• Published 1st Apr 2014
  • 1,683 Views, 31 Comments

Pinkamena's Tribulation - TheAccidentalBrony

Pinkie Pie disappears after her nightmares trigger a crisis that reaches further than she ever could have imagined.

  • ...

3. Authority

"Citizens of Ponyville," Luna's voice boomed out over the Town Square, "A matter of great importance has come to our attention, requiring us to consult with the Princess immediately. We regret any intrusion we may have caused, but if any of you might spare a moment, we beseech you to direct us to her."

Her words hung in the air unanswered as the townsponies gawked nervously at her, mouths slightly agape, eyes blank. Although they had become somewhat accustomed to irregular-but-still-frequent visits from their Princess over the years, the Princess of the Night was still better known to many of them as the fabled Nightmare Moon. Though the town was doing its best not to look scared out of its hide, the resulting paralysis wasn't much better. It didn't help that she stood before them in the brightest daylight, adorned with her full regalia. After a few deep breaths, their fear gave way to a sort of awkward nervousness, and the ponies' eyes darted back and forth, looking towards the ponies nearest themselves. None, it appeared, would work up enough nerve to give voice to the collective thought they all seemed to hold.

An uncomfortable silence hung over the normally bustling town center, and Ponyville itself seemed to hold its breath in anticipation. Finally, a young green unicorn stepped towards the princess.

"Um," she began, looking down at her hooves, "Princess..."

Luna buried her muzzle in a hoof, shaking her head. "Obviously. We should have seen that coming. Could you lead us to Princess Twilight, then, wherever she may be?"

The mare's face brightened a bit, and she met Luna's stern gaze with an appropriately meek but cheerful one. "Oh...sure! The library is just up the road here. Follow me!"

The mare turned and began to trot back towards the crowd, which parted as though a wedge were being driven through it as she approached. Luna trotted behind the green mare, noticing, as she passed, the young blue colt who had darted forward through the crowd, only to be stopped by the large hoof of a stallion. A deep scowl drew up on her face as she turned back to her charge.

"We must make haste, young filly. Lives are at stake!"

"Oooh," Lyra replied as she passed the last of the ponies that had collected in the square, "This isn't about the theft of the hot air balloon, is it? The weird screams ponies heard last night; the homes broken in to? Pretty big coincidence if you ask me. I’m just glad nothing happened to me."

Luna cantered up to her guide, stopping in front of the unicorn as she furrowed her brow inquisitively. She looked the pony up and down; nothing seemed special about her, but she was certain she'd seen this pony someplace before.

"Tell me, what is your name?" she asked, her tongue hovering thickly over each syllable as she spoke them.

"Oh! Of course! I'm Lyra. Lyra Heartstrings, but, you know everypony just calls me Lyra," Lyra said brightly, seemingly unaffected by the princess' cool demeanor, "You're a lot nicer than most ponies think, Princess." She looked over her shoulder, and moved in closer to the princess, dropping her voice to a whisper, "You know, I think a lot of them are still afraid of you."

"I hadn't noticed," Luna growled, taking a shallow breath before continuing. "Those events that you mentioned are under the jurisdiction of the Lunar Court. We would ask that neither you nor any of the other townsponies speak openly of them until we have completed our investigation."

"Oh," Lyra squeaked, the smile dashed from her face, "I'm sorry, Princess. I didn't know..."

"Of course you didn't, Lyra. That is why I am here, of course. Now please, tell us what you know of these events and the circumstances around them." Luna commented in a more friendly tone, walking slowly in the direction of the tree library again.

"Oh! Sure! It’s really been quite the buzz around town this morning. One of my friends from the….uh….club…., Berry Punch, told me that she woke up in the middle of the night to the sound of glass shattering. She ran out to see what happened, but by the time she got there, whoever it was had gotten away. And in a hurry too—they jumped right through the front window. Left quite a mess behind..."

Tapping her chin under the princess’ expectant gaze, Lyra’s face suddenly brightened. "Oh! Another thing….Sharp Quill, the mayor’s secretary, mentioned that somepony broke into town hall and messed everything up pretty bad. Chairs busted all over the place, tables overturned...she told me she thought it’d take weeks to clean up. Buuuuut, the thing she seemed the most worried about was their files.”

Lyra allowed herself a small grin. “I couldn’t help but snicker when she mentioned that; she gets upset when someone folds a corner of a page. I guess this was a bit more serious than that, though.”

“Anyway, the way she told it, every file cabinet, desk drawer, bookshelf, or anything else that held paper had been turned over or dumped out. It sounds like years of tax documents, property deeds, and even birth and death records could be lost or destroyed. She was pretty broken up about it.” She paused, flicking her eyes up at the princess before allowing them to settle on her hooves. “I...um...also heard….well...I...I don't know if I should say the rest. I know you and Princess Celestia are close to the Elements..."

"Lyra," the princess addressed her companion, gritting her teeth as she did her best to project warmth. Celestia had always been much better with the 'average folk' than she, no matter how hard she tried. "Your words are safe with me, and whatever you have heard may be important. It may help. It may even...save a life."

"Well, I don't know that what I've heard's got all that much to offer." Lyra flushed, scratching some dirt with her hoof. "But...well, there's been something going on with the whole lot of them lately. Rainbow Dash-"

"The element of loyalty, yes?" Luna asked with a chill in her voice, even as she wobbled back and forth on her hooves.

Lyra nodded exuberantly. "Yep. She use to come to the cider hole with the lot of us every now and then, before she got in with that group."

"The...'cider hole'?" Luna's inquisitive gaze bore through her, her cheeks pinking once more. "This wouldn't be one of the unregulated drinking establishments that Our court has had the unfortunate pleasure of...cleaning up lately, would it?"

Taking a step backward, Lyra shrunk towards her hooves, ears pinned to her skull. "P-please, I-I-I..."

Luna flared her nostrils, hot breath snorting from them. "Rise, my little pony. You have naught to fear from us." Her eyes narrowed, the white of her teeth visible through thin lips. "Today."

Snapping her hooves together, Lyra stood stiffly, staring fearfully at the princess. "O-kay," she stammered slowly, trying to figure out what to say that wouldn't get her in a worse situation. She could stand the embarrassment of jail (it, sadly, wouldn't even be her first time), but Bon Bon would be furious. Not to mention being able to pay for it...

"Ahem," Luna coughed into a hoof, "you were saying?"

"R-right. Anyway, Rainbow jetted. Left town. Flew the coop--literally. Nopony'd known where she'd gone until Princess Twilight tracked her down this morning. Dunno if there's some kind of 'friendship problem' in their little group." Lyra smiled weakly, leaning towards the princess. "Though if you ask me, I think she has the hots for somepony."

Lyra's eyebrows waggled as Luna furrowed her brow. "H-hots?"

"Mare, you really were the moon for a thousand years, weren't you?" Glancing over the princess' hardening face, Lyra's eyes became as round as the sun, her hoof plunging down her throat in an instant."

"Prinfeff; I'f fo, fo, fawffy..." She fell to her hooves; or tried to, plunging her muzzle painfully into the dirt and rock beneath them as her fourth hoof remained buried behind her tonsils.

"Enough!" Luna shouted with sufficient strength to bring tears to the green mare's tingling eyes, her ears hot with embarrassment. "I did not come here simply to have some commoner prostrate to me! Stand, and if you cannot keep yourself from saying foalish things, perhaps you should guide me to Twilight's abode in silence."

Oh, buck me! Lyra thought, slowly withdrawing her slimy hoof from her mouth. I've blown it.

“I-I-I’m sorry, Princess,” Lyra swallowed, fighting back tears as she turned her eyes up to Luna’s stony face, her head slowly shaking back and forth.

Yep, I’m done. I'll be banished! I'll--

"Lyra, it is I who must apologize."

WHAT!? her mind screamed, but the only sound from her mouth was: "Guh," further cementing her position.

"I...am not good at these things. Celestia was always the more popular princess," she bowed her head. "I must admit that 'friendship' is something that I, as the princess of the night, had little opportunity to pursue."

Finally back on her hooves, Lyra was able to collect enough of her wits to tilt her head questioningly at the princess.

"I—most of my waking hours are after dark, and many of those I spend monitoring the dreamscape in solitude. For the few hours I am awake after the sun rises, it has always been...more important to devote that time to political matters than interpersonal relationships."

“Oh, uh…” Lyra flushed again, her throat suddenly dry. “I don’t really, uh, know too much about princesses, but I do know a little bit about friends.” She felt a spark stir in her chest, and a smile formed by itself on her muzzle. “I know! We could visit some of my friends. I’m sure you could—”

“I do not believe I would be welcome, given their less-than-legitimate hobbies.”

“Oh.” Lyra frowned. “But, we can be friends, right?”

Luna’s eyes drifted upwards, distantly.

“Yes, I suppose we could arrange...something.” Before Lyra could cut her off with her jubilations, Luna quickly continued. “I believe you had a story to complete, though.”

“Oh! Yes! Right! Where was I?” Lyra tapped her chin thoughtfully, weight visibly removed from her shoulders. “Well...Pinkie took Rainbow’s disappearance especially hard, and from what I’ve heard, had started having conversations with plants, trees, and...well, anything she walked past about her ‘friends deserting her’. And...”

She swallowed, hoping that she might not have to say the rest, but the night princess stood before her, clearly unmoved. “Continue.”

“Well, ponies have been saying that strange noises have been coming from her room at night. Rumor is that the Cakes have been sleeping in the basement because her shrieks kept their foals awake.

Personally,” she leaned in, her lips brushing against the fur on Luna’s ears, “I think she’s off her meds. But nopony knows she is on them, you know.”

"I understand," Luna said crisply. "We'll get to the bottom of this. In the meantime," she tipped her head towards the building in front of them, "I believe we have arrived, correct?"

Lyra nodded silently.

"Good." Luna's horn glowed momentarily, and, with a loud pop, two unused scrolls and a quill appeared before her. "Now," she said thoughtfully as she hastily jotted something on the first, "I'd like you to deliver this to the proprietors of the shop in which Pinkie Pie lived...er, lives."

Lyra's face paled, but she was unable to take her eyes off the princess.

"And this one, to Mayor Mare herself." Luna's horn went out, the final scroll delivered, and her eyes narrowed once more. "We thank you in advance for your tact in handling these matters for the Lunar Court, of course."

"Oh...oh..." Lyra stammered, her face rising quickly to a deep blush. "Of course. Yes, Princess. I'm honored. Th..thank you."

Lyra turned quickly, her body poised to scurry, but before she made three paces, she found herself transfixed in a deep blue aura.

"Hold," commanded the Princess, "We have one more item for you."

Lyra gaped expressionlessly at the princess.

"If you are willing, we would like to assign you to be an official agent of the Lunar Crown."

"Guh?" Lyra replied for a second time, having to scrape her jaw from the ground with her hooves, as her magic was completely lost to her at that particular moment.

"You see, we will need contacts in town, in case rumors flow through certain...channels...that we may not have access to. If you accept, you must understand that you will be...changed”

A mint-green eyebrow rose, but the unicorn did not respond.

“Becoming an agent of the Lunar Crown is not a temporary thing, Lyra. We must cast a spell on you that will alter your very being, but will also grant you access to abilities that only our agents have. One of these will grant you the ability to send us messages directly with your magic; if you hear anything, you are to send us a letter at once. "

“O-okay. I understand, I think.” Lyra's muzzle rose and fell in a slow nod, her hooves twisting in the mud nervously. Suddenly, a thin, blue strand of magic sprang from Luna's horn, wrapping around the grooves in her own until it was entirely encased. After only a moment of this, there was a bright blue flash, and it was over. Attempting to take a step backward, Lyra found herself suddenly overcome by vertigo, her body slamming to the mud as a strange metallic taste filled her mouth. Feeling a gentle nudge on her withers, she turned to see that the princess herself was helping her to her hooves.

Without another thought, she scrambled up, speeding back towards the town square filled equally by anticipation and worry.

"I'm sorry," Spike recited, frowning as he shouted over a disharmonious cacophony of crashing, clanging, and stomping that poured into the small room. "The library’s closed today, and Twilight’s otherwiiii...oh, Princess Luna!"

Spike had finally looked up at the pony standing at the door.

"Indeed. Spike, is it?" Luna responded.

"The one and only. I guess you’re here for Twilight, right?”

Luna’s head bobbed slowly. “Am I to assume that she is the source of the…peculiar noises?” Luna waved a hoof lackadaisically in the direction of the glowing entryway to the basement.

“Yeah,” Spike sighed, “she’s been down there ever since Rainbow Dash took off again. I’m not sure what she’s trying to do,” he cringed as a loud zap shook the foundations of the great tree, “but I’m pretty sure we’re going to have to buy some new furniture after this.”

“I see.” As Spike moved towards her to follow, she held out a hoof. “You may remain here. I believe I will be more than able to handle this situation.”

The small dragon nodded cautiously. “Okay...just be careful; she’s not exactly paying attention where she’s pointing her horn.”

Nodding, Luna took her first step down the staircase. Flashes of violet light illuminated the exit, and she stepped out to see a cupcake explode on the floor.

“Oh, horseapples!” Twilight stomped her hoof, turning to retrieve another pastry from the shelf. “None of these spells bucking work!”

“Ahem.” Luna cleared her throat, Twilight pivoting on her hooves to face her, a deep blush blooming on her cheeks.

“Oh...Princess….I’m sorry, I didn’t know you were…”

"Do not worry about it, Princess Twilight. We have heard worse...outbursts.” Twilight wilted, her ears pinned to her skull as Luna walked towards her, appraising the damage done to the basement laboratory. “You have evidently had a quite exacting morning, judging by the state of your mane, your bloodshot eyes, and, well, all the rest of you too. With that said, I feel it pertinent to remind you that it is commonly expected that ponies of our stature are above such...crudities."

Twilight grimaced awkwardly. "Princess, it...I..."

Luna waved a hoof.

"Let us not delay any longer; we do not have time for such trivial concerns. Am I to understand that now you are missing another friend?"

Twilight nodded sadly. "I guess...this is my fault, isn't it? Some 'friendship expert' I've turned out to be..."

"Twilight," Luna interrupted, "we must keep to the matter at hand. Time is of the essence. I assume you know the details surrounding Pinkie Pie's disappearance?"

"I guess, as much as anypony," Twilight nodded. “I know that the hot air balloon is missing, and I’ve heard several ponies complained about hearing crazy laughter or screams last night. Some even claimed their windows shattered from it. But….there’s just not a lot of evidence to put back together to tell us what happened.”

"We need to tell you, then, that your friend is in grave danger. I have spoken to her in a dream, dramatically weakened and barely clinging to life. Alas," she said, responding to a spark in Twilight’s eyes, “our connection was not strong enough to tell us where she was; just a general sense that she is far from home.”

“Gah!” Twilight’s frustration visibly poured out of her. “That’s what I’ve been working on all morning; that cupcake I blew up when you walked in, I was using it as a focus for a tracking spell. I’ve used everything I could find that’s connected to Pinkie: the knife, her balloons, Gummy…”

“Gummy?” Luna blinked.

Twilight’s blush grew a bit deeper. “Yeah, it’s Pinkie’s...pet...alligator. I know it sounds weird, but it’s Pinkie Pie.” Luna’s jaw fell open, and, realizing the implication, Twilight stammered out the rest. “He—I think it’s a he—anyway, he’s fine. I didn’t blow up her pet.”

She clamped her teeth shut, lips spread in an awkward grin as her eyes focused on a knot in the floor. “I...Rainbow Dash left with that letter…”

"A letter? From Pinkie Pie?" Luna interrupted. "What did it say?"

Twilight pawed at the floor. "I don't...I just don’t bucking know! Rainbow wouldn’t tell me, she just, she just left us." She choked back a sob, small drops falling from moistened eyes. “I just, we’ve always had things we had to save Equestria from, but those things weren’t us. They aren’t supposed to be us….”

Trailing off, the mare took a shuddering breath, her eyes pleading with the larger alicorn before her.

"Twilight, please, you must calm yourself," Luna looked down with stony eyes at the lavender alicorn.

"Yes, yes, you’re right...sorry!" Twilight squeaked.

"We came," Luna began, reverting to the more authoritative tone of voice that she’d used immediately after her return, "because, as a crime of the night, this incident does, eventually, fall under the jurisdiction of the Lunar Court.”

“Yes, but…”

Unflinching at the interruption, the alicorn continued. “We were concerned that the involvement of your friend would impede your ability to objectively investigate this case. And,” she nodded towards Twilight, “it would appear our fears were not unfounded. As such, though we mean you no disrespect, we must ask you to stand aside in this investigation. It will be our responsibility to ensure this case is brought to its resolution, and that any criminal acts investigated and prosecuted to their fullest."

“What!" Twilight shrieked, her voice bubbling with vitriol. “I—she’s my friend, and we’ll—” she sputtered, the rest of her argument cut off by a hoof snapped sharply in front of her muzzle.

"Twilight, please. It does not please me to do this, but, it is essential that all aspects of the crimes of terror that have occurred here are pursued. The fact that an Element of Harmony is either involved or endangered by these crimes redoubles the need for vigilance in these matters. If she is in harm’s way, it is a matter of Equestrian security to bring her to safety. If it is found that her actions have directly resulted in damages to the ponies of Ponyville, well….the matter will need to be handled with great sensitivity. We do not yet know what to deduce from the pillaging of the town hall, but it would seem that, in any case, city administration may be substantially disrupted in the near term. We will summon a detachment of the Lunar Guard to secure any remaining evidence and conduct formal interviews with those affected as soon as possible.”

Luna’s eyes fixed coldly on the smaller alicorn, her voice crisp. “You must trust that we will take whatever action is necessary to bring the missing Element to safety."

“I—but—” Twilight sputtered, the words refusing to form in her mouth as her mind railed against itself. “I—I think you’re wrong, Princess Luna.”

The night princess’ eyes narrowed angrily. “I regret that you feel that way,” she spat.

“You don’t need to do this. Ponyville can take care of itself. I can handle this—”

“Twilight,” Luna said coldly, “we have all seen how you handle things. Though often effective, your methods are….not always the most prudent. As for the village, we are well aware that Ponyville has recovered from cataclysms far more destructive than one missing pink pony. But it is the investigation that is our first concern, and in the chaos, vital clues could be lost. Until it is clear that the town has recovered sufficiently to be able to run itself without impeding our task force, we must do what is within our power to ensure stability.”

Eventually capitulating to her more obedient side, she slumped down in resignation.

“So,” she sniffled, “what...what should I do now?”

Luna’s gaze became distant. "Twilight, you must remember, your friend, though missing, is the subject of a very serious criminal investigation. I could assign, for example, the Royal Guard to retrieve her….but it would not be a search and rescue mission. It would be a marehunt.”

The princess’ last word echoed in Twilight’s mind, her heart sinking through her chest.


“We do not believe your friend is beyond redemption, but until all the facts are known, we must keep matters quiet. We do not believe it is in the best interests of Equestria, or yourself, for your friend to be returned to us in bars. Or in a box.”

Twilight drew a hoof to her mouth, audibly gasping. Tears began to form in her eyes, and she did nothing to restrain them.

“In any case, we did not mean to imply that you were to retrieve your friend, only that we wish for you to locate her. Which, I gather, you’ve already begun attempting."

"Yes, but, as you can see,” Twilight waved a hoof around her, “all the spells I’ve found have to be cast on the pony while they’re present. Attempting to modify the spell to use a personal item as a focus just...doesn’t work."

Luna nodded. "I think you might find that the Elements could be the key..."

"The Elements? You mean, the ones that are stuck in the Tree of Harmony?" Twilight replied, a scowl forming on her muzzle.

"The very same. And, do you remember anything about that? Anything different from the recollection you had of when Celestia and I removed them from the tree in the first place?"

"Well..." Twilight tapped a hoof against her chin, "No, no, I don’t think that I do."

She looked up hopefully at Luna, but shrunk backwards with flattened ears when her gaze was met by a far sterner one.

"Twilight, when we first found the Elements of Harmony, they all – all but yours, that is – had no distinct appearance, aside from their color. When you took charge of the Element of Magic, as was your destiny..."

"My destiny..." Twilight echoed in a barely-audible whisper.

"And you assigned the others to your friends..."

"Assigned?" Twilight interrupted again.

Luna frowned this time, but chose to again ignore the interruption. "The Elements then bonded to your friends as well. Taking the shape of their cutie marks was not just a trifle of appearance; it changed their very nature..."

"And when we put them back in the tree, the bond remained!" Twilight shouted excitedly, oblivious to Luna's growing annoyance.

"Exactly, Twilight," Luna said with a huff. "If any spell might be able to locate a pony by using a focus, an element bonded to the soul of that pony would certainly be a strong candidate. It may be that even more is possible. There is still much we do not know about the Elements. You may note that although Celestia and I used the elements in the past, we were never bonded to them in the way you and your friends are. However, I will caution you that there is an element of danger in this; as you saw with Sunset Shimmer in the other world, the Elements do not respond positively to interactions with beings that are not their bearers. As a bearer yourself, you may have an advantage in this, though.”

Twilight grew quiet, her lips moving silently as she digested the information. “So…what you’re saying is, I and I alone can do this.”

“Precisely, Twilight. Though it is purely theory, we feel this link that you share is the best chance we have at finding your friend. Particularly if she has fled Equestria, which I fear is almost certainly the case."

"Well, then, I'll do my best, Princess," said Twilight, feeling a bit better now that the seeds of a plan were taking shape. "But, even if I can locate her, how will we get her back? Neither Fluttershy nor I are terribly strong fliers, and if she's left Equestria as you say..."

Twilight tapped her hoof against the library floor as her voice trailed off, muttering faintly under her breath.

"Well, Twilight, what of your friend Rainbow Dash? She is..."


"...one of the fastest fliers in all Equestria, is she not?" Luna concluded.

"But I can't even tell her where to go!" Twilight shouted angrily.

Luna lifted an eyebrow, a thin smirk visible on her face, "Twilight, although she is angry right now, I'm sure Rainbow Dash cares about her friends as much as you do. She will be back. And even if not, these things have a way of working themselves out."

Twilight sighed. "I guess you're right, Princess. I sure hope so. I guess the first thing for me to do is to go get my friends...what's left of them, at least...and head over to the tree as soon as possible," she finished confidently, turning to leave.

"Oh, Twilight, before you go," Luna called, stopping the younger alicorn in her tracks, "I just want to let you know that you may want to work on your sense of decorum. As a princess now, you must stop treating my sister and I as superior. Though we are elder in age and rank, we are still equals in position. Do not forget that. Now go to your friends. We will let you know if we are able to find your friend in her dreams again, or if any useful information avails itself to us."

Twilight blushed again, then tipped her head and wordlessly galloped up the stairs.

"SPIKE!" she called, "We're going to need to make a list..."

Luna nodded. Now that everything else was in motion, it was time to deal with the mess Pinkie had left behind. After a brief pause, she took a deep breath, trotted slowly to the stairs, and began her ascent. There was still much to do.

Rainbow Dash flapped her wings. The cool wind fluttered over the barbs of her feathers, the sun to her left was as good a guide as any, and beamed warmly down upon her cool cyan fur. She didn't know where she was going, but it didn't matter. Nopony knew where Pinkie Pie was, and nopony could survey all of Equestria faster than she could. So she flew. And she'd keep on flying, over mountains, through snowstorms, even over oceans until she saw the pink bouncy blob that brought more joy to her life than anything or anypony else. The pink pony that, no matter how inopportune her arrival might be, could still bring a smile to any pony's face. The pony that, no matter what she felt inside, she always put other ponies' happiness first. Yes, when she found that pony, she could smile again.

Until then, she flew.

Four ponies stood at the mouth of a rocky cave, looking at the great tree before them.

"You sure this is a good idea, Twi?" Applejack asked, concern written all over her face.

"No," Twilight said shakily, "No, I'm not. I might be confident about my magic, but the Elements are a force that nopony truly understands. It's what the princess asked me to do, though, and she made it sound like the only option."

"Couldn't you just ask Princess Celestia for help, dear?" Rarity pleaded.

"Erghhhhh," Twilight squealed incomprehensibly, gritting her teeth, "Like I said earlier, Princess Luna doesn't want her involved in this." She paused thoughtfully, tapping her chin with a hoof. "I don't really know what's going on here, but for right now, I think it's best to do as asked."

"Well, Twilight," Fluttershy began softly, nuzzling her friend's lavender mane, "Just know that we're all here for you, and, um, we know if anypony can find Pinkie Pie, its you."

"Thanks, Fluttershy," Twilight said warmly, stepping forward towards the ancient, twisted tree, each of their cutie marks cradled within, shining brightly against the drab background of the cave. Shining brightly, except for one, Twilight noticed. A certain cutie mark, of blue and yellow balloons, seemed to have faded until the color was nearly gone from it completely. Hopefully, it wasn't a sign of worse things to come. It was time to make her first attempt, though. Her moment of truth. She'd start off with something easy, just to see what happened, even if it wouldn't be long before she had to try the real thing.

She bore down upon her four hooves with determination, tucking her head firmly against her chest. Closing her eyes, she focused all of her energy on her horn, feeling the power of the magical charge begin to build within it. Once she was convinced it was enough, she allowed a thin, pink tendril to creep out from her magical aura, slowly spinning its way towards the tree and the mystical gems held within...

Meanwhile, in a part of the world far from all the commotion in Ponyville, where the ocean waters ran dark and still, a tiny pink blotch broke up the ocean's midnight blue monotony. Nopony was there to see as the pastel-colored object settled gently on the ocean's glassy surface before folding in on itself, sucked down by the weight beneath it. The blue water licked gently at its borders; borders which, with each passing moment, retreated progressively inward as the massive ocean overtook its slim defenses, until at last the surface was unmarred once more.