• Member Since 13th Sep, 2013
  • offline last seen 39 minutes ago


favorite character is applejack and i have been a brony for a while now


A Freshmen in College not only got a room in the new apartment dorms at his college, but he also got a nice new pink roommate. This wouldn't be bad, if his roommate wasn't a mare, who instantly wants to be friends. But, for some reason he's not to keen on calling her his friend right off the back.

Chapters (7)
Comments ( 42 )

Should I continue with this idea, or move on and try to write something different?

Please, do continue! :ajsmug:

Did you really write yourself into a story?:ajbemused:

You should have written this with spellcheck. It would have caught a few spelling and capitalization errors.

You also have a problem I like to call The great dialogue comma/period debate:

"Okay, guess I'll check out my room then." She said giving a sigh.

"Okay, guess I'll check out my room then," she said, giving a sigh.

Also correct:
"Okay, guess I'll check out my room then." She sighed.

This is because she said, giving a sigh is not proper sentence by itself, so it can't start with a capital letter and must be added to the dialogue with a comma.

There's nothing terribly wrong with this story, but the concept of hybrid children is probably where all your downvotes came from.

3998406 Nope, Brandon is actually a name that I like to use for the stories with humans and ponies. As for his last name Jenkins, I will admit that is my last name and I was to lazy to really come up with another last name.

3998491 The concept of hybrid children crossed my mind when I was thinking about the story, and all the different mythical creatures that we know. So I decided to give a shot at giving an explanation of that they are hybrids, for even though the concept of the story with being in college has been used I wanted to at least try to add my own original, at least as far as I can tell, ideas to the story.

4031576 Because haters gonna hate when someone tries something a little different.

Indeed. But it is an amazing story weather people want to say it or not. :ajsmug:

Its 'nice' not 'noice'
sorry force of habit :trollestia:

4137257 Could you possibly provide an example of these please? So I know what to watch out for in future chapters, and please provide at least two of these examples.

Man you just have too many that I just cant spot them all, huh

4144312 If that's true, then what does that say about my proofreader? :pinkiehappy:

That he is not Perfect, because Nobody is Perfect :moustache:

great so far! Keep up the good work! :derpytongue2:


This is because she said, giving a sigh is not proper sentence by itself, so it can't start with a capital letter and must be added to the dialogue with a comma.

Actually, that's not what governs the use of commas vs. periods in dialogue at all. The deciding factor is whether or not the text immediately following the closing quote is a dialogue tag that describes who said the dialogue and how, or a separate action which is performed after the dialogue is spoken and is not connected to it.

Both of your examples:

"Okay, guess I'll check out my room then," she said, giving a sigh.
"Okay, guess I'll check out my room then," she sighed.

must use a comma at the end of the dialogue, and not capitalize "she", because "she sighed" is a dialogue tag describing who said it ("she" said it) and how it was said (she "sighed" it.)

If the character's dialogue ends in a ? or !, you use those marks as normal inside the quotes, but you still must treat the following dialogue tag as part of the sentence and not capitalize the first word unless it's a name.

Only when the text outside the quotes is not a dialogue tag, but an entirely separate action, do you end dialogue with a period and start a new sentence:

"I'm Mr. Hetch. But I do let students call me by my first name, if they find it out of course." Mr. Hetch gave a little smirk. "Anyways, I will be giving the orientation this year instead of one of the other faculty."

In this case, the bolded part is a separate action -- Mr. Hetch speaks his first lines of dialogue, then stops speaking, gives a little smirk, and resumes speaking. So it isn't a dialogue tag, and is not connected to the previous sentence.


Could you possibly provide an example of these please? So I know what to watch out for in future chapters, and please provide at least two of these examples.

Such as the fact that you're still punctuating your dialogue incorrectly, as totallynotabrony already pointed out to you back in chapter 1?

WRONG: :facehoof:

"Tired, feet are about to fall off, and I'm not looking forward to classes tomorrow with a hangover." I answer.

"Yeah, Pinkie's party's will do that to you. But don't worry, you'll get used to it hopefully." The purple mare said jokingly. "So, any mares here you think are cute?"

"Well, if you're so addicted then you need to go to one of those Alcoholics Anonymous groups." I said a little teasingly. "Here, let me get that for you." Using my magic, I took the foam off her nose and put it back into her drink.

CORRECT: :twilightsmile:

"Tired, feet are about to fall off, and I'm not looking forward to classes tomorrow with a hangover," I answer.

"Yeah, Pinkie's party's will do that to you. But don't worry, you'll get used to it hopefully," the purple mare said jokingly. "So, any mares here you think are cute?"

"Well, if you're so addicted then you need to go to one of those Alcoholics Anonymous groups," I said a little teasingly. "Here, let me get that for you." Using my magic, I took the foam off her nose and put it back into her drink.

(Note that in the third example, the "Using my magic" part and the preceding "Here, let me get that for you" dialogue is punctuated correctly, because his act of removing the foam from her nose is a separate action performed after he finishes speaking, not a description of who said the dialogue and how.)

You also keep confusing things like "your" vs. "you're", "its" vs. "it's", and so on. "You're" is the contraction of "you are", not the possessive pronoun ("your" property, "your" house); "it's" is the contraction of "it is", not the possessive pronoun ("its job", "its color").

4466561 Thanks, this is the kind of criticisms that I look for. As for the your, you're, its, and it's well that's a mistake that I don't normally catch until someone goes over the chapter. By that, let me clarify that I mean I don't catch them while writing and even if I do go over it myself I may end up skimming pass them.

Hmm tell me about it... :facehoof:

4482591 Hey, you volunteered to be the proofreader for this. :pinkiehappy:

Im not denying that fact

you switched writeing formats. you went from I entered my room to they entered my room. but the they was still the character himself.

also i was expecting pinkie pie romance.

4655115 Hm, I never promised that it would be a Pinkie romance. Though, who knows what goes through my head.

Lol that was so mean gkving his bestie a wing boner but it was funny as hell. :rainbowlaugh::rainbowlaugh::trollestia:

You know. I cant wait until I can start helping you again, because I can spot all the mistakes :raritywink:

4837798 I bet you can, at least when you do manage to get online.

Now before any of you start to ask, yes I do have a little bit of pony blood in me. But that is once again not something I'm really not comfortable talking about in public. Not because I'm ashamed of my parentage or anything, it's just who my mom is that I want to keep quiet.

whos his mom?


5680087 That's gonna be a surprise for when i get back to this story

hmm he's from the crystal empire, and his mom's a mystery, he has an aunt so i dont think its cadence...unless twilight is his aunt probably not . unless great aunts count


i can't help but think somethings bad's gonna happen involving Korona, although the real question is no longer who his mom is but who his dad is
this is amazing you get a nose boop i492.photobucket.com/albums/rr289/axlthehedgehog_2008/responses/tumblr_m2gfw2gtbw1r6i662o1_r1_500_by_scarlett_novel-d7b3svf.png

looking forward to more


5680561 well, at least someone is trying to solve the little mystery i put out there.

5682110 can't help it i'm enjoying this story, but it seems now i play the waiting game


5682200 Trust me, you'll like the little twist i have planned. Also, if you do figure it out pm on here.

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