• Published 27th Mar 2014
  • 7,777 Views, 205 Comments

Dissociative - Strawberry Jelly

On the rock farm, we spent our days working the fields. There was no talking, there was no smiling, there were no friends, and I was most certainly lonely.

  • ...

Chapter 7 - Telling Twilight

By Strawberry Jelly
Chapter 7 - Telling Twilight

"Well, we saved your friend, but we couldn't save the glass cups," The doctor said with a perfectly straight face that's gaze shot over his glasses.

"No." Maud replied flatly.

"You should sue your doctor for not saving your sense of humor," The doctor said again with a roll of his eyes. He let out an exasperated sigh before continuing, “We stitched her up before she lost too much blood, so she should be fine there. On that subject though, she is still unconscious though, so I want to keep her here overnight at the very least; tomorrow we'll have to see if her condition has improved.”

Twilight nodded and shook the unicorn's hoof gently, “Thank you so much Doctor Funnybone. Can one of us stay the night to watch over her? I think it would help put us at ease knowing at least somepony is with her.”

The doctor's lips formed a wry frown for a moment before he nodded, “Normally I would say only family, but I know that you girls are her family, so if one of you wants to stay the night with her, you can. Now, if you'll excuse me, I do have other patients that have a sense of humor to attend to.”

After watching the doctor trot down the hallway, Maud turned to face the other mares in the room, “Only one of us can stay. I want to stay.”

“But I need to know if she's okay,” Marble protested quietly, wiping her stained cheeks free of the streaks that littered them.

“I want-” Octavia started before being cut off by the harsh glare of her youngest sister.

“You want to what? It's your fault this even happened!” Limestone spat out with her words laced with enough venom to stop an ursa major's heart.

“I know...” Octavia lowered her head, blinking back the burning tears that were threatening to start down her cheeks again.

“You pushed her into Pinkie,” Maud said with the blunt force of a hammer, causing all three sisters on the bench to wince.

“You did kind of overdo it, Lime,” Marble scolded her little sister before turning back to the eldest, “But you did appear out of nowhere, Octavia. I think you two need to talk and I'll stay with Pinkie.”

“Or you three can talk and I'll stay. You are just as angry at Octavia as Limestone is,” Maud pointed out the fact that Marble almost burst into tears the moment she had seen Octavia.

“And you weren't angry?!” Limestone barked at Maud, “You were the angriest out of all of us at what happened!”

“What did happen?” Rarity chimed in, raising a hoof before receiving a death glare from all four sisters; well, save for Maud's passive and unreadable gaze.

“She almost killed us,” Limestone said angrily before turning back to the eldest sister, “Because she wanted to-”

“Lime, that's enough,” Marble said firmly. Her voice was as quiet as ever, but any of the Pie sisters knew that tone of voice. When Marble had that specific tone, it was one that even Maud feared to disobey.

Twilight put her hoof onto Maud's withers with a knowing gaze, to which Maud nodded quietly. All of Pinkie's friends were worried about her, but had stayed quiet because of the clear tension and harsh argument that had filled the room. Twilight opened her mouth in a voice that was somewhere between her usual tone and a semblance of the Royal Canterlot Voice.

“I will stay with Pinkie Pie. I think you girls have a lot to talk about, and having one of you here with Pinkie will not help.”

“But she-” Limestone started before being cut off by the full force of the Royal Canterlot Voice.

“Do you think Pinkie Pie would be happy to wake up to you four still arguing?”

“No, I suppose not...” Limestone bit her lip.

“I-I guess not...” Marble agreed.

“No.” Maud chimed in.

“You're right,” Octavia nodded without looking up from the floor, her forehooves slowly rubbing against one another nervously. She knew that coming back wasn't going to be easy, but she certainly hoped that it wouldn't have started like this.

“Good, then I want you four to go back to the library, sit down, ask spike for a glass of tea, and talk this out like civil ponies,” Twilight's voice returned to normal as she looked over the four mares, “Please; if not for yourselves, then do it for Pinkie.”

“... I'll try,” Limestone said, puffing her cheek out angrily to show her pouting.

“Don't 'ya worry Sugarcube, Ah'll go with them 'ta make sure it stays nice and calm,” Applejack reassured the princess with a smile.

“Me too!” Rainbow Dash nodded and landed next to her friend with a small grin, “Besides, it'll be better than cloud busting for a day.”

“Not quite what I'd call a responsible outlook, but thank you both. Are you four okay with this?” Twilight turned to face the sisters, to which Maud nodded.

“It will help.” Maud said calmly. “Can we talk before I go, though?”

Twilight only nodded as the other three sisters glared at one another while leaving, “Sure.”

“Please take care of my sister. I know what we're about to talk about will not be easy; neither for us, and even less for your friends.” Maud said in a softer voice than usual, which was enough to let even Twilight hear just how worried the cold mare really is. “I didn't particularly want to see Octavia, but Pinkie did, so I will try. After all, Pinkie had caught the worst of what happened.”

“What did happen?” Twilight bit her lip at Maud's words.

“I'm sure you will find out soon enough,” Maud said and shook her head, “But for now, I need to get back.”

The princess watched the gray mare leave through the large doors of the hospital. Although she was usually apathetic to the world around her, apparently she was a lot like Big MacIntosh in dealing with her anger: She actually evolved her speech beyond one or two word responses.

“I didn't know you could shout like that, Twilight,” Fluttershy whispered from beside the lavender mare, who looked back with a slight frown on her lips.

“Luna's rubbing off on me I think.” Twilight admitted with a faint blush.

“I for one thought you dealt with that fairly well, Darling,” Rarity rested a reassuring hoof on her friend's withers, “I do hope they talk things out though; I would go, but I'm worried that things may get... brutish again.”

“I really hope so too...” Twilight stared out at the door again where the sisters had left only moments ago. She really was hoping with her whole heart to put this rivalry to rest; after all, if it did this to Pinkie, then it's hard saying what could happen to the other Pies if it went unchecked.


Twilight's dreams weren't anything special, involving nothing more than a surreal landscape involving her reading a story with Princess Celestia in her private study. It was just a good dream to end a horrible day that Twilight reminded herself to thank Luna for later. Her awakening however, had come with an uneasy emotion as she noticed a stitched Pinkie fiddling uneasily with one hoof at the glass of water by her bedside. Groggily, Twilight embraced the plastic cup with her magic and helped the pink mare drink down the refreshing liquid.

“Thank you,” Inkie closed her eyes again and rested her head back against the pillow before they shot open in shock at the realization of the color of magic that had just gave her the drink, “Twilight?!”

Her cheeks stained red and she pulled the blanket uneasily over her wounded body, hiding her face a little behind her mane. Of all of the mares that she had expected to find in her room this late at night, Twilight certainly wasn't on the list of them. Not that it was not a welcome surprise, but it was a surprise no less for the gray mare.

“I'm so glad you're okay, Pinkie,” Twilight frowned as her eyes lingered painfully on the wounds that Inkie had failed to cover; especially on the gash on her leg that had seven stitches holding it closed.

Inkie swallowed, unable to stop her gaze from crawling over the princess' body, from the tip of her tail to the length of her outspread wings. Even with that disheveled mane and gaping yawn, she was still just as gorgeous as ever to the bedridden earth pony. Not that she would ever admit to noticing such a thing, as it would be completely silly to be looking at a friend like that.

“I guess they saved me,” Inkie mumbled, not really sure if that's what she wanted or not at this point. She knew what would be waiting for her the moment she got out of the hospital; four arguing sisters and a long explanation. Normally she would've already been working on a plan to fix the argument between her sisters, but Twilight's presence was already turning her brain to mush.

“The doctor couldn't save the glass cups though,” Twilight deadpanned the doctor's horrible joke from earlier.

“Doctor Funnybones?”

“Doctor Funnybones.”

Inkie let out a little giggle, feeling a little of her tension ease at the expense of the good doctor. Not that the stallion hadn't made the mare laugh once or twice, but he was definitely a doctor and not a comedian. The gray mare brought her gaze back to the alicorn that wore a kind smile on her face that made Inkie's breath catch in her throat momentarily.

“How are my sisters doing?” Inkie still felt groggy from the minor anesthetics that were no doubt given to her earlier that night, but she did her best to focus on the librarian.

“Talking things out hopefully,” Twilight shrugged, “I'm worried about you right now, though. You were pretty beat up.”

“I'm okay, Twilight. Just a little sore,” Inkie offered a half-smile and let the blanket slide down a little, showing off her battle scars from her brawl with the table, “I feel sugary though; well, more than usual.”

“I always thought you'd think that was a good thing, Pinkie,” Twilight giggled.

“You can call me Inkie, Twilight.”

“What?” Twilight blinked confusedly.

By Celestia's beard, did I really just say that?!” Inkie screamed in her head, realizing the anesthetics had caused her to let her guard down. Her heart started to speed up awkwardly at the strange look that the beautiful mare was giving her. “I... I don't know?”

Twilight raised an incredulous brow and shook her head, deciding to put that question on the back burner. She was more worried about her friend's physical state than her mental state. Although, her curiosity still got the better of her, “Okay; so, do you want me to get you anything? Food, cake, pie... oatmeal cookies?”

Inkie brought a thoughtful hoof to her lips. Oatmeal cookies really did sound good; especially if they had raisins in them, but the way she emphasized the offer felt a bit strange. It was almost like she was expecting something out of it.

“I'm not very hungry,” She said warily.

“I see...” Twilight nodded. If there was one thing she knew about Pinkie, it was her ability to always be able to eat. Maud told her to stop prying, and she wanted to agree, especially in light of recent events, but that nagging feeling still ate away at her. In a way, her scientific upbringing had become a problem, but the conflicting desire to protect her friend struck her uneasily.

Did hours pass, or was it just minutes? Inkie really couldn't tell; she just knew that the clock was ticking and that the silence was becoming unbearable to her. Her hind legs shifted uneasily under the blankets before she finally spoke up along with Twilight at the same time, “I-”

Twilight faltered, “No, go ahead.”

Inkie bit her lip, but nodded, “Twilight, can I tell you something?”

“Of course you can, Pinkie. You can tell me anything,” Twilight tried her best to hide her excitement. She was hopeful that Pinkie would finally be ready to talk about what's on her mind, but it also had a strange feeling of dread sinking into her gut at the mare's words.

“No, can you Pinkie Promise me? Like, truly and absolutely Pinkie Promise me?” Inkie brought a worried hoof to her lips, biting uneasily at the wall.

“Cross my heart, hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye,” Twilight recited verbatim with matching motions. Although she was worried for Pinkie's mental stability, the quest for knowledge proved too strong for her sense of reason; she gladly gave the mare what she wanted to hear. Not that it was halfhearted mind you, she knew good and well that no matter what was about to be told, she could not tell a single soul. The gravity of her promise sunk heavily on her heart, but it seemed to settle the pink mare that was shifting uncontrollably moments ago.

Inkie took a deep breath and closed her eyes, “Twilight... W-What I'm about to tell you is something that I've only told one other pony. Maud is genuinely the only other mare that knows.”

Twilight felt a cold chill settle over her body, causing her mouth to form words that she didn't want to say, but knew she had to, “Pinkie... I-If you're not comfortable telling me, then you don't have to...”

“No... I need to. I need to tell somepony and I want it to be you.” She took a deep and uneasy breath before continuing, “T-Twilight... How much do you know of mental disorders?”

Twilight brought a hoof to her lips in thought. She didn't know too much about them, but she did read an entire encyclopedia on the subject, so maybe she could safely answer, “A bit.”

Inkie closed her eyes again and took another shaky breath, almost having second thoughts, but forcing herself back into control, “Dissociative Identity Disorder?”


“Multiple Personality Disorder?” Inkie sighed internally, feeling a bit let down that Twilight didn't know the name.

“I've heard of it, why?”

“What have you heard?” Inkie's voice was almost pleading, needing to have some kind of comfort that Twilight was unsure she wanted.

Twilight thought back over the book, searching through her own head for the pages that she had read, and finally settling on a realization, “The disorder that doesn't exist?”

Although she said it unsure, it still stabbed like a dagger into the gray mare's heart, causing her to shut her mouth and close her eyes, breathe staggering. Those words again. It was those words that had plagued her since her childhood. It was those words that she didn't let anyone know affect her. It was those words that Maud only said once and quickly learned the error of her ways. It was those words that the therapists insisted on. It was those words that she had fought with for years until she moved to Ponyville. It was those words that her father drove her away with. It was those words that made her just want to shut up again, but she couldn't...

It was Twilight. She needed to make her friend understand. She needed to make Twilight understand just how real she was. “It exists.”

“What?” Twilight asked curiously. Books had never really been wrong before, so why would they be now? “The Encyclopedia said so.”

Inkie took another shaky breath and shook her head, “How old is this book you've been reading?”

“About a decade, why?” Twilight blinked innocently, truly unsure of just how inaccurate her source really was.

“Twilight...” Inkie facehooved, feeling a burning feeling through the wounded hoof that she chose to ignore, “It was renamed and reclassified as a disorder two years ago.”

“Wait, so why bring it up?” Twilight tilted her head, not yet fitting the puzzle pieces together. Inkie silently lamented at how such a brilliant mare could be so blatantly oblivious; a trait that she somehow found herself actually liking about the princess.

“Twilight, because I have it?” Inkie felt her own frustration overpower her uneasiness on the whole situation, but it only elicited a curious glance from the mare.

“Wait, so... So you have different personalities up there?” Twilight deadpanned in disbelief. Not that she was going to rule out the possibility for Pinkie; after all, she had learned the hard way not to defy the pink mare's bizarre nature, but it was still a bit piece of information to take in. With that question answered though, she could already feel more bubbling up.

“Five at least, including me,” Inkie replied.

“Wait, so Inkie... Does that mean you all have your own names?” Twilight hopped up from the chair with a sparkle appearing in her eyes, “Oooh, what are they like? Do they have their own favorite foods? Wait... Am I talking to one right now?!”

Inkie couldn't help but be taken aback by the surprising response from her friend, but felt a smile appear on her face that actually helped melt the fear away. Maybe it was Twilight's ignorance of the disorder, but it truly calmed her nerves to know that she was just going to be so accepting of it. Sure, she was probably still going to catch ten kind of Tartarus for telling their little secret, but Twilight had been asking questions anyway, and if any mare was going to understand, then it would've been her.

“Do they talk to you in your head, or how do the personality changes work?”

Well, at least Inkie assumed she would understand. Being well read apparently wasn't enough in this case, but it still made the gray mare laugh.

“Okay, okay, so yes, I am Inkie and I'm not Pinkie. I like to read and I talk to the others through different means, so it's hard to explain...” Inkie tried her best to answer the barrage of questions, but she finally took a deep sigh and closed her eyes. Might as well strike while the iron's hot, and it's something that Pinkie had been nagging her to do ever since she had found out anyway. With a deep breath, she spoke and cut off the inquisitive mare with one simple statement, “And I love you.”

“What kind of books do you like? Can you bake or throw parties? Are you-” She paused and simply blinked a few times, “Wait, what?”

Author's Note:

Here's a kind of short space filler chapter that hits lighthearted again before things get dark. Hope you enjoyed it no less though.

Feel free to like, dislike, comment, critique, or scenario this story/chapter. After all, I do love a good critique to get the creative juices flowing! That being said though, I really am glad that you all are liking the story. I know some of the chapters get a little dry here and there, but I want to try and give you all chapters on a regular basis at least (not that I'm trying to sacrifice quality; this chapter was rewritten 3 times before I was happy).