• Member Since 19th Feb, 2014
  • offline last seen Oct 20th, 2020


Dedicated to hand-made quality reminiscent of old-world charm. Specialization in anatomically correct fillies/mares having fun with human males. Thank you for reading and commenting.

Comments ( 76 )

Is that title a YTP reference? Or a reference to the original Jack Black sketch it was based on?

I don't get how a pony IPad works

Latest and greatest OS in Equestria you say? I'm... really sorry. Follow my friend here. She'll tell you all you need to know about picking the right Linux distro for you.
Personally, I usually use either Ubuntu or one of my debian variants (depending on what I'm trying to do).
This is Ubuntu. She's nice for casual browsing and you can find a lot more free software with her than you can with any windows OS. She's fairly simple like all of the Linux ponies. She doesn't have half the lines of code Windows 8 does, but that just makes her statistically less prone to glitching. If you want her to run a windows program, you can download a script called "wine" for her. Aparently she finds the idea even more distasteful than I do and can't face it sober. She also has a very pretty GUI that I have the pleasure of looking at as I type this.

This is anyonymous OS. He's Ubuntu's awkward brother, but he has his moments. You see, he's really paranoid about Celestia's royal guard spying on him. So, he runs all of his traffic through TOR (a program available for pretty much every OS) . That adds and takes away a bunch of layers of encryption and bounces it across nodes all over Equestria which is basically like having a bunch of proxies all at once PLUS encryption. Now, that sounds really cool, but it really slows down your connection. Also, there used to be this thing called the silk road and... well, to make a long story short the royal guard can and has hacked TOR, but it's still effective against school officials, local law enforcement groups and lots of private groups.

He comes standard with programs like SQLPoison, ParolaPass password generator, hash identifier and HOIC. There is one major downside... There's this rumor going around that he has a... virus... Now, it might not be true, but I'm still not letting this device dock with my system any time soon if you catch my drift. He'll be put aside as soon as Paranoid comes out anyway.

fc07.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2013/192/c/7/backtrack_pony_1_by_zee66-d6d1mn7.png Looking for something a bit more exciting? Maybe you should try Backtrack. She's kind of like Anonymous OS, but not as... clumsy and you know for sure that she doesn't have some kind of virus. Backtrack was designed for "penetration testing" (wink). It's for this reason, that she comes with a number of network mapping and vulnerability assessment tools as well as tools for privlige escalation, ARP poisoning, SQL injection and many similarly naughty things. She's basically the sexy badass of the group. If you're a windows user, using command prompts will be new to you and might be a pain in the ass to figure out. However, she'll reward you very well and if you've ever wanted to be a hacker, she'll be worth the effort. She also has a sister named Kali who's just as attractive and awesome, but isn't as popular for some reason. I have both and think they're just wonderful, but they'll keep you up all night learning metasploit and listening to conversations via some careless person's bluetooth headset.

th05.deviantart.net/fs71/PRE/i/2013/190/1/1/debian_pony_1_by_zee66-d6cq24t.png This is Debian. To be honest, I don't use her directly very often, but Backstrack was based on her and Kali was based on Backtrack so... indirectly she's done a lot of really cool things.

These are Mint and Fedora. They're just a couple of the many background ponies of the linux universe. Hardly anypony ever uses them (I know I haven't), but they're always there with the seemingly infinite number of other less popular distros in case you feel like checking them out.

Now, go out and get started. If one has never known freedom, it is easy to be blind to the gridirons composing one's cell. Mac and PC are not exceptions.

Got to say I like your stories man and I appreciate the anitomically correct mare parts :D keep up the good work sir I'll be waiting for more especially of Winnie.

"Well then, big filly..." you take three fingers, spitting on them gently and spreading your saliva with hers along your aching shaft. "Turn around and let's flush your processes."


All foalcon aside (so not my thing), this story sells the straight-faced whimsy it promised. It was an enjoyable read, slyly clever with its metaphor.

Even if I had hated the story this comment would have justified my time. :twilightsmile:

4034997 OS pone+hipster glasses= hnnng attack.

I'm now tempted to favorite the stories.

I always loved A.I. ponies. This one tops Sweetie Bot

anyone else find it weird how many stories there are about romancing OS/Browser Ponies?

Not that that's a bad thing, that is...

Once it got to the "sickly-yellow" bit, I knew it was Hand-Made

I don't know how you did it but damn if that wasn't some sexy computer talk in this story! Very Nice Work! :pinkiehappy:

I popped a boner for Windows 8. :moustache:

I have no idea why this made me turned on :rainbowhuh: but it was fucking funny. Really good job on this. :applejackunsure: Just why :facehoof:

can anyone direct me to other browser-pony-ish fics?

4034997 i use da pretty ubuntu, she needs a fic

When did browser pony clop fics start.

Rikkity #18 · Mar 5th, 2014 · · 31 ·

Foal Con?!


-Downvotes and reports-

Sorry....it's still sex involving fillies. Idc what it is.

Oh sure, Linux is great for browsing.
Not so great for gaming.

That was goddam ridiculous.

You sure do like writing about tiny unicorns don't you? :rainbowderp: +1

4034997 As a PC gamer, I'll stick to good old Windows.

Sex with a filly OS pony? Definitely a topic that caught my eye.

Not bad. :rainbowkiss:/10

It's a nice, short read that made me chuckle at times.

4037541 I have used both of them and you are pretty much stating the obvious. I would prefer Windows 7 over Windows 8 any day.

What the blueberry everloving fuck did I just read. I know what I signed up for when i clicked but....wow...
Would read again. Delightfully straight to the point, cornier than chicken shit and filled with more bad puns than Rosanne Barr.

oo #25 · Mar 6th, 2014 · · ·

You've gotta be fuckin' kidding me.

A story about interspecies sex between a tech-savvy self-insert and an under-age, cartoon horse, personification of an operating system got to the front page of Fimfiction. Bravo, guys. Not just living with Rule 34, but living by it.

"Oh DOS, buck me."

I lost it!:rainbowlaugh: That made so much sense, of course DOS ins Window's god.

Also I've heard of fucking someones brains out, I gues fucking and OSes processes out is the same thing.:raritywink: Considering Eight learnt all this from Seven, how much of a slut must Seven be? Oh wait, I'm running Seven, I didn't me- BZZT!

Sorry... It's still not against site rules, not to mention passed submission, which it did, because, you know, it's not against site rules.

4042021 We likes what we likes I guess...

Octogon! Eight STUNNING angles!

I found this to be more funny than erotic or arousing.:duck:

Absolutely magnificent.

Not even read it yet but I have a joke:
Just like windows 8, constantly trying to fuck you.

*Looks at pic* OH GOD IT'S WUTEN'S BROWSER STORIES ALL OVER AGAIN! :raritydespair:

Well, that's the cutest clopfic I've read in a long time. Still not sure what I just read, but it was cute :rainbowwild:

Dear Celestia, I've seen pictures before but I haven't seen any stories, I've heard there was a firefox story.. but wow.

It's more than amusing, I'm sure if I was more familiar with the system it would be even better, but I get to still feel like ol' man Killjoy shaking his cane at the kids.

I'm not sure whether it's a scathing indictment of the OS or if it's a purely charming, flawed, and premature praise. Winnie: she's obnoxious, attention starved, doesn't like real work, and 'flaunts her features like a filly with new ribbons'.

I typically write longer comments but I've got almost nothing on this one, loved it, absolutely loved it. I don't know, I'm still with their aunt Vista. She just sort of looks out the window all day, quietly pondering: she's complex, and pretty, but fragile like a rose. Vista... Vista? ... and she only responds to me when she wants to. Like all my other relationships it seems :facehoof:.

I've got so-so many questions, and I can't help but wonder if Sombra's crystal mines and chips had to do with producing OS ponies now. So yeah, nicely done.

This could... be taken the wrong way (and I don't mean sexually, because that's obvious)

I bet he'd now be able to say "I got raped by an underaged computer shaped like a pony."

4065140 Seriously, this shit runs really fucking slow. If you aren't careful with it, you will RUIN your FPS.

Ah, the return of the why boner.


4069690 Same here.
Still a good story :pinkiehappy:

Wait, am I one of the only one's who use xbox 360 on this site?


Couldn't've said it better myself concerning this story.

4065555 I don't understand. If the problem you had was that you wanted a higher frame rate, I see no reason why you couldn't increase it. I mean, the whole point of open source software is that it's free and completely costomizable. If you're too lazy or simply don't know enough about computers to do it yourself, there's almost always someone out there who's developed whatever you're looking for.

Now, this doesn't apply to Minecraft and pointless little things like that which aren't supported by any distro I know of, but if you want software to run a home made 3D printer, copy or rewrite security badge hex codes, design printed circuit boards, operate a UAV made of open source hardware (because even in the physical world, patents only serve to impede progress) or just make your coffee machine automatically turn on at the same time every moring using only free software that can be modified in any way you like and a Raspberry Pi or two, Linux will do what Apple and Microsoft's overpriced, inflexible products won't.

However, if you'd rather accomplish things in Skyrim than the real world, if you'd sacrifice the capacity to accomplish something real for a better frame rate for your gaming "experiences" that come wrapped in plastic, by all means go out and surrender your money to some man with a black tie who works with human resources rather than resources for humans.

However, my allegiance lies with people that create software and hardware to share with the world for free. They don't have employees or employers. They won't make a dime off of what they're doing and likely will lose money for it. What they create is beautiful. "Beauty" is being used not in the sense that it is especially pleasing from a sensory perspective, but to the mind. "Art" encompassing a number of crafts designed to create a sense of beauty or generate other strong emotions in the observer, I might even say that Arduino boards and Linux scripts are art.

Unfortunately, big companies don't make art. They make money.

4089630 Sorry. I realize that was probably more intense tha the situation warranted. I'm just REALLY passionate about this stuff...

This comment couldn't be any truer

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