• Member Since 11th May, 2013
  • offline last seen 6 days ago

Harmony Charmer

♪ Kingdom of ships around me and it looks like I'm the queen ♫


Sombra didn't know that he would miss her. When she left his world, he didn't think anything would change. But, things did change; he just found out too late.

This is dedicated to a recently lost classmate who touched not only my life, but everyone around her. I hope you smile, smile, smile up in Heaven, sweetheart.

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 60 )

Wow, this is really heavy stuff you're writing. Well, I like to say that you kept everyone true to their character. And, your version of Sombra is also very good. It showed that even though he has seen many horrid things, even when he claims nothing between him and Pinkie Pie, he broke down in the end. And, that really suited him in this sort of situation. I even felt a bit emotional myself...I really liked this story. Yes, it was not too lengthy, but I think it was enough. I have been avoiding sad fanfics for a while, considering I'm a baby when it comes to this stuff. But, I will make an exception with this one.

Also...I read your author comment. I am sorry for your lost, everyone's lost, really. She seemed like a great person and, as you already know, she will be missed. At least, now, she is no longer in pain...And, I think it was mighty nice of you to dedicate this story to your school friend. I think she would be happy that you did so.

Im sorry for your loss, my condolences.

i'm sorry for youre lost i know that feeling that you had

3933949 thank you for your condolences.

Thank you for being kind~

Hopefully we won't go through it again.

I'm sorry for your lost.

Thank you for your condolences.

I'm so sorry to hear about your friend. May she rest in peace. :ajsleepy:

I know what you are going through man and it hurts.:fluttercry:

I hope you get through it; it's going to hurt for awhile, but it'll get better, darlin'.

your friend sounds like a truly kind and loving person, you have my condolences.

I know this has been said before, but Im sorry for your loss. I really am.

I'm so sorry. It's so nice how you put the memorial on her seat. She would be glad to know you haven't forgotten her. But make sure not to forget about your life. From what you told us, I think that she would not want you to suffer too much for her sake. She sounds like a beautiful person and I hope she is in a better place now.

I don't care, I still want to thank you for offering your condolences.

Thank you and I'm trying to.

A wonderful story if I've ever read it! You've done a spectacular job. I'm sorry about your loss. I liked it. :pinkiesad2:

I don't know what to say... I'm sorry.

Death is the one certainty in life.
May we all find peace with our end and be blessed by whatever god you follow, or none.
Fear not brothers and sisters, may you be virtuous and strong.
Die as we live, a fire in our hearts and a smile on our face.

Poor ting sorry for your loss this story made me cry as well good job!

Thank you for your condolences.

That was a lovely poem and I appreciate you writing it.

Thank you, for both your condolences and your comment.

I think I cried more just reading the note than the actual story, it was beautiful.

You never know what you have until it's gone. -Conker

*tear forms in corner of eye*
Me: "Stupid, stupid author... making me feel..."

*goes into full-blown crying*

tis most sad to read the note so why not i thought i give you a song that was just for this so you can never for get the good times :pinkiesad2:

i lost good friends when i was growing up some moved away some pasted away from sickness but i still hold the good times with me im only sixteen this was 10 years ago my friend just do one thing honor thy friend so they my be eternal happyness :pinkiesad2:

we all must die some day and we all must leave a legacy for those to fellow

we love we cry we die but most of all we love are friends

for they are what was are drive in life when you have a true friend your heart will cry

for every thing comes and goes like i say

the sands of time comes for us all no matter thee be mortal or inmortal we all will be swept away by the sands of time.

You are truly immortal by you living in the hearts of which you love.

I saw the sands of time...I could not see her footsteps...

*singing the song at the end of the story* *sobbing*

This is the first fanfic to truly make me cry. You deserve this *clicks the golden star*

I... I broke down...
I just.... wow...
I smashed the dam about half way through, and my cheeks are still wet.
I hope the poor girls rests in peace, and grows to be an angel in the brightest part of heaven. :fluttercry: :pinkiesad2: :applecry: :raritycry:

This was sad. I've seen your other writings, and for someone who could write something so happy I never expected something so sad. And for me and I'm sure the rest of the doctor who fans out there, I was scared sh**less when I saw that song. It made for a sad and scary double-meaning ending

:heart::heart::fluttercry: *hugs* I'm so sorry for your loss this story is a perfect memorial for your friend.:ajsleepy:

*Reads story.
:rainbowderp: Well, that's super darn sad.

*Reads author's note.

Holy shit. That author's note was what really made me cry. I actually had a cousin who died of a brain tumor a few years back. Her name was Mya, and she was four years old. We didn't know what had killed her for a while, she just suddenly died one day in the bathroom after telling her mother she felt a tummy ache. I think she would be about seven years old now. My biggest regret was that I never knew her very well either, because my family moved around so much and we didn't live close enough to visit at the time. I do remember that she looked kinda like me, and that she was always so happy, and that she loved to sing and draw and dance, and that she sometimes did all of that at the same time.

Right after it happened, the first thing that I decided is that life goes on. The seas and the sky don't mourn, that is left to the people who remember alone. And, after such a time, how alone it feels. But I remember my mother telling me the most ridiculous of things when I was at my saddest. I remember being told; "maybe we could be alone together?" Now, years later, I know that that wasn't ridiculous at all. I know that there will be others who remember, and who can lean on each other for support. I know that those who remember can speak and be heard, and let others remember too. And let me tell you, I hear you loud and clear, and your voice rings out with hers.

And it. Is. Beautiful.

Thank you... I wrote this story because it was hard dealing with my grief and I needed an outlet for it. It gives me closure to know that some people were able to put their own experiences into reading and that they understand what I'm going through. And while I was on the fence as to who I should write about, story-wise, I realized that Pinkie was the embodiment of my lost friend, all because they were capable of putting smiles onto people's faces with just their presence and that by losing that presence, everyone would be affected. I don't think either know how important they are to people's lives.

You could have invented some tragedy in Sombra's past instead of this. Maybe it would even explain why he despised his Birthday. But this?... THIS?! It's a huge INSULT to your entire SombraPie story series! And for that, you get a dislike.

This was meant as a memorial piece in remembrance of a friend who touched my life, much like Pinkie did Sombra. I have a Sombra tragedy planned for later on in the "Not-So-Normal Adventures of King Sombra and Pinkie Pie", so if you're upset about that, just be patient. This was so I could release my feelings from losing someone who I cared about, not to give Sombra a backstory. If you have such a problem with me dealing with my grief, then fine. But to say that this piece was "an insult" is just undeniably rude, especially since I wrote it when I was GRIEVING.

4352332 I'm sorry about that. The death has taken away your very dear friend, yes. In my case, it, however, has taken away a person I was going to marry. So I can at least judge the situation somewhat from the point of a person who's been through the same thing.

I get that you wanted to let your feelings out that way, what I don't get is why it had to be Pinky instead of some similar mare he had possibly loved in the past.

And no, I do not regret sounding completely like Rarity about that.

Alright, I will start off by saying I'm sorry for the loss you had to endure. Sometimes I forget others go through what I go through.

Secondly, this is set in an alternate universe beside my SombraPie fics, so this doesn't apply to them whatsoever. I blame myself for not making that clear in the description.

Also, I'm getting to Sombra's past in the story, so please bear with me.

4352408 Oh, there was a... misunderstanding. I have no trouble bearing with you at all. I only tried to express my disapproval of this exact story, nothing more, nothing less.

Aside from that, I always enjoyed your stories and I obviously am looking forward for more. Especially the next chapter of "The Not-So-Normal Adventures of King Sombra and Pinkie Pie". And I thank you dearly for writing those stories.

And I knew it was an alternative turn of events, which was not supposed to affect the other stories of yours. I just expressed the disapproval towards the idea itself.

:twilightoops:Too many thoughts. Just know I enjoyed it.

I know how you feel, I lost my Grandfather a year ago to dual kidney failure caused by kidney cancer

I think this story along with your experience shows us that death isn't just a force, it is an influence, it inspires emotions in all of us and sometimes it even lets us realize feelings that we hold deep inside that we didn't know were there.
Morte funesto anima innocenti, quamvis ipse non cognoscit nos inveniat illam pax nostra spes et vota in interitum eius. Requiesce in pace.
(Translation: We mourn the death of an innocent soul, though we may not know her personally we give her our best wishes and hope that she finds peace in the afterlife. Rest in peace.)

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