• Published 24th Feb 2014
  • 1,364 Views, 97 Comments

NEWCOMER: Little Loo! - heavy weapons brony

After Growing up in the mean streets of manehatten, Scootaloo now aims for the skies of the next heavyweight boxing champion. (MLP and Punch-out crossover) 3/23/14 i officially Dedicate this to the memory of Button Mash R.I.P 2012-2014-HWB

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M-M-Macho Mustang is coming for you!

Loo slowly walked through the graveyard in the foggy, cold Manehatten day. It had been several days before she was ready to do this, and after her fight with Chrysalis she decided it was finally time.

Loo came upon what she was looking for, a short relatively fresh grave of someone she only recently met, but will never forget, Loo reached into the pocket of her bright pink sweatsuit and pulled out a small black fake mustache. With a few stifled sobs and tears pushing against the back of her eyes, Loo dropped the mustache onto the grave. Then her eyes met with the grave marker.


Button Mash

Taken too soon.

12 years ago - Last week

“Dude, what the buck?” Loo asked no one in particular, “The things writers to too keep their work from being dated.”

Loo had just finished lacing up her gloves in her personal locker room when Rainbow walked in with the next fighters profile in her hand.

Loo looked at the paper in Rainbows hand, that paper right there, had all the information on the one fighter that stood in the way of Loo getting the Title.

Rainbow noticed Loo was thinking about the profile, she nelt down to Loo’s level.

“Listen kid, you’ve come a long way, and you’ve kicked a lot of flank. I just want to say, i'm proud of you. And no matter what happens, i’ll always be proud of you.”

Rainbows speech filled Loo with confidence, Loo pulled the profile from Rainbows grip and opened it.

The fighters name was “Super Macho Mustang” a tall muscular white coated earth pony stallion with a blonde flat-top and a gold earring in his right ear. His build was identical to Berry Punchinski, in fact it was exactly like his (I,I mean hers). The first thing Loo noticed about the accompanying pictures was the sheer amount of them, a fat envelope of pictures of the same stallion, Loo glanced through them, there were ones where he was posing at a beach, signing autographs,attending tea parties, playing tug of war with the french, speaking on the news, performing back flips, on dates with pretty mares, the list went on, and on, and on.

“This guy sure thinks highly of himself” Loo mentioned to Rainbow.

“Well then, lets go knock him down a peg” Rainbow suggested then picked up a towel and let Loo to the ring.

When Loo emerged from the hall leading from the locker rooms the crowd erupted into cheers.

‘YAY! Aller Loo! Aller Loo! Loo sera le prochain champion!” a familiar soft voice yelled from Loos right.

Loo turned to see Glass Shy cheering for her from the stands, and behind her was, Dubstep kid, bobbing her head to unheard music from her Pony WalkStallion, behind her was, Berry Punchinski covered in bandages with headgear surrounding her jaw in a wheelchair with a bottle of Sparkle-Cola being fed into a I.V in her arm. To berrys right was King mac, who was eating a submarine sandwich that only had apple slices between the two pieces of bread, in front of him as Tree Hugger who was eating a raw salmon, in between bites she would throw a small piece into the pot if soil that contained her friend “Bloomberg.”To her right was Doña Rareza who was barely recognizable through the trench coat, sunglasses, and bonnet. To Rareza’s left was Great Twilight who didn’t bother with a chair, instead she floated in place with her muzzle buried in “An Eggheads guide to spectating”. In front of Twilight sat Ditzi Hondo and her Daughter, both wore kimonos and happily dined on sushi from little boxes made from bamboo.

The only fighters missing where Iron Bull, who was probably still in the hospital and Screwy.

“Why are all the fighters I faced here?” Loo whispered as the walked towards the ring.

“Everyone who participated in the league, got a free ticket to the Title match.” Rainbow explained.

Loo thought for a minute, then remembered her previous suspicion about Screwy.

“Do you have any idea thy Ryan was so, crazy?” Loo asked as they both climbed into the ring.

“Well, i heard she had and idea for a underwater city, it didn’t pan out.” Rainbow explained.

All of a sudden fireworks and heavy rock guitar exploded from the other side of the ring as Loo’s opponent emerged from the Hallway.

“OOOOOOOOHHHHHH YEAH!” The tall muscular Stallion dressed in a small (and somewhat frightening) speedo and a purple shirt cut in half boomed as jumped from the mouth of the hall.

The crowd repeated the Stallions words as he adopted several poses to show off his muscles. for the paparazzi.

Macho Mustang stopped posing and met eyes with Loo.

“I”M the best there is, past present and future, I’m the tower of power too sweet to be sour too hot to handle and too cold to hold, i’am (Macho Mustang put on a pair of deep red sunglasses) SUPER!,......MACHO!,.....MUSTANG!” on each words in his name Macho Mustang struck a different pose causing all of his muscles to pop and flex.

Macho Mustang used the ropes to slingshot himself into the ring and went to his corner to strike more poses for the ever eager paparazzi.

Loo lifted a glove to prevent her from being blinded by the barrage of flashes, she turned to Rainbow who simply gave Loo a nod, Loo returned the nod and noticed the Ref signaling for both fighters to enter the center of the ring.

“Alright, Keep it clean, and come out boxing, take your corners and wait for the ding”

“WOAH! no can do Refaroo! theres no way its gonna be clean after M-M-MACHO MUSTANG SMASHES THIS CHICKEN INTO SALAD!!” Macho Mustang yelled.

the Ref rolled his eyes and took his side of the ring.

Loo just shook her head “So this guy just basically said he was going to break the rule, and the Ref just shrugs, perfect”


Loo approached Mach Mustang with her guard up, Mach Mustang opened up with a jab to Loo guard, it broke it and almost caused Loo to punch her own teeth out, Macho Mustang let another one loose which Loo dodged and countered with a body blow that connected.

Macho Mustang shook off the body blow quickly, then held his glove out to signal Loo that he needed a minute.

Macho Mustang took a step back and put his hands on his hit and shouted “Photo! OP!”

Loo launched a uppercut to Macho Mustangs jaw as the paparazzi went wild, causing him to stagger back, Macho gathered himself and looked upon Loo in confusion.

“I didn't hear a bell” Loo explained simply.

Macho Mustang entered the fight, he let a fast right hook fly that connected causing Loo to stagger, then let another loose, causing Loo to hit the canvas.

Loo got up before the the count of 4.

Macho Mustang prepared a overhead blow, Loo hit Macho Mustang in the gut, surprised, Mach canceled his attack, Loo then landed several body blows causing him to double over, Loo then launched a uppercut, causing him to hit the canvas.

Macho Mustang got up before 5.

*Ding *Ding

“Your through Loo! i hope you know round 2, is gonna be the end of you!” OOOOOOHHHH YEAH!” Macho Mustang yelled from his corner.

Rainbow patted Loo on the back “I think Macho Mustang would’ve done better as a poet!”

“Well, atleast hes got a skill to fallback on once he’s done here.” Loo mused.

Rainbow just smiled before there attention was once again stolen by Macho Mustang.

“OOOOOOOOH YEAH! SLAM INTO A SLAM JAN! Macho Mustang yelled then produced a popular snack that could be found in any gas station in equestria and ate it viciously while the paparazzi snapped photos of him wildly.


Loo once again approached Macho Mustang, ready for round 2.

Macho Mustang immediately produced a pair of deep red sunglasses, donned them, then struck a pose, “SUPER!” Macho Mustang struck a different pose “MACHO!” Macho Mustang then struck a third pose “MUSTANG!” Macho Man then spun around on one foot while launching a string of closeline attacks on Loo, Loo gasped and ducked, then again, then again, all of Macho Mustangs close lines listed, he wobbled around dazed and dizzy.

Loo then landed a powerful uppercut on Macho Mustang sending him flying to the canvas.

Macho Mustang got up at the count of 7.

Macho Mustang met Loo in the ring, then looked around to see if anyone was paying close attention.

Loo raise and eyebrow, just before Mach Mustang shot a leg out and kicked Loo in the shin.

Surprised, Loo fell forward and tried to catch herself on Macho Mustang’s shirt, the purple half shirt ripped right off of Macho Mustangs torso and Loo fell onto the canvas with a glove full of purple fabric.

A hush rolled over the crowd as the Ref yelled “Illegal! illegal!”

Loo picked herself up just in time to see Macho Mustang pummel the Ref into the corner, causing him to black out.

Macho Mustang turned to face Loo, he saw that his shirt was now in Loo’s hand, then he adopted a worried look on his face as the crowd broke the silence.

Laughter poured from the mouths of the crowd as Macho Mustang began reaching around his back, like he had something to hide.

He began whimpering like a dog as he spun around trying to find a perspective the crowd couldn't see his back, when he turned his back to Loo, she saw what he was trying to hide.

Macho Mustang wasn't an earth pony, he was a pegasus, he had two miniscule wings poking out of his huge muscular back.

Loo felt a twinge of empathy for the poor stallion, but only for a second, Loo never tried to hide her condition with shirts of obnoxious personality, and plus, she still had a title to win.

Macho Mustang was too busy trying to hide his condition he didn’t Notice Loo cocked back her signature uppercut,

“M-m-macho Mustang is not a chicken! Macho Mustang is destroyer of worlds! Macho Mustang is-”

Loo let the uppercut loose to Macho Mustang’s jaw, he was sent flying to the canvas.

The rumble of Macho Mustangs frame hitting the canvas jarred the Ref awake with a groan.

The ref cracked his eyes, saw that Macho Mustang had been floored and simply said “Knock out, its over.” then left the ring. (probably to find some aspirin.)

The crowd exploded with cheers (even some of Loo opponents cheered (Most certainly Glass Shy who yelled and bounced enthusiastically for Loo’s victory.))

Loo basked in the cheers, she had done in, Loo had gone from a street rat, to the champion boxer in all of equestria.

The Load speaker crackled to life “LLLLLLLADIES AND GENTLECOLTS! WE HAVE A NEW CHAMPION, aaaand the princess herself, had declared that she, personally would like to award the belt to the new champion herself!”

Loo couldn’t believe it, she was about to meet the princess of all of equestria! a being that had lived thousands of years.

A spotlight had moved to a curtain that covered the south Hallway, Loo held in a breath, she imagined the face she had only seen on T.V and Dollar bits.

Several royal guards marched out of the curtains with trumpets in hand, they lined up then blew the royal tune announcing the princesses arrival, the curtains pulled back to revel.

Nothing, zip, zero, el zilcho.

The crowd, guards, other boxers Gasped, then a singular guard ran out.

“The Princess in missing!!” The guard yelled.

The crowd shared another collection of gasps and began to panic, but stopped as soon as they heard a deep maniacal laugh fill the stadium.

A dark blue cloud of magic filled the hallway, and from it rose the source of the laughter.

A tall alicorn mare rose from the cloud, she was dressed in dark blue futile era plate and chainmail Armor.

“Hello my royal subjects, has it been so long that you’ve forgotten about me? does a thousand years diminish an entire crown?” The mare mused to the silent crowd.

“What did you do to the princess!?” Rainbow yelled from Loo's corner, she charged forth, but was ultimately Held back by Loo before she could reach the ropes on the opposite side.

“Who is that?” Loo asked Rainbow.

“I AM” The Alicorn yelled raising her armour boot a few feet “NIGHTMARE MOON!” Nightmare Moon dropped her boot so hard she cracked the concrete below, the crowd stayed silent as MOON! echoed through the stadium.

Author's Note:

my thoughts exactly Rainbow.

anyway, sorry for the wait, i hope i was worth it.

and yea in the last chapter i said he was going to be super macho stallion, buuuuut mustang just rolls off the tounge a bit better dosen't it?

anyway next up! Title defense, Mrs Nightmare!

i know!,.....i can't wait!