• Member Since 26th Aug, 2013
  • offline last seen Apr 14th, 2022


'The length of a film should be directly related to the endurance of the human bladder.' ~ Alfred Hitchcock.


In an ideal world no one cries. In most pony's world ponies cry, they weep and feel sorrow. They feel pain but there's always someone there: a parent, friend or even a pet. In my world ponies cry, ponies weep, ponies feel sorrow. I feel pain. That's it. Nopony is there for me, no friends, no family, not even the stray cat at the end of the street. No one. I didn't choose this life, it didn't choose me. It just happened. No pony understands, maybe they do, maybe not, it doesn't matter. Either way no pony cares. When I cried they didn't cry back. So shouldn't I continue this tradition?

First time trying to write first-person narrative that changes each chapter and second time writing fanfiction. Please no hate, but constructive criticism welcome. DISCLAIMER: I DO NOT OWN MY LITTLE PONY OR HASBRO
If any one reading this knows of a better cover image then please alert me.
Teen for language and slight gore.
I have chosen to reveal the plot as I doubt I shall continue writing. Hope you enjoy!

Chapters (2)
Comments ( 16 )

Wow... just wow. Anyone who downvotes must not like stories when Trixie is going through rough times. I love this story so much and it deserves a favorite and like from me. I don't favorite stories very often, but this... I have no words to describe how wonderful this is. You have some real talent sir/madam, and it's authors like you that inspire me to be better. I know you probably wanted some type of constructive criticism, because as an author, I myself want people to tell me what's wrong with my work too. But I got so into the story, I couldn't even think about that stuff. My brain was too busy picturing how this all went and I'm afraid if I go back and read it, I will only get lost in it. This looks like hours and days of hard work and I love it. I enjoyed this story and I hope to see more from you.

Thank you so much!:pinkiehappy: I did spend quite a while and probably have irritated the fans of When Rainbows Cry, by spending so much time on this. Either way it is great that you loved it so. I shall continue working on this and my other story and sometime, hopefully soon, I will update them both and be the writer I want to be: One who actually updates her stories. :facehoof:

5040442 Yeah I know how it feels to be the one everyone is waiting for. But you get used to it I guess. And again, great story.

5040464 Danke. I was looking at the stories you write and I was wondering, there's this story I think you would love, you've probably heard of it but it's called 'Fallout: Equestria, Project Horizons' It's a branch off of the story Fallout: Equestria, in which the inspiration should be quit obvious. It's originally on google docs and whenever it get updated EQD does a post on it so look there if you're interested.

5044948 Well, I have to read Fallout: Equestria first. I have heard of it since I've been a brony 1 year ago, but I never got to reading it. Thanks for recommending the story though! I'll be sure to check it out when I can.

Also, you see a story you like in there? I always love to hear other's opinions.

5047003 I haven't read the first one, just skipped to the other. Of course there's probably a lot I'm missing out on, but it also keeps the mystery of the memory orbs. If you read the first one then you'd know what this is, who this is, why this is happening. But if you don't then you get a closer connection to the characters, to the plot, and frankly I like that more. I started reading it sometime in April/May I think and am only on volume 2, at that point I was only a brony (pegasister) for about 8 months max.
The story that I liked the most was 'Friends Forever', I agree a lot with the comments on there only I think you need to give some sort of idea on what is happening at that moment, are they depressed? Are they going abut their lives normally? What is currently happening in Equestria? I felt slightly like I was in a place without any grounding, that may have been what you were going for, and if it was then you need to give it some backing otherwise your empathy for the characters may be lessened or lost.
Just some ideas, but great story, maybe you could even make some side stories on it, go through what happened to them through their POV.

5063157 Yeah, I might. I just put one of my theories in story form. I know since one of the story writers said that Twilight won't outlive her friends, people have had Twilight die in their stories or the mane six become alicorns, but I haven't seen my theory anywhere. So I figured I'd make something different.

If you really want to know, it was 100 years after they defeated Nightmare moon (As the story said) and the castle and Ponyville is all the same. Just new ponies going around. They do have a bit more and better technology and yes, the mane six are depressed, but they still try to move on and live a normal life. In Equestria, the enemies don't really appear that much, and if they do, Twilight and friends can beat them really easily. Too easily. There's not much that's different in equestria at that time except for one thing: the ponies are getting dumber and crazier (Like what's happening in our world right now), and more violent. That's about it. I hope that helps you and thanks for reading my story!:twilightsmile:

5063375 Well it was a good idea to do so. K thanks, but one final question: if it was a hundred years, assuming that ponies live to their normal age of 30, how are Rainbow's and Soarin's kid only going to die in 5 years, wouldn't it make more sense to say they live longer and have it be their grandchildren? Just a thought, and really it might not make much sense as I didn't get much sleep and it's currently 11 PM over here and I spent all of today working on a science project. Do you have any questions about NOCWIC?

5065240 Well, I figured ponies would live longer in Equestria than on earth because of all of the magic. I figured they'd live like 50-55ish years instead of 30 years. Because... y'know... magic.

Um, no.I don't have any questions. But that might be because I have so much on my mind. It's like this: I got friend zoned by my crush and found out she likes someone else, so I feel horrible. On the other hand, a cute boy wants to go out with me. I seriously don't know what to do and so as a result, my comments look dumb. I shouldn't even be telling you about this, you probably don't wanna know about my problems. I'll um... be quiet now.

5065296 Oh, Ok.
I'm no expert in love, in fact I've never felt it before (unless you count my cats), but I think you should be supportive of your crush and let her be happy, if things don't work out with those two then be there to support her through it, then you can tell her your feelings, as, if you truly love her then you'd want her to be happy. If you like the boy and want to date with him then yes, go out with him, I don't know your life and I don't know your style but I don't think you should date him if the only reason is he's cute. Your comment doesn't look dumb at all, you should see the chats my friends have if you want to see dumb.
You can tell me anything you want to, I like to think that I help my friends and that's now what I consider you. If you have any other problems or just want someone to chat with you can talk to me.
Did this help at all, or am I making too big a deal out of it?

5068038 Yeah, that's what I was planning to do. I was gonna tell her how I felt and then help her out with her crush. The cute boy, however, is one of my best friends and he's a gentleman too! Who wouldn't want that in a man?

Also, thanks! You'll be the first one I come to if you really don't mind. And you really help me confirm what I was going to do and you're not making too big of a deal out of it.If anything, judging by the state of my room (Pillows thrown around and a few things broken. A few tear stains on the pillow beside me), I was making too big of a deal out of it. I thought of it as only a crush, but I feel as if it might be something like love. I'm not sure. I do know that if it is, it's one hell of a crush. Thanks for the advice, you're awesome!

5068417 Well That's great that you've decided and I hope you feel better. True, True.
Oh not at all, feel free to comment/message me whenever you want to, sometimes writing things to people is easier than having to say it, as if you're just thinking it normally and not telling people, that's how I told my friends I was depressed.
Nonsense! I'm sure if I was in your position the whole of England would know (I can scream and shout incredibly loudly and when I'm mad/sad I get weirdly powerful). No problem, anytime.

Quick question: What other fandoms are you in, if any?

5068669 Aww, thanks! Hey, you're awesome too, y'know that?

Other fandoms... Well, I'm into Mario, Sonic, just began doing the Kirby stuff and then there's umm... well... I'm not sure how many Yaoi fans are out there, but there's Junjo Ramantica and lastly RWBY.

5068700 i.chzbgr.com/maxW500/7422318080/h60F45CC6/
or i.chzbgr.com/maxW500/1435606784/h7C439956/
I like gaming though sadly I am complete and utter hopeless at it. I was interested in watching RWBY but never got around to it with everything else going on, my end of years were going on at that point so... Do you know the anime/manga 'Hetalia'? I've done a blog post on it, and for once they have a ship that people agree with that's actually cannon (LudwigXFeliciano). It's freaking adorable and has so many analogies you can relate to in real life. Every episode is around 5 min long so if you end up hating it then it's not that long of your life wasted, assuming you do try it. You'd be surprised how many yaoi fans I know...

This story is amazing! I found no errors in any way and the story line is great. I friend so much.

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