• Member Since 24th Jun, 2012
  • offline last seen Oct 14th, 2023



A busy human father has finally made time for watching a baseball game with his son. Turns out the league is a little unusual, but that's a good thing.

Inspired by a sign on a community message board. Yes, it's actually on-topic.

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 9 )

He took that quite well

Unique and heartwarming. :twilightsmile: A definite like from me!

This was well-written and heartfelt, but I can't like it because of the memory erasure. I'm sorry, but that's just a violation of his mind without permission, and not very nice. If they had asked him to promise under threat of making him forget, that would be something, but he gets to enjoy this great day with his son and not remember it? That's harsh.

Okay, I've apparently been reading too much of FiO given that I started to object about memory alteration being forbidden.
Yeah, it is kind of harsh. Another reader said their reaction to that situation would be to run and hide until the memory-spell wears off, leaving him awake in Equestria and wondering what just happened. Seems like an interesting scenario.

4493515 That's scary too. You wake up with no memory in a strange world and you're no longer the species you remember being.

But apparently I'm in the minority on considering memory erasure to be mind rape. A lot of lighthearted fiction has used it. Just off the top of my head I can think of Captain N, the Game Master and Fruits Basket. In those cases, you're talking about weeks and months of a person's life stolen away from them. To me, that's more like The Machine in The Princess Bride than a safe way to keep a secret. But even one day, when it might be the most important day of your life, is precious, and who the hell is Whistle to steal it from him?!

Sorry, I got a little ranty there.

Oh, that's nice. I don't remember when I last read a fanfic that didin't belong to any group, though. Nice work!
Though I don't quite get what exactly happened here, but who said I am supposed to. Right?

This was well-written and heartfelt, but I can't like it because of the memory erasure.

Erasure? What erasure?

4848647 they tell the father that the sports drink they gave him will make him forget about ponies.

Thanks for reading!

It seems like what's happening is Equestria starting an outreach program that's much more subtle than the ones in FiO or Conversion Bureau. How this Equestria works in terms of being a parallel universe, I don't know; as a story it's off in its own setting. One idea is that this Equestria sprang into being in some realm of human dreams, and its people became self-aware enough to make actual contact with their parent universe. That'd be a bit different from "Bureau" where it's a mysterious coincidence that we have a show about a real other dimension, and "FiO" where humans knowingly created Equestria because of a cynical toy commercial gone way, way out of hand.

That's it? MORE I SAY! This leaves me with UNANSWERED QUESTIONS!

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