• Member Since 24th Mar, 2012
  • offline last seen May 4th

Carmine Prophet

Veteran, nerd, lover of Sci-Fi, and generaly angry black min. X box gamer tag: A Shiny Latias.


My own take on Red vs blue, and the halo universe.

Two Recovery agents, One an ODST whose skill against the covenant made him a spartan Four candidate. The other an ONI Beta-5 mercenary with trust issues and a mysterious past, get a mission that sends them to everyone's favorite planet.

What will these two Battle hardened soldiers find there? Love, Ponies, "The magic of friendship?" or all three? And what happened to the UNSC while they were gone? After all a lot can happen in three thousand years.

multiple game canon crossovers.

Chapters (8)
Comments ( 31 )

I can't even begin to describe how badly you botched the RvB continuity. In addition to contradicting a lot of things, your pacing is also off, so I have no idea what's going on. The lousy grammar, spelling, and punctuation don't help, either. I would think that someone who has been on this site as long as you have would have would be more experienced.

The first thing you should do is read FiMFiction's writing guide. It's something you should do regardless of how good of a writer you are. Click here to go to it.

Comment posted by Carmine Prophet deleted Feb 26th, 2014

3921653 There is a difference between getting worked up and giving harsh criticism. It's important to be harder on less-skilled writers so they can learn to drop bad writing habits.

Is there a good reason why the agents aren't named after U.S. states like the rest of the Freelancers? If nothing else, I'd like to know that.

And I do suggest you read that guide I linked to. That wasn't criticism, it's friendly advice.

3922140 The fuck it wasn't

3922187 You're not helping... :ajbemused:

3922229 Well neither are you

3922233 Either you're in the minority of this site's users who can't see the benefits of criticism, or you're a troll. Or both. I gave my advice: to read something that will help (a very simple action, I might add), and it's ultimately the author's choice whether to follow it or not.

Believe it or not, I've found that trying to be nice and polite about my advice about this sort of thing like you'd like me to almost always leads, at best, to me not being taken seriously. You'd think it would be the other way around, but I guess the world is wierd like that.

3922140 ok thank you for clarifying. Because I usually get jenuine harshness. So sorry for flipping out on you . Now the reason for them not being named after States is because the mark 2 freelancers were comisioned after the fall of reach. So this is after the events of the recollection series. So insted of nameing them after states they named them after fallen human planets.

And I will give the guide a look if I have time, cause im in florida for 2 months with my uncle.

Cool story bro it grabbed my attention.:ajsmug:

Comment posted by Twilight Best Pony deleted Feb 12th, 2014

AWSOME!!! Can't wait for what's next :rainbowdetermined2:

Oh it would be fun

How can shining take care of the empire he's dead!?

fucking shit! good look thanks spetsnaz pinkie pie

Just read chapter... My god! Crossovers from Halo of course. Almost human. And Robocop... Awesome.

4010857 There is also some terminator throne In there. Cause the DRN4 use T-888 endoskelitons. That's why rwach was able to survive multiple brute shot grenades to the face.

OK, a little confused as to why Cadence and Chrysalis would be going along, with Celestia it kinda makes seance, because she'd what to keep an eye on Twilight to make sure she doesn't get hurt, and give Luna more responsibility. Also I can't see how someone as bloodthirsty and insane as the Meta suddenly working alongside 2 freelancers, instead of killing them and taking their AI? Other then that, pretty descent.

Now I just need to read next chapter.



squad names:
(Hellfire) or Hail fire which ever
(Warhawks) or hawks
squadron: i will think

Damn awesome! I kept laughing when you spoke of the Nova Bomb.

4123554 don't worry they will go back to sidewinder soon.


“There is. Age mostly.” Reach explained as the door opened. And they were marveling at the technological marvel in front of them. The small ship appeared to be much bigger inside than it was outside

Lol is this a dr.who reference.

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