• Member Since 4th Jul, 2012
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Distorted Flare


When I had arrived in Equestria, I had been scared, miserable and alone, but then I had met Magnum and Pearl. The two had generously given me a roof over my head and a warm meal for my trouble. Years went by and the two became the closet thing I had to a family. When they had their first child Rarity I was given the honour of god father. I was later made legal guardian of both Rarity and the new addition Sweetie belle. Nearly three years later I would be hit with a devastating blow.

A single letter was all it took to shatter my world. I found myself the legal guardian of the two orphaned foals when I can barely afford to feed myself. Grieving and falling deeper into debt what can I do.?

Editor: Friendship is Magic

Chapters (2)
Comments ( 113 )

Lovin' it so far but the names remind me of two other fics.

'Raising Rainbow' A story about Rainbow's single parent father

'We regret to inform you' The cakes die leaving Pinkie with the twins

Wow really nicely written! I could go all day about how much I liked it but I figured you probably want some critiquing since everyone else will love this and praise it anyways :raritywink:

Ok, plot wise: I like it, very nice concept and adding progressing problems instead of having them all at the beginning was good however, I feel like this is very similar to a story in which the same thing happens to Pinkie Pie and she needs to take care of the Cake children(sorry I don't remember the name of the story). I would say try and add something to make it stand out from the others but you added a human which worked well(I wish I could make human/equestria stories as good as you!). Maybe next time add another plot device or problem that isn't just grieving.

Characters: Characters started off really nice and I liked it but during the intervention I felt that Soft Beat got mad and struck him quite hard for just saying a sentence that could have meant different things depending on interpretation. And Thomas was pretty quick to cave in and I felt you could have made the conflict in the intervention last a bit longer. But I am glad that you ended on a bitter-sweet tone!

At any rate, great story. Take my advice into account, or dont, it's all the same. Have a nice day.

Edit: Did not see Tinker's comment, the name of the story I was thinking about was We regret to inform you.

I read them but this idea has been festering in my head for about a year now. The main idea is to show how a human living in a alien world raises two kids. I briefly read my little dashie and though I like the idea but want to see more human interaction.

Even as a french, I saw a lot of typos indeed, about 10-15 (to be precise :trollestia:), especially around the letter and at the end, I almost put down the story to wait for a typoproof version of it :twilightblush:

Other than that, this story really touched my heart ... because of the cuteness of the lil' fillies that's for sure :twilightsmile:, but also because even though I've never been in quite a situation, I'm sure you will agree if I say that it takes BALLS to handle it :rainbowhuh:

I'm intrigued. For every slightly unique twist to hie story there are dozens that just take the same approach, overlooking the importance of those little changes from the onset to set the tone of the story.

Anywho, I think your spellchecker may have put in a few wrong words in the description.

When they had their first child Rarity I was given the honour of god father, Haven baby site for them countless times I was later made legal guardian of both Rarity and the new addition sweetie bell.

This sentence makes no sense near the middle. o.O You need to activate emergency editing mode, sire.

Interesting, something new from you for sure.

4154179 Salutations à vous Français homme. Pantalon ne peut jamais toucher vos jambes et vos aisselles jamais voient soap

Sorry my French is rusty as fuck I think this is hello :rainbowlaugh:

Good story, but it needs a proof-reader. If your getting one...

Just remember to pick me!

this seems pretty good, the pacing is.... eh ive seen worse, might want to slow down a bit, try to add some more meat to whats happening, like the intervention seemed pretty rushed to me, unless its getting continued in the next chapter, which is fine. With this said I'd also like to point out that almost all NEW proper story writers on here seem to have the same problem with the pacing of the events, you just have to find that sweet spot between going too fast and dragging something on for too long. Overall the theme of the story is very interesting, and quite original to boot. I dont know were your going to be going with this story, but as a recommendation, I think you should work through were the most PROBLEMS would be, being rarity dealing with the grief of her parents and the M.P. getting his act together, THEN you might want to look into a time skip of sorts, maybe going forward to raritys teen years.
dont forget, this IS a different Universe your writing, so feel the need to get creative with Rarity and sweetie bell's personality, with that said, you should still use rarity and sweetie bells usual personality's as a foundation to work in.

Well fuck me in the face and call me a Spanish whore. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
And so our paths have crossed once again. A new story, a new beginning, and new verdict to lay waste to.
Let's see just how this goes shall we?

We RegretTo Inform You

Uh, that isn't intentional is it? :trixieshiftright:

Not the first though, countless other bottles lay all the the floor. Patches of blood mingled with the remains of alcohol, as I had cut myself breaking countless items in the house. Broken plates and vases lay scattered around the room.

Oh great. We have one of those people. I liked him better when he just drank his troubles away. Now he's making the decision of conforming to the illogical and baser instinct of "Me mad. Me smash." :trixieshiftleft:

"FUCK!" I spat throwing a bottle against the wall, the glass shattered spraying the floor with dozens of razor sharp glass shards. Screaming in rage I flipped the table over tears once again streaming down my face as I fell to my knees sobbing pitifully, glass digging into my knees and hands.

Yes. Let the hate and despair run through you. :pinkiecrazy:

Blood trickled from the open wounds in my leg and hands as the young pony gasped.

"Can you stay with me, until I fall asleep"

ᶘ ಠᴥಠᶅ

"I never asked for this!"


Well, that intervention was... certainly something. :trixieshiftright:

I like the concept of the story but it feels a bit jumbled, hope you can sort this out as the story goes on.

Yeah, great idea, if a bit jumbled in places, but I think you would do well to get a better prereader/editor to help with your grammar. it isn't TOO bad, but the end seems to be missing an entire sentence. From reading this twice, it looks like your prereader is only reading it and not correcting the more glaring flaws here.

It has potential, but the pacing is a bit fast, theres pieces missing everywhere, and it needs an editor BADLY- there's missing commas, apostrophes... Even missing words and lines at times by the look of it. It could end up being a neat story, but there are a lot of kinks you'll need to work out first.

This is a good story, but get an editor. I saw a ton of grammar mistakes.

4156101 Well it sure is ... original :rainbowwild:

4158571 Désolé si mon Français est rouillé et sais que je jouais seulement autour de la chose de savon et un pantalon. Mon Français est très vieux, donc j'ai du mal à le lire, mais ironiquement assez encore tapez-le

4158083 Would you point a few out so I can at least scratch them off my list

I have to say, this is quite good, but with me being me, I can't help but be distracted by every single grammar error I notice (my brain is annoying like that). I mean, it's not that your grammar is awful, I've seen far worse, but if you just use a bit more punctuation, then you've got yourself a very good story on your hands. Oh, I almost forgot to mention; reason I'm here is because this thing was featured. Just thought you might like to know that. :twilightsmile:

Ugh... So many typo's... There also is next to no punctuation, especially for questions. There are a few Run-on's, and missing comma's everywhere. I like the concept of the story, but there are a lot of punctuation errors throughout the story, and, it seems to be going way to quickly. There could have been a chapter of the parents before they died, larger scenes, etc. It feels as you're trying to reach a specific part of the story that you're going to like writing, and trying to quickly write what you don't like. I recommend an editor, or at least look over the story a few times before you publish it. I will continue to read for the time being, but the typo's are standing out like a sore thumb.

I could give you a hand, if you want. Send me a Pm about it, if interested. The story needs an editor of some sort.


This is my first attempt at a real story so I need all the feed back and criticising you guys can spare. be as harsh as you need to be but please, constructive criticism only.

Well, you asked for it.

a freak storm forced the plane down.

I really don't think that Equestria has planes. I'd change this to an airship or maybe a train.

in this time of sorrow we too share your grieve

That should be "grief."

My deepest condolence for the lose of your friends

Those should be "condolences" and "loss."

The note lay crumbled beside an empty bottle of Everfree-clearin, the letter of condolence had splotches where tears had been spilt as I drunkenly sat in the pitch black house. I had long since ran out of tears to shed as I held a photo showing the three of us relaxing on the beach with Rarity, whom was only two years old at the time. I had been 22 at the time of the photo.

That comma should be a period or a semicolon, and the "whom" should be a "who." And the way you refer to it in the first two sentences make it seem like the note and the letter are two different things at first glance.

At this point I realized that this story probably has a decent number of grammatical mistakes, and explaining them all like that would be too time-consuming. So I decided to just edit them in the quote boxes. Hopefully my edits all make sense.

I remembered when I first came arrived here[. or ;] I was only 17 at the time. I was shunned and feared by many of the ponies all but two ponies. They had helped me by introducing me to their friends as well as giving me a room to sleep in. Those two had supported me and even helped me to get a job when everyone else shunned me. I became close to them, having meals together and meeting up for a few drinks at the local bars. Four years later, Rarity was born, and I was named godfather, to my disbelief god father. Five years later, Sweetie Belle was born, and I had received the privilege a second time.

Sniffling, I gently placed the photo back on the shelf. My eyes were red and swollen, and my lips cracked as I took another swig from the nearly empty bottle clutched tightly in my hands. Not the first though,; countless other bottles lay all the the floor. Patches of blood mingled with the remains of alcohol, as I had cut myself breaking countless items in the house. Broken plates and vases lay scattered around the room.
The letter had arrived at about nine, just as I was putting an very irate Rarity to bed. I remember reading the letter, my eyes darting franticly frantically from the letter to the mail pony in the hope's that this was some sick joke. The cold realisation and numbness hit me as I shakily closed the door. Reaching the kitchen, I had collapsed into a chair before I broke down sobbing. The pain and realisation that my friends were gone was agonising, as and I burred buried my head in my hands, tears pouring down my checks and landing on the note.

A second letter, which was currently tucked in my pocket, detailed Pearl and Magnum's desire and request that I be made [the word "legal" probably isn't absolutely necessary here, but I think it would be an improvement] guardian of the two fillies.

"FUCK!" I spat, throwing a bottle against the wall,. The glass shattered, spraying the floor with dozens of razor-sharp glass shards. Screaming in rage, I flipped the table over. Tears once again streaming streamed down my face as I fell to my knees sobbing pitifully, glass digging into my knees and hands.

"Uncle Thomas?" A small voice squeaked. Turning, I gave a weak smile as Rarity shakily stood in front of me, bleary-eyed, as she looked at the state of the kitchen. Blood trickled from the open wounds in my leg and hands as the young pony gasped.

"Hey, honey, shouldn't you be sleeping?" I whispered, brushing off the shards as I wobbly got to my feet.

"I heard shouting and I got I scared. Are you okay?" She whispered, holding her stuffed teddy bear to her chest,. It was the same one I had gotten her for her third birthday. I offered her a sad smile as I looked at the mess that was once the kitchen.

"Its okay, Uncle Thomas was just being clumsy is all. Silly me." I croaked, wiping the last remaining shards of glass and blood onto my jumper as I tentatively picked up the pastel filly, making sure not to get blood on her as she nuzzled into my chest. Ascending the steep stairs proved a challenge as I nearly fell a few times. The filly took it as me goofing about, giggling with each stumble as we reached her bedroom.

Gently tucking the exhausted unicorn in, I gave her a gentle kiss on the forehead, remembering to leave her night light on as she settled down.

"Can you stay with me, until I fall asleep?" Rarity whispered, her eyes meeting mine as I softened at her pleading face. Grabbing a chair, which was comically small for my size, I settled myself down next to her. Sighing, she cuddled into her toys, a content smile on her face as I gently stroked her mane.

Soon the gentle snores of the white filly echoed around the silent room. Giving a small sigh, I hoisted myself to my feet, gently kissing the sleeping pony on the forehead as I retreated. Closing the door behind me, I made my way back down stairs downstairs, grabbing a broom on my way past the cupboard. After quickly sweeping the glass into the bin, I lethargically dragged myself into the living room. I collapsed into a recliner chair, my eyes shutting as I passed out.

At the very least, you should add a horizontal rule or something in here to show a time skip and change of scene. And while you don't need to add a scene where Thomas breaks the news to Rarity and Sweetie, I think it might be a nice addition.

"It has been said, 'Time heals all wounds.' I do not agree. The wounds remain. In time, the mind, protecting its sanity, covers them with scar tissue and the pain lessens. But it is never gone! Magnum and Pearl were taken from this world too soon, and I can say that the world is now a slightly darker place with there their passing.," Cupcake finished, tears running down her face. as she finished, Carrot Cake stood beside the grieving mare, comforting her as she returned to her seat, crying.

I sat next to a weeping Rarity; the small filly was dressed in black as she and cuddled into me. Sweetie Belle was snoozing quietly in my arms. I had been hesitant to bring the foal, but many had said it would be good for her in later life to know that she got to see her parents off.

The funeral did not last too long as the two were laid to rest in the ground. I bit down on my lip as I watched the first layer of soil being dropped on the caskets, as if finalising the acceptance that the two were gone. Picking up an exhausted filly, I held the two close to me as I made my way down the graveyard path. Hailing a taxi, I allowed my mind to wander, as the silent ride home allowing allowed me time to think.

The family lawyer would be arriving to finalise the adoption as well as and to give a time for the will reading. The small bumps in the road seemed to rouse Rarity as and she gave a small sniffle. I gently stroked her head, the act well-liked by the ponies here, as she seemed to settle back down in my lap. I could not deny that I was terrified. I barely survived on my own, and now with the two fillies to look after I was scared. The first thing to do would be to sell the flat. I would start job searching tomorrow for a better job. Working at a high school did not pay the money that I would require to raise two kids and [You need a verb here. I don't think he's raising a house.] a house.

I happen to know families that are raising kids on just a high school teacher's pay. So either Equestria needs to pay teachers more, or something is wrong here. Or did you mean that he has a job working as a janitor or something at a high school? If so, you should be more specific there, because pretty much everyone is going to assume that you mean he's a teacher when you say he "works at a high school."
And that's assuming that Equestria even has high schools. Personally, I'm inclined to think that they don't but it's really just a matter of opinion.

"Here we are." The taxi driver grunted as I counted out the bits I was owed him. Walking up the small hill to the house, I awkwardly pulled my key out whilst holding the two sleeping girls. Yawning, I put both of them to bed and collapsing collapsed on in the guest bedroom. Turning I turned the night light off I and nodded off with in within a few minutes.

And this was the point where I decided that pointing out every grammatical error would be too tedious and time-consuming. So I'm only going to bring up story problems and the like from here on out.

Berry just sort of comes out of nowhere. You should explain why she's there, what her connection is to Thomas, that sort of thing.

One week is nowhere near enough time for Thomas to become so much of a drunk that the others would feel the need to hold an intervention.

It broke the mares heart but at the same time brought great relief as she had been pregnant at the time with Fluttershy. The little filly was eight now and despite her shyness had a kind heart like her mother.

Fluttershy said that she had never been on the ground before she got her cutie mark, so this really doesn't work.

Everything here happens way too fast. Try to slow things down and expand what you have here. You could make a full chapter out of Thomas finding out that Magnum and Pearl died and breaking the news to the girls (and some expansion on how Thomas got to Equestria and what his early days there were like wouldn't hurt either), another out of the funeral and reading of the will, and a third out of the intervention.

There is enough cursing here that I am somewhat inclined to recommend that you either a) cut it out/change it to G-rated pony curse words, or b) knock this up to a mature rating. But this is something of a gray area, so you can do what you want.

You could use some more variety in your sentence structure. It seemed like every other sentence followed the pattern of "Verbing, I did something."

And finally, you really need to do something about all the grammatical problems.

4159614 Thanks you very much! That was a huge help and I am glad you were so willing to help

Wrong speliing, wrong use of words, and LOTS of missing commas

4158779 Ton effort d'expression est tel un antirouille qui viendrait s'appliquer sur la partie rongée :raritywink:

Bref ne vient pas me voir si jamais t'avais besoin d'un poème en français :rainbowlaugh:

I like this concept already. Keep on trudging and don't give up, cuz I like where this story can take us. Liked and favorited. :raritywink:

will check this out later. seems intersting

Fix the description derp, it might discourage people to read your fiction:

sweetie bell

Sweetie Belle

The idea is awesome by the way.

4160391 J'ai été personnellement très heureux avec mon effort en écrivant Français. Et Merci pour l'offre d'aider

I am lost.

How is it that Berry Punch, Carrot Cake, Bulk Biceps, -and anyone else I've missed- are full grown, where as Rarity, Fluttershy, and presumably the rest of the main six are but children?

As well, Rarity is easily 8 to 10 years older than Sweetie Bell.
But in this fic they're only a few years apart.

Can someone explain this to me?

4161353 Berry punch the cakes and other ponies are older in about there 20s. Rarity is 7 and sweetie 2. I am making my own version where Rarity is slightly younger. think about it in the show the girls were teens or at the least 18

there are quite a few spelling mistakes but other then that I like it and would like to read it to the end.

Not bad indeed, but your overusage of "as" and incorrect punctuation are warranting an editor. You can go far with this.

4175943 I know currently whatmustido is helping me

4176077 Has he edited this first chapter yet?

4176087 fuck no trust me the edited one blows this out the water but it still needs work on my part to rushed

4176098 Dude "what must I do" wrote a grammar and spelling guide. He has the longest equestria story at 1.5 million words and is one of the best when it comes to helping a story

4176105 Oh, you mean the writer of "Diaries Of A Madman". Good catch - I quite dislike the fic myself, but that says nothing about the dude's editing skills.

Hmmm, I would say you've gotten off to an excellent start. The characters are well done and are believable in their actions. Nothing is forced, which is good. Natural progression makes for an interesting read.

While you could have spaced out these occurrences over several chapter, you pulled it off her excellently and I have no complaint...Though, I'm with
4161353 the character ages are a bit strange, as I thought Bulk Biceps was around the main six age.

And while I do agree the main six are rather young ladies, I always thought Rarity and Applejack were the oldest, possibly in their early twenties.

That is only a nitpick though. Nothing major or anything that hampers the fic. Heck, it doesn't even get me out of the immersion you've set in. It's just something I've noted. Still, this is your fic. Age play is within your right. (Heck, I did some crazy stuff with my own fic, 'A different Sunset'. I made Vinyl Scratch Diamond Tiara's older sister...So I'm far crazier then you.)

Keep up the good work.:pinkiesmile:

4176435 Thanks man its just with the new website still needing work and the The scent lust of mares comic series we are working on it is a bit stressful so my writing is slightly sloppy. The funding is low at the moment so we are hopping to sell commissions to get the needed money.

Comment posted by Distorted Flare deleted Apr 4th, 2014

A sequel for this story, or even better a new chapter!:duck: btw nice hat.

Insta-Fav and Like. :pinkiehappy: This story intrigues me, keep up the good work. :twilightsmile:

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