• Published 12th Mar 2014
  • 1,024 Views, 52 Comments

New pony in Ponyville - The Metallic Dash

A New pony moves to Ponyville to start fresh and begin a new life.

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The Time for Work

When I woke up it was a nice, peaceful morning. I could hear the birds chirping and the sun was shining. I went to the window and looked outside and saw that most of the town was still sleeping. I walked downstairs to the door and walked outside. ‘It was never this quiet in Cloudsdale,’ I thought to myself. Then I saw somepony walking out of their house. I decided to be a little friendly.

“Hello there.” I yelled. The pony looked over to me and saw me. When the pony got closer I could tell she was a mare. She started walking towards me, and I was able to get a good look at her. She had a white coat and a blue mane with neon blue highlights. She was also wearing a pair of purple shades. As for her cutie mark, it was a double note.

“I haven’t seen you before. Are you new here?” she asked.

I replied, “Yes, I am.”

She looked at me for a while and asked me, “Tell me, do you like music?”

I gave her a questioning look. “What kind of music?” She grinned then turned around back to her house.

“Wait here,” she said. She then continued back to her house, leaving me to think ‘Okay. What just happened?’ About five minutes later she came back out the door with what looked like a big stereo.

There were four little speakers on the corners of one big speaker in the middle with a red button on the top of it. She smacked the red button and the big speaker split into three directions. A blue charge filled the middle of the speaker and then it fired a big blue beam at me. I jumped out of the way of the beam. She fired another one and I barely dodged it. ‘Is she trying to kill me?’ I thought to myself in what seemed to be certain doom for me.

“Stand still, it wont hurt you. I promise.” She yelled. I sighed, I have trust issues with certain ponies, but I will try and trust her. So I stood still and waited. She fires one more beam a me and I brace for what is coming. When it hit me all I could hear was dubstep, and it was pretty good dubstep. So I embraced the music.

When it was over I felt good, she walked up to me and said, “Whoa, you’re the first one to ever withstand the force of my bass cannon. Most ponies just fall over but you, you just stood there not even flinching. Are you ok?” she asked.

I started to grin wildly. My head suddenly popped with questions. “Yeah I’m better than okay! that was incredible! I have never experienced music like that before! how did you manage to do that!? And what is that anyway!?” I asked excitedly.

She smiled at me, and laughed at all the questions. “It’s a bass cannon. I made it myself.” she said. “Hey listen, sorry I didn’t tell you what I was doing. I should have got you prepared for what was coming.” she said. “By the way, my name is Vinyl Scratch. I’m the town’s DJ. But just call me Vinyl. Here, come by the house later this evening.” she said. “Alright then, I will see you later.” I said.

As I wave Vinyl goodbye, I head into town to hopefully find a job or some work to buy a bed. I reach the busy part of town fairly quickly considering that I live near the middle of town. I start looking for ‘help wanted’ signs.

Twenty minutes pass by as I look for the sign and then I see one. It’s a flyer for work. It says they need a pony with strong legs… The rest of it was smudged. so I take the flyer to Sweet Apple Acres, which is where the flyer said to go. When I got there, I was greeted by an orange earth pony with a blonde mane and three red apples for cutie mark. “

Howdy sir, is there something you need.” She asked. “

Yes I saw your ‘help wanted’ flyer and wondered what I would be doing for work.” I replied

She gave me a puzzled look and takes a look at the flyer. “I didn't make this sign. But I sure could use somepony’s help tomorrow for Applebuck Season though.”

I asked, “What’s Applebuck Season?”

She looked at me wide-eyed. “How do you not know what Applebuck Season is? … Actually, now that I’m thinking about it, I don’t think I’ve ever seen you round here before. Are you new to Ponyville?”

I wonder how many times I’m gonna be asked that today? “Yes, I actually just moved here. I got here yesterday., bought a house, now with no money left, I was looking for work so I could get some bits and now, here I am."

She looks at me with what looked like she was going to burst. “Oh, well then howdy! I’m Applejack, and since you asked; Applebuck Season is time for bucking the apples off of apple trees, and when I said I didn’t make this sign, I meant my friend Pinkie Pie was trying to help out so she put signs all around town asking for help with tommorow.” I

look around at the big orchard around me. There must have been thousands of rows of trees and they expected to get all of THAT done tomorrow. “How do you expect to get all the apples down by the end of the day? And many ponies are gonna be helping?” She took a minute to think about it.

“Well mostly with the help of my friends, we managed to get the the apples down lickety split.” She said.

That’s a word I’ve never heard before. “How long do you think it took?” I asked, giving her a questioning look.

“Are you calling me a liar? ‘cause if you are then you’re wrong, I’m the Element of Honesty for cryin out loud!” She sounded a bit angry, which also scared me a bit.

“The Element of what now?” I ask curiously with fear. She gave me the most questioning of looks and then started laughing uncontrollably.

“You don’t know about the Elements of Harmony?” she asked as she continued to laugh.

“What’s so funny,” I asked, getting irritated.

“It’s not you sugarcube, it’s just that I ain’t heard of a pony who don’t know about the Elements.” She stopped her laughing and tried to take control of herself. “So you’ve never heard about the Elements huh, well I don't know much about ‘em but Twilight will probably know. She lives in a library in the middle of town, looks like a big tree that’s impossible to miss. Go see her and ask her to catch you up on what the Elements are. Twilight loves questions.”

Well I guess I’m going to the library. Applejack stopped me as I begin to leave. “Hold up, I never did catch your name,” she said.

Oh right, why am I so rude. “My name is Thunder Roller.”