• Published 4th Mar 2014
  • 1,184 Views, 72 Comments

The Last Of Us - Darkened Lightning Storm

Join Rainbow Dash as she attempts to survive the Infection

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Chapter 1

Gun shots stung the silence like a bee as the two Infected fell to the ground and shattered what was left of the silence with their blood curdling screams. this quickly alarmed Rainbow and she ran over and started to bash the skull of one of the undead ponies with her hind leg.

"Shut the fuck up! You'll just attract more of your fucking kind!" She said as she felt her hind hoof smash into the skull of the Infected. She shuttered slightly as she took her hoof out of the skull and turned to the other half rotten pony, who watched her silently with a glare as blood streamed out of the side of it's head.

"What. Your partner here wouldn't shut up. And I suggest you better not make a sound or else you'll be next." Rainbow snarled at the Infected and pulled the trigger of her gun, getting a response of nothing.

"Fuck! Out of ammo?! You gatta be fucking kidding me! I just got fucking ammo not that long ago!" Rainbow Dash hissed as screams of other Infected ponies rung around her.

"Shit... I got to get out of here..." she grumbled as she scrambled to her hooves and threw the gun in her old and worn out backpack, slinging her backpack over her shoulder and casting a glare towards the slowly dying Infected.

"I'll be back, so don't you THINK about going anywhere." Rainbow snapped as she took out her knife and held it in her mouth as she silently crept out of the abandoned building. Ponyville, the small town just northeast of Canterlot, the small town that started this hell, and the small town Rainbow and her partner have been camping in for the past month or so. Ponyville had been a quiet town from what she knew of it, full of vast farmlands and supposedly had the nicest ponies in Equestria.

Nicest ponies my ass, narrator. From what AJ told me some of the ponies here were the biggest dicks around, and from the ponies I've shot and killed, I got no reason not to believe her.

Shut up, Rainbow, I'm telling the story here, not you. Anywho, where was I? Oh yeah. Rainbow Dash galloped down a dusty dirt path as the sun started to slowly sink down over the horizon, she knew she had to make it back to the barn before night fall, or else she'd be dead in a matter of hours. As Rainbow approached an old, abandoned farm, she saw a orange earth pony with a golden mane and green eyes that she knew would have been waiting for her, and would probably been mad because she was getting back to their camp so late. When she trotted up, the earth pony gave her a relieved smile and an angered glare.

"Where the hay have yah been?! Ah told yah to be back here two hours ago!" The earth pony grumbled and she and Rainbow walked into the barn, locking an barricading the door.

"I told you I might be late AJ, I went into town to get water and along the way I ran into some Stalkers." RD shrugged as she threw her backpack by the small fire in the center of the barn and dug out a medical kit she had found at an old doctors office. She sighed as she took out a large roll of bandage and looked at Applejack with a small smile, who replied with an eye roll and sat down next to the cyan Pegasus and took the snow white bandage in her hooves.

"Ah told yah to be careful... How'd yah hurt your wing this time..?" Applejack sighed started to wrap the bandage around Rainbow Dash's wing.

"Apparently Stalkers can use axes..." Rainbow shrugged and winced some as Applejack accidently poked a sensitive part in Rainbow's wing.

"Yah didn' know that? One of 'em tried ta get me with ah kitchen knife the other day." AJ chuckled and Rainbow laughed along.

"Sweet Celestia, there getting smarter everyda- Ow! Applejack! Careful!" Rainbow glared at her and Applejack glared back.

"Well sorry Ah'm no doctor! Ahn about the Infected getting smarter, yer probably right... Ah reckon we better leave soon... Ah thought Ah saw flashin' lights ahn ah helicopter over at Canterlot today... Maybe we should head in that direction..." Applejack sighed and Rainbow Dash shook her head.

"That's a horrible idea."


"Because Canterlot is infested. I almost died there at least five times." Rainbow Dash grunted as AJ shrugged.

"But we could get help.."

'We don't need help. We're fine the way we are right now. Besides, the idiots over there will be dead in days, just give it time. "

"Yah don' know that Dash, they seemed heavily equipped ahn If we go over there ahn make friends with 'em..."

"They won't like us AJ, they'll kill us in seconds of our arrival. I should know..."

Rainbow Dash grunted as Applejack finished wrapping her wing and she took out a large bag of lightly bruised apples from her backpack. Applejack's eyes widened and she blinked.

"Where the hay did yah get those!"

"I found a small market stand that was untouched. Most of the food in there was rotten, but I managed to get enough stuff to make soup... You want it tonight or do it on a different night...?"

"Tonight of course!" Applejack said excitedly as she trotted over to a large bin and pulled out a pot. Rainbow Dash chuckled as she started to pulled out the vegetables she had been able to save from the stand and the two immediately got to work without another word. Rainbow trotted over the hoof pump and placed a pale underneath of it then started started to pump the handle, causing the hoof pump to gurgle and spit out water into the pale. Once the pale was full, Rainbow stopped and carried the bucket back over to the fire, taking out her Bowie knife and cleaning it off in the water and then washing the vegetables off as well. Once the knife and the vegetables were nice and clean, she handed it over to AJ who had just filled the pot with water and hung it over the fire. Rainbow watched in silence as Applejack cut up the vegetables an placed them in the hardly boiling pot, and then continued by adding more logs to the fire.

"We make an awesome team, huh?" Rainbow chuckled and held out her hoof, and in response Applejack bumped her hoof against RD's.

"No other pony Ah'd rather be surviving with." Applejack chuckled along with Rainbow and sat down next to her.

"Let's not call it surviving.. Let's call it... Hmm..." Rainbow thought and Applejack raised her eyebrow with a grin.

"Living while every pony else in Equestria has turned into ah Stalker?" Applejack said causing the two to burst out in laughter.

"Sure. Living while every pony else in Equestria has turned into a Stalker. That sounds so much better than surviving." Rainbow said sarcastically, causing Applejack to push her playfully.

"It sure does! Ah'n yah know it good ahn well!" Applejack grinned and Rainbow shrugged, still laughing along.

"Yeah yeah.. Whatever you say you crazy mare." Rainbow chuckled and smiled at her. AJ smiled back.

"Well then, Rainbow, there's no pony Ah'd rather be living while every pony else in Equestria has turned into a stalker with." AJ chuckled and Rainbow shrugged and laughed.

"Fine by me." she said leaning back into the hay pile and looking threw the cracks in the wooden planks that had been nailed to the windows. It was dark outside, which meant the Infected would be roaming. Rainbow let out a small sigh.

"AJ... It's night..." Rainbow Dash sighed as AJ frowned and looked towards the barricaded window.

"Ah know sugarcube... We'll head up in ah bit... Aint like tha Infected can get in here anyways..." Applejack shrugged as Rainbow blinked. It'd been months since AJ had used the nickname 'sugarcube', why would she use it right now? Rainbow decided to shake it off and she flattened her ears

"But they'll know we're here..." she said and Applejack looked her in the eyes.

"Jus' till tha soups done.. We'll put out the fire ahn bring it upstairs... Please Dash...?" Applejack had somewhat of a pleading look in her eyes, which made Rainbow curious and nervous. She had no idea why AJ wanted to stay down here so bad, so she just guessed she wanted to because this was first time in awhile the both of them had laughed till there sides hurt.

"Well.. What's an hour more going to do to us..?" Rainbow smiled weakly as Aj grinned and relaxed back into the hay. Not saying a word. The two sat there like this as rain started to pour outside of the barn.

Great... Rain... Looks like we aren't going outside tomorrow... Rainbow sighed at her thoughts and then shrugged to herself. Usually she liked it when she got to spend the day the Applejack. On most days the two went in different directions and came back at the end of the day to share what they found out. On most occasions they had nothing to share, but on others one of them brought back interesting news about the Infection. But this usually left Rainbow Dash feeling alone and distant from her earth pony friend, like the two were just allies that never really shared feeling instead just information. Sometimes this was good, because Rainbow wasn't really good when it came to feelings anyways, but, this was mostly bad to her. It made RD wonder what would've happened if there never was any Infection, if everything had been fine. Would she have even met Applejack? And if she did, would they had been friends? Or would they just say there greeting and carry on with life. Rainbow Dash could hardly image not being friends with Applejack. Not having her to turn to when she found out something interesting, or not having her to help her when she breaks her wing. But the thought of never meeting Applejack scared her.

"yah ok sugarcube...?" Applejack spoke up causing Rainbow to jump and break out of her thoughts.

"I uh... Yeah... I'm fine..." Rainbow Dash smiled weakly and AJ gave her a nervous glance.

"Yah sure... Yah look like the Royal Guard jus' came and shot yah in tha chest..." AJ put a hoof on Rainbows shoulder, causing the multicolored mare to flinch.

"Y-yeah.. I'm fine.. I promise..." Rainbow reassured her with a comforting smile and the earth pony shrugged and leaned again RD some.

"Yah think the rain will let up by tomorrow?"

"Hell no. You wanna hang out tomorrow?"

"Sure. Sounds fun."

Applejack smiled up at Rainbow Dash, who simply smiled back and lied there next to Applejack. Tomorrow was going to be awesome.

Author's Note:

I don't know where this came from... Honestly. I just got idea and started writing until I thought I could stop. I hope you enjoyed! Tell me if I should continue or if you have any concerns!

Comments ( 71 )

Why is it whenever i start playing a game theres a fic that is written about it!!?? When i first played Assassins Creed 3, Brotherhood and Revelations, there was a fic! When i played Metro Last Light...there was a fic! I start playing Th Last of Us...oh look a fic about The Last of Us :rainbowderp:
....Am i being stalked? Is this all a conspiracy!?

4034911 :rainbowderp: *slowly backs away, gets into a car and drives into the mountains somewhere*

4034931 ... Dang it... Wait... Am I stalking you or are you stalking me cause it seems like you've commented on a couple of my stories in the past :derpyderp2:

4034945 *pokes head out of a hole* uhh...i dunno actually...lets just say we're stalking each other *pops head back down*

4035080 hey i just watched the new episode and LOOK!
24.media.tumblr.com/c8654fc60904c15dcf51e743566814dc/tumblr_n1xp39j17J1sff0u8o1_1280.jpg ITS DOCTOR WHO!! :rainbowkiss: The Doctor and ROSEluck

4034895 ...There's a fic for Metro?/ O:

.....Never played Last of Us cause I have an xbox >wx

4035128 ....Oh me gosh O:... I loved the game

4035119 That game forced my tears... And my tears can bring back the dead...

4035130 have you played both Metros? Metro 2033 and Metro Last Light? Coz they are both awesome! You just need to play the first to understand the second, obviously.

4035137 Yea I played both O:... I was soooooooo stealthy!!!

4035162 O: the main thing I did in the second Metro was wipe my visor XD


Could you both, like, not spam on the first chapter? :|

4035176 What I only left one comment. Two if you count this one.

4035145 Stealth is smart, yes, being Loud and Dumb? fun :rainbowlaugh:


I don't care. :3

I love you guys though, don't take it personally. Just wait till I posted a few chapters before ranting about stealth and Xbox and stuff X3


Have you played the DLC of this game yet?

4035201 uh no i've only just got it, playing through the Campaign right now, got to the part where Ellie gets captured by that 'David', just after Joel falls off a balcony and gets turned into a kebab.

4035220 :facehoof: she's the little girl that is immune to the fungus infection...the little girl that is practically always with Joel.

4035229 ... Wait what. Sorry it's been like a month since I played this game and it was now just inspired

4035218 ....Ditzy not dumb D:

4035259 :facehoof: I 'm not saying Ditzy/Derpy is dumb, its just the only 'dero ' face in the emoticons that looks 'derped'

4035257 .. All I honestly remember is the DLC... Cutest thing ever... You get a hold of me somehow if you ever finish the game in general ... And.. We shall discuss it...

4035268 I know XD okie lets not flood my best buddies comments Owx

4035281 just no spoilers :ajbemused: I hate spoilers

You know what RD needs? A cannon b@&$@ love cannons.

4035514 I was trying to be funny by making a Hellsing Abridged reference but my referencing powers failed me.
:yay::I still thought it was funny.

4035539 We'll ill pm you in a minute Flutters got news. (Man we got a lot of news lately)

I knew someone would write this! I knew it!!!!!!.......continue writing my friend,and why is it rd and aj, it should be rd and scoots if you ask me....just saying :ajbemused::twilightsmile:

4036077 Haha... *laughs nervously* Have you seen the DLC yet?

I LOVED THIS!!! Rainbow Dash and AJ are suppose to be Ellie and Riley, right? THATS AWESOME!! I loved Ellie and Rileys relationship in The Last of Us and my favorite ship is Apple Dash!! :ajsmug::heart::rainbowwild: I ALREADY LOVE THIS FIC! thumbs up and added to favorites :pinkiehappy:

4036161 ...I love you for getting this reference! Nobody has played the DLC yet! It's driving me CRAZY!

4036175 Pssh. I love you for writing this story! :heart: I cannot wait for the next chapter! You have just combined my top 2 favorite things in the world! :ajsmug::heart::rainbowwild: YAY!

I have never played the game but i have seen alot of the gameplay....the freakin DLC was very sad but very cute. Many feels were felt. :pinkiesad2:

Yes, continue! Please? :fluttershysad:

(sarcastic voice) I'm guessing this story has something to do with the "Last of Us"
(No, duh)

This has a lot of potential. I'm very eager to read see where it goes.:twilightsmile:

Love the idea and story so far. But from one (kinda of author) to (you) another, ya might wanna work on the dialogue a bit. Personally it was a tad cringe worthy at points.
Keep it up though.


I have no idea what your talking about... *coughs nervously* what video game?


Thanks for the advice!

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