• Published 16th Oct 2014
  • 8,082 Views, 34 Comments

A Twilight Sparkle Story - Obselescence

The short tale of how I was trapped in a diabolical plot by a certain purple pony, and conclusive evidence that Twilight Sparkle may in fact be deranged.

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Blah Blah Blah

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Once upon a time there was a purple pony by the name of Twilight Sparkle.

We were quite neutrally associated, her and I. Before the events of this story, at any rate. Oh, there’d been a few tense moments in our relationship, what with me fiddling with her friends’ fragile grasp on sanity and dismantling the fabric of reality—but I preferred to think that was all in the past. Let by-gones be by-gones, I’ve always said. And I usually mean it, too.


How then, did we become mortal enemies? Sworn to oppose each other in all things? Well, it's really quite simple. She, ah... did something to me. Something so terrible that it pains me even now to retell it for the sake of your meager pleasure. I shouldn't, really. I wouldn't. I couldn't.

But I will. Just for you.

I was on a routine visit to Fluttershy’s cottage, to shoot the breeze and catch up on the buzz. And also to talk. Fluttershy and I were doing that rather often, you see, what with our newly-forged friendship. It wasn’t a particularly exciting way to spend time together, compared to bending natural laws and breaking legal ones, but I’ve always been one to sacrifice for my friends.

Enter our villain, Twilight Sparkle. Well, no, actually—enter me, into Fluttershy’s cottage. Twilight was waiting for me there, as it turned out. As soon as I swam through the door I saw her, staring at me with her freakish purple eyes. That should have been my cue to run for the hills—or, at least, the valleys—but I was so young and naive last Thursday, and like the fool that I was, I did not try to escape.

It was to be my most grievous mistake.

“Ah, hello, my dear Twilight,” I said, greeting her with a customary pie to the face. “I don’t suppose you know where Fluttershy is?”

Twilight wiped the cherry filling from her face and glared quite angrily at me. “Fluttershy’s... in the kitchen,” she growled, gritting her teeth. She took a deep breath and masked her baseless hatred for me behind a smile. “She wanted to make some snacks for the interview.”

“Interview?” I asked quizzically. “An interview, you say? For whom?” A camera appeared in my paws, entirely of its own accord. “I’m excellent at conducting them, you know. You merely have to say the word, and I’ll—”

“It’s for you!” said Twilight, with obviously malicious glee. “You see, I’ve been planning to write an essay on the history of Equestria, and I realized that some of the most ancient history of Equestria actually falls under the period of your reign, and blah blah blah blah. Blah blah blah blah blah. Blah blah blah, blah? Blah!”

Too late, I realized I’d been set up. Somehow, it seemed Twilight had manipulated my good friend Fluttershy into condoning an insufferably boring interview with me. This too might have been a good time to make a break for it, but at precisely that moment Fluttershy trotted out with a plate of warm gingerbread ponies—and I do so love her gingerbread ponies.

“I’m really sorry that I didn’t tell you Twilight would be here,” said Fluttershy, caring and kind as always. “But she was so, um... so... Well, she did say it would be an important breakthrough for Equestrian history, and you told me earlier that you liked to talk about yourself, so I just thought...”

“No, no, Fluttershy,” I told her, tipping the tray of deliciously warm gingerbread cookies into my gullet. “Don’t blame yourself for this one. I understand perfectly that you did your best to look out for my interests, and that it was all Twilight’s fault.

Blah blah blah blah!” said Twilight indignantly. Or something very much like that, at any rate. I can’t say what it was for certain. I don’t pay much attention to undue slander against my person.

“Oh, um...” said Fluttershy, looking down at her hooves. “Well, I wouldn’t say that, exactly... but, well, it seems very important to her research, and I was just wondering if maybe you would be willing to... You know...”

She looked up at me with her pleading puppy-dog eyes, and—well, honestly, how am I supposed to refuse those? It was clear that Twilight had utterly outmaneuvered me by that point, and there would be no escape from her fiendish designs. Checkmate. Yahtzee. Bingo.

With the greatest apprehension, I stretched myself out on Fluttershy’s couch and steeled myself for the worst. I was well aware of the horrors I would face at cruel Twilight’s hooves, but for dear Fluttershy’s sake I remained calm.

“Yes, yes, all right,” I said, in a manner much befitting my status as a victim. “Let’s get this over with, then.”

“Thank you, Discord,” said Fluttershy, smiling radiantly at me.

“Excellent!” said Twilight, a sinister glint shining in her eye. She took out her notepad—instrument of torture that it was—and cleared her throat. “Remember, Discord: this is going to be used for academic purposes. Everypony has a story to tell, and it’s important that these stories are recorded so they can be remembered. I want to be able to tell your story here, so at least try to be serious about it.”

You can see how Twilight was an expert at her craft. She didn’t begin the torture immediately, but started first with a barrage of insults and hurtful words. I tried to resist for as long as I could.

Oh, how I tried.

“Yes, well, you can take those stories of yours and shove them right—” but I remembered that Fluttershy was present, and it wouldn’t do to use such foul language where she could hear me. “—up an award-winning essay. For which you will receive condemnation, I’m sure.”

Twilight narrowed her ghoulishly purple eyes at me. “I think you mean ‘commendations.’”

“I do not.”

It was unwise of me, I’ll admit, to provoke her when I was at her tender mercy. But surely you can see that I was cornered, helpless, afraid. My bitingly sharp wit was merely my final effort to defend myself against her schemes.

In the end, though, it did not save me.

“Question one,” she said, scribbling down something dry and academic on her notepad. “Could you please state your name?”

Gak!” My face grew pale and my body contorted from sheer, unrelenting dullness. A deep breath to gather my wits and push my pelvis back into position. For Fluttershy, I reminded myself. “Discord. Spelled with a ‘D.’”

“There, there, Discord,” said Fluttershy, patting my paw. “You can do it. I believe in you.”

“Mmhm,” Twilight mmhm’d, scribbling again in her notepad. She grinned wide, clearly enjoying the horrible boredom she was causing me. “See? That wasn’t so bad! Now, question two...”

It went on like that for at least fifteen minutes. My mind grew hazy from dry professional dialogue and rote historical recitation. Pointless questions flowed without cessation, beating down my mental defenses and shattering my will. It threatened even to render me sane. But through the mind-numbing haze of tedium, I held onto a single, searing thought: Twilight Sparkle will pay.

Oh yes! By daring to interview me, Twilight had created a very powerful enemy. One who would not rest until she had suffered at least as much as I had. With this single, abominable act, Twilight had sealed her fate. She had unwittingly given me, the great Discord, an insatiable hunger... for vengeance.

And for tacos later, if Fluttershy felt up to eating out—but mostly vengeance. Mostly.

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Comments ( 34 )

Not sure if I'm supposed to be here yet, but nevertheless I still enjoyed the read. Unreliable narration for the win. :moustache:

I didn't stop laughing all the way through.

My sides... :rainbowlaugh:

NSFW clearly.


People start to question why you're laughing so hard.

Tacos are awesome.

Best with vengeance. He's got the right idea.

~Skeeter The Lurker

Tacos are best served warm, unlike vengeance. Cold tacos, though, can be unfolded and served as vengeance.

"We were quite neutrally associated, her and I."
Hmm, bad Discord; subject and object pronoun together...

4098059 Unless they are actually burrito's in disguise.

Now, in fairness, I actually think that Twilight deserved the events of the other novel. What with "Everyone has a story to tell..."

Really I just wanted to see what would happen. :V

Also I guess it's ultimately better for this to be published than invisible.

Published 15th of march... why is this in the new stories list?

Oh..I've..already read this. :derpyderp2:

Good to see it alive..? I guess?:unsuresweetie: Fun times, those.

EDIT: 'Grats on the 1st spot on Fimfic!


Mostly wizardry. Also it was never actually published.


Judging by the lack of explosions, you got very, very lucky. :trixieshiftleft: Do be a little careful with time travel in the past, didn't you?

Huh. I see this wonderful bit of chaos drifted out of the mysterious eddies of the time-space continuum and into the realm of the published. Delightful. :yay:

I was very confused how this got so many upvotes so quickly, then I realized I'd already read it.

Also, grats on having the top rated story on the site. :trollestia:

This is shown as already read and a sequel to another identical story with different cover art which is also sequel to this one.

And yet it's "new".

Dammit Obs stop doing this to me :facehoof:

'Bout time! :twilightsmile:

Good story. I, unlike seemingly a lot of these commentators have not read it and enjoyed it a lot. This seems spot on as how Discord would tell stories, unreliably and hilariously. Good work.

I love this one. ^_^ I can just imagine Discord planning out a prank to pull on Twilight now.

Can side with Discord on this one. I hated story classes in school, it was a refined boredom. And as much as I like Twilight, we all know how she can be when it comes to something academic... So yea, she deserved it :derpytongue2:.

This story is close to perfection.

Comment posted by XANAVirus deleted Aug 26th, 2017

ROFLOL! That was perfect. I could just hear Discord speaking the way you wrote him. Favorited and I shall read the story this is a prequel for.

Discord is best non pony :moustache:

Ah, I always do enjoy a good Discord read. When properly executed, he's just so much fun.

"Tacos seasoned with vengence and a touch of hatred give a delightful disharmony on the tongue"

-Cooking with Discord.

Very interesting way to see how Discord views the world.

The only cooking show I'm here for

Me trying to remember what I was thinking when I made this comment xD

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