• Published 26th Apr 2014
  • 1,017 Views, 11 Comments


Accidents happen. Ponies die. And Pinkie happens to be the most unlucky pony in the world. But it turns out Pinkie has the greatest sense of deja vu as well, and that makes it really easy to complete a quest to save the world.

  • ...

Chapter 1


Pinkie grinned as she stepped to the side of her path, an anvil slamming into the ground to her right. How or why somepony dropped a perfectly good anvil out their window was beyond her, but she understood that accidents happen, and let events occur as they did.

The stallion who dropped the anvil poked his head out of the window, and yelled after her, "Sorry!"

Pinkie swung her head around and nonchalantly replied, "It's alright!" The stallion sighed in relief, glad to have been forgiven, and withdrew back into his home. The mare, however, continued on her way, now stepping from the town of Ponyville and into its outskirts, following the well-tended path to Fluttershy's cottage.

The wind briskly picked up, and the trees along the road began to bend. The leaves rattled in place, slapping each other relentlessly.

Pinkie paused her canter, closed her eyes, and allowed the air to blast through her untamed mane. Her always-diligent smile turned into beam of joy. The sounds of the trees and wind were the most soothing things she could ever think of (other than chocolate cake). It was so rare to come upon such a wonderful feeling. The only downsides were the clouds that spanned the entire sky, relentlessly blanketing the ground in gray.

It was going to rain, for sure, but judging by her difficulty in balance, there was going to be a heavy windstorm first.

She held her hooves firmly in the dirt and reveled in the feeling of the wind for a few more seconds before opening her eyes and continuing her trot. She could tell that it would accelerate even more soon, and she'd have to hurry home after her errand.

Fluttershy would definitely offer Pinkie to stay in her hut until the end of the storm, but Pinkie really had to get home to let the Cakes know she was okay. She didn't want them fretting over her. Besides, it wouldn't take that long to grab what she needed from her friend.

All of the animals were retreating into their homes, feeling the storm rattling in their bones. The pink mare watched the plethora of creatures as she approached the central cottage. Some paused at their entrances to glance at the unfazed earth-pony before hiding in their hidey-holes.

When she reached the house, Pinkie knocked heavily on the door in order to hear herself over the wind. Although, she realized, Fluttershy could probably hear her far better since she was inside, and on the opposite side of the door, it was comforting for Pinkie to know that she wasn't deaf yet.

Out of the corner of her eye, Pinkie saw the blinds on the window rustle slightly. Fluttershy had probably just checked who was outside.

That, or the animals panicked because she knocked so loudly.

The question was answered as the front-door opened. "Discord?" Pinkie wasn't surprised, per se, but she expected her personal friend to answer the door. You know, the owner of the house.

"Oh!" Discord bowed. "My dear friend, Pinkie Pie, how wonderful to see you!" He stepped aside and pointed his claw toward the inside of the house. "Please come in." Politely, Pinkie did so, nodding her head in thanks to her... New host. "So..." he began again as he pushed forcibly against the door in an attempt to close it. He pressed harder and harder until he managed to shut it. "What brings you to Fluttershy's humble abode?"

"Peanut butter!" Pinkie bounced as she said it. Discord grinned at her energy as he lit some candles, which were probably alight before the door opened and blew them out. "I ran out of peanut butter, and I need more, and I don't have any money, and all the stores are closed for the storm anyway." She paused. "Where is Fluttershy?"

Discord giggled. "Our friend Fluttershy is at Twilight's today; apparently she didn't get the memo about the storm." Pinkie wondered how Fluttershy didn't see the giant, grey, monstrous clouds that were hanging over Ponyville for the entire morning. It was extremely dark outside. Pinkie furrowed her brow and frowned in worry. She probably should have come here earlier. "Anywho," Discord interrupted her thought. "I sincerely doubt that Fluttershy would mind if you borrowed some buttered peanuts." He opened Fluttershy's pantry door. "Besides, you're going to pay her back, right?"

Pinkie's smile returned, and she nodded. "Oh, of course! I would never take something I could never give back!" Discord grunted an acknowledgement. "I'm only asking because all of the stores are closed. Otherwise I'd just ask the Cakes for a few bits."

Discord returned from the pantry, a jar of peanut butter in-claw. "Understandable." He approached Pinkie and handed her the jar. "Here you are, my dear."

Pinkie bowed. "Thank you, good sir," she said like a gentlecolt. She turned to leave, but Discord stopped her by stepping in front of the door.

"Pinkie," he began, "I saw you out there with the anvil."

She tilted her head, still grinning. "Yeah! That was crazy, wasn't it?"

Discord scratched his chin with his bird-claw. "Yes, and the stallion who dropped it made no warning sounds as he dropped it, and the wind would have prevented you from hearing him anyway." Pinkie had no idea where the tall dragonquiz, or whatever he was called, was going with this. Discord saw the confused and impatient look on her face and got on with it. "How did you know that the anvil was going to fall right where you were walking?"

Pinkie perked her ears up, and her mane almost seemed to glow slightly. "Oh! That was my pinkie sense!" Now it was Discord's turn to tilt his head. Pinkie very clearly saw the signal and began to explain. "For some reason, ever since I was born, I've had a sixth-sense that warns me of any possible danger!" Discord's eyes brightened slightly, but his head curled to the other side of his... head. "Well, not all the time, but a lot of the time. My tail twitching is a sign that something is going to fall!"

Discord put his head back into a physically accomplishable position, but stroked his chin once more. After a short pause, he snapped his... Appendages, grinned, and pointed at Pinkie. "Do you know why it happens?"

Pinkie giggled. "Whenever there's a hidden danger, I just told you, silly!"

Discord shook his head and put his arm down. "No, I mean the science behind it?"

Pinkie laughed out loud now. "When Twilight found out about it, she did everything she possibly could to try and prove the 'science,' but came up with nothing!"

Discord's grin widened. "So there's no obvious reason you can think of?"

"No?" she replied questioningly. What was he implying?

Discord laughed for a few moments, then paused. "Would you like to know why it happens?"

Pinkie shrugged. "Why not?"

Discord smiled maniacally. "Fantastically wonderful!" He poked Pinkie in the forehead, and a small flash appeared when he did so. He also said "boop."

Pinkie, out of a sudden urge, tried to lick her forehead, but failed miserably. "What was that?"

Discord laughed lightly. "You'll see when it happens." He then opened the door. "Now, hurry home before it's too late!" Then he mumbled to himself, "I feel a storm of chaos approaching."

"What's that?"

"Huh? Oh, nothing. Go home." Pinkie obliged as she headed for the exit, nodding her head in thanks to the dra-cone-on-a-quest or whatever. The wind almost pushed her over as Discord opened the door, and she had to cover her eyes from the incoming blasts of cold air. Why does nature have to stink? She flipped the peanut butter into her saddlebag and walked out onto the trail, starting her trek through the desolate and grey town of Ponyville.


As Sugarcube Corner finally came into view, she smiled. At last! Recklessly, she began to gallop toward the building. Being so hasty, she slipped on the unstable dirt road. She fell face-first into the ground, feeling a searing pain as her head was buried into the ground. She quickly tried to recover, but couldn't plant her legs well enough to walk. As she looked up at Sugarcube Corner, she noticed the sign had gone missing. This wind obviously wasn't with it's power.

She did her best to push herself forward, but ultimately was stopped by the sheer impenetrable force. It took all of her strength just to stay in one place! She turned her head toward the front doors of the building. They were so close, yet they were near impossible to reach!

She glanced to her side and saw another building having it's roof blown off. That's gonna be expensive. Then she turned slightly to the right, and saw a small home. It was amazing that it was lasting this long-

The house collapsed entirely, planks and furniture flying everywhere. The ponies inside were not visible. Pinkie would have worried about them more, were the pieces of the building not flying directly toward her at that very moment. She fell to the ground, watching as the planks and floorboards flew over her head.

She blinked, and the last thing she saw was the door of the house colliding with her nose, and an indescribable pain jerked through her entire body at once.

That was the final feeling of her life.

*Death Count: 1*

Comments ( 11 )

Well then.
This happened.
Yep, I'll continue reading it. I haven't really read a good respawing fic since Hard Reset over a year ago. I'm really curious to see what exactly Discord did.

dragonquiz, or whatever he was called

dra-cone-on-a-quest or whatever. \

:raritywink: Nice touch.
Only thing I have to wonder is, how could a door flying in Pinkie's face kill her? Twi was shown to have a freaking piano fall on top of her and she was okay after not long.

I'm infinitely curious as to how this ties in to the title and summary, but I'm liking it so far!:pinkiehappy:


Twi was shown to have a freaking piano fall on top of her

Maybe pegasi pianos are lighter than normal pianos.

Thou seemest legitimate.

:pinkiegasp: Wow! Did Discord take away her Pinkie sense? Anyway, I want to see where this goes!

1. When's the Mane-iac showing up?
2.When's the Mane-iac showing up?
and 3. When's the Mane-iac showing up?
also keep it up i'm liking it so far.:pinkiehappy:

5029585 She'll show up when I actually remember to write the story because I'm stupid.
(Also, I have chapter 2 ready, it just needs to be preread because NONE OF MY PREREADERS READ ANYTHING ANYMORE.)

Whaaaaaat! :pinkiegasp:


Then she turned slightly to the right, and saw a small home. It was amazing that it was lasting this long-

Yeah, that's awfully lucky--

The house collapsed entirely, planks and furniture flying everywhere.

:twilightoops: Welp! Spoke too soon! :rainbowlaugh: Nice story, can't wait t see what happens!

we need more of this

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