• Published 29th Mar 2012
  • 6,875 Views, 407 Comments

Sideboard of Harmony - FanOfMostEverything

Because ponies and card games are too much fun to confine to a single story.

  • ...

Is Ditz Your Card?

Three girls sat at a lunch table in the Canterlot High cafeteria. One, with a partial sphere of curly blue hair, was hunched over a notebook, scribbling furiously. The other two were engaged in a card game.

"So," said Blue Oyster, "what are we doing for the Musical Showcase?"

"Play Raid Bombardment," said Raspberry Fluff, whose hair lived up to her name. She turned to Blue. "And since when are we doing something for the Showcase? I don't even play an instrument."

"I... sort of do," said Ditzy Doo. "You attacking with the Spitfires, Razz?"

"Yup. That's lethal with all the triggers."

"No, it's two. Fog. I go to nine life."

Raspberry groaned. "Of course. Your turn."

"Come on, you two!" Blue slammed her hands on the table and rose to her feet. "This is my chance to give the greatest, most noble of all instruments the recognition it deserves!"

Ditzy quirked an eyebrow. "You have an unhealthy obsession with cowbells. You do know that, right?"

"It's not an obsession!"

"It is," said Raspberry. "It'd probably be your thing if you were a Harmonist."

Ditzy cleared her throat and gave a sharp shake of her head.


Ditzy took a deep breath and said, "Play a Golgari Guildgate and an Expedition Map. Your go."

"Seriously, I think we could really wow them," said Blue. "A cowbell and a musical saw? No other band's going to have that. We'll be original. Avante-garde, even!"

"And where do I factor into this?" said Raspberry. She drew a card and beamed. "Ha! Play Short Fuse herself to go with her Spitfires! Plus one to your face!"

"A triangle."

Raspberry paused in midbounce. Both she and Ditzy turned to Blue. "Excuse me?"

"You can play a triangle," Blue repeated. She crossed her arms and nodded to herself. "Simple to learn, and it's another instrument the Showcase will be lacking. Plus, we'll probably be able to bum one from the band room. Ditzy, you've still got that in with the weird girl, right?"

"She has a name," said Ditzy. "Lyra Heartstrings."

"Yeah, and she also begged the statue out front to take her to Horseland for a week."


Blue shrugged. "Whatever."

"Hey, Ditzy?" said Raspberry. "Attacking you with Spitfires for the win. Got a response?"

"Oh. Putrefy one before combat. I take..."

"One from Short Fuse, four from the Spitfire since it was too powerful for Bombardment to trigger. You're at four," Blue rattled off. "So, can you get that triangle?"

"I can try," said Ditzy. "No guarantees. You do know that this is a half-baked idea, right?"

Blue beamed. "That's it!"

Her friends looked at one another, then back at her. "What is?" asked Raspberry.

"That's what we'll call ourselves! Half-Baked!"

Ditzy made a face like she'd just stepped in something. "That's a terrible name."

"It worked for Osmium Airship," said Blue.

Ditzy shook her head. "It sounds like we're stoners."

"And most people wouldn't come up with a cowbell, triangle, and musical saw trio without chemical assistance," said Raspberry.

"Come on," said Blue, "we can even use a muffin-quaver for the logo!"

Raspberry tilted her head. "We have a logo now?"

"Razz, my turn?"


Blue crossed her arms. "Well, we'll need a logo."

"End of your turn, use the Map for Selesnya Guildgate."

Raspberry scratched her head. "What's a quaver, anyway?"

Blue rolled her eyes. "An eighth note, duh."

Raspberry didn't look any more enlightened. Ditzy said, "The one with the dealie on the end opposite the dot."

"Oh..." Raspberry nodded, then considered the game. "Crap, you're gonna win."

Ditzy nodded. "Yup. My turn, untap, upkeep, draw, play Selenya Guildgate."

"Maze's End for Orzhov Guildgate," Raspberry sighed.

"Complete the Implicit Maze, become master of Ravnica, and, as you noted, win the game." Ditzy grinned. Both girls gaped at her. She looked from one to the other. "What? It's a Maze's End deck. You've both played against it before."

Raspberry shook in her seat. "Y-yeah, but you don't usually doesn't become a horse-angel when you win."

"Huh?" Ditzy felt along the top of her head. Ears. She looked behind her. Wings and hair long enough to touch the floor. "Who put that scrunchie there?"

"I think it showed up with the extra hair," said Blue, her eyes darting about the changes.

"This..." Ditzy bolted up. "Guys, I don't know what to do."

Blue cleared her throat. "Well, first, you may want to land."

"Huh?" Ditzy looked down. Sure enough, she was hovering a few inches above her seat. "Ah!" Some reflex she didn't remember having flew her higher. "AH!"

Her scream was matched by one from the head of the Gardening Club, who was pointing at her. "The mutations are contagious!"

The cafeteria seemed to erupt at that:

"Wait, they're contagious? I want wings."

"Mutations don't work that way!"

"Derpy Shoes is airborne? Duck and cover!"

"The ears are actually kind of cute."

"This is going to get so many views."

"I really like her hair!"

"Everyone!" The hubbub died and all eyes turned to Sunset Shimmer, who was standing in front of Ditzy, her arms spread. "Magic is not contagious! You're all safe!"

"Oh, sure!" someone shouted. "You don't get wings, so neither do the rest of us!"

"What?" Sunset blinked. "That's not—"

Ditzy hovered above Sunset. "Hey, back off! She—" Her extra features chose that moment to vanish. "Oh poop." She dropped, but Sunset was able to lean back and catch her. However, that sent Sunset tumbling backwards, though Raspberry Fluff was able to support her.

Once the girls had collected themselves, Sunset nodded to Raspberry. "Thanks."

The other girl looked away. "Oh. Um. Well, thanks for catching Ditzy."

"Yeah, way to go, Queen Bitch."

"Blue!" Ditzy scowled at her.

Sunset looked away. "It's fine. Honestly, I deserve worse."

Blue nodded. "Yes. Yes, you do."

"Blue!" Ditzy cried. "Come on!"

"What? She doesn't mind!"

Sunset rubbed an elbow with her opposite hand. "Ditzy, you may want to come to Practice Room B after school. You're not the only one who does this." She looked from Ditzy's smile to Raspberry's averted eyes to Blue's scowl. "I should go."

Ditzy frowned as Sunset went back to her own table. "What the crap was that, Blue Oyster?"

"You don't seriously expect me to believe she turned over a new leaf fast enough to set it on fire, do you?"

"When a giant friendship rainbow is involved?" Ditzy threw her arms up. "Yes! Yes, I do!"

Blue shrugged. "I was sick that whole week, remember?"

"That doesn't change the giant friendship rainbow!"

"And that doesn't change everything Shimmer did before that."

"Well, I'm going to get some answers," said Ditzy. "And I think you should apologize."

"I'll apologize when she does," Blue huffed.

"Um, she has," said Raspberry.

Ditzy nodded. "Publicly and repeatedly!"

"After the Showcase, then."

Raspberry and Ditzy shared a stunned look. The former said, "You're serious about that?"

"Cowbells are serious business. Ditzy can go and plumb the mysteries of the universe. I'll plan how we'll take the musical world by storm. We'll see which of us can finish her seemingly impossible task first."

Ditzy couldn't help but smile. "You've got yourself a deal. But I think I have an edge. After all, why would Sunset invite me if they didn't know all about this?"

"What do you mean you don't know all about this!?" Ditzy blinked. "Wow, I really set myself up for that one."

Rainbow Dash shrugged. "Who cares why it happens? It's awesome."

"Who cares?" Ditzy echoed. "I care! And I thought you girls would, because you're violating the conservation of energy every time you play music!"

"Ah figger it's a case o' not lookin' a gift horse in th' mouth," said Applejack.

Pinkie, still at her drums, provided a rimshot.

Applejack winced. "Ah suppose it's too late t' say 'no pun intended'?"

"Way too late," Pinkie said with a smile.

"It's all well and good to ask these questions," said Rarity, "but where would we find any answers?"

Ditzy rolled her eyes. "Gee, I don't know. How about the magical unicorn?" She stuck both arms at Sunset Shimmer as though presenting a game show prize.

"Ex-magical unicorn," noted the ex-magical unicorn from her seat on a piano bench, head hung low.

Ditzy shrugged. "It's a land-of-the-blind situation. You're still the best authority we have on the matter."

"I haven't exactly had a chance to keep up with the latest developments in thaumatology," said Sunset.

"Again, land of the blind. You're the one-eyed woman. Which may make you a graeae in this context, especially given the pegasi." Ditzy shook her head. "The point is, some input would be appreciated."

"I, um..." All eyes turned to Fluttershy (though one was listing a bit to the left.) "Could you calm down just a little?"

Dash nodded. "Yeah, this doesn't need to be a big deal."

Ditzy sighed. "Look, I can understand if the novelty's worn off for all of you, but this was my first time growing additional limbs. I'm still kind of worked up over this, and I want to understand it." She looked about the room, taking in the various looks of concern and, in a few cases, a bit of fright. "Though I suppose I should tone it down a little."

"It'd be nice." Sunset sighed and rose. "I admit, I have been thinking about this. Bear in mind that this is all hypothetical."

"I will beat that idiom into the ground if I have to," said Ditzy.

"So you're—"

"No, Pinkie, I'm not beating a dead horse." Ditzy frowned. "And I'm pretty sure that's racially insensitive somehow."

"Anyway..." Sunset began to pace. "When you all helped Princess Twilight channel the power of Harmony, it likely infused you with some vestigial magic. The mundane harmony of music would then temporarily activate it."

"Wait, wait, wait." Dash held up her hands. "You're telling me Harmonism's a thing in Ponyland?"

"Equestria," said Sunset. "Ponyland was destroyed ages ago, if it ever existed. And no, not exactly. I still don't understand the religion here. No one seems to talk about it."

This produced six flavors of awkwardness, from "hand rubbing back of neck" to "avoiding eye contact" to "nervous chuckle."

"It's... personal," said Fluttershy.

Sunset shrugged. "Anyway, Harmony is a fundamental magical concept in Equestria. My whole plan hinged on using one of its major foci, powerful enough to function even here." She slumped. "You all know how that went."

Pinkie popped up behind Sunset and gave her a hug. "Don't feel bad, Shim-Sham! We rainbowed you in the face and now you're one of the nicest people I know!"

"Please don't ever call me 'Shim-Sham' again."

"You see? The old you would've never said 'please'!"

"So," said Ditzy, hand on her chin, "it's the whole sympathetic magic thing. Little to big, like to like, and apparently pop rock to ears and wings."

"I guess. Maybe." Sunset sagged in Pinkie's arms. "It's barely a hypothesis, and I don't have any way of testing it."

"Aw, cheer up!" Pinkie raised her arms and shook, jolting Sunset out of her funk.

Ditzy smiled. "It's a lot more to go on than I had before."

Sunset's gaze sank to the floor. "But it does nothing to explain you."

The smile became a smirk. "Not on its own, no. But what if we take my cool pegasus self into account?"

"Well, that could fit the pattern of exposure to magic if—" Sunset blinked. "'Cool pegasus self'? She was a pegasus?"

Ditzy nodded. "That's what she said."

Dash scowled. "You got a problem with that?"

Sunset shook her head. "Dash, I'm not being tribalist."

"Triba-what now?"

Sunset started to pace again. "Prejudice against other kinds of ponies. Not the point. The point is that pegasus magic is mostly innate. Flight, walking on clouds, crash resistance, that sort of thing. Even their actively applied magic is mostly focused on weather manipulation. Pegasi don't create force fields or communicate telepathically. They don't cast magic that manipulates other magic. They can't do any of that; their thaumic systems aren't designed to do any of that, no more than mine was designed for flight.

"You all have to understand, I was one of the five most powerful unicorns in Equestria when I left, and without the Element of Magic, I haven't been able to produce a single spark of magic in this world. I had thought she was a unicorn with some trick or magical item I lacked. Even when I saw Ditzy's wings at lunch today, I thought, 'Okay, she said something about alternate universes. Maybe that Ditzy was a unicorn.' But if she described herself as a pegasus—" Sunset rushed up to Ditzy and grabbed her by the shoulders. "This isn't possible! Your duplicate isn't possible!"

"Sunset?" Applejack put a hand on Sunset's left shoulder. "Y' may want t' calm down."

"Yeah, take it down a couple notches," Dash said from her other side.

"We can figure this out, Sunset." Ditzy's calm words belied her wide eyes and plastered smile. "Just relax. And maybe let go of me."

"Sorry." Sunset relaxed her grip and stepped back. "Sorry. I'm cool." The others gave her some space. "It's just... Ditzy, your pony version violated everything I thought I knew about magic while she was here, and she did it all over again just now."

"Hmm..." Ditzy rubbed her chin, eyes slowly drifting ever more out of alignment. "I think I know why. You said music triggers pony magic because both are harmonic, right?"

Sunset gave a slow nod. "By two very different definitions of the word, yes. But that's just a hypothesis."

"And I'm building on it. So, if the Rainbooms playing music activates their magic, what does it say when me winning a card game activates mine?"

Sunset blinked, then shook her head. "You can't possibly be serious."

"It's only logical. Like I said, sympathetic magic. Symbols and such."

Rarity tilted her head. "Is anyone else lost?"

Fluttershy just nodded.

Applejack shrugged. "Ah figgered we should sit back an' let 'em jaw at each other fer a while. They'll get back t' plain speakin' once they got it puzzled out."

"I'm following every word," said Pinkie.

"Why ain't Ah surprised?"

"Because you're not my great-grandma."

"I think," said Ditzy, "that my cool pony self was a planeswalker."

"That's absurd," said Sunset.

"As absurd as a rampaging she-demon crushing the front of the school with the power of her mind?" Ditzy paused. "Um, no offense."

Sunset rolled her eyes, grumbling, "None taken."

"No, seriously, no offense intended. Looking back, that was actually really cool."

"It was," said Dash. "Like, 'heavy metal album cover' cool."

"The point is, if we go by the same logic, that's the conclusion we come to. You've talked a lot about all the things the game gets wrong based on what you know about magic. Well, the other me doesn't seem to follow magic as you know it, so..." Ditzy trailed off, prompting Sunset with a spread hand.

"I understand the logic, but..." Sunset shook her head. "If some game company can extrapolate a valid alternate model of thaumology, that has some worrisome implications about pretty much all fiction."

"Okay," said Dash, "I'm sure that this has some really deep meaning or whatever, but we're forgetting one very important question."

Rarity quirked an eyebrow. "And that would be?"

"Ditzy, are you gonna be using this in the Musical Showcase? 'Cause if you are, we're really gonna need to step it up. The whole 'ears and wings' thing was gonna be our thing."

Ditzy opened her mouth, but said nothing for a decent stretch. Finally, she shut it and shook her head.

Extrapolate 1U
Draw a card, then discard a card.
Storm (When you cast this spell, copy it for each spell cast before it this turn.)
"Now, what can we conclude from this?"

Author's Note:

I have a Rainbow Rocks snippet in the works, so in the spirit of the movie, I thought I'd lead up to it with a short featuring one of the human characters sprouting ears. Of course, when your residual magic is from associating with your planeswalking alternate self rather than powering the Rainbow Beam of Fix Everything™, Single-Element Edition®, the formula's going to change a little.

The mix of actual names and altered ones is pretty much a collection of spur-of-the-moment decisions. (Basically, I just didn't want to come up with new names for Magic setting pieces, but "Chandra Nalaar" probably isn't a name that this universe is going to come up with.)

Comments ( 41 )

Yayy more MtG goodness! Even if I've fallen out of the game IRL, this is entertaining.


Even when I say Ditzy's wings

Perhaps you meant 'saw'?

Also, if Blue doesn't start a cult, I'm going to be horribly upset >.>

Way to totally miss the point, RD. Also, this is going to make the Twilight Sparkle native to that splay even more confused when she crashes the place during EG3: Friendship Games.......


5677529 Entirely true. Or if there is one, it needs to cost something like 3UU.

So what would be a fair cost for this blue card?

Time Hike - ???


Take another turn after this one.


"Don't feel bad, Shim-Sham!"

Silly Pinkie, that's the R63 names for Flim and Flam!

"This isn't possible! Your duplicate isn't possible!"

Nice channeling of Twilight Sparkle in It's About Time. Is it a requirement for the most powerful magic-using unicorns in the world to still dismiss some magic as impossible?

And I love Maze's End decks. Or Gates, Hold the Gates, defender creatures, and Phenax, God of Deception.

First of all I just remembered how much I hated all Chandra cards, second, this further proves that the mechanic of storm is inherently impossible to balance, third, is the equestria girls universe a different plane or a incredibly detailed and coincidental pocket universe.

My little Walkers, my little Walkers, aaaaaAaaaaah~

Also: why would you make a draw card with Storm? Why would you make any card with Storm?

Firstly, you will all be pleased to know that I have made a slight adjustment to Extrapolate. (Note to the future: Originally, it was just "Draw a card." with storm. Hence the wailing and gnashing of teeth.) Let's just throw a reply here so everyone will see it: 5677529

Typo fixed. And Blue Oyster... probably won't start the Church of the Cowbell. That said, she definitely doesn't fear the reaper. Not out of any notable degree of bravery; it's just that she's a first-world teenager and hasn't internalized her mortality.

"And then there's this bullshit!"
"Miss Sparkle, are you talking to your dog again?"

Given that Time Stretch costs 8UU, I'm going to say... all of the mana. All of it.

As for Shim-Sham Sunset, when you think you've understood something for a long time and pride yourself on that understanding, you really don't appreciate it when some new development pulls the rug out from under you. (At least, not when you're a mage. When you're a scientist, that can be the highlight of the year.)

And both decks are my own. Not shown was the Planar Cleansing that disrupted what would've been a one-turn kill. (A friend dubbed Raspberry's deck "The Sparky-Sparky Boom-Boom Deck." It's accurate.)

You may hate Chandra cards, but they like you, because you're flammable. :scootangel:

As for your third point...
Short answer: Neither.
Long answer: The timeline containing CHS is part of Equestria's probability space, a six-dimensional manifold that encompasses everything that could happen in that particular universe. Probability space also contains the world of Good King Sombra and every fanfic ever. (That's actually why I created it: to make everything canon at the same time, if not in the same place.)

Because I am a silly pony on occasion. I think I fixed it. Of course, that's what they said about Lion's Eye Diamond...

5677851 thank Christ for that fix

5677851 Which means that there's every possibility that Planeswalker Ditzy Doo could take a bit of a side-trip to the Lunaverse.

Maybe if the mana cost was based on your storm count (like XXUUUU, where X is your storm count). And even then, the cost would be too easy to pay. Dedicated storm decks easily generate absurd amounts of mana when going off, and occasionally do infinite.

Here, try this:

Well of Time 5BBB
As an additional cost to cast Well of Time, pay X life, exile X cards from your hand, exile the top X cards of your library, and exile X nonland permanents you both own and control, where X is the number of spells cast before Well of Time this turn.
Take an extra turn after this one.

And that card still might be too good.


Given that Time Stretch costs 8UU, I'm going to say... all of the mana. All of it.

It doesn't matter how much it costs, because you cast it after resolving Omniscience.

Give that this has taken the second card ever to be banned and made it even more broken this would be a horrible mess to fix.

No mana cost could possibly be balanced. A potentially unlimited number of extra turns means a potentially unlimited amount of mana on any one particular if your deck is built for a format where the mana batteries or the mana storage lands are available (and almost every format that includes a release of the base set will have the batteries available).

Life costs don't work either because unlimited mana means unlimited effectiveness healing spells. A properly designed white-blue or green-blue deck can keep the cycle going for a very long time.

The only workable cost is restrictions on what you can do on your turn.

My suggestion:

Skip your next untap phase: Take another turn after this one.

Taking extra turns is less horrendously broken with storm than it appears at first glance because the entire point of Storm is to cast all your spells in one go. Unless it was unreasonably cheap in the first place, you'd be better off killing your opponent directly (or casting Empty the Warrens into, I dunno, Savor the Moment if taking an extra turn is that big of a deal to you).

It'd still have to cost 8+ because the 'balanced' cost for a Time Walk is somewhere between 4 and 5 mana. I consider Time Stretch to be overcosted for the sake of not having to balance it, much like Temporal Trespass. 1 extra turn = 5 mana, 2 extra turns =/= 10 mana. Some arbitrarily large number of extra turns in a deck which would prefer to Grapeshot its opponent? I'd spitball it at 9.

I've got a 8it of a rules nitpick: If you activate Chandra's +1, R8d 8om8ardment wouldn't activ8, since the Spitfire's power would 8e four, which is gr8ter than two, so its power would remain at four. Similarly, if you don't activ8 Chandra's +1 8efore com8at, unless you can activ8 pl8neswalker a8ilities as instants, the Spitfire's power wouldn't get a8ove four without an instant source of damage.

~Vriska Serket

Whoops! Since Teferi isn't in that deck, you're completely correct. I've made some adjustments to reflect that.

5677776 Why wouldn't you make a card with storm? Lightning Bolt, Abrupt Decay, Overrun, Rite of Flame, Reverberate, Wrath of God, Endless Swarm, Boomerang, Mind Rot, Healing Salve, Fireball, Ulamog, Hurricane...

Nope, no problem giving any card I can think of Storm.

"Her opinion has undeniable value among her peers. Her favor is desirable, her disfavor devastating, at least when going by the Crusaders." You can be devastated by any bully, though, it doesn't require popularity, just an ability to hit you where it hurts emotionally.

And yes, that's the part that jumps out at me, because I know you know that you're diverging from canon with the magic. Still, I think you're right that there isn't enough evidence to contradict it, but I do maintain there's no real evidence for it. No one (except Silver Spoon) wants to be on her team when they split into groups, for example.

Diamond Tiara shares some characteristics with the type of character one expects to be a popular bully, but there's no evidence she's actually popular, just a bully. She's not voted head of anything, she's not surrounded by adoring sycophants, she doesn't set fashion, she just tears people down and people would rather she didn't tear them down.

5813099 Ante still exists in the comprehensive rules, but you'll never see it in sanctioned play. Similarly, outside the game still exists, and is accessed by six tournament-legal cards (the Wishes). In tournament play, outside the game only lets you get cards from your sideboard. It is wholly separate from the exile zone. Prior to that rule change, one could generate infinite mana, then cast Cunning Wish to get Cunning Wish from one's sideboard, cast Cunning Wish to get the Cunning Wish that was just exiled, and repeat the process to generate infinite storm count. (That would be followed by Wishing for Brain Freeze.)

5814171 Figures I would forget at least one. Never got a chance to activate that ability.

And I'm caught up.

Ditzy becomes the queen of Ravnica again. It's weird to think of some AU version of me fighting alongside the army of Brimaz to beat back Tasigur's undying hordes and save Theros. An awesome idea, though.

Well, I doubt every game reflects an actual event in the Magic Multiverse. That would be rather silly. Of course, the trick is determining which ones do.

I approve of Luna being part of the 'Mirage' edition on the cover art. One of the best sets ever. Yeah I'm old.

Where can I find more of the cards from the cover art?

Following the source link found by mousing over the picture will take you to the artist's DeviantArt page. A lot of their pony work is also on Derpibooru. The card alters should be around page 8.


...Right. Yes. I knew that.

I totally knew that.

Pay no attention to the man behind the comment.

7094182 I was just hoping for more tales about my favorite wall-eyed Planeswalker.

They're coming. Eventually. I have a lot of different ideas to work on right now, to say nothing of non-horseword-related matters.

It may have been something about inventing a dish that tasted so good, it let her control the minds of those who ate it. Think of that Pinkie and the Brain episode where Brain was hunting for mind control crab to cook into pancakes to serve to a pancake breakfast for world leaders.

7494160 The way I figure it, ascension would boost the power of the spark itself, and there'd be some sort of resonance cascade or whatever you want to call it, and the power of said spark would get boosted to frankly ridiculous levels. Or you could go for something with a less ludicrous conclusion, but given that the in-universe source of this vision and, therefore, conclusions drawn from information displayed in the vision, is Discord, why on earth would you do that?

The magic game going on in the first half of the chapter jumped some circuits in my brain and i envisioned the whole chapter as aweird parallel universe LRR Friday Nights sketch. :derpytongue2:

Heh. This version of human Ditzy and her friends probably would be fans of Loading-Ready-Run.

Any plans on continuing this story?

Possibly, but it's an embarrassing number of years out of date at this point.

Just thought I'd ask.

So is this EQG in canon with Oversaturated?

More like a prototype for it.

Who cares? More adventures of Derpy: Planeswalker is most definitely required.

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