• Published 19th Jun 2014
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The Art of Magic III: Reality of the Facility - Rarity Belle

Rarity's corruption with the wastes of the Facility has only just begun. Though the place is in much deeper trouble then any of them could have ever thought. The clock is ticking and the lives are on the line as the city will change forever.

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Chapter 7

Both of the azure unicorn and the mulberry mare were still wheezing to their highest official. They finally stopped coming closer and just listened to the words that Rarity shouted at each of them. But they just didn't care for them one bit. They had so their own reasoning of just why they were there and the only pony who have been thanked for it was the clerk that they had spoken to.

Yet the two of them seemed to be a little bit more home in the world as it was. While both Rarity and Platinum Sea removed themselves even further from the table and actually stood right side up again, it was the stallion who wanted to know the more finer details of everything that was going on in the very throne room. “Ladies, if you just could be calming down. I’m certain that we can all come to an agreement of some sort that will be beneficial for us all,” he spoke to them all.

“Us all, or just you?” Twilight then hissed up towards him as her horn finally released the charge it had. “I don’t think you understand just how we work. But what do you expect, from a worthless wretch like yourself.” The stallion would have tilted his head towards her. He didn't had a single clue of just she could be meaning with her words.

Though the meaning of them would be clear as crystal sooner or later for the poor stallion. He was being picked up in the magic of Twilight herself and tried to fight against it with all of his might. Charges of his own horn were being made in the faint hope to counter the other spell, but nothing seemed to be working as it was supposed to be.

Not even Rarity came to his aid, even when he looked over to her with a set of begging eyes. It actually left her cold what they were shouting at her. She wanted, it not needed, to know just what her under officials were planning and overall just doing. “The two of you have the sheer amount of guts to actually do an act like this, now don’t you? And now what’s your plan, to overthrow me and gain control of the Facility yourselves? Is that you wanted from me? To just give you the building I have been controlling for so many years now?!” the ivory unicorn shouted to the two of them. The anger had become more apparent in her eyes.

No answer was ever given by the two of them, instead they were more fixated upon the stallion himself and helping him out of the misery that was his own life. “What, what are you two planning to do?!” he begged to the other two, if not silently demanded to know how he would be meeting his very end.

Neither Twilight nor Trixie spoke up a word against him while he was being carried over to the very shield that was supposed to be keeping the others out of the throne room. Yet perhaps, there were faults in the shield itself. Which then meant they would not be as safe as they originally had thought they were.

“Suppose you’ll be doing just fine for our little test here,” Twilight chuckled up to him before she hung him still just before the reddish shield. Platinum Sea himself almost in an instant know just what they had planned for him. The stallion would have released a deep sigh through his mouth. It was the end of the line for him right there and then and he knew it all too well.

“Trixie thinks that you need to throw him in, now!” she demanded with a sick grin going across her lips. Which was exactly the thing that was being done. Without a grain of mercy that came from either Twilight, Trixie or Rarity for that matter was the stallion just thrown into the shield.

The very thing that happened next was a spectacular show of light. The flesh of the pony was not only burned, but also vaporized as it traveled through the shield itself. Meaning that on the other side of the hallway, only the skeleton of the poor pony fell down towards the platinum cast floor.

A gruesome sight to behold for certain, but also a massive warning for those who dared and tried to actually get into the room and disturb the ponies from their talking. Which still needed to happen. A conversation between the three highest officials, it could only end one way.


Both Trixie and Twilight discharged their horns. They looked over to Rarity who was just baffled by the fact they could murder a member of the court like that. She couldn't be speaking a single word in response to it and actually required the time to wrap her own head around just about everything. “Sit,” Twilight then commanded to the ivory unicorn. Who miraculously actually did that. She shuffled carefully over to a nearby chair and then just dropped her body in it.

While the other two ponies then also took place in their respectable chairs, they all three formed a triangular shape that gave them a clear view on the other two. Because from that moment on it was literally every pony for themselves. Nothing could and would have been done in order to take a side, as those didn't exist anymore. It was truly just one for all.

“Rarity, you need to listen to me, and listen to me very, very carefully with that thick head of yours,” Twilight hissed to her. She leaned a bit on the table. Her crimson red rimmed eyes slowly turned back to the regular violet ones. The mare released a deep sigh through her nostrils.

Not to mention the fact she kept a keen eye upon Trixie as well, just to be sure she wouldn't be doing anything stupid either. While Rarity just kept herself silent and allowed the words to come. To hit her like punches to her body. “Over the years, and certainly the past months we couldn't help but notice that you have gone clinically insane! You’re no longer the leader we once decided to follow because she asked us. You’re not that mare anymore,” Twilight then said to her.

The words were even difficult for Twilight to speak. But they were far from over for her. In fact, they had only just begun and all three of the ponies suddenly knew that clear as crystal. “It was murky for a long time for any of us, but now it’s just clear as crystal to both me and Trixie. You aren't the mare that’s supposed to lead us anymore and neither are we. It’s time to get out with the old and in with the new,” she added to them.

Finally it was Rarity who dared to speak her words as she looked from the very top of her eyes towards the mulberry mare. The sheer expression that she gave, especially with her head bend forward a little bit, wasn't something that was to be witnessed by those faint of heart to begin with. For that face alone was more than enough to create pure nightmare fuel. “You two have about the biggest guts to tell me these things. So allow me to ask you, why I shouldn't just kill you two here and now, hm? What can you possibly have in your end, that makes you think you will be walking away from this madness unharmed?”

“Your Facility,” Trixie then growled up. She gained a devious grin across of her face. “Your oh so precious Facility, we can sink down like there wasn't anything that had happened in the past or present. A future-less sight don’t you agree? And Trixie thinks, that you would be the one who will be pointed to when it becomes known, that the unicorns are just earth ponies with horns once again.”

“You wouldn't dare.”

“Don’t we?!” Twilight then yelled up to her. She rose up from her seat and slammed the hoof in the wood of the table. Cracks appeared under it due to the force that was pushed upon it. It meant that the power in her hoof had to be extraordinary. Not even Rarity had seen Twilight that mad about something, if not anything, in a very long time. “We hold the power now, Rarity, you lost every last bit of yours the moment you merged yourself with the wastes. You want to know where everything went wrong, I will tell you where it all went wrong.”

The more Twilight told her words of anger and rage, the more Rarity couldn't help herself but to see the sheer emotional troubles that she was going through. The mare struggled to keep herself on one path and that was what made her more dangerous than ever. As the ivory unicorn had not a clue, what her next move would have been. Yet when the sapphire blue rimmed eyes looked over to Trixie, there was only a broken heart that could be seen.

A broken heart which was caused not all too long ago from the looks of it. It may have seemed like a golden opportunity right there if she played her cards right. But with a mad Twilight standing on the other end of the spectrum wouldn't make it something easily done actually. “And just how you know I did that?” Rarity then asked her with a grin of mischief.

“Because we extracted it right out of you when the chance was given to us. Didn't you found it odd, you were suddenly out for days? After effect of the procedure, shall we say,” Twilight replied to her a dead serious tone. The eyes narrowed their glance to just Rarity, fueling her with rage.

Though Rarity just blinked a couple of times. She shook her head almost violent from side to side. As insane as it sounded for her and them, it did make sense in an instant. The holes upon her chest, the lack of memories and so forth. All of it added up to the pile of rage that was already constructing itself inside of the mare. She wanted to speak her words of return so badly towards the both of them. Yet neither of the three actually could speak words for a couple of seconds.

Just for those few precious seconds there was nothing but the absolute silence of the room that rotated through their ears. The only sounds made were the wind howling around the tower, the platinum in the ponds and the deep breathing of each of the mares. Those sounds were the only ones to be heard for a few, terrible and agonizing seconds.


Seconds that for them seemed to have been nothing but a couple dozen hours. Yet it was in the silence that was being held, that they all three constructed their new argument against the pony they wanted to get rid of the most. Given the triangular formation, each of them wanted to get rid of the other two no matter what or how. As long as it was done through words in the moment.

All three of the ponies were in a terrible danger from the other and they knew that more than anything. With them being the three most powerful unicorns within the city, they were capable of doing literally everything their hearts desired. Yet none of them wanted to make it come that far. Though deep in their minds, they knew it would end in a massacre no matter what would come out of any negotiations.

“Trixie doesn't have any other words to say against you then that you can just die together with that place!” Trixie than just huffed out. Those words alone were the literal starting sign for round two to commence their own madness. The madness of the Facility was starting to take its toll.

“Years of working under your reign, has made me see one thing clear, you bitch. You aren't the lady you once used to be. I discovered that fact the moment you ended my sister’s life. That was the moment, where I had been more than done with you and your insanity. That was the moment I turned my back to you, but you were too blind to actually witness it happen by yourself. Blinded by the sheer sight of getting the powers you wanted!” Twilight spewed out towards Rarity. Once she was done, she took a deep inhale to calm herself down a little bit. “But the only thing you managed to be doing, was to start your own destruction. Since that happened, you have changed.”

“Funny words that came out of a useless mouth indeed. It is going to be a shame if I have to end the life of each of you two. You were such little and lovely ponies. But times change and so do you. But me, I’ll always be on the spot that I need to be.” Those words were spoken by Rarity. Words that were aimed towards both Twilight and Trixie together, while the fires were unleashed.

The very fires of hatred against the manager had become not just tiny little flames, but a massive hellish fire that wanted to see nothing else but her utter destruction and annihilation. All three of them charged up their horns and knew what they would be doing. In the blink of an eye had they all teleported out of the room like it was nothing. Only to then reappear on the small area that was standing in between the last chair of the table and the throne of Platinum herself.

Rarity stood with her back against the royal seat while the other two mares assumed their triangle position once again. The final battle between them and the fate of the whole Facility hung in the balance of them three there and then. The battle of the ages was about to commence in the most hidden city of Equestria, in the throne room of a princess forgotten through time itself. The reality seemed more like fantasy situation from a very good novel.

Though with Rarity standing on the location that she stood, the mare could feel the sheer aura that was being irradiated by the deceased princess herself. Even in her death she still had a powerful influence over every last one of the ponies in the room. Yet something about the ivory mare actually caused a switch from time to time. Not in a manner that either Trixie or Twilight would be able to see it happening.

It was in a manner that only the unicorn herself could see. One moment she would be standing in front of Twilight and Trixie, expressing their hate for them both. While the other she seemed to be standing in the place of Platinum all those many years ago. It was unsure of just why it happened to the unicorn, and in the moment of time she couldn't be caring more about it.

“The two of you think you are knowing it just all so well now don’t you?! But when it comes down to actually strike me down, there’s nothing that you can be doing about it. You two, don’t have the guts to bring me down. Because deep down inside of those pesky little hearts of you, you’re still believing in the magic of friendship. A magic that isn't even real! But you two have the guts, I have to admit that even thought I personally didn't wanted to do it. So my question for you two is, what is your actual plan? Strike me down, liberate the place and happily live ever after?” growled Rarity.

While the words of Rarity continued to be speaking themselves, the transitions between the present and the past only became more frequent for her eyes. Almost like those exact same words were once spoken before on that very spot. But every time that Rarity looked into the past, she couldn't believe what she actually saw.

The two masked ponies with their blades drawn and aimed to the princess was something that could have been actually ancestors from the mares she was facing then. It was said that history often repeated itself throughout time. From the looks that Rarity was getting, it almost seemed to be one of those moments. Even though the thought lurked somewhere within her mind, she never thought of it being the reality it was. That alone was a costly mistake for certain.

“So now what? Just strike me down and save me your talking! Never been a fan of you two mumbling about to begin with. Let’s start with you then, Twilight, that endless rambling about just about everything the universe can go up my backside. You’re nothing but an emotional wreck! You seriously never thought I wouldn't discover that your dead sister would be troubling you, your mind is like an open book to me. Much, like, yours,” Rarity gently turned her head over to Trixie, who on her own rose a simple eyebrow to the matter.

“However do you mean?” the other unicorn then asked as she was getting genuinely interested in what she had to tell her.

“It’s really simple actually. You might think your head is clouded and shrouded in mystery, but you are just as afraid as those in their cells. You are afraid of failing every last pony around you like you did before you were given this chance. You’re frightened and just lost a pony dear to you. Isn't that right, Twilight? Oh, sorry, was I not supposed to tell that?” Rarity said to the two of them before she erupted out in a deadly snicker. She had discovered just what had happened between the two mares and found it hilarious to see. In a way, a wish of hers had come true.

“Those were our personal businesses and you know that!” Twilight shouted in return towards her as Trixie wanted to say words just so badly, but never actually did it because of the fact that it would have turned out horrible. “Our break-up was the direct result from your insanity!”

“Oh please, do you hear yourself talking here, foal?! You truly never did grow up now did you? But don’t worry, once I’m done with you, you’ll be nothing more but the dust we find on the shelves.” With those words spoken against her under officials had Rarity lost the connection with the past. Surprising enough were the words spoken exactly as they were in Platinum’s age. Not just hers, but also Twilight’s and even Trixie’s words were all spoken in the same manner and tones.

History repeated itself but the chance to alter it was always there. And Rarity was the only one to realize just that very little fact. She didn't know just how Platinum had died but she would make certain that her own death wouldn't have been at the hooves of those two ponies. “And this, is where it all went wrong,” she then spoke up with an ominous grin clearly visible.


Neither of the under officials took it lightly upon the words that were spoken. The only thing they could be doing to prevent more harm from happening was to actually just go straight into the attack. Neither of the two unicorns were pleased with the words that they got hear from their manager and they really started to get angry at her.

The hate that was flowing through Twilight came forth out of the brutal and merciless death that was of her little sister. She wanted to make Rarity pay even more for the deeds done. Twilight wanted to exterminate the very life out of her directly out of the heart itself. She wanted to not only just impale the manager on her horn, but blow the heart she had out as well.

Trixie on the other end wanted to see the both of them gone. One because of the fact that the sheer insanity kept her unprepared for anything and everything. But the other she wanted to have gone in order to let her heal the broken heart that she had just gotten. After years of having been in a relation with Twilight, it suddenly all turned black and sour.

It was something that Trixie really couldn't be having as she needed to get her thoughts straight on everything for a moment. But she just couldn't as she had the two most hated ponies right in her sight. The ending was just standing so close for her but it seemed to be yet so far away.

Though her head turned itself over to the ivory unicorn. She spoke up her words in the most hateful tone that was ever being released from her. “Trixie just doesn't care how much deaths there need to happen before yours is finally happening. Trixie doesn't care, whatever happens to the wretched Facility as after today, Trixie resigns from the place on the spot! Trixie doesn't care, if the place falls apart and is eventually destroyed. Trixie doesn't care, if the unicorn race is being reduced to earth ponies with horns anymore. Trixie, would be proud when that happens again.”

Word after word came in like the ball of a cannon in her ears. But Rarity knew she couldn't be changing the thoughts of either pony, even if she wanted. So perhaps the only thing that she could be doing was to give them right, before finally realizing her surprise attack on them. Where Platinum might have been fallen to the blades of assassins, she would be the mare who would kill those very same assassins all those centuries later without a grain of mercy given.

“Brave words for such a foolish little mouth. You never learned how the world actually worked Trix, you’re just a bitter old mare who has no place to go outside of a small wooden camp. Great and powerful? You never were that and you know that. Unnoticeable and a failure, that’s what I am calling you right here and now,” countered Rarity to her with a smirk.

Those words did it for Trixie, that was the massive blow she never had expected to come coming from Rarity and perhaps, neither did Twilight. But the two under officials knew that they needed to be doing something quickly if they wanted to have any chance of getting out of the place alive. Which, wouldn't seem like a bad idea from their point of view. Though both had different meanings by ‘getting out alive’.

Without a single warning given beforehand did all three of the unicorns then just charge up their horns and pointed them to the other two in a repeating motion. All of them called upon the magic that they had in their body and three orbs of crimson red magic appeared around all of their horns. Rarity, Trixie and Twilight were calling the most amount of magic that they ever could have done in their lives.

“The both of you are just fools that you dare to challenge me! Nopony who has ever done that, has come from it alive!” Rarity snarled to the two of them. She tried to get over the extremely loud buzzing noises from the charges. A thing which sounded easier than it was.

“But those were just facing you alone, now you’re dealing with the both of us so try and get that done before all of it falls down into the abyss. You can’t focus on the two of us, not even your magic is able to do that!” Twilight said in return before she blinked a couple of times. The sheer amount of strain that was placed upon her mind, let alone all of her body, wasn't something that she had expected. For some reason the magic seemed to have been heavier than usual for her abilities.

Perhaps it was because of the fact that she was changing inside. That she needed a new source of just where she would be calling her magic from. With the future of them three uncertain and her needing to find new ways to get her power, it couldn't have been a more bad of time for her.

“Trixie shall be glad to finally put an end to your miserable life!” she growled to Rarity while her eyes narrowed a bit. Trixie never was an actual mare of many words. Instead she always allowed her deeds to be speaking for herself. That would be exactly the thing she would be doing there and then. If only she could be just doing it. There was something in her mind that actually prevented it from doing so. And it was something that just drove her almost insane and over the edge.

“The both of you, I considered my friends once! But now I know something that I should have learned a long time ago from the both of you. Friends are nothing more, than enemies who haven’t stabbed you in the back yet,” hissed Rarity to the two of them. She then increased the amount of charged magic even further. Whatever she was preparing to be unleashing against the two of them, it would be everything but a pretty sight to see, behold and feel.

“No Rarity, we were once friends yes. But you stabbed your own back and blamed us for doing it!” Twilight then shouted towards her before she stomped both of her forelegs into the floor with a painful roar.

A roar that was just so powerful enough that the eyes of Rarity open themselves wide and the face of Platinum herself was clearly visible inside of them. The lips moved as her hoof made a couple of motions but whatever she was saying was a mystery for everypony except Rarity.

The fires that were raging inside of both the hearts of Trixie and Twilight had caused them to almost become at a boiling point and they would been having to release their charges. Either at Rarity or the other, which they mostly didn't wanted as the first one was meant to exterminate and eradicate Rarity from the face of Equestria and Tol Ret Nac to begin with.


But deep inside of Rarity’s own eyes did she feel that time came to a stop and noticed that she had gone back in time itself. Back to the very day that caused the Facility to actually being built. She couldn't believe it herself but as the head rose itself up, she looked through the eyes of Platinum herself and over to professor Cosmos himself. It seemed to have been something just unbelievable for her, but the words that followed were some perhaps even more unique.

“The plans for your building are more than enough for the need of magic to the unicorns in the city itself. But there are just a couple of problems I’m afraid, with the shield now around the city and us safely floating in the air, I start to fear that it might have been too late for us all to actually keep the building in the city. With the race starting to scatter itself throughout the realm of Equestria, I’m not sure just how long it would be taking for the magic to reach them. That’s why, I recommend you to be doing the next words,” princess Platinum spoke before she walked closer towards the stallion himself. She would have started to circle around him with a gentle pace.

Her cape swayed over the floor like it was nothing while her crown shone in the light of the sun. “Build in an engine to the place, detach from the city and don’t return to our capital, my kingdom, for the coming dozen of years. Your return shall be made known to you, whenever it is required. Make our race proud, Cosmos, we will be needing it. Gaining the powers of the arcane arts through our horns will make us the most powerful beings in the land. But also the least in numbers.”

The princess then just moved herself away from the stallion who remained silent for reasons of his own. Yet the princess walked over to one of the window and started to look out. In her eyes she caught the terrible winter that not only held her city in its grasp, but also the rest of the land. A near endless winter caused by the years of war between the three races.

“Gone into hiding, but secretly still living out of there. It has to be the greatest gift and curse that anypony could have given upon us. The Windigo’s are mad, but they don’t know the powers we can be harnessing from them or the blood of our unworthy’s. Cosmos, I trust in you knowing what it is you need to be doing, leave me be and don’t return here with words about it. I don’t want to hear anything about the deaths of the factory,” the princess added with some difficulty in her voice.

With a nod and a bow had the stallion turned himself around and left the place for what it was. He left the very throne room of the princess in order to execute the orders that were given to him. It was the only thing that he could be doing on that moment actually. If he would disappoint the princess, his own life wouldn't be certain anymore.

Yet the more Rarity watched over the games that were being played between the princess and the stallion, the more she began to realize that it wasn't such good idea that they had come to their point in time.

Though with the stallion gone from the room, Platinum herself allowed a deep sigh to be released through her mouth before she turned herself back around. The endless winter was given her backside and she walked back up to her very throne. There she simply dropped herself down and sat in a rather regal, but also casual pose and looked down towards the floor itself.

“What is the thing that I have done, my offspring?” she mumbled to herself loud enough so that Rarity could also hear it. “Is it worth to send thousands of innocents to their deaths just so that we can use our magical powers? Or is there something else I’m missing here?” The princess was in a doubt about just about everything that was going on. Not to mention that she had all of the reasons to be just that of course. Not many would have loved to stand in her shoes even for all of the bits in the land. The decision that had been made was a terrible one. One of which they still felt the weight.

The horn charged itself up before the crown was just removed from her head and placed in front of her face. The eyes could be seeing just how the red magic held the thing before her and a deep sigh was released at her reflection. A reflection which caused Rarity to stare at it a little bit better towards it for some reason.

When she looked into the reflection of the crown itself, there was only one thing that she saw and that was her own reflection. Scared by the sights she saw, the mare closed her eyes before a couple shakes of her head were given. She couldn't and wouldn't even believe it that it was her own reflection that was clearly visible within the crown.


“Lies, lies, lies, all lies!” Rarity shouted mere seconds after she had gone into absolute silence. Both Twilight and Trixie had prepared themselves for that moment and they prepared themselves to be doing anything that was required to block the attack of Rarity that seemed to have been imminent.

“All, lies!” she shouted again before the eyes were opened once more. They revealed the truly crimson red eyes of the Facility. The spell that she had used to change the coloring of her eyes had been utterly destroyed and all that remained was just the beast. Not even her suit was remained spared as it started to catch a fire. Burning away with the seconds.

Neither Trixie nor Twilight had any idea of just what they could have been doing in order to either help Rarity, or end her. Everything was questioned in the moment of that insanity. Every last bit of that was considered good and holy, was turned upside down and inside out. But Rarity knew exactly what she needed to be doing in the moments of her rage.

With a powerful roar had the mare released every last bit of magic that she had deep within her body. She had fired the massive charge straight up to the other two unicorns. Who released their own blasts of magic only milliseconds afterward. The moment was there, the moment that would decide the future of them, the Facility, the city and all of the unicorns that were left in the land. The bombs, had exploded and they were all the detonation and the explosives for one another.

While the massive beam of magic from Rarity’s horn made its way over to both Twilight and Trixie, it was the azure coated mare who ducked away from the scene. After which she cast a massive shield to protect herself. But Twilight on the other end was having a couple of other ideas and needed to have the time. But the thought got interpreted wrong by her mind, as it seemed like she needed to be doing a time spell.

When it was Twilight’s time to release the charge from her horn, everything took a drastic turn. Everything that they had been doing up to that point, all those years of working in the hellhole that they once dared to call their precious factory would have been taken down and thrown into the figurative garbage bin. The end was there and Twilight was the only one to realize that.

Seconds had begun to look like hours while she released the charge of her own. The massive wall of magic that came from Rarity was then not just shielded from her, but would have shot upwards. It began to create a dome around the three of them. A dome that would be protecting them from the influences outside and make sure that everything inside of it actually stayed there.

Though the unicorn herself wasn't done just yet. With the wrong thought in her mind was the other spell being loaded and then released into the dome itself. With a powerful explosion of the two types of magic hitting one another had the deed been done. Twilight could only hope that she had done the right thing in the situation. Though separating right from wrong in that moment was already a near impossible task.

Neither of the three knew exactly what happened and perhaps it was better that way. But the thing that had happened, was the sheer fact that Twilight –with the help of Rarity’s magic– had caused them all to come into a massive time lock. The three officials of the Magic Facility were literally locked within a moment of time itself. Or perhaps better said: they were moving in time at an alternative speed. One heart beat for them would be days, weeks or months in the world outside.

Perhaps Twilight had saved the trio from a certain death, perhaps she had only further doomed them all. Either way, the deed that had been done wasn't something for nothing as the three of them were captured.


A little added bonus was that the shield that vaporized the poor Platinum Sea was lifted and a squad of guards from the crown marched in to witness the damage. Yet among them, was a magical expert that looked over each of the three mares inside of the bubble after having done some readings about it herself. Something about it all just didn’t make any sense.

The expert herself was a unicorn with a fire red coat and having three to four coloring in her mane. “Miss Fire Spark, do you have anything that would be of interest, can we, can we just enter the thing like it and get them?” the captain of the guards asked her just to be safe.

But Fire could only conclude that the place needed to be sealed off. The sheer amount of magic that was still inside of the place would have been deadly to any and all who would be standing near the bubble whenever it would open itself again. The guards nodded to the words before they turned themselves around and left pretty much the same way they came.

Yet it was the expert herself who was the last to leave the throne room of Platinum with a deep sigh. One last glance was given to the three ponies that were locked inside of the bubble before his own horn charged itself up in the golden colored aura. “The price we pay to keep the city a secret,” was being mumbled through the mouth.

Only then the shield of golden rays was being set up. One to make certain that there wouldn't be any accidents. Not even the expert knew how long they would have been sitting inside of that lock before it would erupt, so she calibrated the shield that was being created to vanish a day after the bubble had gone. Linking the magic together, powerful, but not impossible.

“Perhaps, we aren't the noble race as we once thought that we were. I’m so sorry, your highness,” she spoke up with a deep sigh that was released through her mouth. With those words had the mare finally left the place in order to join the guards once again. With the throne room locked for the time to come, the future seemed to be unsure for the unicorn race. The three officials of the Facility were locked in time and filled with hatred for one another.

It was that very hatred that managed to keep them all alive during their near endless time locked away, under the dome of the magical bubble itself.