• Published 27th Feb 2014
  • 1,839 Views, 80 Comments

Canterlot Academy: Knights of the Dark Moon - LordLycaon

Twilight Sparkle has just been accepted into the prestigious Canterlot Academy, wherein hides a terrible secret that could bring ruin to all of Equestria and beyond.

  • ...

Whispers and Dreams

‘Lulamoon… you know your fate… Lulamoon…’

She galloped as fast as her legs would carry her, running through the empty, pitch black void. The whispers followed her, dancing in her head, sharing with her knowledge she didn’t want to hear. Mutterings of a future that scared her. A future she had no desire to see.

‘Why are you running? You can’t escape your fate.’

She shut her eyes, her ears flattening against her head in a desperate attempt to shun the voices. But it didn’t help. The whispers only grew louder, flooding her skull with a silent riot of thoughts that weren’t her own. The voices quietly screamed at her, letting her know exactly what they thought of her defiance of the inevitable.

“No… No! It’s all a lie! Leave me alone!” She lowered her head and charged forward even faster. Her hooves clopping echoing loudly along with the increasingly persistent whispers.

‘You cannot defy your destiny. Accept the inevitable, and know your rightful place in this world.’

The tears gathered around her eyes and fell unrestrained. She commanded her hooves carry her faster, but instead, they tripped her up, and she fell to the floor with a whimper.

‘You know… you remember. Why do you run?’

She raised her hooves above her head, trying to ward off the whispers that pressed down on her even harder, threatening to overwhelm her where she lay.

“P-please… stop,” she pleaded with the voices, anything to make it all untrue.

‘There is only one way.’

She dared to look past her hooves to see the visage of her leering down at her. A scream erupted from Trixie and she backed away, her eyes wide and fearful.

‘Accept!’ The visage lunged at her, devilish fangs bared wide for Trixie’s throat.


Trixie screamed, shooting up from her bed as a cold sweat ran a marathon down her body. Her breath was shaky, her whole body trembling in fright as she told herself over and over that it was only a bad dream. A really bad dream.

She panted roughly until she managed to collect herself, her shaking finally grinding to a halt. The azure unicorn sighed and lay back onto her bed, her head landing atop her pillow, which felt more like a pile of needles at this point. A quick glance at her clock told the time to be 2:48. In the morning.

“Oh, delightful,” she groaned miserably. ‘Why won’t these nightmares go away?’ She draped a foreleg over her eyes. ‘I just want it to stop.’

That same horrid dream had been plaguing her for a while now. Ever since her jaunt in the Dreamscape with Twilight. It didn’t happen every night, but she saw those same images frequently enough to dread the idea of going to sleep anymore.

With a long sigh, she turned over onto her side, her back to her clock, staring at the wall of her dorm room and debating whether or not she should go back to sleep. It never came as her mind once again flitted to the memories of the Dreamscape. The snapping jaws of the Night Terrors, the castle that responded to their spoken word, the stained glass windows that depicted events she knew nothing about, and, most of all… her.

That alicorn of darkness haunted her dreams. The way she had reacted when she learned her name struck Trixie deep down. How could an alicorn from a thousand years ago know her name? She wasn’t that important. She was the oldest daughter of a family in Canterlot that was moderately wealthy at best. Were her ancestors that important? If so, she never heard anything about it from her parents or grandparents.

She huffed and pulled her covers closer over her body. This was a subject she desperately wanted to stay away from. It was way too early to have an existential crisis.


Trixie could almost swear that her legs were made of lead as she walked down the hallway to her magic class. It was one of the few classes that she really looked forward to everyday. She and Twilight would work together on the subject of their shared passion. Despite not sleeping a wink since her nightmare interrupted her, she looked forward to her day in class with her best friend.

When she entered the classroom, she could already see Twilight was muzzle deep in the textbook. A giggle escaped her as she climbed the stairs to her seat next to the oblivious Twilight. “At it already?” she asked as she set her bag on the long table with a charge of her horn.

Twilight didn’t respond, her eyes still scanning the pages in front of her. Rolling her eyes, Trixie’s horn sparked again, a light zap hitting her fellow unicorn on the side of her head. Twilight’s ears flicked at the sudden jolt, and she turned to the other mare with a befuddled look.

“Was that you?” she asked.

Trixie laughed at that. “No, it was a Twittermite.”

The lavender mare frowned and quirked an eyebrow. “Is sarcasm really necessary?”

Trixie’s eyebrow rose at her. “How long have you known me?”

Twilight shrugged at that after a moment of thought. “Good point.” There was a minute of silence between the two, with Twilight giving Trixie an analytical look. “What happened to you? You look horrible.”

Trixie glowered, her tail swishing in annoyance. “Thanks for the self-esteem boost…”

The purple unicorn blinked at that before processing what she’d just said and clearing her throat. “You know what I mean. Are you okay? You weren’t at lunch.”

“Had to do some research for another class.” The ease with which she lied to her closest and oldest friend scared her a little. In truth, she skipped lunch entirely, opting to try and get a power nap in before third period. She concluded that she might’ve been better off not trying to sleep for that half hour, as tired as she felt. That still left the question of why she lied just now. “So, do you know what we’re studying today?” she asked as she took a seat next to Twilight.

She shook her head softly. “No, but I remember Professor Inkwell said something about a project coming up soon.” A wide smile crossed her face and she gave a soft excited squeal. “If it does, we can be partners!”

Trixie nodded her agreement, her face beaming. “Heck, yeah! We could recreate one of those old tricks we used to pull back in Celestia’s School. The results could be our project.”

A wince crossed Twilight’s face. “Well… we’ll have to be careful with which one we choose. I remember one of them being particularly… destructive.”

“‘Destructive’ as in ‘half of a library destroyed beyond repair,’ or ‘destructive’ as in ‘we turned the teacher into a newt’?”


The two shared a giggle as their professor entered the room with a collection of papers held in her emerald magic. Setting the stack on her desk, she turned to her class with a smile and said, “Good afternoon, everypony! I have something special planned for you all!”

The class erupted with a mix of groans and two squeals of excitement.

An amused grin played across Inkwell’s face as she watched her class. “As you all know, the Summer Sun Celebration is coming up in a few short months. We at the Academy hold the annual Light Crystal Enchantment Contest every year. The team that creates the brightest and longest-lasting crystal will be on display at the Celebration.”

A few grumbles turned into some excited mutterings.

“Both the winner’s crystal and the runners-up will be donated to the city of Canterlot for the streetlamps around the city. They will provide much needed light to many streets whose crystals have gone dark.” Her grin widened, almost ignoring her own anatomy. “So I hope that all of you try your best and give it your all!”

Trixie felt a nudge to her side and saw Twilight giving her an eager smile, one that Trixie returned with a firm nod.

“Now, I’m going to pair all of you up—”

Trixie felt her heart sink a bit a that news, her groan of disappointment joining much of the rest of the class.

“Now, now, don’t be like that,” Inkwell said with an amused grin. “Working with other ponies is what life is all about. Sometimes, you’re not always going to have your friends with you, and you need to learn to depend on others during those times.” She levitated a list from her desk and squinted at it. “I’ve already drawn up the teams, and once I call them, you and your partner can begin discussing how you will complete your assignments.”

She looked over the list, announcing who was paired with who for a few moments before saying, “Twilight Sparkle and…” She stopped for a moment and wiped something off the clipboard with a hoof, doing nothing to ease Trixie or Twilight’s anxiety. “Comet Tail.”

Twilight’s shoulders sagged as she turned to face the young stallion who’d been called. He waved at her with a dorky grin that very clearly made her uncomfortable, while Trixie groaned quietly. Comet Tail wouldn’t have been either of their first choice. Or the second. Or third. Or even fourth. In fact, he was pretty low on that particular list, being just a few numbers up from a certain fiery-maned unicorn.

“Of all the luck…” Trixie uttered to her friend, who only sighed.

“Trixie Lulamoon and Sunset Shimmer.”

What?!” Both Trixie and Sunset screamed in unison. Trixie stood so fast she knocked her chair to the floor behind her, while Sunset’s hooves slammed loudly on her desk.

“You can’t expect me to work with her!” Sunset shouted adamantly. “I demand you either assign me a different partner, or allow me to work alone!”

“That is literally the only thing we’ll ever agree on!” Trixie exclaimed with equal defiance.

Inkwell gave both of them disapproving glares. “You both seem to forget that this project is for a major portion of your grade for the semester. Also, this project doubles as a lesson in adapting your abilities to situations you never thought to find yourself in.” Her glare turned stern. “My decisions are final, and I expect you both to work on this project to the best of your ability.” She stood up straighter and set her list aside. “Now if you both are done being so grandiose, everypony gather with your partners and begin brainstorming.”

Trixie sat down in a huff, glaring at the fiery-maned unicorn in disdain, who only returned that look in spades. She felt somepony lay a hoof on her shoulder, and she turned her head to see Twilight giving her a sympathetic look.

“Are you going to be okay?” she said, shooting a nasty glare Sunset’s way as well.

Trixie growled. “You tell me. I can’t believe Professor Inkwell paired me up with her of all ponies!”

Twilight sighed and nodded. “I know but… I wish you the best of luck, Trixie.”

The blue mare’s ears flattened, but she gave her friend a soft nod. “Thanks. Faust above knows I’m going to need it.” She shot a glare at Sunset, who returned her spiteful look with gusto. The fiery-maned unicorn shook her head in disgust and turned away, eyeing an open book lying in front of her. Trixie sighed as she allowed reality to settle in. This project was going to be an even bigger headache than she was expecting.


There was silence between the two young mares as they sat across from each other in the mares’ dorm lounge, offering only quiet, heated glares to one another that made others steer far and away from them. Trixie had her forelegs crossed vehemently, while Sunset sat with her back straight, her poise sickeningly perfect. Both wordlessly dared each other to speak first, neither opening their mouths for what felt like hours, though it had only been twenty minutes since they sat down.

Sighing through her nose, Sunset lit up her horn, pulling out a large book entitled ‘The Art of Enchantment: Volume 1’ and dropped it in front of the sky blue unicorn. “Look,” she began. “I don’t like you, and you don’t like me.”

“That’s a bit of an understatement, don’t you think?” Trixie scoffed in retort.

Shimmer rolled her eyes, exasperated. “Let’s just get this over with, and then we can go right back to having nothing but spite for each other again. The sooner we’re done, the sooner we can go our separate ways.”

Though Trixie knew better than anypony that Sunset wouldn’t let her go her own way for very long, she couldn’t think up an argument that wouldn’t amount to simply saying “screw you.” Against her better judgment, she nodded and opened the book, quietly chastising herself for not having read up on enchantments before now. They just didn’t interest her as much as illusions did. Illusory magic had so much more creativity behind it than most other schools of spellcasting.

At least she was able to read in peace. Sunset was no more interested in conversation than she was. Trixie glanced at the unicorn from the top of her book, and her eyes narrowed. Memories of a younger Sunset and Trixie came to mind. She remembered a time when her father had been employed by Sunset’s family as a financial consultant and her mother as Sunset’s mother’s personal tailor (a job that Mrs. Shimmer kept Trixie’s mother busy with, demanding a new outfit every week).

Her teeth ground at some of the other memories and she went back to her book with a huff, unable to keep her anger completely to herself.

She heard an annoyed snort and lowered her book to see Sunset glaring at her. “What?” she asked in a baleful tone.

“Nothing,” Trixie spat back with equal venom. Just being around this arrogant nag of a mare set her hackles on a rise.

Vaguely, she recalled a time when Sunset Shimmer was not so spiteful, and her holier-than-thou attitude was exclusive to her parents. She couldn’t say she missed that Sunset too much, seeing as she was only four… maybe five at the time, so she could only barely remember what that Sunset was like.

The book was a dry read, barely holding Trixie’s attention. It covered only the bare basics of enchanting, which Sunset no doubt thought was all she’d be able to handle.

‘She never ceases to irritate,’ Trixie mused to herself, soon closing the book and passing it back to Sunset. “All right, let’s get this over with.”

Sunset snorted and levitated a hoof-sized crystal from her bag and set it on the table in front of them. She turned her eyes to Trixie and narrowed them some. “So, you know the basics at least? This isn’t going to work unless you know what you’re doing.”

“Yeah, yeah, I got it.” They scowled at each other one last time before focusing their respective magics on the crystal.


Twilight dropped her saddle bags with a groan of frustration. “Ugh! He’s utterly impossible to work with!” she bellowed as she flopped to the ground next to her friends, who all watched her with faint amusement.

“He who?” Rainbow asked from her perch on the tree, her left foreleg hanging idly from the branch.

“Comet Tail, that’s who! We’re supposed to be working together on our enchanting project, but all he does is just stare at me!” Her hooves mussed up her mane with another groan. “When I try to get him to focus, all he says is ‘yes, Twilight,’ and goes back to watching me do all the work!”

Snickers of barely restrained mirth erupted around her.

“Oooh, sounds like somepony has a crush,” Rarity said in a singsong voice.

Twilight’s eyes shot wide, and she shook her head violently. “No! Celestia, no! I’m not interested in—”

Rarity chuckled. “Not you, darling. It sounds to me like you’ve caught Comet’s eye.”

The lavender mare blinked, momentarily dumbstruck, before groaning towards the heavens. “I can’t believe this,” she moaned as she lay her head on her forelegs.

“Why don’t you ask him o—” Rainbow started to say.

No! Don’t even finish that thought, Rainbow Dash, or… I won’t let you read any of my Stalliontor books again!”

“Uh…” The pegasus gave a nervous laugh. “Wh-what thought?”

The others shared a laugh at the pair’s expense, which only served to agitate Twilight further, to the point that steam threatened to pour out of her ears. She didn’t even want to imagine a scenario in which she was on a date with Comet. To make matters worse, because all he would do was stare at her with that weird, creepy look on his face, they didn’t get their project even started! She had the crystal and knew the spell to enchant it, but the spell required two ponies working together, so without his help, there was no way she was going to get a passing grade!

A look of horror crossed her face. What if she failed her class because of him? Was she going to have to drop out of the Academy because a lonely stallion couldn’t focus because of her? She couldn’t decide which was worse! Her failing because he couldn’t pay attention, or the fact she was the reason he couldn’t focus in the first place. That, however, was the least of her worries.

“I won’t be able to pass this project!” she exclaimed, eyes wide in panic. “I’ve never failed an assignment before! What if Professor Inkwell thinks I’m not working hard enough!? She’ll have me expelled for complacency!”

Applejack held her forelegs up to reassure her. “Whoa, there, sugarcube. Don’t ya think ya might be overthinkin’ this just a bit? Ah’m sure one project won’t sink your time at the Academy.”

“Actually,” Pinkie chimed in, “the light enchantment project counts for, like, twenty percent of your grade in magic class. So flunking that project would really hurt your final grade.”

Twilight visibly paled and planted her face into the ground, her anguished cries muffled by the dirt.

“Did you try talking with him, Twilight?” Fluttershy asked as a butterfly fluttered around the pegasus’ face. “Maybe if you talked with him, he’d pay attention to your project more.”

“I’ve tried,” Twilight groaned out through the dirt. “But all he does is just agree with whatever I say and goes back to watching.”

Another set of bags hit the ground next to Twilight with a thud, followed by a familiar, sky blue unicorn. “At least you don’t have to work with Sunset Shimmer,” Trixie muttered as she lay next to her friend. “Seriously, that filly has more problems than a bad music star that won’t acknowledge said problems.”

Twilight put a hoof on Trixie’s shoulder with a supportive, but half-hearted, smile. “Don’t worry. You’ll get your project done, and then we can get back to the natural order of things.”

“That being?” Rarity asked.

“All of us sitting together listening to Pinkie Pie ramble about baked goods and sharing a mutual disdain for Sunset Shimmer.” The seven mares shared a laugh at Twilight’s statement, with Pinkie starting off on a speech about how she didn’t just talk about baked goods, which devolved into a rant about how much she loved chocolate ice cream cake.

All the while, Trixie only half-listened, her brain still trying to process all the information she’d learned from the book Sunset had pushed on her. The yellow unicorn had placed just a little too much pressure on Trixie’s shoulders in forcing her to learn a field of magic that she had never studied before just to earn a passing grade. She let out a sigh through her nose, resting her head on the grass.

Her expression must’ve been obvious, as she felt a nudge on her side. She looked over to see Twilight looking at her with a look of concern.

“Come on, Trixie, cheer up. I know it’s rough, but don’t let her upset your whole day.”

Trixie sighed again. “It just hasn’t been a good day for me, Twilight.”

“What do you mean?”

She was about to answer, but hesitated. Those whispers from her dream returned. They told her in hushed tones to not say anything. To tell her friends that she was fine, that there was nothing to worry about. The fact that the idea seemed so alluring scared her.

“I’ve…” She trailed off reluctantly. “I’ve just been having trouble sleeping lately. No big deal.”

Twilight tilted her head at her. “Sleeping? Is it your studies? If you want help with them, all you have to do is ask. I’d be happy to lend a hoof.”

A slight, warm smile tugged at Trixie’s face as she looked at her best friend. “Thanks, Twilight. I might just do that.”


There was nothing. An infinite emptiness all around, nothing but a dark, cold, lonely void. She was alone, there was no one and nothing else around. That only made the darkness weigh that much more upon her, threatening to break her sanity even as she realized that she was dreaming.

‘Open your eyes...’

The hollow voice rang out in the black space, with no source seen in any direction. She blinked as the sense of utter solitude once again enveloped her.

‘Awaken to yourself...’

A whimper escaped her lips as she felt the whispers crawling into her ears, pecking at her thoughts like vultures.

‘Acknowledge the truth...’

Before her very eyes, some… thing began to rise up from the void-like ‘ground,’ a low hiss piercing the ‘air’ around her. A black mist bubbled in front of her, shaping itself into two equine forms, taking the shapes of pair of unicorns. The mist eventually faded, revealing a perfect copy of herself facing a duplicate of Twilight Sparkle, both with their horns glowing brightly and aimed at each other.

Twilight’s mouth moved, but no words came out. Her expression was one that bore many emotions: anger, confusion, fear, sadness. There was nothing positive on her visage.

The second Trixie wore a look of fury and hate, spite boiling in her eyes like a pot of water over a blazing inferno. She silently yelled something back at Twilight, who flinched with a step back as the Trixie double’s horn burned with a darkening aura.

Then they were gone.

‘Know your destiny… embrace it...’


Trixie shot up from her bed with a start. She didn’t scream, though her breaths were ragged and harsh. She looked at her hooves, trembling as she ran them through her mane before laying back down again. What was happening to her?


“Focus, Lulamoon!”

Trixie’s head snapped back at the shout, blinking a few times before her eyes narrowed at the seething Sunset Shimmer. Their crystal sat on the table between them, giving off a faint glow that quickly faded out.

“If you don’t focus on this, we are going to fail!” Sunset jabbed a hoof at her. “And if I fail because of your ineptitude, I’m going to make your life miserable!”

‘As if it would take much from you,’ Trixie snarked in thought. Insulting Shimmer right now would only be counterproductive at this point. “Relax. I was just resting my eyes.”

A scowl erupted across Sunset’s face. “Well, relax them on your own time. We’ve only got a few more days to get this done, and I do not want to fail!”

“Will you calm down!?” Trixie snapped. “We’ll get it done, but not with you shouting all the time!”

Sunset looked like she wanted to just explode right then there, and Trixie almost felt she needed to have a barrier in place, just in case the irate unicorn lashed out at her.

Instead, Sunset huffed. “Fine. Just focus.”

“Whatever you say, boss,” Trixie replied mockingly, returning her attention to the crystal between them. She just had to get this right once, and then it’d be over and done with.


The wind blew steadily, sending a chilling breeze through Trixie’s fur as she sat beside the tree where she and the girls always met after class. Her eyes drifted to the leafless branches above, her mind lost in thought as she stared ahead. She took in a breath of the cold air and settled on her belly, dry grass crunching underneath.

Having arrived before her friends, Trixie sat quietly with her thoughts as they jumbled around her mind like a gemstone in a tumbler. Why were the dreams haunting her so? Why could she not forget them like all of her other dreams and just fade away to memory? That last image of her squaring off with Twilight, her own face full of such rage and hatred; why could she not shake that away? Why did part of her feel like it was more than a dream… a premonition?

She pressed a hoof to her face, rubbing at tired eyes. All she wanted was for it to stop. All of it. The dreams, the visions, the voices, the frustration. She just wanted all of it to just leave her alone so that she could concentrate on being a student again. Just a normal, ordinary student without bizarre nightmares clawing at her psyche each night.

Her eyes became half-lidded as she remembered another part of her dream: the pain and betrayal she saw in Twilight’s eyes when they squared off. Seeing that in her best friend’s eyes… it hurt her so deeply that tears threatened to fall down her face. Why would something like that happen? She would never turn on her best friend, or any of their friends for that matter. She was a Lulamoon, and trust was the most important thing a pony could hold, a mantra her family had stood by for generations.

‘But… then why did part of me accept all of that?’

She didn’t know, and she hated it.


She looked up to find Twilight staring at her in concern, a book floating by her face, as per the norm for the violet unicorn.

Trixie sniffed and dashed at her eyes. “T-Twilight. I didn’t hear you coming.”

“I just got here.” She set down her book and looked worriedly at Trixie for a moment. “The other girls will be here soon, but…” She laid a hoof on her friend’s withers. “I want you to tell me what’s wrong with you. And don’t you lie to me and say there’s nothing.”

A soft smile tugged at Trixie’s lips as she felt her friend’s hoof on her shoulder, but it quickly faded as she realized that no easy words were going to get her out of this. “Twilight… have you ever seen something in a dream that really… bothered you?”

Twilight blinked in surprise and tilted her head at her. “A dream?” She frowned pensively, but shook her head. “No, I can’t say that I have. Why? Is a dream the problem you’re having?” Settling down on her belly next to her, she gave Trixie an attempt at an understanding look. “Tell me about it, and don’t hold anything back.”

“It’s…” She hesitated. Something in her told her just drop the subject. To leave things be. But she knew she couldn’t do that.

“Twilight… I just need to know something.” Her friend gave her an odd look, but said nothing. “Twilight… if I did something terrible… something truly wrong…” She looked to the other mare with a mix of hope and anxiety. “Would you still be my friend? Even if I—”

A purple hoof stuck itself over her mouth, its owner giving her a stern expression. “Trixie,” Twilight began, “you’ve been my friend since we went to Celestia’s School as little fillies.” She removed her hoof from Trixie’s mouth. “I was in a dark place back then. My parents had just… passed, and I pushed everypony away. Even my brother.” She showed a small smile.

“Then you came along and bugged me to no end, always pestering me to play with you, study with you, to be your friend. You didn’t give up, and you eventually brought me, a filly you didn’t even know, out of a depression that could’ve taken me down a road that I’ll confess scares me to think about. If you hadn’t come along…”

Trixie was caught off guard when Twilight nuzzled her. “We’ll always be friends, no matter what. And that’s a promise.”

Tears gathered around her eyes, and she did nothing to wipe them away. “Twilight… thank you. You don’t know how much that means to me…”

Twilight smiled at her. “Anytime, Trixie. You’re my best friend, after all.”

The loud “Aww!” had them both turning to find the other girls staring at them, most with touched expressions and one (from Rainbow Dash) that held a teasing grin. “That’s so sweet!” Pinkie exclaimed and bounced over and wrapped the two up in a big hug. “Two friends sharing a tender moment! Oh, it just makes me want to cry tears of joy!” As if on cue, waterfalls of tears shot from her eyes like a pair of fountains as she blew into a hanky that she pulled from Celestia-knows-where.

Rarity floated a cloth to her eyes. “Oh, my, do we need to leave you girls alone for a bit? We certainly didn’t mean to intrude.”

“No, no, you’re fine,” Twilight said with light and awkward laugh, scooching away from Trixie a little. “Exactly… how much of that did you all hear?”

“Enough to know that you two need to get a room,” Rainbow teased with a smirk, earning a laugh from Applejack and Pinkie Pie.

Trixie rolled her eyes. “Yes, yes, you’re hilarious.” A slightly cruel grin creeped up on her face. “Besides, Twilight’s been spending a fair amount of time with Flash. Isn’t that right, Twi?”

A blush covered Twilight’s face at the implications of Trixie’s statement, and she shook her head so fast that the others worried it might fly off her shoulders. “N-no! I mean, well, yes, but… Look, Flash and I are just friends! Nothing else is going on between us.”

Rarity gave her a sly smile. “Does that mean you wouldn’t want something more going on?”

A meep escaped Twilight, and she shook her head vigorously. “N-n-n-no! I wouldn’t—” She stopped as all of her friends starting laughing, Rainbow going so far as the fall to the ground, holding her gut as she laughed. “I hate all of you sometimes, you know that?”

“Ha!” Rainbow scoffed. “You know you love us. Just think of how empty and dull your life would be without yours truly!”

“I’d get more sleep if I didn’t know you, that’s for sure!”

The girls all collapsed into another gale of helpless laughter, even Trixie found herself joining in. The laugh, added with the comfort that she would always have a good friend in Twilight, helped put her mind at ease. She felt that, tonight, she was going to sleep peacefully for once.


The field was forever. In all directions, she saw an endless expanse of green, interrupted by the occasional splotches of color from flowers, the pure blue of the sky greeting the horizon far away from her. A smile tugged at her face as a gentle, cool breeze blew through her coat, her mane being swept by the light wind. She was at ease, a sense of calmness washing over her as she lay in the warm grass, the sun bathing her in its rays.

Flower petals, blown loose by the wind, swished past her. Some even grazing her face, feeling almost like butterfly wings brushing against her cheeks. If this was a dream, she didn’t want to wake up. The serenity, the quiet… it was so much different from her nightmares of the past. So much better.

A cooler breeze blew through, causing a shiver to race up her spine. Violet eyes opened to see her grassy plains start to darken, like a cloud was passing over the glorious sun overhead. Trixie looked up to find it was no cloud that had begun to cover the sun. Her serenity broke like glass, and a muffled gasp escaped her as she found the moon had begun an eclipse.

Even worse, the visage of the Mare in the Moon seemed to leer down at her.

‘Trixie Lulamoon.’

“No! Please! Stop haunting me!” She fell to her belly, trying to hide within the tall grasses. Anything to keep her from staring down at her with those awful, snakelike eyes.

‘Why do you continue to deny what must be? You have a glorious destiny to fulfill. You cannot escape it.’

Trixie glared back at the visage, even as the grass around her started to wilt. “No! I will not be told what to do! I decide what I want to do with my own life, and that life is to be a magician. The greatest Equestria will ever know! You won’t tell me what to do!”

‘That is where you are wrong, foolish mare. Your fate was decided centuries before you were even a twinkle in your father’s eye. You cannot deny your fate!’

“I will!” Trixie shrieked right back at the visage. “I won’t let anyone control me!”

‘Idiot girl.’

“Just leave me alone!” Trixie whirled and started running. The dead and dying grass disintegrated as she ran through it. Her hooves kicked up a cloud of black dust as she ran.

‘Where are you running?’

“Anywhere! Away from you!”

A laugh pierced the air around her, a sound like a cat’s claws running along a chalkboard, as the world around her grew ever darker. She shut her eyes, gritting her teeth as she forced herself to gallop faster and faster, trying to outrun something she couldn’t see.

A mocking chuckle echoed around her. ‘You fail to realize the enormity of your destiny. The grand scale of your inevitable fate. And you fail to recall...’ Something grasped her legs, tripping her up to fall flat on her face, dirt matting her coat as she hit the ground. A miasmatic fog boiled around her, like tendrils of some eldritch beast, massing together before her and melding into another form entirely.

An equine shape began to manifest itself, taking the form of a towering black alicorn, clad in azure armor. A fanged grin was spread across the dark mare’s face, her serpentine eyes glinting with a cruel amusement.

“You are in my domain,” stated the Mare of Darkness, her white teeth contrasting sharply against her black fur. “You cannot run from me here, no more than you can escape the destiny that is set for you.” She approached Trixie with an ominous saunter as the unicorn spat out a mouthful of dirt. “Imagine it; you could be the bringer of new age. An age without a government fueled by deceit and hypocrisy. An era of true peace that would last for an eternity. But you refuse all that because you want to become a fame-hungry charlatan? You forget yourself, little filly.”

Trixie struggled to her knees. “Don’t call me that.” She glared up at the alicorn, her own teeth bared. “And you can take your so-called destiny and shove it right up your—”

A growl escaped the black mare’s mouth. “Insolent foal! You would dare speak to your one true queen in such a manner!?”

She got to her hooves. “If it means you’ll leave me alone, yes!” Power gathered around her horn and she blasted at the alicorn.

A velvety chuckle mocked her as her magical attack passed right through the alicorn without any apparent effect. A laugh escaped her, and her own horn burned with an unholy dark blue aura. “You seem to have a selective memory, child. You can do nothing to me. You are in my realm. Here, you belong to me, regardless of what you wish.”

A fell mist rose up around them both, a cruel chortle filling the air, Trixie stepping back, only to be stopped by the mist, which forced her closer to the immense alicorn. “Embrace your destiny, Trixie Lulamoon. And you will again know peace.”

“Leave me alone…” Trixie uttered in a quiet whisper.

The alicorn’s ears flickered. “What did you say, dear child?”

Trixie glared up at the alicorn, rage practically blazing in her eyes. “Leave. Me. Alone!

Her scream pierced through the veil of her dream, and she sat bolt upright in her bed, the scream dying on her lips. She only had enough time to rub at her face before an angry pounding on the room next door echoed through the wall.

“Shut up already! I’m trying to sleep!” her neighbor yelled, likely waking up others in their irritance.

Trixie pulled her blanket up to her face, her sobs echoing in her room. Her shoulders shook with each sob, the tears of a mare pushed to her limits soaking her blanket. She wasn’t sure how many more nights like this she could take. What… what was it she was supposed to do? She talked to her friends, and the dreams still came. She lost herself in her studies, and still they tormented her. Who was was there for her to seek?


Exhaustion. Complete and utter exhaustion. Trixie was beyond tired, nearly ready to just pass out on the floor. The fact that she had classes today didn’t make her feel any better. All she had to be grateful for was that it was at least Friday, so she could sleep in all she wanted tomorrow (provided the dreams gave her a night off). All she really had to look forward to right now, however, was dull economics class, followed by a history class. She ran a hoof over her face, a sigh escaping her. If only she could get some real sleep, then she wouldn’t be such a mess!

She was so caught up with her internal mumblings that she didn’t see who she bumped into until she had fallen on her haunches.

“Oww…” She rubbed at her sore snout. Blinking the grogginess away from her eyes, she looked up to see Headmaster Stargazer looking down on her, his dark-gray eyes looking at her with a kindly wisdom and a little amusement.

“H-Headmaster?” She quickly collected her books from the floor in a frenzy. “I’m sorry, I wasn’t paying attention. I didn’t mean to bump into you.”

He gave a touched chuckle and held up a hoof for her to calm down. “It’s quite all right. It’s a common thing to see students so engrossed in their studies they don’t know where they’re going.” He levitated a number of her notes to her. “But you, my dear, seem to have it worse than most. Are you finding your studies too difficult? If you need a tutor, there are plenty of volunteers to help you.”

She shook her head quickly. “N-No, no. I’m doing find in my classes, Headmaster. I’m just…” Her violet eyes turned away as she trailed off.

His gaze settled on her for a moment before he tilted his head curiously. “Just what? As headmaster of the Academy, it is my job to help students when they having troubles here. whether they are academic or something on a more personal level, my office and ears are always open.”

A tired sigh escaped her. “I… I haven’t been sleeping well, Headmaster.”

“Oh?” His gaze narrowed only slightly before he looked around the hallway and to the other students that hurried past. “Come, let’s speak in my office so you can talk plainly.”

She wasn’t sure why, maybe it was because he was the head of the Academy—or he had learned of one of the pranks she and Twilight had pulled recently—but Trixie felt the faintest of shivers run up her spine. “I-I can’t be late for class though.”

“Tch.” He waved her objection away. “I will give you a pass, Miss Lulamoon. You will be excused. Now come along.” He turned away and walked down the hall.

Trixie shot a few nervous glances to her fellow students, who looked at her with a mixture of pity and relief that it was her and not them who was going to the headmaster’s office. With no help for it, she followed after the older unicorn. She trotted ahead to catch up with the stallion as they entered the office area of the Academy.

‘For an old coot, he sure moves fast,’ she thought idly. ‘Maybe he knows some spells that let him move around more quickly.’

Stargazer swept past the secretaries and pushed open the door to his office, motioning for her to enter. “Come, talk with me.”

Those shivers returned. Something about him unsettled her. His eyes glinted with… something. She couldn’t quite place what it was, though. Eagerness? Excitement? Frustration, maybe? It was a strange mix of all of the above, she supposed. It was weird to think about. Regardless, she entered, taking a seat across from Stargazer’s desk.

Once the stallion was seated, he put his hooves together, leaning on his desk with his elbows. “Now, tell me what’s troubling you, Miss Lulamoon.”

She wasn’t sure what compelled her to do so, but she soon confessed her problems. Everything from the dark dreams, to the constant feeling of unease, to her fear that this might be something more than just recurring nightmares. The only thing she left out was the whispers she’d been hearing outside of her dreams. She didn’t need him thinking she was some schizophrenic psycho. The headmaster sat across from her in silence, listening to all she had to say, occasionally nodding in understanding. At this point, she didn’t care why she was telling him everything; it just felt good to finally vent about something that had been tearing at her thoughts for weeks.

As she finished telling her tale, she looked up to find the headmaster staring at her intently, unblinking and disquietingly calm. Instead of saying anything, he remained silent, watching her almost like a hawk would before it swooped down on some poor field mouse. She squirmed in her seat under the gaze, wishing he would just say something to her.

Thankfully, he finally broke the silence. “This dark… alicorn you see in your dreams. What does she look like? Any identifying markings, regalia, or her cutie mark?”

She hesitated for a moment. “She was… tall. Dark and… she had armor, and… her cutie mark looked like a crescent moon. And she had this… I guess you’d call it an aura or something, that made me feel… afraid. Just… afraid. Like I could have all the power in the world, and I would still be powerless against her.”

He hummed and looked away, a pensive frown crossing his face. “Interesting,” he murmured.

Again, he went silent for a moment, and Trixie felt that he might’ve forgotten she was even there. She cleared her throat and his gaze snapped back at her. “Headmaster, is there something wrong?”

He shook his head, that kindly smile returning to his face. “No, no, Miss Lulamoon, just a few private thoughts. In any case, I don’t quite see how these dreams are anything more than that. If it helps, I could speak with the Academy therapist and nurses and see about getting something to help you sleep better at night. You’ll likely be called in to see them once they know of your troubles.”

A relieved sigh left Trixie’s lungs, a small smile on tugging at her face. “You have no idea how much that would help, Headmaster.”

Stargazer chuckled and rose from his seat, approaching the young mare and extending a hoof. “It’s always my pleasure to be able to help the students of this great school in any way I can.”

Shaking the headmaster’s hoof, Trixie stood from her own seat, bidding the graying stallion farewell as she left his office. Unbeknownst to her, he wore an imperceptible smirk as she left.


It was the evening of the Light Crystal Enchantment Contest, and Trixie found herself beside Sunset Shimmer as their crystal was set out on a table in front of them. The contest was being held in the auditorium of the Academy, and it had drawn a sizable crowd. One look at the excitedly waving Pinkie Pie in the crowd, and Trixie knew exactly who was responsible for the gathering. A huff escaped her as she glanced at the table next to hers. Twilight shifted uncomfortably in her seat as Comet Tail sat staring at her with adoration that a puppy would be hard pressed to match.

As her gaze swept back to the growing crowd, she felt a firm nudge on her side. “You had better have studied, Lulamoon,” Sunset hissed. “If you make a mockery of me in front of this crowd—”

“Do you ever worry about anything besides you, yourself, and the pony in the mirror?” Trixie snapped back, though she kept her voice restrained. The very last thing she wanted was for the Academy to see her bickering with her lab partner on stage. “I’m ready, so don’t get your tail in a twist.”

Sunset glowered at her and pointedly turned away, focusing her attention over the ponies in the crowd. As much as the notion of nag-slapping Sunset on stage in front of an audience pleased her, she thought better of it. As she looked at their faintly glowing crystal, she could only appreciate the help the headmaster had given her that much more. She’d been getting fuller sleep at nights, though she had been waking up with light headaches. The nurse who’d given her the sleeping pills had assured her it was only a side effect, and likely nothing to be concerned about. Even so, the headaches were worth her being able to sleep—it allowed her to finally focus on her studies again!

Now all she had to do was give her crystal a final enchant, and she can be done with the project and—better yet!—Sunset Shimmer.

As the crowd’s chatter reached a peak, Professor Inkwell ascended to the stage, a microphone held in her magic as she took her place front and center. With a grin, she said, “Welcome, everypony, to the annual Light Crystal Enchantment Contest, where I’m pleased to say is seeing the largest crowd it’s seen in twenty years! I’d like to thank one Miss Pinkie Pie for helping to spread the word about this contest!”

“You’re welcome!” Pinkie shouted from the crowd, waving her forelegs in an excited blur. “Go, Twilight! Go, Trixie! Woo!” she managed before Applejack and Rainbow Dash pulled her back into her seat.

Trixie and Twilight face-hoofed at the same time, but Inkwell continued right along as if nothing happened. “As you all may or may not know, the winning pair in this contest will have their light crystal put on special display during the Summer Sun Celebration this year, placed upon the very platform from which Princess Celestia will raise the sun!”

An applause rose up through the audience, no doubt having been pulled into such excitement by whatever speech Pinkie Pie had given them to get so many to come. Trixie soaked up the sound of the cheering. One day, the ponies would cheer for her just like this when she became the greatest magician to ever live.

“Now, all of the groups will focus their magic for the final enchantment. This enchantment will require all pairs to work in unison to make the magic last. If the pair are not on the same level, their crystal will not be as bright, and the magic will not last. However, if the two are knowledgeable and have studied, their combined magics will make the crystals shine brightly and last for years. It truly is a test of teamwork and magical prowess at its finest.” She turned to the first table, facing a pair of ponies whose names eluded Trixie’s mind. “Amethyst Star and Moondancer, you may begin when ready.”

The two mares glanced at each other briefly, Amethyst looking nervous and Moondancer appearing somewhat confident as they aimed their horns at their crystal. The gem glowed as their magic wrapped around it, merging and gradually synchronizing. For several moments, nothing happened, until the crystal began to flicker with light. Soon, it began to glow with a light like a far less intense version of a miniature sun, awing the crowd, who watched the light show with rapt attention.

“A wonderful display from you both!” Inkwell beamed, while the two mares bumped hooves with grins on their faces. “Next up…”

The next few teams had more or less the same results, some being better, some not doing quite as well. Trixie could feel a sense of anxiety in her stomach as Inkwell slowly drew closer to her and Sunset. It wasn’t stage fright - that was impossible for someone like her - but it was definitely something. She didn’t want to screw this up, that was for sure. She’d never hear the end of it from Shimmer, and the idea of Sunset Shimmer complaining about one failure to her forever wasn’t exactly an appealing thought.

Eventually, after about eight or nine teams, Inkwell arrived at nerve-wracked Twilight Sparkle and a lovestruck Comet Tail. “Alright, Twilight Sparkle, Comet Tail, it’s your turn. You may begin when ready.”

Trixie’s gaze snapped out to the crowd as their friends began cheering for Twilight, Pinkie and Rainbow Dash waving a small banner with her name on it. Where that had come from, she didn’t know or want to know.

“R-right,” Twilight said with a nervous smile. She turned a glare at Comet, who could only smile at her as she muttered something Trixie couldn’t hear. She did hear Twilight’s hiss-like ‘Focus!’ and she found it hard to suppress a giggle at her friend’s expense.

Twilight aimed her horn at the crystal, forcing Comet to do the same with one hoof. There was silence as a magical field enveloped their crystal, the gem briefly flickering and glowing with a small, weak light. Several moments passed, and Twilight finally raised her head, letting out a long sigh and offering an awkward smile and laugh, while Comet returned to staring at her with those witless puppy-dog eyes.

Inkwell raised an eyebrow at the crystal between them, glancing back up at the pair for a moment before looking down at the crystal again. The pitiful thing would barely make for a decent night light, let alone a decoration for Celestia’s platform.

“This is…” The professor seemed to struggle to come up with something polite to say until she just shrugged. “No, sorry, there’s no putting this gently: this is the worst crystal this year. Not the worst I’ve ever seen, but barely passable.”

Twilight let out a groan of defeat as her face met the desk in front of her with a smack that echoed throughout the auditorium. And Comet Tail just kept on eyeballing her like an idiot.

Finally, Inkwell turned to Trixie and Sunset and her glare turned a bit more stern. “I truly hope the both of you learned to work together. I won’t be happy if this turns into another…” She turned a glance to Twilight and Comet, the former of whom was currently repeatedly banging her head against the table. “That.”

A nervous gulp escaped Trixie as her gaze returned to her crystal. She knew the spell that was necessary, but now that she was put in the spotlight, she felt her stomach tie in a knot and her mind scramble. She had to focus! Her grade depended on it (as well as not getting endlessly tormented by a certain mustard-colored unicorn with ketchup-stained hair)!

The clearing of a throat caused her to look at Sunset as the other unicorn gave her a firm nod. Sunset stood from her chair and closed her eyes, the azure magic wrapping around her horn. The crystal took on a similar hue in response to the magic the unicorn fed it.

Taking in a calming breath, Trixie let her own pinkish aura surround her horn.

‘Have to focus, the crystal and me, that’s all that’s here...’

The aura surrounding the crystal swirled with their respective auras, and Trixie let her eyes close. The hushed murmurs of the crowd died away, the repeated sounds of a forehead on a table faded away to white nose, and all that was left was her and the crystal.

‘Me and the crystal. That’s all there is.’ She gritted her teeth as she poured more of her magic into the waiting crystal. She dared not to open her eyes, fearing any distraction would cause her to lose her focus.


Her breath caught. That voice! Why was she hearing it?


No, no, no! Not now! Not during something this important!

‘Your destiny awaits.’

Fear gave way to rage. Why did they not leave her alone? She just wanted to be alone!

The surge of emotion manifested through her magic, and all in attendance jerked their gazes away as the crystal on their table seemed to glow with a scathing light, as if Princess Celestia had risen the sun in the auditorium. When the glow died down to less painful levels, the audience gave a collective gasp as the crystal glowed with a powerful white light, its bright rays illuminating even the furthest bleachers of the auditorium.

Trixie finally opened her eyes to see her crystal, and her jaw dropped open wide.

‘Did… did I… do that?’

She looked over to find Sunset giving her an equally stunned look, an expression that, for once, had no semblance of her usual “I’m better than you” attitude. As the light finally dimmed more, they could both see their respective auras still shimmering within the center of the crystal, pulsing like a silent heart.

“Absolutely incredible!” Inkwell cried, a wide pleased smile on her face. “You two have gone from bickering like foals to working together to make the brightest crystal I’ve seen in years as a teacher here in the Academy! Very well done, you two.”

Trixie slumped to her haunches, still staring at the crystal, completely baffled. How had she done that? What could’ve given her the surge to do something like this?

Even after the contest ended, with her and Sunset’s crystal winning the competition by a landslide, she was still in shock. That ended when her friends rushed up the stage and crushed her under a massive group hug.

“That was amazing, Trixie! How’d you do that?” Rainbow asked as the group hug ended.

“I… I don’t know. I just sort of… did it.”

Twilight beamed at her friend. “It was all of your hard work and setting aside your problems that let you do it, Trixie. Just like I said it would.”

A blush crept up on the azure unicorn’s face. “Yeah. I guess you’re right.” She straightened her back, brushing a hoof against her chest with a smirk. “Was there ever any doubt?”

“Yes,” said Sunset. All eyes of the seven friends turned to her, most of them glaring daggers at the fiery-maned unicorn. She held an odd look on her face, like something between frustration and grudging acceptance. “But… I suppose you did well enough, Lulamoon. This time.” Her expression turned to full spite. “But don’t expect this to change anything. You’re still beneath me.”

“I was just about to say the same thing about you, Shimmer,” Trixie snarked with a grin. “Though, honestly, the words I had in mind weren’t quite as polite.” Sunset rolled her eyes with a scowl, refusing to respond in favor of simply trotting away. Trixie couldn’t help but laugh a little. “You know, come to think of it, that’s probably the nicest thing she’ll ever say to any of us.”

“Or anypony, for that matter,” Rainbow Dash added snidely.

Their laughter was shared in earnest, save for one, who could barely manage a chuckle. Trixie looked at the bummed Twilight, and a wince tugged at the corners of her mouth.

“Sorry about your project, Twilight,” she said. “It was—”

“Pathetic!” her friend wailed. “Barely even a glimmer! It’d be generous to call it a faulty lamp light!”

“Oh, it’s not that bad,” Pinkie chirped, holding up the pitifully glowing gem. “We could use it as a night light! It’ll scare all the ghoulies and ghosties away! No more bad dreams for anypony with your special crystal!”

“That’s not funny, Pinkie Pie!” Twilight groaned in unison with Trixie. The two looked to each other in surprise, both blinking before Twilight said, “What’s not funny to you?”

“N-nothing,” the blue unicorn answered. “I just think a certain pink pony should learn how cheer ponies up without insulting them at the same time.”

Pinkie blinked and her eyes watered up. “I was just trying to cheer her up…” She lowered her head and sniffed.

As much as Trixie wanted to berate her more, she knew the mare likely just didn’t think her attempt to bring Twilight back up all the way through. So she wrapped a foreleg around Pinkie’s withers and gave her a friendly shake.

“It’s all right, Pinkie. Just think it through next time, okay?”

Pinkie’s smile beamed right back up. “Okey dokey, Trixie!” She quickly turned to Twilight. “Sorry, my mouth tends to move faster than my brain sometimes. Anyway, let’s get the guys and celebrate!”

The girls all gave a collective cheer and filed out of the auditorium. Even as they picked up Wanderer and Flash Sentry, Trixie couldn’t help but let her mind wander on what it was that caused that surge in the crystal. Was it something she had deep down? Some hidden talent she didn’t know about?

‘Accept your fate…’

The whispers had died down to a quieter pitch, but she could still hear them. They were still there, snaking through her ears, muttering sweet nothings like some long lost companion. But it was easier to ignore them now. Hopefully, after a while, they would disappear completely. Faust above willing, she would never have to deal with the whispers or the dreams again.


Silence greeted White Star as she approached the door to master’s private study. A tinge of nervousness touched the back of her mind, but she retained her composure. His summons had been vague, as they usually were, only asking her to meet him here. In honesty, her curiosity drove her more than loyalty at the moment as she raised a hoof to knock on the door.


The albino mare froze when his voice came before she even touched the door. His voice always brought a shiver down her spine, even more so when he answered before even hearing a sound. She had to confess that it was more than a little unnerving, even for her.

Quietly, she pushed the door open and entered her master’s study. The walls were adorned with bookshelves with many old tomes that seemed not to have been opened in years, though were kept in almost pristine condition. Several oak chairs stood before his mahogany desk, with him sitting in a large seat behind it. Upon the desk were several unopened files; one was held aloft in his magic as he scanned through it, his eyes tracing words that White Star couldn’t see from her position.

“Good of you to come, my dear,” he greeted her without taking his eyes off the file. “Please, take a seat.”

The white unicorn nodded and sat down upon one of the chairs, her crimson eyes falling upon her leader’s aged form. He was significantly older than herself - about forty years her senior, if she guessed correctly - but she knew well enough that when it comes to unicorns, looks can be deceiving. With age came knowledge and wisdom, and he often privately admitted to being very old. An old unicorn didn’t need much power; they could easily rely on decades of experience to surmount just about any obstacle.

An unsettling quiet filled the air as he read through the file before him. White Star, for all her composure, a trait for which she was praised by her fellow Knights, couldn’t help but squirm in her seat. Only he could make her feel so antsy, so perturbed and unsettled, especially in his silence. Why had he summoned her? What was going on in that labyrinthine mind of his?

Finally, he closed the file, but did not set it down, turning his steely gaze to her. “Terribly sorry to keep you waiting, Star,” he said in a cold, neutral voice. “I’ve an important task for you. One that I can only entrust to you.”

White Star almost released a sigh of relief. For a moment, she actually believed she had done something to offend him. Offending him would have been… unwise. “What task do you have for me, milord?”

“There is a certain young mare that has piqued my interest as of late.” The file in his magic floated over to her, and she took it in her own red aura. He waved a hoof to her, silently ordering her to open it, and she obeyed.

Briefly reading through the file, she stopped when she spotted a name. “Beatrix Lulamoon?” She looked up at her master again. “I had thought that the Lulamoon family perished with the Knights’ cause centuries ago?”

He gave a low chuckle. “In honesty, I had thought the same before assuming my current status. These days, they are a relatively low-class family, as far as Canterlot goes. Their present day existence is kept secret from all but the chosen successor of our order’s leadership.” He leaned forward, his seat creaking as he rested his forelegs on his desk. “I want you to keep a close eye on this mare. Watch discreetly. Be as her shadow.”

She nodded in acceptance of her given task. “Of course. I will not—” Something clicked in her mind just then, a question suddenly rising to the forefront of her thoughts. “Milord, you said that this information is passed only to a chosen successor. Does this mean…?” She trailed, already feeling as though she’d stepped on his hoof.

To her surprise, he smiled. “I was hoping you would pick up that. Yes, I’ve chosen you as my successor. I’m old, and likely don’t have many years left in me, and you are loyal, clever, and strong member of our order. You are the best candidate to fill my role when I one day leave this world.”

White Star, still amazed by this news, bowed her head. “You honor me, milord. I will not disappoint you. You have my word that the Knights of the Dark Moon will see a golden age.”

“Let us hope so,” he said. “I would hate to have to come back and haunt you for failing to uphold that oath.”

A chill ran down her spine at his tone. The way he spoke just now… he sounded as though he were dead serious, in direct contrast to his kindly smile. She quietly gulped as her mind entertained the idea that he may know of some forbidden magic that would let him come back to curse her until her dying breath. Shaking her head slightly, she nodded.

“Yes,” she said. “That would be…” She simply trailed off, unable to find the right word, and stood from her seat, the file carried closely in her magic. “I will take my leave now, unless there is anything else you require?”

“No, that will be all.” He waved his hoof at her again, shooing her away. “Go. I have a long to-do list today. The One Queen’s return draws near, and I want to be ready for that eve.”

White Star bowed her head once more, turning to take her leave. As the door closed behind her, she once again opened the file on the Lulamoon child. The Lulamoon name was one that had not been heard from within the Knights since the last battles of the Nightmare Wars of a thousand years past. She would need to tread carefully. As her master said, she needed to be as Beatrix’s shadow. Close, but silent, unseen.

The tiniest of smiles tugged at her lips. This could prove to be interesting.