• Published 25th Apr 2014
  • 3,290 Views, 32 Comments

Magic Mishap - TheFaceofMercy

The Cutie Mark Crusaders will Discover the perks and the problems of being adults while they take care of an alicorn filly and her friends, but dont worry, they can handle it... Right?

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It was a warm and sunny day in Ponyville; the birds were singing, the sun was shining, and the sky was completely clear, barren of any cloud formations (a very nice job courtesy of the Weather Pegasi squad). It was a perfect day for everypony…well… almost everypony.

Three familiar little fillies, an orange pegasus, a white unicorn, and a yellow earth pony, were walking towards the big ol’ tree that was none other than Golden Oaks Library.

“I'm sooooo bored,” Scootaloo groaned, lazily dragging her Scooter. Her griping was stopped by a white hoof.
"We're not in the mood for your complaining right now, Scoots,” Sweetie Belle frowned at her friend’s negativity disapprovingly. She temporized a bit, waiting for the last yellow filly that was walking with a gloomy expression on her face to catch up with them.

“Applebloom, are you alright?” Scootaloo asked in concern.

Applebloom replied with a heavy sigh, “It's nothing, Scoots, but… Ah’m getting really tired of dealin’ with that spoiled brat Diamond Tiara. That’s the fifth time she’s called us ‘blank flanks’ again this week, and its only Tuesday!, Ah really don' know what ah'm gonna do If she call us blank-flanks again... Ah might Explode!!"

“Don’t let her get to you, Bloom," Sweetie reassured her friend with an earnest smile, "You know that she’s just jealous"

"Jealous?, Of What?" Applebloom replied exasperated

"Well..." Sweetie stated thoughtfully, "Jealous of our amazing friendship?"

"Yeah, Sweetie’s right." Scootaloo chimed in earning a relieved sigh from Sweetie, "Don’t let her get to you!" Scootaloo said, patting her friend's back, "You should really be worrying about that boring assignment that Miss Cheerilee gave us." The orange pegasus turned to face her friends, only to find two surprised faces staring back at her in confusion.

"Seriously Scoots... you’re worried about homework? Who are you and what did you do with the real Scootaloo?!" Applebloom said accusingly with false seriousness.
"It's not that Applebloom, I just want to finish it as fast as I possibly can so we could have more time to crusade and stuff...I just have to think of some more awesome ideas we could use for our next mission." Scootaloo said with a gigantic smile on her face.
"We know that Scoots, it’s just that this will be the first time that you’ve ever actually done something for the school!" Sweetie Belle jibed with a giggle.

"Har har, very funny Sweetie," Scootaloo replied, rolling her pale purple eyes. "Look we already made it to the li—“ All of a sudden, they heard screams coming from inside the library. The three fillies rushed inside, forgetting the wagon and the Scooter behind, to find their ultimate enemies, Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon, shouting at each of their older sisters and their friends.

"I don't care if somepony else reserved that book, I need it! Sooo...I'm going to take it!!" an irritated Diamond Tiara yelled indignantly.

"Who do y'think you are; you can't just trot into mah friend's library and scream at her like that!" Applejack retorted, glaring at the angry fillies.

"You can’t yell at my friend like that, you commoner!" Silver Spoon countered, glaring daggers at the orange earth pony. Suddenly an iridescent blur appeared behind the grey filly and lifted her into the air.

"You two are just a couple of spoiled brats; I don’t think that your parents taught either of you two on how to behave around grownups..." Rainbow Dash’s lecture went unheeded as the fight between Diamond Tiara, Silver Spoon, and the Crusaders continued.
Then from out of nowhere, books started soaring through the air, while the rest of the Mane Six tried to stop the quarrel.
“Sweetie Belle!!” Rarity spoke, with evident traces of anger in her voice, "You cannot solve your problems with violence; you must discuss this like a mature adult pony, for Celestia's sake!! You—“ A scream of pain that was elicited by Rainbow Dash made everypony stop and watch in horrified fascination as Silver Spoon picked up a book and smacked Dash in the muzzle.
The grey filly was dropped and fell to the floor with a soft ‘thump’.

"ARGHH!!! MY MUZZLE!! Sweet Mother of Celestia!!" Rainbow Dash cried, clutching her muzzle in pain.
"Silver Spoon!” Twilight exclaimed, "You shouldn't hit other ponies! That is awful and uncouth!" Silver Spoon rolled her eyes and went to support her friend in distress.

"ENOUGH!!" a certain yellow Pegasus squealed. Everypony turned their heads in surprise when they saw the occasionally timid pony sporting such a stern expression. "You shouldn't be fighting," Fluttershy admonished, "Ponyville was built with friendship and harmony assimilated between their inhabitants, we cannot continue fighting about such unimportant things."
The quiet Pegasus ended her lecture with confidence... confidence that suddenly vanished when a pink blur jumped out in front of her.
"That's right, you silly fillies! Everything has a solution. Instead of be fighting, we could all be laughing and eating toooons of cupcakes, 'cuz they make everything better! Like that time when Gummy and I were—“
"I don't care about you or your dumb pet!" Diamond Tiara interjected, pointing a hoof towards the three crusaders as if it were a loaded gun, "They started this, and I’m going to tell my daddy on you and you blank flanks and your petty friends are going to pay!!" She threatened them with a nasty grin on her face that vanished in a matter of seconds when she saw Sweetie Bell's horn glowing.

"Wh-What’s wrong with her?" Silver Spoon asked, backing away, obvious hints of alarm in her voice.
"Darling, please..." Rarity began as Twilight rushed to her side, covering her friend’s muzzle with her wings, earning weird looks from the other ponies.
"Please remain quiet," She whispered into the white unicorn’s ear, "Sweetie Belle is being overwhelmed by her emotions and that is only adding fuel to what could develop in magical rupture. This kind of magic is extremely powerful, so we mustn't say anything, and I mean it. By this point anything that sets her off could result in disaster." Twilight finished giving her friend the advice and released her wings from Rarity’s muzzle.

They remained in absolute silence until Diamond Tiara broke the silence... "She? Powerful?! She’s just a stupid blank flank! Even when she’s all grown up, I doubt that she’ll EVER have a cutie mark..." The snooty pink filly continued her mocking until Sweetie Belle’s horn emitted a singular blast of magic that energized and fueled the horns of the other Unicorn and Alicorn in the Room; they screamed in pain as the magical outburst resulted in a massive explosion, plumes of smoke filling up every corner of the library. Everything went black for everypony in the room.


A disoriented Princess Twilight Sparkle awoke in the middle of a dusty library, lying on the cold floor of her own archive. Her head was aching terribly, and her back and legs, were sore from the sudden explosion, she sat down on her haunches while the dust settled but what she saw next made her shiver; a group consisting of five fillies with the color and respective cutie marks of her friends were sprawled out unconscious on the floor. Meanwhile on the other side of the library, five fully grown mares were spread out across the floor. Three of them didn't show any signs of a Cutie Mark. That wouldn't be so surprising (Twilight had experienced plenty of magical mishaps) if the fillies weren't of the same size of her, or if everything weren't twice bigger than her. She lay back, respiring heavily, trying to slow her erratic breathing pattern.... then the inevitable happened, tears started leaking from her eyes, and a soft wail took place in her throat, she had officially lost it.


Applebloom awoke to the sound of soft wailing that was identical to a caterwauling foal’s, she had always hated a foal's wail, ever since the Cake Twins' birth, and in the few opportunities that she have had foalsitting, their cries had always made her feel sad, she couldn't stand a foal's wail without comforting them, so she did what instinct told her to do, she proceed to comfort the foal in distress. When she stood up, however, she felt different; she opened her eyes and realized that everything seemed to be smaller than it should have been. There wasn’t much of a difference, but still it didn't felt right. 'Maybe it was Sweetie Belle’s spell that did this,’ she thought. From out of nowhere, she espied a small purple figure that captured her attention. It appeared to be a young filly, not much older than her. But the real question was why was she looking down at this filly? She was practically towering over her! She soon realized that there was something terribly wrong and suspicious about the crying filly. She had wings... and a horn…the same purple eyes and dark blue mane as…Oh no.

Applebloom came to the shocking conclusion that this filly was none other than Princess Twilight Sparkle.

This day definitely wasn’t turning out like Spike hoped it would. It was supposed to be a serene and peaceful morning. He could been spending the day with Twilight and her friends, but that big fight between the Crusaders and Diamond Tiara, and that explosion shattered his plans of a nice and quiet afternoon. This was not the first time that a magical mishap initiated by Twilight had destroyed his plans; in fact, this was the third massive explosion from that same week, he partly blamed the new Alicorn Magic that Twilight was learning to control, the other half was just Twilight trying to do new dangerous spells, which she had no experience with.

Nevermind. Things were just getting worse and worse; the splitting headache that had awoken him wasn’t helping the situation much either. He tried to get to his feet but barely managed. Something just seemed a little off that day; was it his scales?, they felt strangely itchy today, Was it his eyes?, They felt sore from the dust so he couldn't open them, But that wasn't either. When he opened his eyes though, he saw something that made him freeze. The first thing his mind registered were six little fillies, one of them an Alicorn (which also happened to be crying her eyes out), then five full grown mares, one of them with a yellow coat and a red mane that was staring slack-jawed at the bawling alicorn filly, and third, the room itself looked smaller.

He didn't need any more clues to give him an impression of what had happened. 'Damned magic! What did you do that ruined the day THIS time?!' he thought in dismay. He was then pulled out of his oblivion by the soft crying that was being produced from the purple filly nearby. Rather than panic, he proceeded to do what mostly everypony else would do in this type of odd situation; he went to calm down the frightened and upset filly.

"Shhhh, calm down Twily…its okay, we’ll solve this in no time," Spike cooed reassuringly. He was surprised at his own behavior towards the problem. He usually waits Twilight to solve the problem, while he just stay at her side, for assistance, now, for example he could easily explore the newest additions on his own body, but comforting Twilight was far more important than that. By now Twilight had stopped crying and her wails had been reduced to piteous sniveling.
"You alright now?" Spike asked the filly. She nodded softly in response, tears slowly falling from her eyes, “I just don’t know what happened, Spike!" Twilight replied, her voice high pitched, while she raised a hoof to clean her eyes, “I didn't even know that Sweetie Belle..." she stopped mid-sentence, realizing that the former unicorn filly with the candy-colored mane laid head first on the Library floor.

"SWEETIE BELLE!!!" Twilight exclaimed, galloping towards the barely conscious white coated mare, "Are you okay?" she asked with an air of childish concern. Sweetie groaned and opened her green eyes, gawking at the purple filly in confusion,
"Who are—“ she was snapped out of her stupor when she saw a pair of wings resting on the filly’s back and a stunted horn perched on top of the filly's head.
"T-TWILIGHT?! What happened to you?!" shrieked Sweetie, her bright green eyes tripling in size at the sight of the royal filly. She hastily scrambled to her hooves and hit her head on bookshelf overhead, "What happened to ME!?!?" Unfortunately, Sweetie Belle's screams of terror woke everypony else in the room in the process, and both Spike and Twilight knew well that it certainly wasn't going to be a pleasant awakening.

Author's Note:

First story everyone, I hope you enjoy this one.

And a Thousand thank you to my proofreader theARAuthor