• Published 31st Mar 2014
  • 523 Views, 11 Comments

The Return of Change - SilverWingDashie

The Changeling Queen plots her revenge on Twilight and her friends.

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Prologue: Awakening

A pale moon rose over a lifeless land as beetles scurried about a rocky terrain. Tall shadows bathed the land in an inescapable darkness as mindless creatures milled about searching for food. Dark figures darted across the obsidian sky as the sound of buzzing filled the air, a small patrol of changelings finished their route. Their eyes combed the horizon for something they knew they would never find; a source of food. Changelings live by depleting a land of love and kindness, they thrive off of the misery, and as far as any pony was concerned this land was truly miserable, void of compassion.

In the distance, a crude castle stood, looming ominously over the life-less land. Within its hollow confines a bitter queen paced back and forth. "My Queen." A shrill voice broke the unearthly silence of the Queen's chambers.

The queen stopped suddenly and gave a silent growl. "Unless you have found a source of food I suggest you leave before you become my next meal." She said quietly.

The changeling inched backwards before taking to the night sky. "We will continue to look my Queen." He said as he quickly left her chambers.

"You better you insignificant slug." A snarl spread across her lips and she scoffed and continued to pace.

Ever since her defeat, almost three years ago at the hooves of Twilight Sparkle and her friends, the queen had been harboring a deep and bloody vengeance against those who had made a fool of her. Never before had the Queen been so humiliated and cast aside as quickly as she was that day, that single, perfect, day.

"You think you're so powerful don't you Twilight? With your love and compassion, you disgust me you insignificant foal, and now Celestia has seen fit to grant you a crown?" Chrysalis' voice echoed off the walls of the castle filling the empty chambers with a foreboding sense of hatred, envy, and desperation.

With a shout Chrysalis threw her head forward as a sickening shade of green light flew from her horn into the wall causing it to disintegrate. "Let's see how well your crown; your love; your compassion hold up to me now, deceit and trickery will no longer be enough. No, not at all, not when I have mastered the power of destruction, and you, without your precious elements!"
The Queens eyes widened with madness as she cackled, bordering the line of sanity with the pit of insanity. "I will make you watch as I kill every pony you love and hold dear. Leaving you to live the rest of your pathetic life knowing you were the reason they died so painfully; crying your name!" Chrysalis' maniacal laughter hung in the air like the stench of death.

The mind of the Changeling is dark and desperate place. Normally, the thought of depleting a pony of everything they love, and consuming it for their own benefit would send even the weakest changeling into fits of joyous rage.However, even the changelings, normally iron-willed followers, were beginning to question the queen's motives. Though, none of them would ever dare allow her to know. She had turned unusually violent after her downfall, executing those who questioned her. One thing was for sure, no pony wanted to be around when she finally got her hooves on Twilight and her friends.