• Published 20th Mar 2014
  • 342 Views, 1 Comments

A Thunderlane Trip - Thundery

A human to pony story with a twist, about guys who make a wish when shopping.

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Chapter 7

Epilogue - One Month Later


Date: October 30,2014
Time: 12:30pm
Location: Cloudsdale, Equestria

"Come on Thunderlane! I wanna head back to my old home and see what 'surprise' my mother keeps taking about in the letter she sent." I shouted by the front door of our cloud house.

A slightly muffled voice came from the bathroom, "In a minute!"

I rolled my eyes and waited patiently until he finally came out, "You think Rumble will be fine with us away for a few hours?" Thunderlane asked with some worry.

I smiled and patted his shoulder. "Don't worry, as a human he was a twenty-two year old named Kyle so I'm sure he'll be fine, plus he's with friends right now."

"If you say so. Still, I think it's best that I leave him a note letting him know where we will be." Thunderlane said getting a piece of paper and pen to write a quick note, leaving it on the table a minute after.

Opening the door I was greeted to the usual sight of pegasi flying around and going about their day. Turning back to Thunderlane, I asked, "Ready to go?"

"Lets do this."

With that, we both left out with me closing the door as we flew off towards Canterlot.

Now, I'm sure you're all wondering just what is life like in Equestria? Well, to put it simply, it's so damn amazing it's everything you expect in the show. As for Cloudsdale, that's a whole different thing, floating cloud homes, the pegasi going about their day with not a care in the world, the Cloudeseum stadium, downtown shopping district! Everything is just perfect! Sure everything here can be explain with magic, but, still, it makes you wonder how can a city be floating in the sky regardless.

As for our home... well, when the princesses said that it was 'decent size' it was actually pretty damn big even though it only has two bedrooms I'm perfectly fine with that since me and Thunderlane can have our sexy times in one bedroom while Rumble... well I hope he doesn't really hear us going at it. Sure he said he didn't mind me and Thunderlane being together, but, I know he wouldn't want to hear it. Aside from that, at least it was big enough for me to move all of my stuff here from my old room through teleportation thankfully even my games and systems although it would be almost impossible to play with hooves, but it's a sacrafice I'm willing to take from becoming a pony.

As for income, I didn't think it was going to be a lot to be honest, but I was surprised to see that we were getting three thousand bits a month. Which Celestia and Luna was more than happy to give since we help them out so much. But we still decided to get jobs regardless to not feel so useless with me being a regular weather pony while Thunderlane is too, even though he wants to be a Wonderbolt. I'm happy for him and we love our jobs.

And I can't forget about what went on the first few days after we moved here, needing help in proper wing care and any extra flying lessons we might need among any other pony related things (we decided to ask the princess for help on that part), as for everything else, we decided to ask Rainbow Dash for help. Seeing her in person made my fangirl levels sky rocket since she is my favorite of the Mane 6 with RD being just as confused as to why three ponies which she already knows and should know how to fly was asking her for help on that. After telling her that we came from another world and how all of us ended up like this, she showed some interest in that because apparently the princesses didn't get word out yet about Earth or the portals yet until about two weeks later when they were finally ready. The reaction to that was met in a very positive way with bronies coming almost everyday and for the most part, they've decided to be ponies also. With Equestrian ponies deciding to go check out earth and I'm sure that they enjoyed it enough I hope. And yes, Lyra was just oh so happy to go see humans... I don't know whether or not I should be nervous about that or just laugh at the thought of her harassing the humans.

Finally reaching Canterlot after a thirty minute flight, we landed in front of the castle and waved to the guards as we trotted on by with them nodding at us because we're just that popular and made our way pass the 'secret room' with the video cameras that the princesses use to monitor earth and came up to another door near the throne which was opened with two unicorn guards standing side by side while inside were three guards with humans coming through the portal and moving off to the side waiting to be transformed.

I stared at the portal, then at Thunderlane. "This will be the first time after leaving one month ago that we'll be returning and since there's so much traffic coming through here, I can only imagine how it might be on our old world. Are you ready to go through?"

"I'm ready."

With that, we both stepped through the portal feeling a tingling sensation as we came out the other side and onto the grass of the park that was a block or so away from the house which also has guards present with the typical traffic going in.

With the grass feeling great beneath our hooves we both took flight in the Northwest direction over to the house. But, before we were close...

"Halt! Down here!"

"Huh?" Looking down I saw to our surprise, two bat pony lunar guards clad in armor looking up at us.

Landing in front of them I noticed one of them smirking at us which made me wonder if they already knew us or not and even though I wanted to fangirl so badly since I like bat ponies, I held it in.

Since no one was speaking I decided to speak up. "Um... hi? You are...?"

The guard on the left spoke. "Why not take a guess?" He said pointing at his buddy, "You punched him in the balls." He laughed while the other guard's smirk disappeared and replaced with an eye roll.

Both Thunderlane and I decided to take a moment to remember that and when it came to us, our jaws dropped at the realization of just who the two guards in front of us really were.

"Kurt and Hunter?"

Kurt stopped laughing and grinned, "Damn right it's us!"

"But... how? I thought you hated ponies" I asked, perplexed.

"Well to make the long story short, a month ago at night we were walking around and we both heard the two of you going at it."

Both of our faces glowed red from that comment.

Kurt chuckled and continued. "The truth is that we really don't hate ponies, we weren't having a good day when all of us first met and we've seen the episodes so back to that night when we heard that, right at that moment we saw some shooting stars appear and well me and Hunter decided it was best to do what you see now."

"Hmm..." I stared at them in thought, "There's more to this is there? Why bat ponies?"

Hunter spoke up. "We have a liking to them so that's what we wished for and after our first encounter I was thinking about doing better to stop being one of the bad guys which Kurt agreed to also. So we spoke to Princess Luna and enrolled to be lunar guards to do just that and help people or ponies who are in trouble among other duties."

"Well that sure explains the armor." Thunderlane smiled and nodded.

Kurt coughed to catch our attention, "This is also a good time to say that we're gay."

I raised an eyebrow at that, "I didn't really see that one coming." Then looked at their dark gray fur, purple mane sticking out of the helmets, purple tails, tufted ears, bat wings, and those yellow slitted eyes, the fangs...

I looked over at Thunderlane and winked at him before turning to look at Kurt and Hunter again, "Say... how does a four-way sound between all of us? I do like bat ponies and it would be a fun experience."

Kurt and Hunter looked at each other and grinned turning back to us, "Yeah, sure, meet us in front of the castle tonight at nine and all of us can go to our place in Canterlot to have some real fun..."

I felt something stir beneath me in thought of what would be happening later and shook that thought away since I really didn't need a boner out in public. "Okay! It's a deal then! We'll be there and I know Thunderlane here is just as excited as I am right? I looked over to Thunderlane.

He nodded.

"Great and, oh! before we go." I turned to Hunter. "I just want to apologize for punching you in the balls on that day, I was just so annoyed about missing buses that I let my anger get the best of me and that's just not me so I did feel bad about it after time went on so, yeah, I'm sorry.

Hunter snorted and waved a hoof dismissively, "Don't worry about it, Thunderclap. At least I get to do that to the bad guys now who wants to cause trouble. And we came up with names now, I'm Night Blade while Kurt is Lunar Night."

"Well, Night Blade and Lunar Night, I'm glad the both of you are on the good side now" I said as I started trotting away with Thunderlane next to me. I waved back. "We'll see you tonight at nine then."

"We're looking forward to it." Lunar said and they both flew off.

"Well Thunderlane, today sure is looking great already now that we can look forward to having sex with two bat guards."

Thunderlane leaned over and nuzzled me. "I can't wait and knowing how good our sex is, I know with them it will be better."

I let out a chuckle as we both turned around the corner to be greeted by a unicorn mare dark blue in color with a lighter blue mane and tail with pink colored eyes standing in front of the door.

"About time you two showed up!" The mare let out a huff and stomped her hoof."

"Excuse but, who are you?" I asked tilting my head, blinking at her.

"Oh, son you were always so oblivious."

Right at that moment I realized who it was and quickly wrapped her up in a hug. "Mom! You really did it! You became one of us! And you actually look younger too." I said happily.

She happily hugged me back. "Of course I did and that's magic for ya." She let go of me and opened the door with her magic and held it open. "Come, lets go inside since there is plenty to talk about."

I stared in awe at the magic aura around her horn and the door before snapping out of it with me and Thunderlane flying inside with her doing the same for the house door, opening that.

Flying onto the sofa to be next to Thunderlane, my mother climb up on the other sofa across from us and spoke. "I guess I can say this now that this." She pointed to herself. "Was the surprise in the letter. I decided to go ahead and do this a few days after you and Thunderlane left and spoke to celestia afterwards and she was more than happy to send over a unicorn teacher to teach me the basics of magic like telekinesis and teleportation for about two and half weeks until I was sure enough that I would be able to do it and the teacher felt satisfied and offered me to go visit him anytime to learn some more magic. But let me tell you that teleportation is a blessing because I can just teleport straight to work which would scare the occasional human which is pretty funny."

I gave her a stupid grin, "You have a crush on him don't you?"

Her face took on a red look against her dark blue fur as she blushed furiously stammering, "S-shut up! Maybe I do alright?" Her face returned to normal. "Anyway, doing cleaning work as a unicorn isn't that hard... at least I get to leave wet hoof prints everywhere." She clapped her hooves smiling with glee.

"I see that you're enjoying the pony life a lot... although, what about everyone else?"

"Well your sister still hasn't decided yet, but, after she finds out what stallions have to offer, I'm sure she will with her boyfriend as for your niece, she's a unicorn just like me and she's loved at school a lot so that's good for her and as for your nephew, well, your sister is still thinking about that for now."

"As much as I want to see her and the others be like us, it is her choice and I understand." I said.

"Alright then!" My mother said clapping her hooves together. "Since I'm sure you and Thunderlane want to go back outside and see how things changed there is one more thing I should tell you."

"What's that?"

"I came up with a name for myself!" She smiled widely.

"Really? That's great! To what?"

"Autumn Midnight!" It sounds so beautiful and it goes great together!" She beamed with pride.

"I like it and I'm happy that you found a pony name, Mom." I flew over and hugged her which she returned.

"I'm just happy with my new life, being a unicorn is awesome." She said pulling out of the hug. "So, I guess the two of you are going back to Cloudsdale now?"

"Not yet." Thunderlane said. "There's still other people who we want to check up on first then we'll be heading back."

"Alright." Her horn charged up a blue glow as it wrapped around the door, opening it. "Have fun then! I'll make sure to come visit you when I can when I learn the cloud walking spell."

Trotting up to the door, I turned back and waved, "We look forward to that! Bye, Mom!"

"Bye Thunderclap and Thunderlane!"

Going out into hallway we both noticed the outside door opened again with that signature blue aura of hers ... "Oh, that unicorn taught her well."

Turning back, she winked at us while I rolled my eyes and chuckled flying outside with Thunderlane behind me as the door closed. "Too well."

Thunderlane spoke. "So! There's one person and one particular group to check up on still."

"Yep." I said looking around until I spotted her coming towards us. "Speaking of her, here she comes."

Lucy came up the sidewalk holding a leash in her hand which was tied to a collar around a black earth pony stallion with a silver mane and tail and blue eyes.

Coming to a stop, Lucy waved to us with the stallion doing the same, smiling slightly as we waved back and I can tell that he was about an inch taller than us. That's earth pony stallions for ya well, if they're Big Mac size anyway.

"Hello again, Lucy." I said looking over to the stallion. "Is this your husband?"

"Yes indeed." She wrapped her arms around his neck. "My big sexy stallion of a husband."

"Aww shucks sweetie, that's so nice of ya to say." The stallion leaned over and nuzzled her.

I stuck out my hoof with Thunderlane doing the same. "Nice to meet you, I'm Thunderclap and he's Thunderlane."

He bumped both of ours with his own. "Nolan or you can call me Mountain Dusk or just Dusk for short, either way, I'm fine with what you choose."

"Well, Dusk I must ask. How's the pet play sex life?" I asked looking at the collar and leash.

He flushed slightly. "I'll admit, I'm having a blast now for sure." He looked below him and back to us. "Also, being bigger down there gives me the most intense feelings of pleasure possible during our moments so that's a win. As for me wearing the collar and leash outside, I chose to do that. It might look very off to most, but to me I just like it and my wife does too and that's what matters."

Thunderlane nudged me with his flank, "I should do that to you sometime, Thunderclap."

"Yeah... sure ... maybe." I said smiling awkwardly.

Lucy spoke, "I have an idea, Thunderlane! Why don't you and him come visit us sometime? Oooooo~! We can do pony pet play together!!"

I facehoofed while Thunderlane smiled as wide as a filly or colt on Hearth's Warming.

"Deal!" Thunderlane all but shouted.

Lucy laughed. "It's settled then, and I'll leave you two alone now, I'm sure you have things to do. Until we meet again." With that, Lucy and Dusk walked off.

I waited until they were around the corner, "Ugh..." I groaned. "Thunderlane, as much as I love our sex life, I think I'm going to be sore for a long while after all of this."

"But I love hearing you squeak in that deeper voice." Thunderlane pouted.

"Well, you'll get to hear it a lot tonight for sure. Now come on, lets just fly around for a while and check things out and see if we can find Josh and his brony friends."


For the better part of an hour or so we were flying around the city seeing mostly ponies and some humans still and with it being the day before Halloween or in this case 'Nightmare Night' I can imagine a little boy or girl turned colt or filly trick-or-treating, It's going to look so adorable! But, we decided to spend that time in Equestria and celebrate Nightmare Night even though we're grown stallions I'm sure Rumble will be more than happy to get some sweets even if his age as a human says otherwise.

And we even found Josh and his friends. Turns out they were in the park the whole time in the track field just to the left of the portal. He was a pegasus just like us while his friends were a mix of either pegasus, unicorn, or earth pony. Apparently they're sticking around ponyville for the most part deciding to spend a few hours back here on earth before returning and even got jobs.

But as the day went on and the sun was setting, it was time to head on home as Thunderlane and I were finally done and standing in front of the portal again.

"Hey, Thunderlane? I just thought of the most crazy idea since I'm such a crazy stallion."

"And what might that be?"

"I plan on going to stalk Daring Do and have fun while doing so!"

Thunderlane rolled his eyes. "You really think that would work?"

"Of course it would! I saw 'Daring Don't' I know where she lives. I might get a few bruises. But, hey, I just have to meet her!"

"If you say so, Thunderclap. Try to not get into trouble to the point where guards have to come in okay?

"I promise Thunderlane. Now, I believe we have a date tonight with Night and Lunar so lets get ready."

"But what about Rumble?"

"We'll figure something out." I said slapping him in the rump with a wing getting an 'Eep!' out of him causing him to blush.

"Oh you sneaky stallion!" Thunderlane quickly said walking through the portal.

I only laughed and walked through ready for the fun night with two bat pony stallions.

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