• Published 25th Mar 2014
  • 363 Views, 2 Comments

You're All I Need - Lucky Seven

It's Twilight Sparkle's birthday, but someone is missing.

  • ...

This is indeed a one-shot

You’re All I Need

Written & Edited by Seven81493

The party was over. Streamers lay scattered around the otherwise barren floor, balloons bobbed against the ceiling, and half empty cups remained on the tables. The party had ended long ago, but one pony still remained, her slow breathing creating the only noise in the otherwise silent home. For everyone else, the party had gone well. The birthday girl had seemed rather happy, and it had gone by without so much as a hiccup.

But for the birthday girl herself, Twilight Sparkle, the day had been rather uneventful. True, the party had been almost exactly like she had imagined it. Yet, one important thing had been missing. The final piece of her birthday puzzle. Without it, everything had seemed wrong and out of place.


“Honey, I would never miss your birthday.”

“You promise you’ll be there?”

“Have I ever broken a promise before?”

“No, but…”

“Then don’t worry, I’ll be there.”


But he wasn’t. At least, not yet. She had to hold out hope that he would eventually show up, though. After all, like he had said before, he never broke a promise. Until then, though, all she had to think about was how the two of them had met.


Walking along the convention center floor, Twilight Sparkle’s excitement was clear to anyone who passed by her. She was finally going to meet the creator of her favorite anime series, and it was going to be the best day ever. She was so excited, though, that she didn’t notice the stallion in front of her. As she bumped into him, her momentum carried her forward and the collapsed into a pile on the floor.

“Oh my goodness, I’m so sorry! I should have been watching where I was going and I wasn’t and--” Twilight began yelling, only to be interrupted by the stallion moving out from under her and raising himself upright.

“It’s quite alright, dear. One can never be too excited at these convention, after all.”

“F-fancy Pants?” Twilight could hardly believe it. “You like anime?”

“Not anime, per se, but I am a fan of the Neighpon arts. I find a simple elegance to them that our artists are hard pressed to capture,” he explained, holding out a hoof to Twilight, who graciously accepted the help. As he helped lift her up, she entered ‘Twilight Mode’ and immediately asked the first question that came to her mind.

“So what type of Neighpon media do you like?”

“Mostly manga, but I like to indulge myself in anime every once in a while.”

“What’s your favorite series?”

“Though it gets a lot of hate nowadays, I’d have to say the Pony Ball series.”

As Fancy Pants gave his answer, Twilight’s face recoiled in disgust. “Ew, it has like no plot and all they do is scream and yell at each other. You’d have to be stupid to consider that good.”

Fancy Pants only grinned at her before responding kindly, “Now now, I would think that the illustrious Twilight Sparkle, savior of Equestria, would know not to judge other ponies based on what they like.”

To that, Twilight could only blush in embarrassment. After all, he was right. Just because someone liked a show she thought was bad gave her no right to insult them. “Sorry, you’re right. I forget my manners sometimes when discussing anime, manga, and the like.”

“It’s only normal to act that way sometimes when you’re passionate about something, so think nothing of it. Anyways, I must be off, as I have a panel I don’t want to miss.”

“What panel?”

“The one starring the creators of Gurren Lagann.”

“You’re kidding! I was just on my way to that one as well!”

“Well then,” Fancy Pants began with a smirk, “care to accompany me there, Ms. Twilight?”

“Please, just Twilight,” she replied with a smile and a nod. As they began making their way to the panel, they engaged in a little more idle chit chat to pass the time.

“So have you heard they’re going to be revealing the first episode of a new anime?”

Almost instantly, Twilight became giddy. “Really?!”

“Something or other that has to do with clothes, if I’m not mistaken.”

“Oh… that sounds pretty dumb.”


Looking back, it was a surprise how good that show had ended up being. So good, in fact, that she and Fancy Pants had had weekly get-togethers to watch it with one another. The show eventually ended, but the get-togethers never did. Even now, two years later, they continued. Only now, they had more meaning to them. What were one get-togethers were now dates.

As Twilight continued poring over her thoughts, a knock at the door shook her out of her memories. Slowly, ever so slowly, she rose to her hooves and began making her way to the door, a huge smile on her face. As she opened it, she could barely contain her excitement. Finally, the door was fully open and her beau was the only thing she could see. As he slowly made his way inside, she slammed the door and pounced onto him, wrapping him into a big hug.

“Wow, Twilight, you’re especially happy tonight…” he wheezed out, slowly being strangled by the purple mare. Giggling nervously, she loosened her grip on him, but still refused to let go.

“I’m just really happy you’re here!”

Fancy Pants slowly surveyed his surroundings. The floor was a mess, the ceiling had balloons scattered about it, and there were dirty plates and cups everywhere. “I take it the party is over?”

“Fancy, the party ended like two hours ago. Everypony was wondering where you were.”

“Oh, then I suppose I broke my promise after all. I’m terribly sorry for ruining your night, Twilight.”

“Ruining it? I couldn’t be happier!”

“But I missed the party!” he retorted, unable to believe Twilight could be this happy with him after he broke such a big promise.

“But you’re here now, and that’s all that matters.”

As Twilight said that, she pulled Fancy Pants in for a kiss, one she had longed for the entire day. After a few moments, they both pulled away and did nothing but look into one another’s eyes.

“I love you, Fancy Pants.”

“I love you, too, Twilight Sparkle. Happy birthday.”

Author's Note:

So I'd like to make it clear that while I did try my best on this story, it's not going to be my best. Not even close to it. But to that end, I wouldn't care if it got hundreds of red thumbs as long as FlanChan likes it. It is written for her, after all. And for those wondering, yes, the characters were based slightly on FlanChan and her boyfriend, Dunsparce. The pairing was a bit weird to write, but I just used their favorite characters.

Anyways, enjoy reading and I hope you guys like the story.

Comments ( 2 )

I thought it was worthy; an unlikely ship, perhaps, but often those are the best. (And as we all know, I have a vested interest in Twi's love life.)

This was a pretty alright fic for what it was worth, I greatly enjoy Fancylight, it's my favorite ship for Twilight.:rainbowkiss: Also, I love the anime references.:pinkiehappy:

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