• Member Since 12th Apr, 2024
  • offline last seen April 16th


Comments ( 40 )

Wow I am speechless

wait... so it took almost 3 weeks for this fic to happen? I'm disappointed. I was expecting it before episode 12, 3 days after at the most.

Well lots of people were waiting for this... Not me but others... Smh

it said they were discovered so it makes me think it wasnt discord who came and got them so now i want to know who found them and the after effects of being broken so thoroughly for so long but i cant know cause its clopfic logic and therefore doesnt matter in a story

i knew a tentacle clop was coming with this episode lol just suprised it took so long >.>

Also it said pile of juices, does that mean they're dead?

Most interesting fic.

3935020 It's a dirty job, but someone had to do it. So I will bear this shameful crown for good or for ill.

And you know what they say, "If you can write a story about ponies getting tentacled, then anything else you write will seem less crazy."

the two alicorn’s within its mouth.

The two alicorns what?

Wonderful story, and quite effective I might add, but it's amuck with blaring grammar errors that became very distracting and detracted from the overall impact of the story. You should send this to a decent editor for clean up.

TFZ #13 · Feb 13th, 2014 · · 4 ·

Huh, well this was expected to happen eventually but i gotta ask if the wurm eats magic then why aren't both ponies dead. magic is not a source of power its the very core of the worlds properties especially since Equestria is based on magic now if you forcefully take mana from anything your ripping that essence from them if in this case the subject is alive it becomes very painful imagine someone in your head ripping it to shreds now imagine that feeling growing stronger as you lose more magic then because magic is like a muscle if you over use it you start to feel fatigued then you could strain this muscle such actions could lead to strokes or seizures and if fed on long enough death. now they were in there for 2 weeks how did they even get their magic back unless they lost consciousness and don't forget sex, is also very exerting there is only so much a heart can take and having sex that long can kill mortal or not a body is still a body and it has limits alicorn or other wise

now i'm not bashing on the fic i thought it was a good read but if at all unrealistic two weeks is a long time for anyone

thanks for reading this i know i might seem a little ridicules but i just like to test people for their lore and how it works or how they think it works :twilightsheepish:

Liked the story, what else is there to say?



causing her to write in pleasure


writing beneath them


series of orgasm’s


letting her body become slump against Cadance as her tongue resting on the pink alicorns shoulder as she was doing likewise.

she let her body slump against Cadence while her tongue rested on the pink alicorn's shoulder (how you end it is up to you)

beneath her and continued it way.


was to simple enough for you


When I saw this scene I knew there would be a fanfic about this...and guess what? I was right!

Oh Hasbro...what have you done...first was the vines, and now this giant worm with tentacles in its mouth...wonder what they will come up with next...

Wish it was longer, but very good anyway

3936824 Forgive mistakes as I am on a mobile.

The wurm takes there magic but I believe I mentioned that it was transfering some into them as well. While I did not go into detail, it does a type of drain, refill, repeat to their magic resevoires. Kinda like a cleansing process to renee their magical abilities as maidens of old would alliw a Tatzelwurm to take them for some time off and to become refreshed once they recovered mentally and physically from the ordeal. While fics of this type arent my prefrence, I like to add some benifit for the victims. Thus the light heartedness of the vore in the fact they are fine in the end. I dony know if I broke any headcanons in such a niche fetish, but I wrote it to see if I could and wanted somewhat of a happy note. Also, I use bullshit and convienant answet the wurms slime took care of all their needs within it while strengthing them so they didnt have heartattacks. Also its own magic helped.

3936990 Thanks for the catches, all fixed now.

3936742 I would if I knew any editors that do clop, let alone would touch this thing... I still feel shameful on the fact I even wrote it.

Well, if you actually care about this story I wouldn't mind doing it. It's short so I won't get too bogged down. But if you're ashamed of it I'm certainly not going to waste my time.

3939471 I do like my pieces to be as their best, and it was a learning experience writing it. But I guess the shame part comes from the judgement of others at the fact that a fic like this sits in my story list. I imagine a quick glance will probably turn most away from reading it and my paranoia sits in on their opinions of me being a writer. Guess its the same thing as to why I don't advertise I'm a brony until I know someone due to the apprehension of judgement. Guess I'm a bit of a coward when it comes to stuff like that I guess...

I don't know... if you do wish to offer your editing skills I will gladly appreciate it, but I understand where you're coming from if you choose not to. I will probably then just reread it a few times and try to catch my mistakes.

Throw it on Gdocs with sharing and commenting enabled and link me and I'll run it over for you. I'm bored enough. :twilightsmile:

No problem. Thank you for fixing it.

Upvoted instantly. Took long enough for this to be written.

Dammit science, hurry up and make VR a thing so I can experience this!

Oh hi, fancy meeting you here~

You came to witness the tatzlwurm clopfic, too? :rainbowlaugh:

In more ways than one ;)

After looking through your Favorites list, I see what you mean. :ajsmug:

This is relevant to my interests.


Two whole weeks? Of that non-stop?

Huh, well now I feel sorry for them. I mean sure it'd be incredible for a while but geez, talk about overkill.

Huh... I just HAD to choose the tentacle rape/vore of your first stories to read, right?

I liked, straight to the point clop without over complicating things. Good for a quick f-

-ahem- :twilightblush:

Thanks for publishing it!:twilightsmile:

4674559 Being a child of the internet, and a distant cousin to 4chan, I couldn't not let a tentacle story about the tatzelwurm remain un-written. Since no one else had done it and it had already been two weeks, plenty of time for so many to be written as to flood the site, I figured I would do my internet duty and invoke rule 34.


I figured I would do my internet duty and invoke rule 34.

And you did it masterfully, sir! :moustache:

needs some good relaxing music for their "quality time".

There we go!

4718516 The Tatzelwurm, being a creature of un-ending pleasure, will do it's best to cater to it's clients comfort, including serenading them while working voraciously upon their pleasure centers. After all, loosing your mind as it becomes numb with joy while listening to smooth jazz is one of the finer moments of life.

3936824 loss of magic does not kill a pony if that were the case after the season 4 finale everypony in equestria would be dead


5442458 yeah but that comment was before season 4 i wasn't trying to be rude in any way, i just thought that two weeks is a long time to be entrapped within a wurm and if thats how it works then thats how it works it's just my opinion that it is unrealistic. buuuut then again so are colorful talking ponies and magic but thats the beauty of writing.

5442488 ok and I'm not saying that the rest of your comment had any problems with it and i was just trying to correct the statement of no magic=dead pony sorry if i came of rude

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