• Member Since 3rd Jul, 2012
  • offline last seen May 16th



Luna needs somepony to take over her job for the night. But Celestia's gotten back into the habit of sleeping, so she goes to Twilight instead. But it's not a problem that Twilight has never done this before, right? How hard can it be to learn?

Written for the EqD WTG #007. As always, comments are encouraged, and I once more make the request that everybody who chooses to like or dislike this story first leaves a brief comment giving a reason why.
I'll love you forever if you comply. Please?

I swear I'm not going to make a habit of finishing these things within ten minutes of midnight every week. Really, I promise.

I'll warn you up front: if I have any ability to judge the quality of my stories (I'm not really sure I do; even just by guessing I'd get some right), this is far from my best work. But you know how it is when you're obsessively participating in weekly events; even if you don't have anything good, you've got to show something.
I give up. As of now, I will cease to have opinions of my own writing. There is clearly no correlation between how well I think I've done, and how well you all think I've done.

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 8 )

That ending was perfect!


Aye, it seem Luna is just as big as troll as Celestia is.

I don't see what Twilight's so upset about. This actually seems much more reasonable than Celestia's "let her figure it out herself" approach.

4590143 Yeah, but at least that was familiar. And sure, Celestia was constantly manipulating her, but at least that was subtle enough that she could pretend there was no deception going on.

Huh. I figured Twilight would actually be thankful for this kind of thing. It lets Luna find out how she would fair at ruling the night and it's in a completely controlled environment.

Twilight will have to tell Pinkie and RD about this--it's obvious that they're no longer the top pranksters around.

I don't know if this accurately reflects Twilight's relationship with tests...

I think at some point this became my favorite out of the stories I've written.

. . . Although I suppose it's conceivable that there's a greater gem still buried among the ones I still haven't worked up the courage to read.

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