• Published 18th Feb 2014
  • 2,671 Views, 31 Comments

How Magical Mystery Cure SHOULD Have Ended - HeatherIsBestPlayer

Three different versions of how Season 3 should have ended.

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Version 3

"I just don't get it!" Twilight sighed as she paced back and forth inside her library, trying to figure out just what the heck had happened with her friends, and their cutiemarks, and the elements. "There are so many things about this that don’t make any sense. First of all, our cutiemarks don't have anything to do with the Elements of Harmony, they have to do with our special talents! How does a spell on the elements affect my friends cutiemarks? And why was I the only one not effected? Besides, I thought back in season one we established that no spell could effect a cutiemark!”

“What about that time Applebloom used a potion that gave her cutiepocks?” said Spike.

“That was different, Spike,” said Twilight. “That spell didn’t directly give her those cutiemarks. It gave her special talents, which in turn then gave her cutiemarks. Which brings me to my next point. Cutiemarks are determined by a ponies special talent, not the other way around! That’s why cutiemarks appear only after a pony realizes what he or she’s special talent is. So the only way my friends would have switched cutiemarks is if they had also switched special talents as well, which they clearly haven't because they all obviously suck at the things their trying to do. For example, Sweetiebelle would get her cutiemark if she would just wake up and realize she’s great at singing!”

“I am?”

Twilight and Spike turned to look at the window, which was open and Sweetiebelle was looking in at them with wide eyes.

“Hey, I AM great at singing,” the little filly said with realization. Suddenly an image of a musical note appeared on her flank. Sweetiebelle looked at her flank and gasped. “Oh my gosh! I got my cutiemark! Thanks Twilight!” The little filly ran off away from the window.

“She’s just like Christopher Coltumbus now,” joked Spike. “She discovered something that everypony else already knew.”

Twilight walked over to Starswirl’s book lying open on the table and stared down at Starswirl’s unfinished spell. “Just what the frack kind of spell was Starswirl trying to create anyway?”

“I still think you should just try a memory jogging spell?” said Spike.

“Spike, I told you before that won’t work,” said Twilight.

“So you’re not even going to try it, just in case?” said Spike. “Because somehow I’m getting the feeling that you’re going to end up solving this just by going around to each of your friends and reminding them what their special talent is, which is basically the same thing as a memory jogging spell.”

“Spike, shut up! I already said that it wouldn’t work, and I’m always right about everything,” said Twilight.

“Are you kidding me? You’re hardly ever right about anything!” said Spike with a smirk. “Faust help us if you ever gain a position of political power.”

Twilight wasn’t listening. She had resumed her pacing around the table. After a few minutes she stopped and screamed in frustration.


Twilight paused mid-scream, a thoughtful expression appearing on her face. Then she looked at Spike.

“OMG! Spike, I think I might know what’s going on!”

“What is it Twilight?” asked Spike.

“I’ve narrowed it down to two possible causes,” said Twilight. “Either, A, Discord is doing this, or, B, our show’s writers just don’t give a crap anymore.”

“Yeah, I think the second one is more likely,” said Spike.

“Yeah,” said Twilight in agreement. Then she sighed. “You know something, Spike. I really miss being Ilana in Sym-Bionic Titan. That show was so great, and she was such an awesome character. Why did they have to cancel it?”

“Well, no one knows for sure, but rumor is that they couldn’t find a company to create toys of their show, so since they didn’t have anything to merchandize, they couldn’t make enough money for their show, unlike our show. We have even more toys than Transformers does.”

“Well, that’s Hasbro for you,” said Twilight. “You know what, Spike? Pack my things. I’m going on a vacation. Faust knows I need one after all the crap I’ve had to deal with.”

“What about your friends?” asked Spike with concern.

“I’ll deal with them when I get back. I’m sure they’ll be fine,” said Twilight as she ascended the stares to her and Spike’s room.


Author's Note:

Do you agree? Please leave a comment stating your thoughts and feelings, and be sure to check out the other endings too.

Comments ( 10 )

I kinda disagree. Especially about her taking a vacation with her friends being swapped and hurting themselves. :applejackconfused:

For more details, I invite you to read this.

4090453 Well, that part was just supposed to be for humor. I don't really think Twilight would abandon her friends when they need help. I was just trying to add a bit of comedy to the story.

Wait! She voiced the girl on Symbiotic Titan?

MMC was a pile of shit, the whole cutie mark thing was the opposite of everything that was told and hinted for 3 years on the show, and the coronation make no sense at all story wise.

Heck, In season 4 the guards are the only ones who care about the rank of Twilight, and we need to wait until Twilight time to have the child take conscience about the fact that Twilight is a princess. NO OTHER characters give a fuck about her, wich prove that it's a pointless idea only here to sell new toys and nothing else.

Comment posted by HeatherIsBestPlayer deleted Mar 16th, 2014

4091412 Nope, too many other characters.

"I'm sure they'll be just fine. Everything is going to be fine! *slam*"

how about twilight acends and celestia and twilight find pinkie there

Good work on this story.

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