• Member Since 14th Dec, 2013
  • offline last seen Apr 12th, 2023


I like to read/write stories. And I have two favorite TV shows: Doctor Who, and Incert 4-beat drumming here. (Ref. to DW) MLP:FIM!!! I'm horrid at spelling so I have to use lower vocabulary words.


Scootaloo and other ponies tell their stories of their torture brought on by none other than Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon. This story is going to try and reach out and tell the world about bullying. I was watching TV and they started talking about bullying and I became inspired. Let's try and let everypony know about bullying! Let's stop bullying! Also to help with the bullying I may give Ponyville a few technology advances. (< that was the human me) I hope that everypony enjoys my story letting you know about bullying! :3

Chapters (6)
Comments ( 4 )

This is interesting.

I want to try and get this story up on the 'Home' page so if you know how to help with that please do.

You mean, the "featured" box? The way to do that is to write a well-crafted story that prompts a large number of people to read it, "favorite" it, and upvote it.

Which, I'm sorry to say... this story is not. This barely even qualifies as an outline for a story. There's no detail or description of who anyone looks like, where they are, or what they're doing; the characters are nothing but cardboard cutouts without even the slightest bit of depth or motivation; and there's just nothing here to engage the reader's interest at all.

And 100-200 word chapters simply do not get the job done when it comes to telling an engaging story, love. Chapters should be in the thousands of words, not a mere couple of hundred. 200 words doesn't even make a decent blog post. (Looking over your other stories, they all have this problem, which is why almost certainly a big reason why you're getting more "dislikes" than "likes".)

Examples of well-written, engaging stories:
Pinkie Pie vs. The Souffle, by Estee
Triple-Strength, by Cirrus Tail
Light the Sky on Fire, by EquesTRON
Breaking the Sound Barrier, by SusieBecca
Past Sins, by Pen Stroke
Princess Luna and the Cotton-Candy Sugar Rush, by TheSlorg
A Taste of the Good Life, by Eakin

That is what you need to aim for if you want to make the feature box. :twilightsmile: Sorry if that seems harsh, but that's the kind of competition you're up against, and that's the standard most people are going to expect before they'll judge a story worthy of being faved and liked into the feature box.

Thanks! :3

Well I'm trying my best. And that's all I can do.

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