• Published 9th Mar 2014
  • 863 Views, 41 Comments

Apple of Eden - Reaps

A problem with Elusive's boutique leads Apple Buck to lend a helping hand. A simple token of appreciation gone slightly awry leaves future encounters to be quite interesting.

  • ...

And that's not good.

Apple Buck and Elusive sprawled out on Elusive’s bed, both shirtless and sweating despite the boutique’s conditioner having been working well for the past five months now. An hour of on-and-off making out will do that to most ponies. Apple Buck looked up at the ceiling, thinking. After a moment, he looked to Elusive.



“Ah’ve been thinkin’ about somethin’. Ya know how we’ve been like this fer a while? Jes’ kinda hangin’ out here, kissin’ a lot an’ all?”

Elusive turned to the younger stallion, a brow quirked curiously.

“Is there something wrong?”

“Oh, no. Ah like it, really, Ah do. It’s just, well, we’ve been doin’ this fer a few months now. Ah guess Ah’m just wonderin’ when we’re gonna do somethin’, Ah dunno, more?”

The unicorn’s white cheeks quickly turned nearly crimson.

“Buck, you know we can’t do anything like that, not yet.”

At this, Apple Buck sat up and turned more towards Elusive, hints of indignation creeping into his expression.

“An’ jes’ why not?”

“Now, now, we both know ‘just why not’, dear. As close as you may be, the fact still stands that you are not yet eighteen. We’re already pushing things as it is. Were Rainbow Blitz and Scooter the kind to actually hold up rules instead of trying to bend them as much as they can, there may be a chance I would be in trouble simply for what we’ve done already.”

The indignation in Apple Buck’s expression was no longer merely hinted. It was nearly glaring at Elusive as strongly as Apple Buck himself.

“Ah only have two more weeks! ‘Sides, who’s gonna find out we did anything?”

Elusive propped himself up on his arms, his expression sympathetic.

“Darling, please. You know I just want to be safe with this. You know it’s nothing personal.”

The earth pony’s glare lingered for a moment before Apple Buck sighed, leaning over and hugging Elusive before giving the unicorn a quick peck on the cheek.

“Ah know. Ah think Ah’m gonna go get some fresh air, though. Still ain’t quite used ta bein’ inside as much as we have lately.”

Elusive gave Apple Buck a concerned look before smiling slightly.

“Okay, dear. I don’t have any plans today, so feel free to come back if you wish.”

Apple Buck simply gave a nod in acknowledgement before pulling his shirt back on and heading out of the boutique. Elusive sighed and stood, redressing himself. He knew this was likely to be a problem. Even though his experiences with his adolescent hormones weren’t as severe as most, he’d still had his own share of issues with them. He knew waiting was very likely worse on the farm pony than on himself, but he had to draw the line somewhere for the time being.

With another sigh, Elusive made his way down to his work room and began tracing out new designs.

Apple Buck’s hand rapped against Scooter’s front door, yielding a yelp and several muffled thuds from within. Scooter’s voice followed shortly after.

“Who is it?”

“It’s me again.”

“It’s unlocked, dude.”

With little hesitation, Apple Buck opened the door, unintentionally slamming it shut behind him, again making Scooter jump as he focused intensely on his game.

“Shit, Buck. What’s got you so geared up?”

Apple Buck remained silent as he plopped down beside his friend, his mind still filing his disorganized thoughts. Scooter let it go, happy to be able to focus on the predicament he’d gotten himself into so quickly into his new game. This continued until the character on screen let out a cry of agony, followed by an achievement box proclaiming, “WELCOME TO DARK SOULS.” There was a second more of silence.

“Fucking shit!”

Scooter leapt up, throwing his controller at the wall, which so happened to have been covered in pillows. The pegasus flopped onto the couch and groaned as he cupped his face in his hands. After a moment to recompose himself, he looked over to see Apple Buck against the far end of the couch, pressed against the armrest and looking more than a little concerned.

“Uh, you, uh, ya okay, Scoots?”

Scooter sighed, slumping back against the couch.

“Dude, I beat a troll, a fucking troll-like ogre thing, one life, no healing, no problem. Then I get to what looks like the new Firelink and I get my ass handed to me by the three fucking pigs!”

“So, no?”

The pegasus waved his hand dismissively as his character respawned at the bonfire.

“Nah, don’t worry about it. It’s just the new engine, I guess. It’ll take a bit of getting used to, but so far it’s just like the first, only harder. Entering that covenant probably didn’t help either.” Scooter stretched and sprawled back on the couch. “So, what’s up?”

The farm pony shook his head with a slight smile. “Ah don’t think it’s really as big a deal as Ah’m makin’ it out ta be, but, well…”

“Dude, are you having colt troubles or something? I know we’re buds and everything, but I am not one of those fabulous mother fuckers that you can just dump all your colt issues on.”

“So, ya won’t help?”

Scooter was silent for a moment before sighing.

“Okay, what’s going on?”

“Lucy’s treatin’ me like Ah’m just a foal.”

At that, Scooter raised a brow and sat up, suddenly more interested in the issue.

“And just how is that?”

“Well, ya know how me an’ him’ve, well, kinda goin’ out fer a few months now?”


“Well, today Ah asked ‘im about doin’ more than jes’ kissin’. Ya know what Ah mean, right?”

Scooter leaned a little closer to his friend.

“Oh, absolutely, but tell me anyways.”


“Hey, if I’m gonna help, I need to be sure I’m on the right track here. You know how my mind works.”

“No, no, Ah really don’t.”

“Exactly! Me either, so let’s make sure it’s not off on some tangent about ducks.”

Apple Buck looked at Scooter like the pegasus had grown an extra set of eyes.

“How do ya even get ta ducks with this?”

“Rhymes with ‘fuck’.”

Apple Buck’s cheeks reddened slightly.

“An’ jes’ where the heck didja get that from?”

“Well, you wanna fuck Elusive, right? That’s what I was getting from this. Then you gave my mind time to wander and I got to thinking about ducks.”

Apple Buck opened his mouth, but no words came out. He closed and opened it a few more times, to similar effect.

“I, uh, Ah ain’t even got nothin’ ta say ta that. Well, ‘cept that ya were right about where Ah was goin’ with things.”

“Cool, so, you fucked him, right?”

“No, actually…”

“And why not?”

“He said Ah’m still too young, but he ain’t got no problem kissin’ me all damn day an’ night.”

“Oh, that’s right, your birthday isn’t for, what, a month?”

Apple Buck’s eyes narrowed at his friend, any semblance of amusement vacant entirely.

“It’s in two weeks, Scoots.”

“Oh… Well, the point is, you’re still a minor, dude. Isn’t he kinda already pushing it making out with you all the time?”

“Yeah well… Okay, so maybe it’s fair ta say we should wait, but it ain’t no easier ta do.”

Scooter simply shrugged and kicked back as a different voice from behind the two joined the party.

“What’s not easier, AB?”

Silver Bell smiled as he leaned forward, propping himself against the back of the couch. Apple Buck, however, found himself once more against the armrest.

“Silver? When’d you get here?”

Scooter looked over.

“Oh, he came over a few hours ago.”

Silver chuckled.

“Yeah, I had to clean up some soda Scooter ‘forgot’ was shaken up.”

“Do you really think I have the mind to focus on my game and set up a prank?”

“Wouldn’t be too surprising, really.”

Apple Buck cleared his throat and stood.

“Well, uh, Ah think Ah need ta go on. Got stuff ta do, ya know?”

Silver frowned.

“Buck, you’re always busy now. This is the first time I’ve seen you in almost three months. Can’t whatever you’ve got to do wait a little while longer?”

Apple Buck froze, one thought running through his mind: Don’t look at his eyes. Don’t look at his eyes. Don’t look at his eyes. However, he soon turned, his manners taking over as they tended to do at the least convenient times for him. His eyes met his friends and any resolve to leave left him at the almost pitiful expression. Damnit! What'd Ah just tell me?

With a sigh, Apple Buck sat back on the couch.

“Ah suppose it can wait.”


Silver hopped over and sat between his friends.

“So, what were you guys talking about while I was gone?”

Elusive sighed and put his pencil down, walking to the window for a break from what little he could think up at the time. He was typically able to keep his mind clear of distractions, but it was much harder today. There was the concern for his coltfriend’s happiness, sure, but, in truth, the wait wasn’t much easier in him, if any. For now, there was little more to do than try to observe the town, which had become a fix for his blocks as of late. He felt it may have been helping once more when he noticed a very familiar streak of blue not far off.

It took Elusive only a moment to cover a gem near the window, which caused a section of the wall to disappear entirely. Had it taken him much longer, Rainbow Blitz, instead of hitting thin air before bounding off of Elusive’s floor, would have likely broken through the portion of the wall as well. Elusive uncovered the gem and the wall returned as though nothing had happened. He then walked over to Blitz as the pegasus hefted himself off the floor.

“Are you alright? You didn’t sprain anything this time?”

“Tch, nah. I’m fine. Nice trick with the wall, by the way.”

At that, Elusive smirked and shook his head.

“It was the only plausible course of action with this becoming as common as it has.”

Blitz chuckled a little as he finished dusting himself off.

“So, since I’m here, how’s things?”

“Oh, just swell. Buck brought up the distinct lack of intercourse in our relationship today.”

“Whoa, seriously? And you’re still walking normally?”

Elusive’s cheeks flushed bright red once again.

“We didn’t do anything!”

Blitz cocked his head.

“So, to be clear, you two have been together for months, he brings up something I’m willing to bet neither of you have had at least since you’ve gotten together, and you just let it drop?”

“He’s still a minor, Blitz.”

“And just how much longer will he be?”

“Two weeks.”

That made Blitz quirk his brow.

“Two weeks? Really, Lucy? The poor thing is probably horny as fuck, most likely at least half-naked in here, and you tell him he has to wait two weeks to get some? I thought I was the douche of our group, dude.”

“Blitz, you know as well as I do that--”

“That the law is there to make sure nopony ‘consents’ to something they don’t know much about. If you’re worried about AJ finding out and pressing charges, you have more problems than you think.”

Elusive opened his mouth to reply, only to have the words die in his throat. Blitz noticed and took the silence as his cue to continue.

“Listen, I’m not telling you whether or not you should do anything other than think it over. Buck’s not some foal. Sure, he’s not technically of age, but he’s off by two weeks. I may be wrong, but odds are that he isn’t a virgin either. Either way, he knows what sex is and I’m pretty sure four months, or however long you two have been together, is long enough for him to be sure whether or not he wants to take things further.”

A moment more of quiet passed before Elusive found his tongue once more.

“Just how are you sure about all that?”

“Anypony that bends the rules enough needs to know how they work. We have to know where to draw the line.”

“And you just happen to know about that particular rule?”

“I looked into it the day after I found out about you and Buck.”

Elusive sighed and crossed his arms.

“So, you don’t think it would be a mistake?”

“What I think? I think you and him both could use a little fun. I mean you’ve only been hiding everything from everypony for months. If he brings it back up, I say give it a shot. That is, assuming you trust me.”

Elusive flinched and his expression dropped.

“Look, this had nothing to do with a lack of trust in anypony, I assure you. It’s just that--”

Blitz cupped his hand over Elusive's muzzle, making a perfect gag with the base of his fingers.

“Do you hear something?”

The two remained quiet and soon heard very muffled voices.

“I’m sorry! I’m sorry! I’m sorry! I’m sorry! I’m sorry! I’m sorry!”

Blitz’s ears perked up.

“Silver, come on, Ah said Ah was sorry.”

Elusive’s eyes widened just before the door to the boutique flew open. Silver Bell stomped in, apparently furious.

“You mind telling me why the fuck you’ve been dating my best friend for five fucking months?!

Scooter and Apple Buck stepped in shortly after. Scooter stepped back a bit.

“Sorry, it kinda slipped.”

Comments ( 9 )

Well that could have gone better. I hope silver doesn't tell applejack. I think then the world would end. Best of luck with the next chapter, great chapter by the way.

4150689 Your opinion?

4150739 He does appear to be quite the fan favourite.

Well...that escalated quickly.

This is a funny ass fic. I don't normally read M/M, but this is funny!

Oh God. Apple's all like :applecry:

Elusive's all like :raritydespair:

Silver's all like :flutterrage:

And Scooter's all like :scootangel:

Well, fuck, they got sprung. :twilightoops:

Anyway, this isn't bad by any stretch. Applejack's and Rarity's attitudes/accents are well-preserved within their r63 counterparts. You've got the makings of a fairly sweet ship here. I just feel like there is so much more depth you could go into. Talk about what they've done while they've been together for so long, things like that. I t just feels like you've put them in this kinda situation for no real reason. We're told that time has passed, but not what happened in said time.
A lot more fleshing out of their relationship would be a good thing to see. And now we finally have some potential conflict! Excellent. If you were gonna get more in-depth next chapter, then just ignore this.

Keep it up, dude. :twilightsmile:

4171395 Well, as far as my detail of the events between chapters 2 and 3, it was skipped for the fact that it was not interesting. Fairly nondescript romance-y stuff occurred. There were shared meals and evenings on the couch. There was kissing and snuggling. No one else found out between the end of 2 and beginning of 3. The skip was because I wasn't sure who would want to read the lack of any level of conflict. In Chapter 3, there is newly rising conflict, so it's important to the story and the reader, as well as much more likely to interest readers.

If there is legitimate want for how I care to display basic romance between two males in a story, I might make a long chapter with a few of their "dates" after finishing this up. If not, then I'll finish this up when I can once more achieve consistent coherency.

In other news, more-so relevant to you than anything with the story and your comments, I'm working through one of your stories now. Unfortunately, I'll likely have to wait until Thursday to get decent progress made.

4171758 good response.
I like this. And fair enough about the conflict, I'm hoping you pull something kool out :twilightsmile:

4171882 I like to take some time and consider what my readers want to see. As for the mentions of Dark Souls so often, I did it to keep a track of the time throughout conversations, as well as to keep the world around the conversation more dynamic. If things are going on in the background, it tends to make a scene appear more casual, hence why there was a slight strengthening in focus on the conversation nearing a growth in importance upon the conversation. The events play out as the characters perceive them, in a sense. The more outside detail there is, the more casually the character is experiencing things, and the easier both they and the reader can have little details slip by unnoticed.

It's tiny and hard to appreciate, but when done correctly and used in proper situations, it can be very effective. I call it a stylistic choice, but it's easy to understand why someone might call it a mistake in this particular case. After all, there isn't a whole lot to go missing in the scene. It's good practice, though, and hopefully doesn't make the scenes too off-putting. It may seem, and I may often claim, that I'm just hitting shifting things for the sake of doing so, but I do put time and thought into my stories. It may just be fanfiction about colourful equines, but it's practice, plain and simple.

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