• Member Since 9th Dec, 2013
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I just recently started to write stories directly towards the FiM actively, though I have been writing for years, publishing numerous stories at Mibba and the eventual pony story, as far as to the MLP


My day started with a flat mane, then I moved on to breakfast, Cup-Cakes and Orange Juice.
Planning is easy, collecting the Ponies I need for what I had at hoof. I can trust me, myself and I. I had to seek out the pool where I had found them, last time. Only this time, I'll make sure they aren't running amok.
From the Pool, it is a simple trip to the nearest nation. What is near to me isn't near for any other Pony, we all knew that.
On the other side, I faced the citizens, Griffons, big shock?

Chapters (2)
Comments ( 110 )

well, besides it bein a lil short :fluttershysad:; it was ok n' maybe others mite lik it :applejackunsure: but, sadly i'm not one of them this time :pinkiesad2:

4172332 yeah, I know it is short, which I hope to chanage along the way, both chapters and story.
Now I just need ideas and inspiration to fill in details, and add chapters.

well, idk where u can get inspiration for urself :pinkiesad2: but, i will say g'luck on makin this idea a bit moar better :pinkiesmile:

4176938 for this story, a Dark 'Smile song', and the lyrics of it.
Aside from Pinkie Pie's general Arsenal of Antics.
Gotta love her and the Antics she spread around her?

huh, idk they made a dark version of pinks' smile song :rainbowhuh: but, on t antics part i'd say maybe-ish :applejackunsure:?

4182939 this story is in part inspired by that clip.
if you've seen it, you probably recall how it interpret 'Beam'.

I have a few more hillarious ideas for this story, though.

Party is Canon with Pinkie, right?

yah pinks' is almost always makin parties for whatever reason she has at t time :yay:; so, i think it's canon :twilightsmile:

4183231 She is Always the Party Commitee.
Even if the Mvie, she was handling the party.
Pinkie can see now reason, not to through just one more party :pinkiegasp:

Sometimes I think she is 'High' on something, or is it just the sweets she have all day?

Such a Lovable poni ..


well, if u ate sweets all t time i'm sure u'd hav a sugar rush just bout as long too :ajsmug:; plus u're rite pinks is a loveable pony even when she doesn't mak sense :rainbowlaugh:

4183551 Even a Poni probably would get a severe sugar Rush ..
Though she looks as if she is High half of the time. or 'Cold Turky' if she doesn't get the ix.

yeah, she's too lovable for her own good.
if I knew where she lived, I'd go there at best ..

She's a Mysic, Romantic, and Fanatic, for starters.
she isn't supposed to make sense, even to herself, she simply act upon it.

the only thing making sense, is keeping her friends happy.
throwing parties is her way at it, wouldn't it?

well, idk if callin her hyperness those things is rite :applejackunsure: but, i'm somewhat sure :pinkiehappy: knows what she is doin even if said thing breaks t laws of physics most of time :rainbowlaugh:. Also it's kinda a given i think on :pinkiesmile: makin ponies happy due to her nature n' connection to t element of laughter :raritywink:

4183822 yeah, breaking the laws of physics is part of her Antics. busting the fourth wall is commonplace to her. she doesn't even seem to notice she is doing it.

She sure is Laughter ponified. maybe it is like a drug to her. just look at how she looks and acts, when she can't make a single pony happy? There are a few episodes and scenes on this.

She may be Earth Pony, ut why does she do all the things that is for Unicorns, then?

I would love for her to check in, even if just for a moment .. :pinkiegasp:

true i guess :rainbowhuh: n' yah i've seen those eps before which it's still kinda sad (or nutty since the ep Party Of One has her both as: :pinkiesad2: n' :pinkiecrazy:) when it happens :fluttershysad:. Anyways maybe she had a ancestor that was a unicorn or she's just bein pinkie :applejackunsure:?

4183943 that's 'cold Turky', if anything is, "Party of One"?
could have been a severe Psycosis too, I guess?

going by Ancestry, could as well have been StarSwirl, then? though I guess it makes sense.
if you saw the episode with Maud, she's just as tough on her end. wasn't she flying?

On the other hoof, she may be Rainbow Powered, going by how it all begun?
it inspired Twilight to uncover herself as an alicorn, right there.

I love speculating on Pinkie. There is just too much to tease the brain.

Considering her entire family hiding themselves as 'Rock Farmers', what if they are Changelings?

heh, i think :twilightsmile: would flip if :pinkiehappy: had starswirl as a ancestor :rainbowlaugh: n' sadly i missed maud ep :pinkiesad2:. Also it would be cool if :rainbowwild:'s 1st rainboom powered her lik that :yay: n' pinks' family bein changlings disguised as rock farmers is kinda far-fetched :duck:

4184142 since the swirl is such a legendary corn, he has his own wing at the royal library.
if only Twilight get a few books at the library now?

That's no good. I had a link to the clip, but it is apparently not active right now.

the episode where they explained how they got the marks depicted it in a light that gives credability to the idea, at least to me.

All the better to the Pies, if it is true or not.
They wouldn't like the ponies to suspect them to be Changelings, right?
Particularly not after the incident at Cadences wedding.

well, :twilightsmile:'s a princess now i'm kinda sure she can go grab a book or two on him :applejackunsure:. Also it's no biggie since i'm bound to see t ep sooner or later :pinkiesmile:. Plus if it's true then yes it'd be best for them to stay hidden :duck:

4184303 yeah, that would make sense.
only now I would love for her to write a few books of her own, and have them in the royal library.
for now, I guess she is Princess of ponyville? :pinkiegasp:

since you enjoy the show, you could as well see it. even if it may not be the most entertaining episode? Still, it is largely about Pinkie Pie, and her sister maud.

if it is, then they would hate for it to come out.
it would be bad enough to have ponies suspect them to be, if they aren't?
Right now, it feels as if they wouldn't really like to be suspected for anything like it.

There would be a new Episode tomorrow, I have to see if they post a thread or blog about it.
If they do, I'll be checking it first thing I see it, in hope it is still up.
if it si, i'll place the link with the other links on my blog ..

As far as anypony knows it's possible that :twilightsmile:'s now t princess of ponyville :applejackunsure:; yet, i'm sure all her past n' future stuff may be put in t royal library sooner or later :raritywink:. Also it's never fun assumin or accusin anypony of things lik bein a changeling or whatever :fluttershysad:

4184415 at least her minimal Castle has a royal library :pinkiegasp:

Celestia must have a Huge library, since she has been around for a Millenia by now.

wild Acusations are never good. in this case, I guess it can become very messy.

If they are just Earth Ponies, they would be the most powerful, in magic more then most?

I'm pondering where she get all the high teck things, canon and megaphon for starters?

heh, probally :rainbowlaugh: n' in some fics i've read says earth ponies get strength from t earth itself :ajsmug:. Also, i'm assumin :pinkiehappy: herself made those things or at least some of t things mentioned :unsuresweetie:

4184617 going by the fics, they probably have her all over the place?

I would love to see her build a canon and a megaphone.
the megaphone isn't of this Earth, it's just insanely powerful, for a hoofheld sample at least.

does this mean she made her balloons too?

well, i mean sure i focus moar on t romantic side of most :pinkiehappy:-related fics but, they still hav her all bouncy n' happy :yay:. Also most likely unless she knows a shop that sells balloons n' whatnot :applejackunsure:

4184730 I have a few stories with what I hope is romantic ships, even with Pinkie.
Bouncy and happy, that's our Pinkie, just add some random and she may be right there.

She do go shop for numerous party items, it has been shown on an episode or so.
Though it has also been demonstrated that she pick the balloons off of her flank.
Even in her human version.

Maybe she just store them there, or these are (more) special balloons?

maybe, i mean in most of t fics i've read pinks' supposely stores alot of random stuff in her mane along with keepin stuff at random locations of ponyville lik in that ep were twi gets a msg from herself from next tuesday or whatever :applejackunsure:. Also what ep was t one that showed pinks pickin t ballons off her c-mark :rainbowhuh:?

4185026 Random seems to be in the core of Pink? and I mark her stories Random, commonly.
Oh wait, that WAS Amusing. and Pink dressed up as Ninja/Spy, slipping by any and every pony, as if she hadn't really been there?
I know she did it in the film, can't pick episodes right off of the BAT.
if only I had a complete episode collection I could go over here?

Something she just pick something ou of nowhere, or the top of her mane.
Canon, megaphone, pen, and pad, or what-not?

Yes, random is t core of pinks hence any pony not knowin how or what she's doin most of time :rainbowlaugh:; Also i think she'd mak a pretty fun yet, great spy due to her keepin secrets n' doin random yet, mostly smart things :applejackunsure:

4201514 gotta mark your Pink stories Random !!
Pink as a Spy, have any such stories? I htink I have at least one.

Shouldn't there be a group about her as a spy?

She seems to have too much bright/smart ideas in her head.

what episode is it, when she ,ade her friends laugh their asses off in the forest?

well... no or at least none that i can really remember :applejackunsure:; a group bout pinks bein a spy :rainbowhuh:? If there isn't any yet then somepony should mak one eventually :raritywink:. Also :pinkiehappy: maks anypony laugh most of t time :yay: but, t first time she made her friends laugh was t 1st two parted ep of t 1st season :twilightsmile:

4211609 I guess we have to search for them, just in case. There's room for loads and loads of Random hilarity in there.

Yeah, some pony should make the group if it isn't already there.

I guess it is her part as the element of Lughter?
Just that some occasion makes it all the more special.

true on both t randomness involved in that scenario :rainbowlaugh: n' that those moments r special when it comes from pinks :yay:. Also yah if nopony does group then we should try or at least let others know :raritywink:

4224172 I commonly mark all Pink stories random, though some are random, even for her.
Maybe I should push some more of her Randome into this story?

yeah, if no pony created the group, I do. I have a few, for just this reason.
Changelings in mainhattan,
for example ..
there is bound to be room for manehattanite stories?

well, depends if u want pinkmenia to keep her randomness :applejackunsure:. Also idk if there's stories with characters mainly in manhatten :unsuresweetie: but, there could be :raritywink:

4224391 I think I read Pinkamena as the dark demon of Pinkie Pie, so she has to have everything she has.
just the dark side of her.

There are several Episodes that are mostly or entirley in Manehattan.
You just need a reason why you place the story there.
I have a story about 2 Vampire Bat Ponies.
figured this would be the best home for them. Ponyville is simply too smal for hem to fed undisturbed.
The same question would be relevant if you're plaing a story in Canterlot(high), or any other place?
if it is the ideal loation for your story, that's where it will happen.

true, nopony needs to stays in ponyville or similiar places if they need to either travel or liv in bigger towns for t story :pinkiesmile:

4224560 that's why modern Equestria have both Canterlot and manehattan.

I doubt Appaloosa is bigger, but it could work for a small town story.

true, applepoolsa mite mak a good place for western themed fics since they're still bein worked on town-wise :applejackunsure:

4224683 both the name and the village do feel kinda westernish.
Good thing to have a place for our westen stories and ics.

According to the map, we have several other places, like Vanhoover, was it?
Phillydelfia and then a few more.

oh and Las Pegasus.

yah i've heard of those places :pinkiesmile:. Altho Las Pegasus mite be good for some mobsters n' hangover themed stories :yay:

4224936 I don't know, haven't seen what they're doin there.
sounds like a pegasi settlement, by the name, though.

they had a wild n' mess-up nite that none of them remembered pretty much :ajsmug:. Plus it probally doesn't matter i'm sure anypony can go there to hav fun :yay:

4225139 "Wet'n'Wild" sounds like fun.

Maybe it is for the better, if none do recall? it is how it is with these occasions, right?

Heh, that's true :pinkiehappy: but, those guys had to remember since they misplaced their friend durin that nite :ajbemused: n' he needed to get to his weddin later that day :facehoof:

4225692 unless the friends was new from the night, they know her since before.
The wedding had nothng to do with thenight, right? then they know of it since before, since it had been planed for weks or months in advance?

What they forgot is what they did during the night?
what might not be fun, or would be hilarious to re-member?

well, weddin was planned :pinkiesmile: but, there was nother plan to go to las vegas for a one-nite bachelor party :rainbowwild:. Un-lucky for them n' t soon-to-be married man :duck:; one of t friends slip a somethin extra in their drinks beforehoof :ajbemused:. So after said nite was over with t guys had to find t groom thru clues since he was plannin to get married t followin day :facehoof:

4225835 that's a Mean batchlor party ..

if it was supposed to be fun(NY), but i kind of fail to see it as fun, though.

a last night with the Stallions/Mares, should be fun in that manner, not a trieckery frinds games .. or humiliations ..

the one behind the trick was clueless, for all I could see .. :pinkiegasp:

Yah, was a fun bachelor party :rainbowwild: even with t added stuff involved by a kinda nice yet, dumb gesture :ajbemused:. I mean t guy's reason was just to get his friends to cut loose :yay: but, instead it did both that n' made them forget t whole nite :facehoof:

4226000 as fun as it may have been intended to be.

if they forget about it, it loose the point of it?

best cutting loose would most likely be a few beers at the pub ..

oh well, now it is time to Beam - Beam - Beam .. :pinkiesmile:

Well, later they find a friend's camera that a alot of pics of that nite :rainbowwild:. Which they erased after lookin since they wanted to keep it a secret :raritywink:. Also does that mean u're gonna work on this fic that we bein commentin under :applejackunsure:?

4226070 Woah, they found a camera loaded with images from the night?

yeah, I have to continue the story.
just gotta wait for the muse o carry a few ideas for me to work on.

Right now, the detail is about how to 'Greet' the Griffons' she just woke up so brutally ..

If I am o make it a regular random, I guess she'd fire cakes, confetti, streemers and the like at them.
They'd be quite shocked as the first cake hit a Griffon right on the beak, HuH ??

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