• Published 6th Oct 2014
  • 12,548 Views, 32 Comments

Heartwarming moment with Lyra Heartstrings - NightShader

You are Anonymous the lone human in equestria. BonBon and Lyra are the closest friends you have, although Lyra might want to be more than just friends...

  • ...

What Should Have Been A Normal Day

You groggily rub your eyes with your hand as you uncomfortably twist around in your bed. Mornings were by far the worst part of the day.

Sitting up straight in your bed, you get rid of an annoying itch on your back, and start walking towards the bathroom.

It was friday again and you are about to go to Lyra and Bon Bon’s apartment on the other side of the complex. You started living in said complex a few weeks after you (for still unidentified reasons) appeared here in equestria. It was a small place, but you had nothing to complain.

Bon Bon and Lyra invited you for breakfast one day, and ever since, it became a daily routine. They thought it was unneeded for you to eat alone every morning and extra company was never a bad thing to them. It didn’t take long before every friday became film night as well. Heck if they had a room free you wouldn’t even hesitate to move in. Sadly, this was not the case.

Not that it really mattered, you lived directly across their apartment, and your rent was even paid for you! All that was asked for are some good deeds in return by the mayor of ponyville. The tasks you had to do varied from helping ponies with their daily deeds, random things, babysitting, to plainly substituting a sick pony on his job for a while. (The last part didn’t always go with ease. That day you found out that baking isn’t really your thing... But we’re getting off track here.)

After taking your daily shower and tidying yourself up, you make your way towards your agenda. It took some getting used to writing all the stuff down you had to do and actually looking at what you wrote afterwards. This paper thing didn’t bleep when you had an appointment.

Much to your amusement, you are once again reminded that it is movie night already. You couldn’t help but internally smile, it had become one of the things you looked forward to the most. Strangely enough, the shows on tv, and even the movies they made here in equestria, all had some kind of strange link with tv shows and movies from back on earth. Something you were very grateful off, it made things a little easier to endure. What’s also listed for today, is babysitting -which was quite early though, so you had to hurry up- and substituting a waiter at Georgio’s Green Goods. A restaurant with only vegetables and fruits, just like every other one in equestria... You can’t say it didn’t taste good though, ponies had their way of making everything taste good, in a strange way though.

At last, you put on your clothes and make your way out your apartment.

that they actually trust me enough to give me their spare keys... you mumble to yourself as you unlock their door and make your way inside...

They were already seated on the couch, enjoying their meals in front of the tv

“Haaai,” you say in an exaggerated gleeful tone.

“Morning, happy pants.” Lyra says. Bon Bon simply waves at you, her cheeks puffed while she hastily chews and then swallows her last bite. “Good morning,” She replies afterwards with a sincere smile.

Making your way towards the table you look at all the foods that were present on it. You take the usual, bread with cheese.

As you put everything you wanted on a plate and made your way over to sit in between Lyra and Bon Bon, you take a bite and start talking. “ Sho, whut mvie we watchin ptfoday.” you muffle with your mouth full, provoking a few chuckles .

Bon Bon’s the one that speaks up.

“Unusual Love,” she says in an uninterested tone.

“Wait what, is it romance??” You ask with slight confusion audible in your voice. Until now, the only movies you’ve watched were adventure, sci fi and the occasional horror.

“It was Lyra’s choice...” Bon Bon says. Both of you look over to the mare in question, who had a sheepish smile plastered on her face.

“Sad Romance mixed with drama, as a matter of fact.” Lyra says sticking her tongue out towards you and Bon Bon. “I’m sure it’ll be fun.” She says optimistically.

“Yeah suuure,” you say trying to sound as sarcastic as possible.

Hastily you take the last bites out of your bread before standing up and taking your plate to the kitchen/

“Anyways, time to go, babysitting job to do.” You said, saying your goodbyes. Really didn’t want to though...

<_~~/[After Babysitting]\~~_>

“Now that that’s done, all I have to do is substitute some waiter until 7 and then I’m done,” you mention to yourself as you sigh happily.

A few moments later you arrived at said restaurant and made your way inside. Oddly enough, it was quite the fancy place, you’d expect a restaurant like this to have more than enough staff members, other than have to rely on a free employee if someone gets sick.

Walking over to a random waiter, you explain the situation to him and ask him where to start.

“You’re the substitute?” The waiter responds with a bit of confusion audible in his voice.

“Well, yeah.”

“Ill call the boss,” The pony mentions before he trots off towards what seemed to be some kind of back room of some sorts. It didn’t take long before he came out with another pony right behind him.

This pony was dressed in a suit, a fancy suit. Pretty sure he is the manager then.

“The Human is our substitute?” The ‘highly likely to be the boss pony’ facehoofs.

Is there something wrong with me being a waiter?

“Listen human, the-” He begins, only to be cut off by you to correct him.

“The name’s Anon.”

“My restaurant is so efficient because all my waiters are unicorns, all the orders are taken with magic, and the food is served with magic.” He goes on, completely ignoring what you just said.

“So there is no need for you, you have the rest of the day off,” The boss pony explains before he turns around and takes his leave. You really didn’t like his attitude, but you’d never say no to a day off.

Without even hesitating you scurry off towards the door. Sleepy time

When you open the door however, you are surprised by none other than Lyra.

“Hey, what are you doing here,” You ask a bit bluntly, even though you were curious.

“Oh eh, just checking up on you, youknow, thought you were gonna be bored or something...” She says as she shy’s away a little.

“Aren’t you supposed to be working, though?” Lyra asks as she shifts back towards you.

“I should. But the Boss only wants Magical waiters, so I’m freeee.”

“Oh but that’s great! Maybe we can go do something?” She asks out of nowhere. Naww, I wanted my sleepy time.

“Sure, but what? Everything fun start in the evening, and we still have hours to go. By the way, we have to be home by 9 for movie night.” You say trying to smoothly talk her out of it..

“Well I guess we can just walk,” she says a little disappointed

A thought suddenly runs through your mind. You know why you have the day off, but why does Lyra have a day off?

“Don’t you have to work today?”

“Oh no, I took the day off to spend ti-, check up on you, youknow just to see if everything went okay with you being waiter n stuff,” She mumbles the last part.

“Oh ehh, well thats nice of you?” You ask a little confused. “Tell you what, Let's go get some food, I’ll pay.”

“That sounds great” She says visibly cheered up by your offer.

Giving her a smile you both walk back into the restaurant and call a waiter.


“Oh shit, Lyra. We lost track of time, its 10pm already!” You say as you walk through the hallway, on your way to Lyra and Bon Bon’s apartment.

“I hope Bonnie doesn’t take it as an insult. We were having so much fun” Lyra says as you arrive at the apartment.

“Yeah, it was fun, wasn’t it.” Now that she mentions it...

You were about to knock on the door, but before you make contact it already swings open.

“Oooh, hey guys. You’re a little late, only for about....A WHOLE HOUR.” Bon Bon says in frustrated tone.

“Are you gonna explain yourselves?”

“Well, you see.” Lyra begins.

Heh, let me handle this, you think to yourself.

“We got a bit carried away on our date, that’s all.” You say trying to hold in your laughter as you walk past Bon Bon and inside the apartment.

When you turned around you could see the two mares looking at you. Lyra with a massive blush on her face, and Bon Bon with sheer disbelief plastered on hers.

You couldn’t hold it anymore and start laughing uncontrollably.

“You-you should have seen the looks on your faces” You yell between hiccups.

Few more minutes pass and your laugh finally dies out. Leaving two annoyed mares in front of the doorway.

“What? Come sit down, its movie time.” You say casually as if none of it actually happened.

“First, you tell me where you’ve been all day.” Bon Bon insists.

“Well, I went babysitting, got a day off at the restaurant, and suddenly Lyra appeared. So we just went and got some food, that’s all.” You explain.

“So it really was a date?” Bon Bon asks curiously.

“Nawh, t’was more like hanging out, we went to the park afterwards. Was great. But come on, it’s time for the moovieee.” You say a bit whiny. You knew you weren’t even going to like it, but it was better than explaining everything you did today to Bon Bon.

“Okay Okay, thanks for inviting me by the way.” Bon Bon says turning on the tv. Everything was already set, the food, the movie itself, the pillows and the blankets. You felt a bit guilty for being too late, it’s really a dirty move if you think of it.

“Aww don’t be that way Booboo,” you say teasingly “I won’t forget to pick you up next time, okay?”

You didn’t get an answer to that, instead the intro scene was already starting and the movie was already about to begin.

Lyra sat down as well and shuffled a bit closer to you, laying her head in your lap

“So I’m your pillow now?” You say poking Lyra in her side. This alighted a few giggles from her, but no answer.

“Well, okay. But I don’t want any tears on me...”

<_~~/[Not much later]\~~_>

Daaaaamn, this is boring. I can’t believe those two are actually entertained by this crap... Well, I can just close my eyes and... wait it out... just a little nap... Your eyes went from half lidded, to completely closed and you could feel yourself drifting away from consciousness.
just, a little...nap...

<_~~/[The Next Morning]\~~_>

“mmmmm” You groan a bit as you slowly open your eyes. It was obviously morning again, as you could hear the birds and it was already pretty bright in the room. Your back was hurting pretty badly, as you were in a kinda uncomfortable position.

To your far right was Bon Bon cuddled up with her pillow and a blanket. And to the left, was Lyra, snoring adorably as she also cuddled with her pillow.

“Sleepyheads,” you chuckle a bit. Now where is the remote...

You scan your surroundings trying to find the remote, but to no avail. Grumbling a bit, you start searching beneath the couch’s pillows. Making sure to move as less as possible, not wanting to wake up the sleepy mares.

Yet again, with no results. The only places you haven’t looked yet were beneath Bon Bon and Lyra’s pillows. You reconsider a few times, but still decide you need your daily doses of tv watching and start off by trying to lift up bon bons pillow.

You reach towards her slowly, and when you’re at a close enough distance you slowly try to pry her away from her pillow. With no success. She hugs it tighter than before. You sigh, knowing that you won’t be able to take it away from her slowly. Instead, you try lifting it up softly, this seems to work as she isn’t struggling or anything. You pull the pillow higher and higher, until you can finally look underneath it, no remote though. Damn.

You gently return the pillow to it’s original position, and make your way towards Lyra. She seems to be holding her pillow a bit looser. Didn’t make it easier though, she seemed to have the same reflex, and held her pillow even tighter, basically squishing the thing on her chest. Okaaay...

You scratch your head, knowing that removing, or lifting the pillow itself would be impossible without waking her now. Ugh, what a man has to do to watch some tv around here... You lean dangerously close over Lyra, trying to pry your hands underneath her body, feeling around in search of the precious remote. Suddenly, you here a few sleepy groans and Lyra slowly starts opening her eyes. It is now that you realize in what position you actually are.

You’re leaning over her with your whole body, with almost no distance between the two of you, your hands are around her body, and your faces are almost connecting.

She slowly starts opening her eyes, and looks at you for a few seconds. She looks down for a and then back up, scanning your body. Suddenly her eyes go wide and her face beet red.

“A-Anon what are you doing??” She whispers hastily, but not trying to escape from the awkward position..

“Shhh, you don’t have to talk. Just close your eyes.” You mumble, leaning a bit forward, still seeking for the remote beneath her.

“Um, o-okay...” Lyra mutters softly as she closes her eyes, and to your amusement, she actually pouts her lips a bit.

Heheh, now that’s a fun thing to know... You think to yourself with devilish grin on your face.
“Ah there it is!” You say, grabbing a hold of the remote and holding it up triumphantly.

Lyra’s eyes instantly shoot open at that “There is what? What is what?” She asks a little confused.

“Found the remote,” you say casually, holding the item in question in front of her.”Been looking everywhere for it, try not to sleep on it next time.” You say grinning as you return to your normal sitting position and turn on the tv.

“O-oh yeah, that’s what you were doing... Looking for the remote, heheh.” Lyra replies, awkwardly rubbing the base of her neck with her hoof with a slight blush on her face. You were trying the best you could not to grin like a madman right now. Yeah, this'll be fun indeed.

In the meanwhile, Lyra had regained her composure and started shuffling of the couch. She was trotting over to the kitchen when the mare next to you started to stir a bit as well. It didn’t take long before bon bon was also slowly waking up. She blinked a few time before sitting up straight and letting out a little yawn.

“Morning, Bon Bon,” you say as you started absentmindedly jumping through channels.

“Mrm, morning, Anon.” Bon Bon mumbled a bit while she rubbed her eyes with her front hooves. “Where’s Lyra? She asks, stretching a little bit more, before getting off the couch.

“She went to get some food, oh by the way. How was the movie?” You asked with a little bit of curiosity.

“Honestly, I fell asleep a little after you did, so you should ask Lyra about that.” Bon Bon replies sheepishly. I knew it! it was boring...

Moments later, Lyra returned, three sandwiches floating next to her in her magical grip.

“Breakfast!” She says enthusiastically while raising her voice a bit. “Oh, Morning Bonnie.”


You and Bon Bon thanked Lyra for the sandwiches and started stuffing your faces with it. You were already thinking about what you wanted to go and do today. It didn’t take long for you to realize that there isn’t much you can do in ponyville. Everything you could do, however, never seemed to get boring. You’d have to look in your agenda first though...

“And Anon thought so too. Right Anon?”

“Huh what?” you reply a bit startled.

“The movie, you thought it was boring too right?” Bon Bon says waving her hoof in front of your face. “You’re not really focused are you,”

“On the contrary Bon Bon, I haven’t slept so well in ages. All thanks to this movie.” You explain jokingly. Part of it was true though, you should really start getting some more sleep.

“Ha, ha ,ha.” Lyra laughs a bit sarcastically. “I for one, liked it very much.”

As Lyra started talking about how much she liked the movie, you took a moment to rethink the situation just now.
Did Lyra seriously want me to kiss her just now? I mean, she just pouted her lips when I said close your eyes, she didn’t even hesitate! That means she likes me?

The thought was actually starting to frustrate you because you weren’t 100% sure about it at all.

W-what would I do if she asked me to?I mean, would I be able to do it? She’s a pony...

Suddenly you notice that the two mares were focusing on you, Lyra with a blush on her face for some reason.

“What?” You ask absentmindedly.

“Lyra said that the main character in this movie made her think about you.” Bon Bon explains. In doing so, she managed to make Lyra’s blush a few darken a few shades.

Damn she looks so adorable like this. You think to yourself as a you start smiling a bit. I’d give her a chance, that’s for sure.

“Well thanks I guess, but listen. I still have to check my agenda to see if I have any duties to perform today. So I guess I’ll see you guys later?” You say, kind of asking permission to leave.

“Sure, see you later Anon!” The two mares wave you out as you exit the door and walk over to the other side of the hallway, towards your room.

You had actually forgotten to lock it, something you seem to do pretty often. But nothing ever happens when you do. Back on earth, they’d probably stolen my socks by now...

Entering the room you walk over to your desk to take a peek at your agenda.

Saturday: Help at the orchards.

“The orchards... Seriously? Heavy duty on weekends?!” You say a bit frustrated to no one in particular.

Guess I’ll have to live with it...

<_~~/[Finishing off at the orchards]\~~_>

Instead of having aching muscles, your back was the one killing you. Turns out you didn’t have to do heavy duty at all, but bending over all the time to pick up stray apples wasn’t the easiest job either.

You tiredly limped over to a nearby tree, noticing that your legs were seemingly working against you as well. Arriving at the nearby tree you throw yourself on the ground, close your eyes, and take a deep breath.

“Aaah, rest.”

Sadly enough it didn’t take long before the peace was disrupted by muffled hoofsteps coming your way. Opening one eye you take a look to see who it might be.

“Hi, Anon.” Lyra says smiling as she walks over towards where you lied on the ground and positioned herself next to you, somehow mimicking the way you were lying down. Lazily you give her a small wave before closing your eyes again to enjoy the peace.

“You’re really that tired?”

Ugh, a mare must know when a man wants his peace. You think to yourself. Reluctantly you decided to initiate conversation anyways.

“You don’t even want to know.”

Suddenly, a stray thought passes through your mind. This is my chance, now I can find out if she was serious or not.

You quickly start scanning your surroundings and Lyra to see if you could manage to find anything that could help you make the situation a bit more appropriate. You don’t know if it was dumb luck or pure fate, but your eyes stop when you notice a white fluff of some sort just above her eyebrow.

Perfect. You think to yourself as you internally grinned.

You had to set the mood first though...

“How did you know I was here?” You ask.

“Ehh well, your room was kind of, not locked, you see.” She starts, Damn, forgot it again “So I went and took a peek in your agenda” Kinda creepy, but okay.

“Anyways, I’m glad you did. I really enjoy your company” You kind of lie, as you didnt really like people just making their way into your room. Just imagine if you would’ve left your secret stache uncovered or something! If you still had one that is...

Your plan seemed to be working as you could see a light tint of rose starting to make it’s way on to her face. That was easier than I thought.

Deciding not to waste anymore time on setting the mood, you decide to get straight to the action.

“L-Lyra,” you say trying to sound as unsure as possible. “C-could you close your eyes for a moment, there's something I wanted to do since this morning," you say as you once again, just like this morning, reposition yourself so you were leaning over her.

Instantly going beet red, she responds with a small nod, but didn’t close her eyes. You still decided to take a risk and go for the kill as you cleaned closer towards her face. When the distance began getting extremely small, she finally closed her eyes, and yet again, pouted her lips.

Mission success.

Leaning a bit closer you blow the fluff off her face, startling her a bit and lay back down on the ground.

“Thank me later,” You say casually as you close your eyes once again.

I was right, she digs me, like totally. Not sure what I'm going to with that info though. I'll think about it later...

Moments pass but you didn’t even get a response from her. Getting a little worried, you open your eyes to take a look at what's happening.

What you saw wasn’t what you expected though, Lyra’s eyes were actually tearing up as she was staring at you a bit blankly.

She suddenly speaks up.

"A-are you so dense or are you intentionally hurting me?"

You didn't know what to say, you didn't think she would take it like this. Instead of responding, you draw her close and into a hug. Pressing her close against you. This wasn't part of the plan, you only wanted to know if she liked you or not. You didn't want her to cry...

"A-Anon." Lyra speaks up again as she shifted more towards you. " C-could you kiss me? It's just one kiss it's nothing special," she adds quickly at the end of her sentence.

You didn't even know what to respond. You just looked at her, staying completely silent. Yet again you notice that even though there were tears running down her face, she really was a beautiful mare.

"I... I guess I can ca-" Before you could finish your sentence you were interrupted by Lyra pressing her lips softly against yours as she repositioned herself to sit on your lap. The tingling sensation and the position she put herself in were melting you on the inside. Lyra was seemingly enjoying it as well, a small squee escaping her mouth as she held the kiss a bit longer. After a few moments she ends the kiss, leaving you completely speechless.

"S-so, how was it?" She asks shying away a bit, once again leaving you without a response. There was one thing you did know though. You wanted to do it again.

Without hesitating you pull her close and connect your lips with hers once again, making sure you enjoyed the sensation to it's fullest this time.

After Lyra realizes what you are doing and gives in to the kiss as well, she takes the lead as she pushes you over to the ground without breaking the kiss, only stopping when she needed to gasp for air. Gently resting her head on your chest, she lets out a satisfied sigh.

"I-I think I love you," were the only words you could say.

"Well, it's about time." Lyra responds nuzzling softly into your neck. "I love you too, Anon."


Author's Note:

Too... Tired... I'll edit tomorrow.

Ps guys, this might be the last update for the coming month orso. As you all may have noticed, real life is killing me. I really want to write (that's why I took this spare time I had to bring out two stories for you guys) but I just don't have the time. I had to choose between this and the next chapter of royal affection, but I couldn't think up anything for the next chapter.

As for the prologue, I don't like the one I wrote, so I'm not posting it ( It's hard to write in first person female perspective)

Comments ( 32 )

Another good Heartwarming moment in the books.

In all honesty, I think your getting better! :pinkiehappy:

i think you need a proofreader or editor or something. i'll help if you need it.

Nothin' like a bowl o' cereal and an shit-ton o' mindless fluffiness to kick-start the day

Been waiting for another one of these. Really glad to see an update from you.:heart:

These are good.
Don't stop.
I like these.
Bit of errors.
Otherwise, fine.
Don't stop.
Or the next time you see me, it will be your last.:pinkiecrazy:

I don't like the look on Lyra's face here...

Aww loved the story. :ajsmug:

Lyra's on of my fav ponies so this was just icing on the cake.:raritywink: You told the story really well too, not to mushy, but still touching. I think that's because your character is actually aware of how Lyra may feel. :twilightsmile:

I always love your stories

5107328 Deffinatly. I can't really find any fault in his latest work other than a few grammar problems. Personally, I think relationships of the romantic type should be drawn out and developed, and so I normally hate one-shot romance tags, there so fake. But with the foreknowledge that they already know each other, this work successfully surpasses that roadblock. I nice little read. Still, I would like to see more work done on you chapter based stuff.

welp that's it i'm your new follower

stay classy:moustache:

The ending went way too quickly. Good story, by the way.

I wish I was actually there and hold her in my arms and She asked how you liked it I'd say......she's a fucking PROFESSIONAL!!!

amazing, great fic man :pinkiehappy:

It's hard to write in first person female perspective)

So true..:applejackunsure:

Awesome story dude. Looking forward to more of your fics :pinkiehappy:

Did you never wake up?

Edit this beast!!

That aside, liked it, very cute!

Nop I never woke up after that day :rainbowlaugh:

I wrote it all in a few hours that night and just left it like that. I really hope it isn't too bad, I've actually never read this through after the night I wrote it... A little late now:twilightsheepish:...

6649758 it's got Heart and that's what counts the most. Lyra is my fav background pony so it's hard to go wrong with her for me

I really like these stories.
Can you do one with Derpy?

I think my favorite part of this story is the fact that anon isnt the classic trope of being a dim witted idiot who cant get a clue. Good job, it was a enjoyable read.

Could you give links to the rest of the stories? I don't want to read this is it's number eleven and haven't I read the ones before it, obviously, since I'm asking for links.


Moondancer, please?

Amazing lyra fanfic

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