• Published 23rd Mar 2012
  • 7,760 Views, 136 Comments

Princess Applebloom - meme-asaurus

Applebloom wakes up to see that she's become an alicorn.

  • ...

Twilight Sparkle: Exposition Fairy!

Applebloom awoke from her dreams filled with winged-unicorn-shaped waffles to discover that she was in the guest bedroom of Twilight Sparkle's house. She checked herself. She still had the horn. She still had the wings. She still had Spike sitting by her bedside-Wait, what?

"Oh, you're awake," Spike said. "Applejack's in the next room. She's with Twilight trying to figure out what happened to you and why, although I wouldn't look a gift horn in the wing." He chuckled at his own joke.

"Yer not funny. Why ya in here with me, anyway?" asked Applebloom cynically.

"Oh, they let me stay here to protect you and stuff 'cause I'm so manly," said Spike, "forgetting" to mention that the real reason he was here was that Twilight had grounded him for spoiling the ending of the latest Daring Do book for her and Rainbow Dash.

"Why would Ah need protectin'? Ah'm a pegacorn, fer cryin' out loud!"

"Alicorn," Spike corrected.


"Twilight says a pony with wings and a horn is called an alicorn."

"Ya didn't answer mah question, Spike."

"Well, Princess Celestia has hundreds of thousands of guards in her castle," explained Spike. "Just in case she gets attacked when she's most vulnerable."

"So you was watchin' me in mah sleep 'cause Ah'm a princess?" asked Applebloom.

"Sure! All alicorns become princesses. And the guards aren't just there when the princess is asleep, they're there when she eats her meals, when she takes a bath, when she bushes her teeth, when she holds the royal court all day, when she hosts those boring frou-frou parties, (which I so totally did not attend last week to stalk Rarity!) when she goes to the Canterlot graveyard to morn all the friends she's outlived with her eternal life..."

"Say what-now?" interrupted Applebloom.

"Nothing!" Spike denied as he clapped his claw over his mouth. But it was too late. Applebloom was already crying.

"Ah don't wanna be a princess! Ah don't wanna live in Canterlot! Ah don't wanna raise no cesetial bodies! Ah don't wanna live forever! Ah just wanna live here in Ponyville an' grow old with mah friends an' family an' get mah cutie mark an' have mah privacy an' WHY DO ALICORNS HAFTA BE PRINCESSES ANYWAY?"

"I beleive I have the answer to that," said Twilight Sparkle as she entered the room.

Seeing Twilight as her deus ex machina, (look it up) Applebloom went from crying adoably to smiling adoably in a matter of seconds. (around Ponyville, such an act of emotional phenomenon was called "pulling a Pinkie Pie")

"So ya used yer magic science-y brian ta find me back ta normal?"

"Well... no," Twilight Sparkle replied. "But I have figured out why Applebloom suddenly turned into an alicorn."

"Why?" asked Spike.

"Because technically, she's always been an alicorn."

Applebloom did a double-take. "PurplebookwormsaysWHAT?"

Twilight was unfazed. "You see, all alicorns start out as normal ponies until certain conditions are met."

"Well first, the pony has to be born with perfect gender equality between unicorn, earth pony, and pegasus DNA," Twilight began, "and then she has to sneeze in her sleep without waking herself up while having the hiccups while the stars are perfectly aligned during the night of the luar eclipse on Venus..."

Hours later...

...all the while exactly 2,138,645,391 earthworms (gasp) whistle a dubstep remix of the Pony Pokey, (gasp) with each worm in a differnt post office around the world. (whew!)"

Applebloom blinked. "Whoa," she breathed. how'd ya figure all that out?"

"Oh, we spent days studying," said Twilight. "but in the end, Big Macintosh had the idea to contact Princess Celestia." Twilight blushed. "Frankly, I'm surprised I didn't come up with it myself."

Applebloom's jaw dropped. "Y'all told Princess Celestia 'bout this?!"

Twilight Sparkle frowned. "Applebloom, I know Spike didn't exactly put the whole 'princess' thing in the best light, but..."

"If Celestia knows, Ah'm gonna become a princess fer sure!' A look of despair showed in the Applebloom's face once again. "She' probably on her way right now! This the end for mah life in Ponyville as we know it! Worse, she'll tell everypony about it! Everpony's gonna think Ah'm a freak, or become jealous that royalty an' not wanna be mah friends anymore! (gasp) Mah friends! Sweetie Belle & Scootaloo are gonna kick me outta the Cutie Mark Crusaders 'cause Ah'm too busy livin' in Canterlot! What if they just don't want me 'cause Ah'm different? And how am Ah gonna-"

"Applebloom, look at me," demanded Twilight. Applebloom's red, puffy eyes met with Twilight's serious, understanding ones. "One: Your friends aren't going to take this the wrong way, or else they wouldn't real friends. Two: have you been listening to a word I've been saying?"

"H-huh?" sniffed Applebloom.

"The circumstances for your transformation are too far accurate for it to be a coincidence. There's a reason the Royal Pony Sisters rule Equestria, Applebloom. Because alicorns live forever, they eventually gain thousands of lifetimes worth of experience. Wtih that experience, they guide the ponies of the world down the right path. You, Applebloom, have been graced with the responsiblity, neigh, the honor of doing just so.

"B-but Ah don't HAVE 'thousands of lifetimes worth of expirience!' Ah'm justa foal!" protested Applebloom.

"That's why the greatest mentors alive, including the princesses, are going to tutor you on how to rule Equestria with wisdom, kindness, and strength." Applebloom gawked at this fact.

[Author's Note: And thus, the fic became 20% cooler!]

Millions of questions still swam in Applebloom mind, but she could only surface one into words:

"Can Ah still stay in Ponyville?"

Twilight Sparkle smiled. "We'll see. Now, pack up your saddlebags, let's go."

Applebloom raised an eyebrow. "Go? Go where?"

"Don'tcha know?" Applejack said as her head popped from behind the doorway. "Just 'cause yer an alicorn don't mean y'all not excused from no educatin'! Yer late fer elementry school!"

Oh, crud.