• Published 15th Dec 2014
  • 2,135 Views, 27 Comments

Mending the Sun - Twilight Best Pony

It’s been three months, dear sister, three months since you left. Where could you be? I know you’re out there, I can feel it.

  • ...

Chapter 3

Luna sat as still as ever, becoming the epitome of concentration. The wind gently blew past her as the world moved on by. The castle gardens were as peaceful as ever. Her eyes scanned the dark sky,reflecting the fading light of her moon. One half of the ever expansive sky held her night, hundreds of thousands of stars sparkling while her moon drifted down towards the western horizon.

To the east, an orange glow began peeking over where the sky met the beautiful lands of Equestria. In a few minutes’ time, she would lift the sun as her sister did and bring day upon the land.

A deep sigh escaped her lips, her slightly somber and quiet mood darkened. Sadness began to creep through her chest as her head sank, whimpering as her ears folded down. All she could ever want was her sister back. No matter her actions, the only other member of her family was incredibly important to Luna.

The sun had begun to peek over the horizon when she looked back up toward the sky. A barely noticeable, soft rose glow surrounded the gas giant. Day had begun, and it was time Luna to carry out both her’s and her sister’s duties She stared intently up at the sky, hoping for answers to come raining down.

After another moment of silence, Luna rose from her grassy patch and slowly began making her way back inside the castle. The dreaded Day Court was upon her, with no way around it.


Luna had to give her sister credit; dealing with Canterlot nobles took a lot of both patience and self control. While she managed to keep herself from spiteing snobbish ponies into oblivion, she couldn’t resist a few sarcastic answers. The high flow of ponies kept her much busier than her own court, and she found some enjoyment out of turning down antsy nobles.

Most of the morning she was bound to her sister’s golden throne. One by one, nobles came through the large doors at the end of the room. Some with real problems that Luna gladly acknowledged and took note of, while others outrageous demands made her blood boil underneath her dark fur.

She found herself zoning out frequently, often staring into space as her mind wandered, wondering about her sister. Mountains of questions tumbled through her mind during the morning, often being left without answers and leaving her both conflicted and downtrodden. Sometimes she turned into a silent statute, barely acknowledging the presence of anypony until her attention was caught.

Celestia plagued her thoughts. Day in and day out, her mind constantly returned to her missing sister. The amount of time that had passed since the incident seemed staggering, and she still hadn’t been found since then. She constantly dreamed of finding Celestia, bringing her back and patching over their wounds.

But it could never be that easy, Luna’s thoughts would answer. They’d have to find her in the first place, which clearly, wasn’t as easy as they thought. Next would be nursing Twilight back to health, and hoping she could forgive Celestia for what she did. They would also hope Celestia could forgive herself and return to her rightful place on the throne.

Luna sighed again, turning back to the surprisingly tolerable noble. A forced smile, kind eyes, and a nod of minor acknowledgement sent the smiling noble away. It was so silent during court, her lack of speech and thousand yard looks was off putting to many that entered the room.

Hope began to dwindle as the days continued on, dark thoughts of never finding Celestia often entering Luna’s mind. There was nothing she could do, being bound to the throne. It was up to her to take Celestia’s position. Twilight was too inexperienced, and Cadence had her own city to run. If Luna had her way, she’d be out there with the search party looking for her sister.

Being so helpless, all Luna could do was pray that her sister returned safe. But she could never hang onto her thoughts for long, for there were always ponies to answer to and deeds to be done. Her free time dwindled as the full weight of leadership fell squarely on her.

Luna sighed, breaking her thoughts. A forehoof idly rubbed the bridge of her nose, trying to clear her mind and focus her vision. She quickly glanced out the window towards the sun court would be over soon. A small smile graced her lips at the thought of being free from one of her daily tasks.

At long last, deep in the heart of Canterlot, bells rang loudly to signify noon. Luna all but jumped off of the throne, giving a passing glance to the slightly shocked line of nobles. A nearby guard began speaking on behalf of her while ushering ponies out of the throne room.

While the remainder of the day was still scheduled for several meetings, Luna was on a mission of her own. Setting off at a fast trot, she exited the room and made a beeline towards her office.


Twilight’s breath was deep and labored. As quietly as she could, she leaned against a wall in the massive hallway she stood in. Once again she had escaped the confines of her hospital room. Her destination was unknown, but she tried to wander in the direction of her old library.

She began regretting her decisions even when she was only halfway toward her destination. Pain radiated throughout her chest and stomach as she limped along the wall, trying to be careful not to mess up her bandaged wounds. Ever so slowly, she made pained progress to her goal.

Unknowingly, Twilight managed to arrive at the throne room. She sighed as quietly as she could and mentally reprimanded herself. There was no way she was going to make it out without being caught and sent back to her room, but this was the only shot she had since Luna had threatened to station guards at her room if she were to leave again.

With bated breath, Twilight peered into the large room. She waited several seconds while scanning the room, daring not to breathe so as to not alert anyone of her presence. It was empty. She let out a relieved sigh and slight giggle and continued on inside. A smile spread across her lips as she looked around the oh-so familiar room.

Her hooves made soft thuds against the red carpet of the throne room. Her smile remained as she neared the large, gold throne. As carefully as she could, she climbed up one treacherous step at a time. She reached the top, shaking and sweating slightly,wishing she’d waited to escape until after receiving her pain medication.

A hearty sigh left Twilight as she sat upon the throne. The height advantage gave her a new perspective of the glorious room as she looked out like Luna and Celestia had. Her mood dropped slightly, looking down to where her mentor had sat. She sighed, thoughts of Celestia plaguing her mind.

All she could wish for was the location and returning of her old mentor. She shook her head slightly, dispersing her thoughts as she looked up at the surrounding stained glass pictures to distract her. Carefully, her eyes looked over every detail, moving from one picture to the next before finally ending on the Tree of Harmony.

Twilight sat still for a moment, the familiar feeling of a forgotten thought filling her mind. That’s when she gasped loudly and her eyes opened wide.

The Tree of Harmony!

Twilight skidded down the throne’s steps as she set out at the fastest hobble she could muster. Pain flared up immediately, but she pushed forward as she burst through the door into the hallway. Her weak limbs clambered along the marble floor as she bounced from wall to wall in her mad dash.

When Twilight turned down the next hallway she was met with several ponies. Carelessly, she weaved in and out between all the maids and guards. They stopped in shock at first, then immediately gave chase. Twilight had a slightly crazed giggle as she continued on towards Luna’s office, guards and castle staff hot on her hocks. After what seemed like eons of galloping, she spotted the all too familiar door. With a mad smile, she used her remaining energy to push on.


Luna sat at her desk with a frown. Officers of her guard and her sisters’ guard sat before her, sharing tactics and plans for new areas to search. Their search continued to come up negative as they tried their best to comb through Equestria. Her gaze fell to a map before her and she shook her head slightly. She has to be here somewhere, Luna’s thoughts echoed.

She barely recognized the sound of so many ponies coming down the hallway before her office door all but exploded. Papers, utensils, furniture and ponies went flying. Some took cover while others were helplessly hurled through the air. Luna’s forehooves covered her head as she waited for everything to settle down.

Eventually, she peered out, seeing that her office was a disaster as dust was kicked up into the air. In the doorway, leaning up against remnants of her door, laid Twilight. Luna lept over both her desk and the still cowering guardsponies and came to her aid. A supportive hoof wrapped around Twilight’s shoulders, while another carefully moved to her cheek.

“Twilight? What is the matter?” Luna asked her.

Meanwhile, the pursuing guards and maids skidded to a halt outside of the room, all of them panting and attempting to talk at the same time.

Luna shook the spaced out alicorn. “Twilight, why are you out of bed?”

There was no answer.

Luna’s eyes drifted down towards her bandages, which were stained pink and darkening. “Y-You’re bleeding, Twilight. Why did you go and do this?”

Still no answer.

Luna began to grow worrisome. “Somepony fetch a nurse!” she shouted.

Slowly, almost as if in response to Luna’s cry, Twilight’s eyes focused, looking straight into her’s She panted hard, wincing slightly. “Twilight? Dear?” Luna said, still trying to rouse the unresponsive mare.

Twilight began giggling. “Twilight, what is it?” Luna persisted.

“I-I-” She winced again. “I-I know where she is.”

Her whisper barely registered to Luna. “What is it, Twilight?”

“C-Celestia,” Twilight giggled and winced again. “I-I know where she is!”

Luna froze, her grip tightening on Twilight. This could be it, her sister could be found.

Comments ( 9 )

Cliffhangers make me sick... :pinkiesick:

Although, I must deal with it none-the-less :trixieshiftleft:

Anyways, I did enjoy the story even if the ending left many un-answered questions. :twilightsmile: :heart:

Ack!!! A cliff hanger! Right here of all places!?? WHYYY????? :raritydespair:
On the other note, I really liked the chapter, though I'm saddened by how short it is :fluttercry:
I can't wait to hear/read what happens next!!

When Twilight turned down the next hallway she was met with several ponies. Carelessly, she weaved in and out between all the maids and guards. They stopped in shock at first, then immediately gave chase. Twilight had a slightly crazed giggle as she continued on towards Luna’s office, guards and castle staff hot on her hocks. After what seemed like eons of galloping, she spotted the all too familiar door. With a mad smile, she used her remaining energy to push on.

Oh Twi, even when I'm worried to death about you your still so cute. Excellent chapter and story. :yay:

Me while reading....

"This is getting good...."

The end of the chapter... Let's just go to the next chapter...

It's not yet out... It probably won't take long till the next chapter...

On hiatus?!

Why is the world so cruel!

The Last update was in March 2015
The author was last seen in June 2018
Not gonna lie, it ain't looking too good.
I was quite enjoying this.

I was really enjoying this. To bad it looks like it isn't being updated anymore.

Aw bro noooooo cliffhanger

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