't think so. I'll have a kid when I'm good and ready."

"But you'd better get ready soon," Rarity continued, "Biological clock is ticking."

Rainbow groaned and said, "Why do you have to pick on me? Pick on Twilight for a change. Soarin' and I aren't even married yet."

"But Flash and I are trying to have a baby," Twilight said, "That reminds me. I have to tell him that when he gets back from Saddle Arabia that I'm ovu--rtng"

"Twilight," Spike said covering her mouth again, "We do not need to hear about that."

"And I don't think you need to remind him," Thunderlane said, "He's probably got it marked on his calendar."

Pinkie raised an eyebrow and said, "Why would he--oh, I GET IT!"

"See, Rainbow," Rarity said, "Besides, you're much more fun to pick on."

"You know what, Rarity," Thunderlane said, deciding to get in on this action, "I think she's pregnant right now."


"I mean, she's been sick in the morning a lot."

"Am I not allowed to get sick now!?"

"And she's really moody--"

'YOU TAKE THAT BACK, YOU BAS--I mean, that's absurd. I've been completely level headed all month."

"All month?" Thunderlane said, "Rainbow, what are you--oh, my birthday party was a month ago. You drank way to much of Pinkie's special punch and--"

"And the rest is none of your business!"

"You know, Rainbow," Soarin' said, "He does have a point. And this month you did miss your--"

"DON'T YOU START!" Rainbow shouted, barging out.

"Dang it," Soarin' said, "Well, I'd better get her sorted out. Congratulations."

"Well, I think you all need to go," the doctor said, "Visiting hours are over."

After a groan came from everypony, she added, "You can come back tomorrow when we let the two of them go."

"Uh...would it be all right if I stay?" Joe asked.

"I wouldn't dream of asking you to leave," the doctor said, "Pinkie, you've snagged yourself quite a stallion."

Everypony said their goodbyes and congratulations. Rarity pulled out another blanket for Joe (and it too matched his eyes). Pinkie was left alone with her husband and new son.

"So how are you?" she asked Joe.

"Proud. Happy. Scared."

"I know how you feel. Especially the happy part."

"He he he. But are you sure I can be a good father?"

"Don't worry, Joe. You'll do great. Being a parent is like anything else. You just have to practice."

"But I'm worried I'll screw up our son and--"

Pinkie put a hoof on his mouth to silence him and said, "And that's why you have me. We're in this together, Joe."

"Thanks. How are you?"

"Proud. Happy. Scared. But you wouldn't understand."

Joe placed a hoof on their son and petted him while saying, "I think I do, actually."

The End

Comments ( 3 )

Awwwww!Pinkie and Donut Joe, that's an interesting pair. Oh and the whole thing with RD and Twi was so funny! Wait to embarass yourselves girls!:twilightblush::rainbowderp:

I... I... fc00.deviantart.net/fs71/i/2013/022/e/2/pinkie_pie_wibbly_wobbly_happy_face_by_psyduck-d5sbn0s.png

That is the only face to describe my emotions as I read this. This is one of the sweetest gestures I have ever experienced!!! Thank you soooooo much!!!!! :heart:

amazing very amazing :pinkiehappy:

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